God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 29 PPHHTT

*AUTHOR WARNING* This chapter contains slight sexual material.

As Tommy looked through the binoculars and played with the focus dial trying to bring them into focus, the women noticed the strange device he brought up to his eyes for the first time.

"What's that?" Jue asked.

"They're called binoculars, and they're what you're going to use to help me," Tommy replied as he finished focussing them and located this Elurel's residence.

"Binoculars?" Jue said curiously.

"Bi-no-cul-ar-s," Tommy said slowly. They allow you to view things that are a long way off.

"Oh, you mean like vision magic." Meron said, causing Tommy to lower the binoculars and turn to her asking. 

"Vision Magic?"

"Yes," Meron nodded. "It's a basic type of magic that allows people to see things far away, can't you use it?" 

((Fuck Fuck Fuck, why didn't you tell us that before we revealed the binoculars big breasted mummy bitch, we just revealed one of our secrets for nothing.))

"No," Tommy replied flatly before lifting the binoculars again and focusing on Elurel's residence to study it.

"I see," Meron replied awkwardly.

Rizi leaned closer and whispered, "Tommy doesn't seem to possess any mana."

"WHAT!" The other four women all shouted in shock.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're really bad at keeping secrets?" Tommy said without putting the binoculars down.

"Hehe," Rizi giggled before saying. "It's been mentioned, yeah."

"How are you alive?" Chelna asked, still reeling from what Rizi had just said.

"Sometimes I ask myself that very question." Tommy replied offhandedly.

"A living being, animal, plant, human or whatever can't exist without mana," Chelna said before turning to Rizi and asking, "how do you know this?"

Rizi shrugged, "I tested his mana myself with the mana quality sphere, it failed to register any. Afterwards I and Kele both tested it and it worked normally."

"Maybe Tommy's mana quality is so low that the sphere failed to detect it." Tue suggested.

"That's possible, I suppose," Chelna replied. "Though I have never heard of such a thing as even an ant manages to get a response from the sphere."

((Fuck you bitch, we are in no way weaker than an ant.))

"Can we focus on the task at hand," Tommy asked with a sigh. "We are on a rather tight time frame here." 

"Right, sorry." Chelna replied.

"What do you need me to do Tommy?" Jue asked happily.

"Chelna, can you give us a description of Elurel and Yua Huang?" Tommy asked.

"Sure," Chelna replied. "Elurel is a middle aged large fat woman with beady eyes, dirty brown shoulder length hair who always wears too much makeup. Yua Huang is also middle aged though she has only a slightly overweight body who still likes to show off too much cleavage and long black hair, she is also known to always be in the company of two males who are always topless."

Tommy listened to the description of the two while he used the binoculars to scan Elurel's compound. "Found her," he said as he spotted an overweight fat woman matching the description pacing around what looked like a study on the second floor. Occasionally she would throw something.

After locating and getting a good look at Elurel he shifted the binoculars to the side slightly before saying.

"Do you see where my binoculars are pointing Jue? The house has a large garden with a small maze in it."

Jue took a moment to gather her magic into her eyes before her vision zoomed in the direction Tommy indicated, after a moment she said, "found it."

"Ok good now look for a woman matching the description Kelna just gave us." Tommy replied while the other women all enhanced their vision as well.

After a few moments Meron said, "Oh my."

"What mum?" Tue asked curiously as she continued to search.

"I found her, top floor second window from the left," Meron replied before adding with a laugh. "Though she seems a bit preoccupied.

Everyone focussed on the window indicated and saw what Meron meant.

((FUCK FUCK FUCK, die bitch die, how dare you do that in front of us when we can't, DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE.))

A woman matching Yua Huang who had no clothes on the lower half of her body was standing above two naked men while looking down at them with a look of bliss and satisfaction. She was busy whipping one of the naked men with a thick black whip, while holding the other man's head against her lower lips.

"Are they doing what I think they're doing?" Tue asked curiously.

"If you think she is whipping one guy while another eats her pussy out then yes." Jue replied.

"Well at least she won't be leaving that room anytime soon." Tommy said as he took a moment to gather himself. 

"Are you really going to kill her while she is in the middle of having sex?" Rizi asked.

"Why not?" Tommy replied before moving over to the case and returning the binoculars to his item box.

He then went over and picked up the McMillan TAC-50 before giving it a final check while the women continued to watch.

"Oh she made them switch places." Jue said with excitement."

"Why are you so excited?" Rizi asked.

"It's good learning material for the future." Jue replied.

"You don't even have a boyfriend." Rizi retorted.

