God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 28 McMillan TAC-50

The McMillan TAC-50 was broken down into several parts so that it could fit in the case.

The bolt action sniper rifle was brown in color with black highlights. 

It had a night vision scope, a suppressor, bipods for support and several magazines that already had ammo in them.

Tommy examined each of the components to make sure they were in full working order.

He had cleaned the rifle the night before his car accident so it was still in excellent condition.

Once he was satisfied he returned all the individual pieces back to the case before closing and locking it.

He then picked up the case by the handle and left the room returning to the bar.

Once he reached the bottom of the stairs he saw that the four women were waiting for him. Meron, Jue and Tue all now had long dark cloaks similar to what Chelna was wearing while Tue was holding another cloak in her arms.

As Tommy reached the bottom of the stairs Tue handed him the cloak, “Thanks, sorry to make you wait.” Tommy said before pulling the cloak on.

The women all looked at the strange object Tommy was carrying before Jue asked curiously, “Is that your weapon? I was expecting it to be bigger.”

Tommy chuckled before saying, “You will see, lets go.”

The women all nodded before Meron, Jue and Tue pulled their hoods up over their heads to hide their identities. Meron then went to the door and opened it slightly before taking a peek outside to check if anyone was around.

Once she was satisfied the coast was clear she opened the door and said “Let's Go,” before leading them out.

Once they were all outside Meron closed and locked the door before turning and leading them down the street.

The sun had set several hours ago and it was already later into the night so the streets were mostly empty. The only exceptions were the occasional drunks that were stumbling home and the few guards that worked the night watch.

The group made sure to stick to the shadows and whenever Tommy’s ears picked up the sound of clinking metal he warned them so they could duck into a side alley.

“How are your ears so sharp?” Jue couldn’t help but ask in a whisper.

“Years of practice.” Tommy replied simply.

After about twenty minutes of sticking to shadows and avoiding the guards, the group arrived in front of a grand church that had a tall steeple. Tommy looked up and estimated the steeple to be just over one hundred feet tall making him nod in approval. 

“This way.” Meron said quietly before leading them down one side of the chapel.

As they arrived beneath the steeple they found an old wooden door that had seen better days. Meron approached the door and opened it without any difficulty before leading them inside.

As they entered Tommy found himself at the bottom of an old and worn down wooden staircase. “This place looks like it hasn’t had maintenance in years, also why was there no lock on the door?”

Meron started to lead them carefully up the stairs before replying. “Because tributes from the crown stopped years ago.” Upon hearing this Chelna frowned slightly as she waited to hear more.

“Until recently the church would get regular donations from the crown as they paid homage to God,” Meron explained. “However, for some reason they stopped receiving any sort of donation from the royal family. This has made the lives of many of the poor citizens much harder since the church would regularly provide them with aid, though they can’t afford to do so now.”

“When did the donations stop?” Chelna asked.

“Hmm,” Meron thought before saying. “About six to seven months ago I believe.”

“I see,” Chelna answered in a cold tone.

“Something wrong?” Jue asked curiously?

“Nothing, let's continue,” Chelna replied.

They continued in silence until they reached the top where they found Rizi was already waiting for them.

“That was quick.” Jue said with a smile upon seeing her friend.

“No, you're all just slow.” Rizi replied playfully as she stuck out her tongue. She then approached Tommy handing him a bag while saying, “Here.”

Tommy placed his case on the floor before taking the bag. Inside he found several sets of clothes like the ones he had seen the patrons of the Forest Inn wear. “Thanks, where did you get them at this hour?.”

“You can buy anything at any time in this city if you know where to go.” Rizi replied cryptically.

Tommy nodded before placing the bag down near the stairs, afterwards he picked up his case and moved over to a more open space before unlocking it.

The women all crowded around him out of curiosity.

“You're all nosy aren't you,” Tommy said, earning embarrassed giggles from the women, however none of them moved away.

Tommy shook his head before he opened the case to which the women leaned in closer to see.

“So many weapons, I was expecting one big one.” Chelna said with surprise.

Tommy only chuckled before he started to assemble the McMillan TAC-50, the women watched in fascination as he removed the main rifle section and rifle butt before attaching them together, after that he retrieved the suppressor and attached that to the barrel end. He then took out the bipods which he attached to the base of the rifle. Finally he retrieved one of the bullet magazines which he slotted into the bottom of the magazine next to the trigger before giving it a quick slap of the bottom to make sure it was in securely.

Once finished he gently put the rifle down on the floor before standing up to look out the gaps of the steeple

The steeple was square with four walls and large square windowless holes in each wall, as he looked out of them he noticed they each gave a fantastic view of the city as well as vantage point.

“How is such a device even possible?” Chelna asked as she continued to examine the strange weapon.

“Secret.” Tommy replied as he headed towards the window that had a view overlooking the castle.

Tommy pulled out his phone and using the location Chelna marked earlier to indicate Elurel’s residence he soon found it through the window.

As he was about to put the phone away he noticed that Elurel’s residence marker was not very far from the one that belonged to Yua Huang, in fact it was only a couple of streets away and he was quickly able to locate her house.

((Oh yeah it’s a two for one deal from the church steeple tonight baby.))

(I’m going to need a little help however.)

((True, we’re going to need one of them to keep an eye on Yua Huang’s location so we can quickly take them both out before leaving.))

(Who do we trust to help us?)

((Kekekeke, you just said us.))


((Ok ok, not the princess, we still don’t know if we can trust her fully, I mean it takes a cold person to be willing to help us execute her own family, not that I don’t like that about her.))

((The mother is also a no go, we may have saved her daughters but we are still trying to get a read on her.))

(That leaves Jue, Tue and Rizi.)

((Do you really think Rizi could manage something like that?))

(No, so Jue or Tue.)

((Jue definitely, while both sisters have warmed up to us and Tue even treats us kindly now, Jue is attracted to us, even more so after how we saved her earlier so she is the most trustworthy among them all.))


((Just a shame we can’t take advantage of that attraction to have some fun with her and claim her virginity for ourselves, kekeke))


Tommy walked back over towards the case before turning his body slightly from view so the women who were still admiring the weapon wouldn’t see what he was about to do.

He slipped his hand into the case before quickly withdrawing a set of high powered binoculars from his item box.

He then stood up and turned around before calling.


Jue looked over at Tommy curious as to why he suddenly called her name before asking. What?”

“Can you help me with something?” Tommy asked, causing Jue to smile and nod before she moved closer to him as the other woman stopped inspecting the weapon and turned to look at what Tommy needed help with.

Tommy motioned for Jue to follow him over to the window that looked out over the castle before he said, I need your help as there are now two targets.

The women all showed surprise at this before Chelna realized something and asked excitedly, “Do you mean to kill Yua Huang as well?”

“As long as she is in her residence, I can get a clear shot,” Tommy replied before lifting the binoculars up to his eyes and looking through them.


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