God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 36 Drug Dealer Tommy

“If you tell me something good I will give you one bag for free.” Tommy replied with a wink.

“Deal. The female staff member smiled. “Apparently the boss managed to get his hands on a female elf.” 




“WHAT THE FUCK!” Tommy shouted in response.

“Woo!” The female said in surprise while taking a step back. “Chill, it's not that surprising. Sure elf slaves are rare but one appears every few years.”


(I did wonder since this is a fantasy world and the identification skill has a race section.)

((If there are elves what other races exist in this world?))

Tommy nodded in agreement before reaching into his pocket (item box) and pulling out a packet which he passed to the female employee. “Here.” He said.

“Thanks," the woman said. “Oh do me a favor and keep this information to yourself for now please.”

“Why?” Tommy asked curiously.

“The boss wants it kept quiet until the magic slave collar arrives.” The female employee replied.

“Magic slave collar?” Tommy asked curiously.

The woman looked at him in a strange way before asking. “Have you never seen or heard of a magic slave collar?”

Tony shook his head. “No, I have only seen the normal ones attached to a chain.”

“Oh, well they're not very common in the city after all.” The female employee began to explain. “Normal slave collars work fine on the majority of humanoid races, however for those races with great physical strength or great magical power a magical slave collar is needed. This type of slave makes them obey every command of their master even though they don’t want to, their body is forced to act on its own.”

“Wow, that sounds impressive.” Tommy replied. “Why doesn't your boss keep any on hand? Also how are you keeping the elf under control if they're that powerful?” 

“They're expensive to produce so most people will only order one when it’s required, as for the elf, she has been sedated.” She answered.

“She?” Tommy asked with surprise.

((Oh hell yeah, let’s get us an elf women.))

“Yup, but don’t get any ideas as there is no way you will be able to afford her.” The employee replied before addin. “My money is on the king purchasing her.”

“Advantages of being rich and powerful I guess.” Tommy replied with a fake sigh.

“Tell me about it.” The employee nodded in agreement. “Anyway I need to get back, remember not to tell anyone about this and thanks for the freebie.”

The woman waved happily before she walked away back to work.

(An elf huh, this could prove useful.)

((I know what we’re thinking, you plan to help the elf. Not only because it’s our objective anyway, but because it can help us build a connection with their race if we ever travel to one of there towns or cities in the future.))

(While it’s good that she has not yet been made to wear a magical slave collar since I’m not sure if I could free her from something like that. I don’t know what they used to sedate her and if I will be able to wake her.)

((‘Subs we should wake her with a kiss. Kekeke.)


Tommy went back to waiting for the next employee to arrive while hoping that this time it would be a male.

After about fifteen minutes he heard footsteps again and this time it was the footsteps of a man making him grin.

((Somethings wrong.))

(God damn it.)

As the male employee came into view he realized he was unfortunately correct.

The male was huge, fat and so overweight that he had trouble walking and needed to stop every few steps to catch his breath while wiping away his sweat.

(There is now way I’m going to fit in that guy's clothes.)

((Oh hell no, we can smell his sweat from here, how bad would it smell as we wore it.))

Eventually the fat man stood in front of Tommy before adopting a smug grin and saying. “I’m here to collect my share.” 

“Excuse me?” Tommy asked.

“My share of your sales, didn’t Nao tell you?” The fat man asked with a frown.

“No, she didn’t.” Tommy replied with his own frown.

“Well whatever.” The fat man said. “Give me my share and I will get out of your way.”

((Fucking bastard, let’s kill the fat cunt.))

(Sigh we can’t)

Tommy reached into his pocket (item box) and took out some of the money he salvaged from Nao before passing it over.

The fat man took the money with a look of greed on his face before he waddled away.

(Please let the next one be who I need.) Tommy thought as he leaned back against the wall again.

This time he had to wait thirty minutes before.

(Oh come on)

((Fuck is everyone who works here female, fat or both?))

A fat female came into the alley and after seeing Tommy gave what he assumed she thought was a sexy smile.

((Ahhh fuck kill us now, I’m gonna hurl.))

“Hey there handsome.” The fat woman said. “I heard a hot guy was here instead of Nao today, you gonna do a deal for this sexy lady?”

“No.” Tommy replied flatly.

“Awww come on, help a sexy little lady like me out.” She replied while flashing what she obviously assumed was a sexy wink.

“I may have considered it if there was a sexy lady standing in front of me, however it’s just you.” Tommy replied.

The woman's face turned angry before snapping. “Ungrateful little prick, you had the chance to get the best blow job you ever had.” 

((Oh please, back on earth we once got a blowjob from the world's most famous pop star when we were working security for her before..))


“Double.” Tommy replied with a scowl.

“What?” The fat woman asked.

“You want the drugs? Then you're paying double.” Tommy answered.

“What! Why?” The woman asked, surprised.

“Because you almost made me remember an unpleasant memory.” Tommy answered flatly.

“Tch, fine.” The woman replied after clicking her tongue before she took out some money and passed it over.

Tommy passed over some drugs after taking the money before the women stalked away sulking.

(Well this is a new experience.)

((True, we’ve never been a drug dealer before, kekeke.))

Tommy started to wait for the fourth time and this time he stood there for over an hour.

((Seriously we’re a patient guy, but how long do they expect us to wait.))

(The sun will be coming up in a couple of hours.)

Eventually he heard the sound of footsteps entering the alley.

(Oh thank god.)

((Fucking finally, let’s kill the guy and steal his clothes already.))

A young man of similar size and build  came into view before clicking his tongue in annoyance when he spotted Tommy  and approached with a frown.

“Here.” He said slightly aggressively before throwing a small money bag at Tommy

The money hit Tommy’s chest before falling to the floor.

Tommy didn’t move and just frowned at the guy.

“Well, hand over the goods.” He ordered before clicking his tongue again and mumbling. “Why the fuck is this little kid here and not Nao, I wanted some fun with her again.”

Tommy raised an eyebrow before pointing towards the crates and saying, “Nao just returned, she’s over there behind the crates.”

“Really?” The man said, perking up, “why is she over there by herself?”

Tommy shrugged before saying. “No idea, go ask her yourself.”

The male nodded before walking over and looking around the crates only to find the corpse of Nao.

Before he could say anything a hand covered his mouth as a dagger pierced his throat.

His eyes widened in shock as a muffled cry escaped his lips before falling silent. His eyes dimmed as his body slumped to the floor after being released by Tommy.

Tommy looked down with no emotion before he started to free the corpse of its money and clothes before changing into the emporium staff uniform.

After changing he finally left the alley before making his way to the small side door that he had witnessed the other staff members entering and exiting from.

The door was unguarded and unlocked so he had no trouble entering the emporium.

He entered into what seemed to be a staff canteen of sorts. Males and female staff members  who all wore the same staff uniform sat together at small tables eating food while talking to each other.

Some of them looked over towards the door when they heard it open, however upon realizing it was not one of their friends they soon looked away again.

Tommy did a quick scan of the room before heading for the exit, he was fairly sure he would find his target Kir-kin Suthuld on one of the upper floors, most likely in his office. His first task he decided was to locate where they were keeping the slaves.

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