God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 37 Slave Breakout

Tommy left the canteen and stepped out into a hallway. The wall behind him had doors like the one he just came out of, while the wall in front of him had both large and small curved openings.

While the small openings were like windows, the large ones were for people to pass through as they led onto a large courtyard that was so rounded on all four sides by hallways similar to the one Tommy found himself in.

As Tommy looked out into the courtyard he saw several individuals dressed in expensive looking clothing and wearing Jewelry sitting on large sofas as they were served food and drink by scantily clad men and women depending on their preference.

They also had one or two of the emporium's staff members attending to each of them as they introduced different slaves in collars.

Tommy watched as slaves that were not purchased were led away through one of the doors.

Tommy walked across the courtyard calmly, acting as if he belonged there and was just going about his business when someone called out.

"Oi you employee."

Tommy sighed thinking (why is it never simple.)

"Yes sir." Tommy said as he turned to a male noble who sat on a sofa with a rather attractive teenage girl.

"Why have the slaves we requested to see not been brought before us yet?" The noble asked. "We have been waiting more than ten minutes now.

As the noble spoke the teenage girl beside him was eyeing Tommy up, she soon gave a small smirk before licking her lips.

"I'm sorry sir but I have only just returned from my break and so I am unaware." Tommy replied politely. "However if you give me a moment I can go find out for you."

"Then be quick about it, I already plan to speak to Mr Suthuld about the poor service here and I don't think you want me to mention yourself now do you?" The noble said.

Tommy nodded before he turned and left towards the door that their slaves were entering and leaving through.

After he left the teenage girl looked at the noble and said with slight pleading, "daddy I want him also."

"The servant?" The noble asked curiously? "Why?"

"He will be fun to test my magic on." The teenage girl replied. "While he is nowhere near handsome enough to be my personal servant, I can still have fun testing my magic on him."

"If that is what my baby girl wants then of course it will happen." The noble replied while patting the teenage girl's head making her giggle happily.

Tommy passed through the door and started to descend a short staircase.

At the bottom he found another door and upon passing through it he found what was undeniably a dungeon.

The dungeon had many small cells that contained nothing more than a basic cot and bucket.

Many of the cells contained human slaves that had the collars around their necks attached via chains to the stone floor.

Most of the slaves didn't dare to look up at him and as soon as they heard someone walking past they instinctively lowered their heads.

((Most of these people won't last long out there once we free them, they will ether be captured again or die in some way.))

(Not my problem, I'm only releasing them to damage the criminal organization.)

(Kekeke, indeed.)

As Tommy proceeded further into the dungeon trying to get a good read on exactly how many slaves there were he started to hear the slapping noise of flesh hitting flesh.

As he passed the cell that had the slapping noise coming from it, Tommy was surprised to find the same fat woman that he charged double earlier riding a male slave's cock hard.

"That fucking dickhead of a drug dealer, he dares refuse my advances and then charge me double?" The fat woman moaned before looking down at the slave and saying. "Fuck why are you not even doing anything? You have a decent sized dick but don't know how to use it."

The slave just looked up at the woman with lifeless eyes, making her click her tongue.

Suddenly the woman was startled by a voice that spoke just behind her. "Who's a dickhead you fat bitch?"

The shock caused the woman to bounce higher than normal and as her body was pulled back down by gravity she fell faster than before making her eyes roll back slightly as she screamed in pleasure.


"Did it feel good?" The voice asked from behind.

"Oh fuck yes." She replied automatically.

"Shame you won't ever get to feel it again." The voice replied, causing the woman to regain her senses and turn slightly to look over her shoulder.

"You?" She said in shock as she recognized Tommy.

Unfortunately it was the last thing she ever saw as Tommy pierced one of her eyes with a dagger and continued plunging it into her brain killing her.

The woman collapsed forward onto the slave whose eyes showed a slight reaction at her death and a flicker of surprise appeared.

Tommy looked at the slave before asking, "Do you want to escape?"

The slaves' eyes brightened more before nodding.

Tommy kicked the corpse of the now dead fat women of the male slave before reaching out a hand to help him up.

The slave looked at the hand unsure, however when Tommy didn't take it back the slave cautiously reached out before grabbing it after some hesitation.

Tommy pulled the slave up before reaching into his pockets (item box) with both hands and pulling out a bolt cutter in each.

"Take this." Tommy said, handing the bolt cutter to the male slave who took it and looked at it curiously.

"Now watch." Tommy said as he grabbed the chain that linked the slave collar and the floor.

The slave flinched upon seeing that however Tommy ignored it and used the bolt cutters to cut through the chain.

When the slave saw the chain break his eyes winded in astonishment before Tommy asked. "Do you understand?"

The slave nodded.

"Good, here's the plan." Tommy said as reached down and unhooked a set of keys that the fat woman was wearing on her belt.

"I will unlock all the cells while you use the bolt cutters to free the other slaves, make sure to tell them not to leave the dungeon as you will all need to rush out together if you want a chance of escape." Tommy instructed.

The slave nodded again making Tommy realize something so he asked. "You can speak right?"

"I…..can." The slave said with slight trouble.

"Ok." Tommy nodded before turning around and saying, "let's go."

They both left the cell they were in and headed for the nearest cell with another slave.

Tommy unlocked the cell door before moving on while the slave following him went inside to free the new slave.

It took the slave a few attempts to figure out the best way to use the bolt cutters and succeed in cutting through the chain.

The slave then told the other slave not to leave the dungeon yet before moving on to the next cell with a slave inside.

Tommy moved swiftly unlocking the cell doors, interestingly all the cells seemed to use the same key which was something he made note of in case he had to free a bunch of slaves again in the future.

((God I hope we don't have too, it's such a hassle.))

After unlocking all the cells containing slaves he started to release the ones near the dungeon entrance.

He didn't move too far from the entrance in case any employees came in or any slaves tried to escape before it was time.

(Unsurprisingly the elf isn't here.)

((Yeah, though it would have made it easier if she was, there is not way Kir-kin Suthuld would leave a high valued elf with the normal slaves.))

(Even though she's apparently sedated she is probably under guard.)

As Tommy was in thought he heard the sound of someone coming down the stairs outside the dungeon.

Tommy pulled out his dagger before hiding so that when the door opened he would be hidden behind it.

A few seconds later the door opened as a male employee dragged in a slave via the chain that was attached to his collar.

"Fucking useless trash." The employee cursed before continuing. "All you had to do was impress the noble bastard and he would have purchased you. I would have gotten a nice bonus while you would have gotten out of this dungeon."

The servant yanked the chain thus pulling the slave through the doorway before he tripped him up making him fall.

The employee looked down on the slave before saying. "It's such a shame we're not allowed to physically harm you once you're ready to be sold, I really want to kick your face in right now."

The servant was about to curse the slave some more when he suddenly noticed that way more people than normal were moving around further in the dungeon.

Looking up curiously he realized that they were all slaves that had somehow gotten loose.

The employee's face changed to alarm and just as he turned around a fist landed in his gut that knocked the wind out of him and made him collapse to his knees.

Tommy spun the knife in his hand before offering it to the slave that was still on the ground before saying, "This is your one chance to kill him."

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