God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 38 A Noble Teenager with some skill

The servant shivered when he heard Tommy speak while the slave stared at the knife in surprise.

"Who.. cough cough cough who are.. cough you?" The servant asked through coughs.

"I'm an employee here, can't you see my uniform?" Tommy asked innocently while showing off his uniform.

"Bullshit.. cough cough. No employee would be stupid enough to betray the boss." The male employee said.

"Ohh why is that?" Tommy asked curiously.

"Any.. anyone stupid enough to betray him he poisons with hydra blood and then watches them writhe in pain before slowly dying since there is no cure." The employee replied with a mixture of fear and panic.


((Well it makes sense since this is a fantasy world, there must be fantasy creatures here.))


"Interesting thanks for the information." Tommy said before turning to the slave and asking. "Well?"

The slave slowly reached out a hand and took the dagger before slowly getting up.

As he approached the employee dagger in hand the servant started to beg.

"No no please no, I didn't mean it, please I'm sorry."

Unfortunately for the employees his cries of mercy fell on deaf ears as the slave suddenly pounced on him and stabbed him with the dagger.

"AAAAHHHH." The employee screamed.

The screams kept coming only punctured by the sound of the dagger repeatedly entering his body.

Eventually the screams stopped however the slave kept stabbing him.

"Hey buddy, I think he's dead." Tommy said to the slave.

It was only then that the slave stopped and realized he had killed the employee.

The slave smiled viciously before he started to clean the dagger on the employee's corpse.

After he was satisfied he got up and handed the dagger back to Tommy with a slight bow.

Tommy nodded in return as he took back the dagger before looking down the dungeon to see if all the slaves were released yet.

It took a couple more minutes before the slaves had all been released and they gathered near the dungeon entrance.

The first slave Tommy released stepped forward before handing the bolt cutters back to Tommy, he then stepped back to join his fellow slaves.

"Is this everyone?" Tommy asked the first slave while putting the bolt cutters back in his pocket (item box.)

The first slave nodded before saying, "yes."

Tommy nodded before saying, "Ok the plan is pretty simple, in a moment we will all rush up the stairs and out into the courtyard.

The people up there won't be expecting you all to have escaped and won't be able to react straight away. You will all use that time they are shocked and confused to escape this place, assuming you all know the way out?"

All the slaves nodded to indicate they did.

"Good." Tommy said, "Once you have escaped, you're on your own, you can join up with other slaves if you want, however don't expect any more help from me, understand?"

The slaves all nodded in understanding.

"Good." Tommy replied before noticing something, "oh hang on."

He approached the first slave he had released and gave the collar a closer look.

As he thought the collar was a simply curved strip of metal that went around the neck before fastening with a type of simple padlock.

Tommy once again pulled out his bolt cutter before saying, "I'm going to remove the collar, don't move ok."

The slave tensed slightly as he saw Tommy holding the sharp bolt cutters near him.

After a moment he calmed down and nodded slightly before staying very still.

Tommy easily cut the simple padlock and the collar dropped off the slaves neck, surprising all the slaves.

"Ok you lot line up so I can make this quick." Tommy instructed.

The other slaves quickly lined up in a line and Tommy spent a few minutes removing their collars before he put the bolt cutters away again and dusted off his hands.

Tommy then clapped his hands to get the slaves attention as they were all feeling their necks and marveling at the collars removal

"Ok focus up your lot, you need to be quick and not be afraid to injure anyone who gets in your way, understand?" Tommy asked.

The slaves all nodded as they wore a serious look.

"Ok, off you go then and make it quick and loud." Tommy instructed as he opened the door to freedom.

It took but a moment for one of the slaves to shout with delight before he bolted up the stairs closely followed by the others.


Earl Gar Glurnav was not happy.

He was a noble who had come to Suthuld's personal servant emporium in order to buy his perfect daughter a personal servant for her sixteenth birthday.

However he had first been kept waiting over ten minutes before he ordered a staff member to go find out why he was being kept waiting.

Since then the staff member had not returned and he and his daughter had been left sitting there like fools while other nobles were being served.

Initially it wasn't so bad because his daughter spent her time inspecting the slaves that were brought before the other patrons, however she was starting to get bored and had started to tap her foot in annoyance.

The earl loved his daughter very much, however she got bored easily and if she ended up complaining to his wife then he wouldn't be getting any sex for at least a week.

Of Course as a noble he had the right to take concubines, however it was well known in the noble circles that he was a henpecked husband and his wife did not allow him to have any concubines.

The only time he ever got to have sex with another woman was when his wife wanted to have a threesome, even then he spent most of the time being told what to do by his wife and whatever women or man she invited.

Of course he would never admit that he had shared his wife with another man.

"Where the hell is that staff member?" His daughter Istra suddenly said.

"I would very much like to know that myself." Gar said in an annoyed tone.

"When he becomes my new test subject, I plan to test some of my more powerful magic on him directly." Istra said in an annoyed tone, however she licked her lips slightly.

As Gar was about to get up and go complain to another staff member, everyone in the courtyard heard the sound of many running footsteps.

Everyone turned towards the door that the noise was coming from just in time to witness a mass of barely dressed male and females barreling through the door.

These individuals took a Quick Look around to get their bearings before they all charged towards the emporium's exit.

"STOP THEM." An employee yelled in panic.

All the patrons watched curiously before one of them said, "isn't that one of the slaves that was shown to me earlier?"

"Yes, I recognize those two over there." Another patron replied.

"WHAT'S ALL THIS RUCKUS?" A voice asked from above making all the patrons and staff look up.

A well dressed middle aged man was looking out of a window on the second floor when he noticed the slaves rushing for the exit.

His mouth gaped open before he caught himself and yelled, "STOP THEM YOU IDIOTS, THE MERCHANDISE IS ESCAPING."

After shouting the man disappeared from the upstairs window before appearing in the courtyard at a run a few seconds later.

He then made a beeline for the dungeons to try and find out what was happening.

Earl Gar watched the whole thing with wide eyes, while Istra managed to spot a familiar individual sneaking towards the stairs the man had just come down from.

Curious as to what the staff member she had set her sight on was up to, she slipped away from her father while his attention was focused on the escaping slaves and followed the staff member up stairs.


After all the slaves rushed out of the dungeon, Tommy followed them up the stairs before sneaking out as everyone was distracted.

Tommy, like everyone else looked up when they heard the shout from the man above and as he saw him Tommy recognized him from the description he got from Chelna.


[Kir-kin Suthuld]

[Race: Human]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 43]

[Condition: Healthy]

[Mana Quality: Decent]

[Occupation: Leader of the South district Criminal Organization]

Tommy smirked and once he saw Kir-kin arrive downstairs, he slipped upstairs towards the room Kir-kin had just left.

Tommy could guess that Kir-kin would definitely go and inspect the dungeon and cells after what happened.

His original plan was to kill him there, however after hearing how Kir-kin dealt with those who betrayed him, Tommy got a better idea.

He was interested in this hydra blood, how fortunate that he had a test subject to try it out on.

Tommy was well aware that the noble teenager from before was trying to follow him secretly.

While she had failed to remain undiscovered by him, he had to admit that she did have some skill.

if it wasn't for his enhanced hearing he had built up over years even he would have failed to detect her.

Ignoring her presence for the time being Tommy slipped inside the room Kir-kin had just vacated.

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