God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 35 City lockdown begins

As Tommy crossed into the southern district a loud noise that sounded similar to the start up of a PA system used on earth sounded before a loud voice sounded that could be heard all over Oakforest City.

"Attention citizens of the Kingdom of Rosk. With immediate effect King Glador Rosk has decreed that Oakforest City be placed into lockdown and that martial law be implemented because of the recent killings within the adventurer's guild and he fears for your safety."

"However because King Glador is magnanimous and understands the needs of his subjects he will allow the continued operations of the following five businesses."

"In the northern district, Bokoz's relaxation ring." 

"In the southern district, Suthuld's personal servant emporium."

"In the eastern district, Club Tai."

((Not so sure about that one, kekeke.))

 "In the western district, Whitflare's medicinal goods."

"Any citizen found outside that is not at one of the locations stated previously without valid reason and proof will be taken into custody for questioning."

(Well that took longer than expected.)

Unsurprisingly the streets were empty as Tommy made his way towards Suthuld's personal servant emporium.

(It seems the leaders all like to make sure they have the biggest building in the area) 

Tommy stood in the shadow of an alley across the street from the servant emporium which was also the location Chelna had indicated to him.

While nowhere near as busy as club Tai, the servant emporium did have people, mainly nobles entering and leaving from time to time.

When they left the nobles could normally be seen holding a long chain that was attached to a collar strapped around a slave's neck.

The slaves followed obediently with lifeless eyes showing that they had given up on their lives.

((Poor fools, oh well not our problem,))

(I know you don't want to do it, because I don't want to either. However, not only do we need to kill Kir-kin Suthuld, but also damage the business operation that finances the criminal organizations. At club Tai we did that by killing Tai Paom the owner of the club in front of many nobles as well as a prince, and what does a noble care about most in the world?)


(Exactly, the nobles will no longer want to attend a club where there is a possibility of them being killed as easily as I killed Tai Poam. Both the south and west district organization's businesses revolve around the sale of goods, slaves for the south and drugs for the west. So what's the best way to damage that sort of business?)

((Take away there merchandise.))

(Exactly, so that annoyingly means we have to free the slaves.)

((We should just kill them all, it will be quicker and less hassle.))

(True, however I need Chelna to assist in the creation of bullets, do you think a princess who wants to remove corruption from her city to better the lives of the citizens would be willing to assist me if I committed mass murder of innocents?)


Tommy sighed as he withdrew his vision from the entrance and started to examine the building.

While it was not very tall, only three stories, it was large in terms of the amount of land it stood upon.

((So we're not going in through the front door this time?))

(You know we're not, for starters I'm not dressed like someone wealthy or as a noble, while I could wear my earth clothing which is more high class, it's also more eye-catching and recognizable.)

((So incognito.)


After Tommy finished his internal discussion he left the shadow of the alleyway and crossed the street, however instead of heading for the entrance he was heading towards another alley that ran down one side of the servant emporium. During his observation of the servant emporium he had noticed that every now and then staff members of the emporium would come out of a small side door that was along from the main entrance before entering this alley for a period of time after which they would reappear and return inside the emporium.

He knew that they were all staff members because they all wore the same outfit with the logo of the emporium which was above the main entrance on their clothing. Only the male and female uniforms were slightly different.

The most recent staff member had just left the alley and returned inside the emporium.

Tommy used this opportunity to find out exactly what was going on down this alley and why the staff members kept taking it in turns to visit it.

As he entered the alley it didn't take him long to notice a female leaning up against the wall of the alley. Tommy noticed that it looked like she was smoking some form of pipe. It was long and thin and looked more like the pipes Tommy once saw a wizard and half-ling smoking from in a movie as they sat in the half-lings' front garden.

As the women heard the sound of the footsteps Tommy was purposely making she turned and raised an eyebrow before speaking, "Well you're definitely not an employee of the slave emporium, what you looking for brat?"

"Slave emporium?" Tommy replied while adopting a confused expression.

The woman looked at him before laughing and saying, "Wait you don't know? Are you new to the city?"

"Yes, I only arrived today on business." Tommy replied.

"Bad timing with how the king just enacted martial law and put the city into lockdown." The woman said before adding. "Who knows why he would do something so selfish, it's damaging business after all."

"I heard some people saying it has something to do with some murders that happened?" Tommy replied. "Though I have not heard of any."

"Oh." The woman replied as if realizing something before taking another smoke of her pipe. "It must be what happened at the adventurer's guild." 

"Anyway, what are you doing down here?" She suddenly asked Tommy a suspicious look.


[Nao Hei]

[Race: Human]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: 27]

[Condition: Healthy/Horny]

[Mana Quality: Average]

[Occupation: Drug Dealer]


((Oh nice, did the identification skill upgrade slightly so that it now shows when a woman is horny?)

(It can't be that simple surely.)

((Who cares lets fuck this bitch.))

(Why do you always go on about sex when you know I can't?)

((Please, we both know it's not that we…))



"One of the staff members mentioned I could get something to make my time in the city more fun since I'm currently stuck here." Tommy explained.

"Hmm that's fine but if you're looking for fun I can't help you personally since I'm also bored." Nao said with a wink. "If you make it really fun I can even offer you a discount."

((Say yes, say yes.))

"I'm afraid I'll have to pass this time." Tommy said apologetically.

The woman tapped her pipe on the wall to empty it before putting it away and approaching Tommy with a sexy smile. 

When she arrived in front of Tommy she ran her finger down his chest before opening her mouth to speak.

Unfortunately the only sound that came from her mouth was a gurgling noise before blood started to come out.

Tommy withdrew a knife from Nao's throat as the light faded from her eyes before her body collapsed to the ground dead.

((Bitch, we may want to fuck you, but don't go thinking you can touch us as you like.))

Tommy looked down at Nao's corpse without emotion before bending down and searching through it.

There was not much of interest, her pipe and tobacco, a knife, some other odds and ends.

Eventually Tommy found what he was looking for, several little bags of drugs and some money.

After putting them in his pocket (item box), he dragged Nao's corpse away behind some crates that had been left in the alley.

He soon reappeared and took up the spot where Nao was originally leaning against the wall and waited patiently.

After about twenty minutes Tommy heard footsteps approaching.


((Kekeke, a fifty percent chance for them to be male, no probably higher than fifty, and yet the first one that comes is female. Kekeke.))

As the emporium staff member entered the alley and saw Tommy she stopped for a moment with a surprised look on her face before walking over to him.

"I thought it was supposed to be Nao calling tonight?" She asked.

"Nao was instructed to report to medicinal goods for some reason, I was told to inform her before replacing her."

"Really?" The staff member said with excitement. "Is she finally being promoted?"

"You could say that." Tommy replied.


"How's business since the king commanded the city be put under martial law?" Tommy asked.

"Don't talk about it." The woman said in an annoyed tone. "Why do you think you and Nao are getting so much business from us tonight? It's because it's so slow. Also the boss is pissed about the whole thing because we just got a special product in during the day."

"Special product?" Tommy asked.

"Curious are you?" The woman asked with a smirk. "Well give me a discount and I'll tell you." 

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