God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 50 Juh Zaing

"How do you know this?" Bim Bokoz asked.

"He showed me a dagger containing the coat of arms for the Etria Imperial family." Stair guard replied.

"Did he say why he has come?" Bim Bokoz asked with slight panic.

While he did not really fear King Glador, the Emperor of the Etria Empire was another matter entirely.

"No boss, just that the bastard prince told him where to find you." 

"That fucking useless prick." Bim Bokoz replied before saying.

"You did good, expect a bonus in your next pay." Bim Bokoz said before nodding to the man across from him who ended the communication and put the orb away.

"What do you want to do boss?" The man across from the desk asked.

"Meet him of course, however we need to be cautious, a visit after those four have all died is too coincidental." Bim Bokoz sighed before rubbing his forehead.

It was never a good thing when the current emperor who only cared about himself and his image took a special interest in you or your business.


As Tommy descended the stairs he saw more of those strange orbs of light he saw back in the grow lab floating up near the ceiling and illuminating the staircase.

As Tommy reached the bottom and exited the stairs he came out into a stone corridor that curved around into the distance, he crossed the corridor to look out of one of many stone archways people could pass through and saw a huge arena below him.

The arena itself was currently empty, along with the stands that surrounded it rising in levels, many thick stone pillars supported the ceiling of the underground arena and the building above it.

Tommy turned back to the guard who was patiently waiting for him before he started leading the way again when he saw Tommy was ready.

As they walked Tommy looked around him while fainting interest in the arena, what he was really doing was checking to see how many other people were down here and he was happy to see that there were none.

It seemed that during the time when the arena was closed the only people down here were Bim Bokoz and those he was meeting.

"Where are the monsters stored?" Tommy asked with interest.

"Sir?" The guard replied while looking over his shoulder.

"Prince Mirvef informed me of the true purpose of this underground arena, so where do you keep the monsters when they are not in the arena itself?" Tommy asked again.

"Ah I see," The guard replied before pointing to one of the large gates in the arena below. "Those large gates are how the humanoid competitors and monsters enter, while the humanoid contestants have a waiting room, the monsters are transported in cages."

"Beneath the arena is a whole other level where the monsters are kept, they are transported to and from the arena in cages on an elevator."

"I see." Tommy replied with a nod as he continued to follow the guard.

It wasn't long before they reached the office and after the guard knocked on the door they heard a voice say, "Enter."

The guard opened the door before allowing Tommy to enter where he saw that the room only had one occupant who sat behind a large desk..

"You can leave now." The man behind the desk said to the guard.

The guard nodded and departed after closing the door.

"Welcome sir, I am Bim Bokoz, I was informed you wished to speak with me." The man said from behind the desk, making Tommy's eyebrow raise slightly in surprise.

The man who just introduced himself as Bim Bokoz did not match the description that Chelna had given him.

Out of what was now becoming instinct on meeting powerful or interesting new people Tommy used his identification skill on the man who claimed to be Bim Bokoz

[Juh Zaing]

[Race: Human]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 42]

[Condition: Healthy]

[Mana Quality: Decent]

[Occupation: Assistant of Bim Bokoz]

((Now why would he have a reason to hide, Kekeke))

(He's certainly more cautious than the other four, not surprising considering he is the last one alive.)

((Good job we didn't come in guns blazing.))

"Mr Bokoz it's a pleasure to meet you, I apologize for my sudden visit." Tommy replied while offering his hand for a handshake.

Juh Zaing smiled slightly before accepting the handshake and saying, "Please have a seat and let me apologize for any inconvenience you had in trying to meet me. If I had known beforehand that you were coming then I would of course have been there to meet you personally, Mr…."

Tommy sat down and crossed his legs before saying, "Fig, Danny Fig and it is I who arrived without warning because of the sensitive nature of my business here."

"Fig, an unusual name for our empire." Juh Zaing replied.

"I do not hail from the Etria empire originally, my parents fled here when I was still a baby and I was raised in this grand empire." Tommy replied while subtly inspecting the office.

"I see," Juh Zaing replied before saying. "If I may ask, why would you enlist the help of Prince Mirvef Rosk? If your business here is so sensitive"

"Orders Mr Bokoz, orders." Tommy replied with a smile before explaining. "The emperor does not like the fact that King Glador has lost control of his city with the recent murders of your colleagues."

"I think you're mistaken Mr Fig, they were no colleagues of mine." Juh Zaing replied.

"Oh really?" Tommy responded with a smile as he noticed a mask of some kind that was hanging on the wall behind Juh Zaing. 

Normally this mask would not have garnered much attention from him or any other visitors, however Tommy's excellent eyesight noticed this mask's eye holes that would normally remain the same color, occasionally changed color, almost as if someone blinked behind the mask.

"Are you not all leaders of your own criminal organizations? I think that would make you colleagues in this city's criminal underworld." Tommy added.

"I see your point." Juh Zaing replied. "However while we each operated our own criminal organizations, we opposed each other also, always trying to get above the rest."

"Then it would seem that luck is on your side Mr Bokoz seeing how all your competition is now dead." Tommy stated.

"While I would normally agree with you, we do not know the reason why these people have targeted those four and if they plan to come after me also." Juh Zaing pointed out.

"Regardless, the emperor is not happy about the current state of affairs in Oakforest City as it is hampering trade." Tommy began. "This city is an important trade hub for the empire as many roads merge here before heading for the imperial capital. While the city is locked down these goods can not proceed via it to the imperial capital and instead have to find a far longer more time consuming route."

"The former emperor ordered Oakforest City's construction for this very reason and now with the lockdown in place it is like we have traveled back to before the city was even here, worse with the lockdown many goods transports are stuck in this city and not allowed to leave."

"I understand what you're saying Mr Fig," Juh Zaing said before asking. "But what does this have to do with me exactly?" 

"The answer is simple," Tommy said before removing the dagger with the coat of arms for the Etria Imperial family. "I assume you understand what it means for me to carry this correct?"

"Of course sir." Juh Zaing gulped as he saw the dagger before saying. "It means you are here acting on behalf of the emperor himself."



"That is correct." Tommy replied. "I'm sure you can explain what will happen with the criminals in the cities other districts now their leaders are dead correct?"

"I can." Juh Zaing began. "There will be a power struggle in each district as people fight to become the new leader of that district's criminal organization." 

"That was the emperor's thoughts as well and it does not please him. Should this happen the city will most likely remain in lockdown longer, even if the murderer is captured and the emperor does not want this, therefore he has made a decision to give you an opportunity." Tommy replied.

"What opportunity might I ask?" Juh Zaing replied nervously, 

"The emperor will give you one week to seize control of the criminal organizations in the other city districts." Tommy began. "Should you succeed and prove your capability to the emperor he will make an imperial announcement stripping Glador Rosk of his right as king and granting it to you. You will henceforth rule over everything that is currently known as the Kingdom of Rosk."

Juh Zaing gaped in shock at Tommy's announcement while a loud clunk was heard from behind the mask making Tommy smirk.

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