God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 34 Tai Paom I presume?

Tommy sat there calmly as everyone waited with bated breaths for him to finish speaking.

As he took a look around at all the eager faces he noticed a small group of people that were now sitting on a set of sofas surrounding a table not far from him. They, like everyone else, were laughing at Tommy's outlandish claim, including a woman who matched the description of Tai Paom perfectly.


[Tai Paom]

[Race: Human]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: 42]

[Condition: Healthy]

[Mana Quality: Decent]

[Occupation: Leader of the East district Criminal Organization]

((Oh yeah here we go.))

Tommy smirked to himself before he calmly got up and straightened his clothes surprising those who were currently waiting for him to finish speaking.

"Running away since you are in fact lying, just as I said earlier?" Mirvef asked with a smirk.

Tommy shot him a sidelong look before saying. "Not at all, I simply have someone more important than you I need to speak with."

"My apologies my lady," Tommy said, turning to the silver haired women. "But I will have to finish my story another time, business calls."

"What!" Mirvef said in surprise as he watched the brat walk away. This was a new experience for him as no one ever treated the royal family like this. People normally groveled at their feet out of fear and respect. Worse, he heard the silver haired beauty giggling at the brats comment as she nodded in understanding at having business to deal with.

Mirvef turned to the guards who still stood nearby unsure what to do before saying angrily, "what are you useless people doing? Kick that brat out of the club this instance."

"Yes sir." They replied before following the young brat.

Tommy approached Tai Paom's group before asking. "Tai Paom I presume?"

Tai smiled slightly before glancing behind Tommy as she said. "Indeed, I would ask for your name but it appears you will be lea…."

As she was about to finish speaking something happened that caused her to suddenly stop speaking.

One of the guards placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder, but before he could say anything he found his hand was no longer holding it as Tommy jerked his shoulder in a way that made the guard release him.

Tommy then stepped back before stamping his foot into the guard's fibula bone breaking it, the guard howled in pain as his leg gave out and he collapsed towards the table.

Tommy helped him on his way down by grabbing the back of his head before smashing it into the table which cracked underneath as the guard lost consciousness.

Tommy quickly turned around and taking the opportunity of the guards being surprised by his sudden action he appeared next to one of them 

before grabbing his arm and bending it behind his back before yanking it so that it broke making the guard cry out in pain.

The final guard recovered enough to make a grab at Tommy who sidestepped him before grabbing his arm which he swiftly put in an arm lock. Then by applying pressure to the arm he flipped the guard by only his arm with such force that the guard flew through the air and over the banister of the mezzanine before falling towards the floor below where he crashed into a table that collapsed under him making the people sitting at it scream and yell in shock as the band on stage suddenly stopped playing.

Tommy approached the guard whose arm he broke earlier before grabbing his shirt collar and the top of his trousers, after which he rammed the guard through the glass that made up the middle part of the mezzanine bandaged and sent him to join his fellow guard on the floor below.

Tommy calmly turned around while straightening his clothes before he said,"Apologies Miss Paom you were saying."

Tai Paom along with everyone else on the mezzanine gaped at Tommy in shock at what he had just done.

It took Tai Paom a moment to recover before she spoke." My apologies sir, it seems I confused you for someone else." She said with a professional smile. "How can I assist you?"

Tommy smiled as he reached into his pocket and said. "Well you." A flash of silver shot between Tommy and Tai Paom, "can die." Tommy finished as Tai Paom clutched her throat that now had a small throwing knife sticking in it.

She gasped for breath as everyone watched in shock that soon turned to fear and panic as Tommy slowly approached causing those around Tai Paom to quickly back away.

He then reached out and retrieved the dagger just before Tai Paom died and collapsed onto the table in front of her.

Tommy turned around and walked back towards Mirvef and his group who were now all looking at Tommy with fear, even the silver haired beauty showed fear in her eyes.

Tommy stopped in front of Mirvef before saying, "I'm done with the sofa so feel free to use it." 

He turned to leave but stopped a second later before turning back to Mirvef and saying, "since this beauty." Tommy indicated the silver haired woman which made her flinch slightly before he continued, "is the only one here that showed me any form of respect tonight I will return the favor. If I hear that you have done anything to her against her will it won't be Tai Paom's blood staining your clothes next time we meet." After which he wiped the bloody dagger on Mirvef's clothes before walking away down the stairs while putting the knife back into his pocket (item box).

The silver haired beauty who before had fear in her eyes when she looked at Tommy now showed gratitude and something else.

Tommy slowly walked down the stairs as if he wasn't worried about the repercussions of his actions at all.

The people on both the ground floor as well as the mezzanine watched him with different emotions, while those on the mezzanine showed fear for what they had just seen that young man do, those on the ground floor looked with curiosity since two guards had just fallen from the mezzanine and now this young man was descending from there.

"Sorry sir," The guard at the bottom of the stairs said. "But you're going to have to remain where you are until we find out what happened to cause two guards to come falling down."

"Oh I can answer that for you." Tommy replied helpfully.

"Please do sir, that would be most helpful." The guard replied as the other guards as well as the patrons nearby listened in.

"Well there is a third guard still up there that dared to touch me so I had to break his fibula bone before smashing his head into a table." Tommy replied, making everyone gape at him as they listened. "I also threw that guard over the mezzanine causing him to land on the table, a rather decent shot if I do say so, while that third guard I rammed through the glass of the mezzanine and onto the ground floor below, you can see the hole he made, look."

Everyone present looked up to see the hole in the glass before focusing their attention on Tommy again, unfortunately he was no longer where he was. 

"FIND HIM" One guard yelled, shocking everyone out of their stupor before the guards began a frantic search.

Tommy walked calmly along the corridor towards the club entrance.

((It's great how this world doesn't have radios.))

Tommy nodded in agreement as he excited the club and merged into the crowd outside and disappeared. 

It was a few seconds later that a guard came running out and informed the other guards what happened. They all started to search around for the young man however they failed to find him.

((Two down, three to go, where next?))


Tommy walked along the street until he came to a main intersection before turning right and started heading towards the southern district while humming a tune from earth.


"What do you mean you're not sure how she died?" Glador asked in anger.

"Sorry sir, but all we can tell you right now is that princess Elurel somehow died and has a hole in her head." An assistant answered.

"What do you mean a hole?" Glador asked.

"Just that sire a hole that's approximately half an inch wide." The assistant explained.

"Do you suspect that whatever caused this hole is the cause of Elurel's death?" Glador asked.

"That's the running conclusion however we will need to wait for the autopsy before we know more." The assistant said.

"Could it have been some kind of magic?" Glador asked.

"If it was, it's magic that was previously unknown to us." The assistant replied before saying. "While attack magic can indeed leave holes in the body we are unaware of any that leave this size hole."

Glador went into thought for a few minutes before saying, "I want the autopsy report by tomorrow morning, also we will go with the assumption for now that she has been murdered and so the city is to be placed on lockdown and martial law to be implemented with no one allowed to enter or leave the city, shops and businesses are to cease trading for the next forty-eight hours, while citizens in the streets without a good reason are to be detained and questioned."

"Understood sire, "The assistant replied before asking hesitantly, "And the special individuals?"

Glador rubbed his forehead in annoyance before sighing and saying, "Those annoying bastards are permitted to keep their main business running, so as long as citizens are heading to or from one of those businesses and can prove it they are fine to travel within the city. However those bastards also need to cease activities at their other businesses for the next forty-eight hours."

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