"Not yet," Jue said with a giggle. "If you're so against watching you don't have to."

"I never said I didn't want to watch." Rizi stammered.

"Hehe pervert." Jue giggled.

"That's not something I want to hear from the biggest pervert here." Rizi replied with a huff.

"That's why I know you're a pervert, it takes one to know one." Jue teased back.

"Enough girls," Meron said. "It's about to start."

It was only then that they noticed Tommy was standing next to them while holding the strange weapon.

"Is this weapon as loud as that one you used before?" Rizi asked.

"No, but you might still want to cover your ears when I tell you too." Tommy replied as he rested the McMillan TAC-50 bipod legs on the window sill before looking down the scope.

Tommy adjusted the focus slightly until Elurel's residence came into focus as the women watched him with interest.

He focussed in on the study on the second floor before asking, "What is Yua Huang up to now?"

Jue, who was staring at Tommy and admiring his focussed state, quickly switched her attention to the room Yua Huang was in.

She saw what Yua Huang was up to and blushed slightly before saying, "Errr she appears to be having both her pussy and ass eaten by those two men."

"Lucky." Meron mumbled, causing the other women to look at her.

"Mum," Tue sighed. "Really?

"What?" Meron replied innocently. "It's been so long."

((We know what you mean big breasted mummy.))

"Let me know if anything changes," Tommy instructed as he continued to watch Elurel. "Once I kill Elurel I will quickly switch to kill Yua Huang and need to know if her position changes."

"Understood." Jue responded as she noticed that her body was heating up as she stood close to Tommy while watching Yua Huang.

"Are you ready to teleport yourself and the others, Chelna?" Tommy asked.

"Of course." Chelna responded confidently.

"Let's begin, cover your ears if you are concerned about the noise." Tommy said as he started to breath in and out slowly to control his breathing.

All the women except Jue focused their sights on Elurel while only Rizi covered her ears.

Tommy followed Elurel's movements through the scope as he calmed his breathing.

Breath in



Breath in



Breath in



PPHHTT. TOMMY pulled the trigger, the rifle jerked into his shoulder, a puff of smoke left the suppressor.

The women heard a strange noise and a moment later they saw the window glass of the study fracture before Elurel suddenly stopped moving and collapsed.

All the women gasped in surprise as Tommy pulled on the bolt to eject the now empty shell case before loading the next one.

"What happened? Jue asked with slight hope in her voice.

"…." None of the women answered as Tommy turned the rifle slightly so that it faces Tia's residence.

"Hello?" Jue asked nervously.

"She… she's dead." Tue replied softly.

"Good." Jue said happily.

Tommy quickly found the room Yua Huang was in with the two naked men and saw that the men were still attacking her two lower holes.

Tommy once again steadied his breathing as all the women moved their focus to Yua Huang residence also.

Breath in



Breath in





Karver hated his current life.

(Why the fuck did I agree to be this bitch's plaything)

Karver lost his job several weeks ago after the shop he was working at had to close down all of a sudden.

Although he found this turn of events strange since the shop did such business, what could a small employee do?

He spent weeks looking for work however no one would hire him even though he was young, handsome and fit.

It was when he was about to run out of money Yua Huang appeared before him and offered him a job.

Work for her and become her plaything and she would pay him well and let him live in her mansion.

Karver knew the deal was too good to be true but he had no choice seeing as he was broke.

He agreed and was forced to sign a contract saying he would remain in her employ for a minimum of five years.

It was only after he signed that he learned that Yua Huang was the one who forced the shop he worked at to close and also made sure no one else would hire him.

Apparently she had seen him one day and taken a fancy to him.

He cursed the bitch in his mind every time he saw her but that's all he could do, if he broke the contract he would go to jail.

He really became Yua Huang's plaything, every night and whenever she was in the mood Karver and another handsome man would have to satisfy her sexually.

She would do whatever she wanted to them until she was satisfied.

She would then drink wine while making them both masturbate in front of her.

Once they both finished she dismissed them.

Tonight was more of the same, Yua Huang had called them both over and told one of them to eat her out while she used a new whip she had just brought earlier that day to whip the other before making them switch.

When she got bored of that she commanded them to focus on eating her pussy and rimming her asshole.

Karver as the new plaything had to take the ass hole.

This went on for a while until she climaxed after which she pushed both of them away as if they were disgusting before ordering them to start masturbating.

Karver took a moment to wipe his mouth while feeling disgusted when he heard a noise.

The other man had gotten to his feet just as the window shattered.

Karver heard the sound of piercing flesh twice in quick succession before Yua Huang and the other man both dropped dead in front of him.

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