God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 39 Hydra blood

Tommy took a Quick Look around the room as he entered and found that it was indeed an office as he suspected.

However the office had something rather unusual in it.

An iron chair with manacles used to hold the wrists, legs and head in place.

(Somehow I doubt he uses this office for meetings with clients.)

((I don’t know, it would definitely make negotiations interesting. Kekeke.))

Tommy saw that beside the iron chair was a table filled with tools that where obviously made for torture along.

At one end of the table stood a small square box that seemed slightly out of place.

Tommy walked over to the box before opening the lid to find that it contained a glass bottle of some red liquid that was so dark it was almost black and some kind of primitive syringe.

[Glass bottle filled with Hydra blood]

[The blood of a Hydra is a valuable alchemy ingredient.]

[Be careful if Hydra blood enters your body it means almost certain death, you will suffer agonizing pain for hours before your body finally gives out.]

((Jackpot, kekeke.)

Tommy took the bottle of hydra blood as well as the syringe and stored them in his item box before he continued to search the office.


Outside the office Istra sneakily glanced into the room trying to see what that employee was up to.

She watched as he examined a box on a table full of torture equipment before taking something from the box and storing it somewhere on his person.

He then continued to search the room.

As she watched him with interest she suddenly heard footsteps approaching from the stairs she had just come up.

Istra looked around quickly before spotting a door not far away that was left slightly open.

She quickly and quietly dashed to the door before slipping inside while leaving a tiny gap for her to see out of.

She saw the man from earlier who shouted out of the window before coming down, this time however he was not alone as another man was following him.

She witnessed them both enter the office, she carefully came back out of the room she had hidden in and sneaked back to where she was before to peek into the office.

As she did she was surprised to see that the two who had just entered were lying on the floor while the employee she had been following was looking down at them with an emotionless face.

“Are you going to keep spying on me, or would you rather come take a closer look?” The employee suddenly asked before looking right at her.

Istra froze on the spot in surprise before she carefully entered the room while keeping her guard up.


Tommy watched as the noble teenage girl carefully entered the room while obviously being prepared to run at any time.

“It’s wise of you to be cautious,” Tommy said approvingly. “ However in this case you have nothing to fear if you don’t do anything stupid.”

“What do you mean?” The teenager asked.

“I mean that I won’t harm you,” Tommy replied before adding as if it was an afterthought. “As long as you don’t do anything stupid that makes me want to kill you.”

The girl visibly shivered slightly upon hearing that but still remained in the room.

“Why are you letting me witness all this if you don’t plan to kill me after?” The teenager asked.

Tommy smiled before saying, “because I’m impressed with your stealth and sneaking ability.”

“Why?” The teenager asked warily. “You managed to detect me.”

“I did.” Tommy agreed. “But don’t take that as a loss, I doubt there are many people who could have detected you. It makes me wonder why a noble would need to learn such skills.”

The teenager looked at him for a moment as if trying to decide whether to answer.

Eventually she said, “I will answer your question if you tell me what you're doing here.”

“I’m here to kill him.” Tommy said while pointing at Kir-kin Suthuld.

“You mean they're not dead?” The teenager asked while looking at the two on the floor.

“Not yet.” Tommy replied. “I originally was just going to kill him quick and simple, however after hearing something interesting I wanted to test it out.”

“What interesting thing?” The teenager asked.

“Ah, not so fast.” Tommy replied with a grin. “I answered your question so now you need to answer mine.”

The teenager pouted slightly as if she was being forced to do something she didn’t want to before she sighed and said. “Fine.”

“You're right, a noble doesn’t normally need such skills and I never trained them, they just came naturally to me.”

Tommy studied the girl for any falsehood in her sentence and found none.

“Then you're even more impressive than I gave you credit for.” Tommy stated which made the teenager smile slightly proudly.

“However, don't let it go to your head.” Tommy added straight after which wiped the smile away.

“While you may be naturally talented.” Tommy began to explain. “Natural talent can only get you so far, if you want to be really good or even the best at something you need to practice hard and regularly.”

“Why are you telling me such things?” The teenager asked.

Tommy shrugged before saying. “I simply don’t like to see talent go to waste, whether you take my advice or not is entirely up to you.”

After he finished speaking he bent down before grabbing Kir-kin Suthuld and dragged him to the iron chair where he started to bind him in place.

“What do you plan to do to him?” The teenage girl asked.

“Ah see now that’s the interesting thing.” Tommy replied as he continued to bind Kir-kin Suthuld to the chair. “What do you know about hydra blood?”

The teenager frowned slightly before saying, “not much, I know it’s a very valuable alchemy ingredient because it’s so rare and hard to obtain. You need to kill a hydra before draining its blood. Also it’s incredibly poisonous if ingested and there is no known antidote.”

“How do you think a person would react if it was injected directly into their blood?” Tommy asked while turning around.

“Injected?” The teenager asked curiously.

(Hmm, it seems syringes are a new thing, that explains why it’s so primitive looking.)

Tommy pulled out the syringe from his pocket (item box) before asking. “Do you know what this is?”

The teenager shook her head.

“It’s called a syringe.” Tommy began to explain. “Its function is either to inject something into a person's body or extract blood from a person's body.”

“Extract blood?” The teenager asked skeptically before asking. “Isn’t that done by making a cut on someone’s arm and letting the blood pour into a bowl or something?”

“Yes you can do it that way, however if used properly a syringe leaves no scar and also no wasted blood.” Tommy answered before saying. “Watch.”

Tommy turned back to Kir-kin Suthuld and once he was sure the teenager was watching he inserted the needle into Kir-kin Suthuld’s arm before slowly pulling back on the plunger.

The teenage girl watched with amazement as the strange pointy object this fake employee called a syringe started to fill with red blood.

After a moment Tommy withdrew the syringe and showed it to the girl before emptying the syringe all over the floor before asking “Understand?”

The teenager tilted her head slightly before asking, “Why would you need to withdraw blood in such a way?”

“Mainly for medical reasons.” Tommy replied with a shrug.

“So I’m sure you can guess what I’m about to do to him.” Tommy said as he nodded towards Kir-kin Suthuld and continued. “The question is, what are you going to do?”

The teenage girl frowned before asking, “If I leave will you try and stop me?”

“No.” Tommy replied with a shake of his head.

“Why not?” The teenager asked. “I could go summon the guards and call for help.”

“Because I don’t think you plan on leaving, you're more interested in watching the show.” Tommy replied with a smirk.

“Excuse me? The teenager replied with a frown. “I’m a noble young lady, what interest would I have in you watching torture.

“Because while you have been ready to run at any moment since you arrived in the room, you have shown no hint of disgust or revulsion towards the iron chair or what I’m planning to do.” Tommy replied. “Also there's the fact that you chose to enter the room in the first place and not flee when I called out to you.”

“Ok let's say I do want to stay and watch.” The teenager replied before asking. “Is there a problem with that?”

“No problem, I’m just curious why a noble young lady such as yourself would be interested in these sorts of things, after all most people find them repulsive.” Tommy answered.

“Because it’s interesting.” The teenager replied simply.

Tommy looked at the teenager for a good moment before turning away from her and saying, “You can leave now.”

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