God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 40 Ista’s plot

"What?" The teenager asked in surprise? 

"I said you can leave now." Tommy repeated as he started to search the body of Kir-kin Suthuld.

"Why? I thought you said there would be no problem if I stayed and watched?" She asked.

"That was before I figured out exactly what type of person you are." Tommy answered.

"What type of person I am." replied the teenager with a confused expression.

"Simply put, you're a spoiled brat." Tommy replied directly.

"What?" The teenager asked with shock, after all no one had ever called her such a thing.

"You're used to getting everything your own way and I expect daddy gets you anything you want." Tommy replied. "Because of this you don't value the lives of those people you see as lesser than you. I have no doubt that you have in fact already tortured some people in the past."

"Even if I have, How is that any different to what you're doing now?" The teenager challenged angrily. 

"Simple, I don't torture just because I feel like it or I'm bored." Tommy replied. "When I torture it's for a reason, this guy for example.

Tommy pointed towards Kir-kin Suthuld before continuing, "he uses the hydra blood to torture those who betray him before slowly watching them die. My original goal was just to kill him, however since he likes to watch people suffer when he kills them, why not let him experience the same."

((We also want to see how painful the hydra blood actually is, but you don't need to know that little girl.))

"You on the other hand," Tommy said as he turned to look at the teenager over his shoulder. "Only torture for your own amusement."

"If you disapprove so much, why are you letting me go?" The teenager asked.

"Because it's not reason enough to kill you." Tommy answered before adding without emotion. "If you tried to use whatever torture techniques you use against me then you would already be a bloody corpse on the floor."

The teenage girl shivered when she heard Tommy's words and saw how he was looking at her as if she meant nothing to him.

"While I was slightly interested in you to begin with because of your impressive stealth skills, that has all but disappeared and you now are no more interesting than anyone else here." Tommy said before waving his hand in a dismissive motion. "Go on, you have my permission to leave, little noble girl."

The little noble girl angrily glared at Tommy for how he was disrespecting her before turning and stomping away.

(Pity, she could have proven to be useful if she wasn't so spoiled.)

((True, with her natural talent in sneaking around she could of become a great assassin with a little training.))

"With the nuisance gone, how about we start the test." Tommy said towards Kir-kin Suthuld's unconscious form before he woke him up with a slap.


(Bastard, bastard, how dare he treat me like that, and on my birthday no less.) Istra thought as she left the room and descended the stairs.

(Anyone who has ever spoken so rudely to me in the past was taught the error of their ways and this bastard needs the same lesson.)

"Father." She called out as she approached Earl Gar Glurnav.

Gar turned around swiftly with evident panic on his face as he heard the voice of his beloved daughter.

When he saw she was fine he sighed in relief before asking. "Where did you go Istra? You had me worried sick when you vanished just as all those slaves escaped."

"I'm sorry father." Istra replied sweetly, "I ran and hid because it was so scary."

"Next time you stay close to daddy so that he can protect you ok?" Earl Gav replied.

"Of course daddy, I will remember." Istra replied with a sweet smile.

(Yeah right, you can't protect anyone you spineless wimp. The fact that you let mother walk all over you shows how much of a coward you are.)

(Still I expect my future husband to respect and obey me the same way in the future.)

(Thinking of mother, I should seek her opinion about that fake employee when we return to the mansion and ask her to send her people to capture that bastard for me.)

"Father, with everything that's happened I think we should return home." Istra suggested.

"I agree honey, but what about your birthday present?" Gav asked.

"We can sort that out another day." Istra replied kindly.

(It's not like they have any slaves left to sell to us you stupid old man.)

"Very true, well let us be off then." Gav said.

(Actually thinking about it, finding and capturing that bastard could be rather difficult considering how he knows about sneaking around. Perhaps it would be better to have him captured now and then collect him from the jails later.)

"Actually, father, I just remembered something slightly concerning." Istra said in a slightly worried tone.

"What is it, my daughter?" Gav replied with concern himself.

"When I was hiding I noticed the man who shouted from the window upstairs return to one of the rooms upstairs, after he entered the room however I heard what sounded like a fight break out before something hit the floor." Istra explained with slight panic.

"You mean Kir-kin Suthuld the owner of this place?" Gav asked in surprise. "That is quite alarming." 

Gav looked around but seeing no guards nearby he cursed. "Damn it all, the guards must have all chased after the escaped slaves. Come Istra darling, let us find a city guard as we leave and inform them."

"A great idea daddy, you are the smartest." Istra siad.

(Fucking idiot is so easy to play.)

"Haha, of course daddy knows best, now let's go." Gav said with happiness before leading Istra out of the emporium to search for a guard.

(See you soon bastard, I will be looking forward to teaching you the proper was to respect your betters, hehehe)


Kir-kin Suthuld woke up under the slap from Tommy and took a moment before he realized he was strapped to his own Iron Chair.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING." Kir-kin Suthuld yelled in outrage.

"Too loud." Tommy said nonchalantly as he pulled over a chair to sit in front of Kir-kin Suthuld.

"RELEASE ME AT ONCE." Kir-kin Suthuld commanded.

"You do realize you're in no position to make demands, right?" Tommy asked.

"Do you have any…" Kir-kin Suthuld began before Tommy interrupted him.

"I am fully aware of who you are, Kir-kin Suthuld, leader of the criminal organization in the southern district."

Kir-kin Suthuld's eyes widened slightly in surprise before narrowing and asking. "And yet you still dare to do this to me?" 

"Obviously, I mean I have already killed both Yua Huang and Tai Paom tonight, once you're dead I will be fifty percent complete, it's actually going much smoother than I originally thought." Tommy announced.

Kir-kin Suthuld's eyes widened in shock before he asked, "What! You killed Yua and Tai?"

"That's what I said, don't worry tho, you will be joining them shortly." Tommy said with a smile.

"Why?" Kir-kin Suthuld asked.

"Why do you think?" Tommy asked in return before saying. "Actually don't bother replying as you will never guess."

"You do realize it's not just the criminal organizations you're messing with right?" Kir-kin Suthuld asked with a smirk.

"You're talking about the agreement that your former boss, the warlord, had with the first king when he agreed to help him win the nobles' battle thus claiming dominion over this region, correct?" Tommy asked.

"Wait, you know all that?" Kir-kin Suthuld asked in surprise. "So you also know that by killing us you're indirectly attacking the king."

"Man, are you stupid or just trying to bluff your way out of this situation?" Tommy asked. "Do you really think that the king will care if I eliminate the six of you who make things more difficult for him?"

Kir-kin Suthuld's eyes widened as he realized his bluff didn't work.

"However if it makes you feel better I'll tell you a secret." Tommy whispered. "I also killed the king's sister princess Elurel Bhamon."

Tommy watched with amusement as the surprise and slight fear Kir-kin Suthuld had in his eyes turned to shock and dread before becoming disbelief.

"Lies, there's no way you could kill all three in a single night." Kir-kin Suthuld challenged disbelievingly.

"Oh, explain why." Tommy said motioning for the man to continue.

"First of princess Elurel and Yua both live in the noble section of the central district and Elurel even lives near the palace." Kir-kin Suthuld began. "Even if you could manage to sneak in and someone kill them both in one night, there is no way you could then easily escape and make it to the eastern district to kill Tai."

"Hey, not bad." Tommy said while giving a slow clap before he continued. "That would indeed be the case if I killed Elurel and Yua up close. But what if I killed them from range?"

"Again not possible." Kir-kin Suthuld argued.

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