God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 51 Mr Fig’s request

After the clunk Tommy heard the sound of hurried footsteps before a man burst in through the door.

"Mr Fig, pardon my tardiness, please forgive me for being late." The man said as he entered the room.

[Bim Bokoz]

[Race: Human]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 44]

[Condition: Healthy]

[Mana Quality: Decent]

[Occupation: Leader of the North district Criminal Organisation]

"Mr Bokoz, who is this rude man who just entered without knocking?" Tommy asked with a smirk since he had just used his identification skill to confirm it was Bim Bokoz.

"I'm embarrassed to say that this is Mr Bim Bokoz." Juh Zaing said with slight embarrassment.

"Excuse me?" Tommy asked with a frown.

"Forgive my caution Mr Fig." Bim Bokoz said apologetically. "However, with everything that has been happening in the city recently, my assistant Juh Zaing here has been pretending to be me when new people arrive who wish to meet with me, I'm sure you can understand why."

"I see." Tommy said as his frown deepened making Bim Bokoz and Juh Zaing sweat slightly.

Tommy sighed after a moment before saying. "I hope this won't happen again Mr Bokoz, especially if his majesty the emperor comes here personally in the future, after all we don't want you to lose your head now do we?"

"Of course not Mr Fig, this was an error on my part and I apologies for it." Bim Bokoz said with a slight bow.

"Very good, well I assume you were listening in just now and heard everything I said to your assistant?" Tommy asked.

"I did sir yes and I must thank you for this opportunity." Bim Bokoz replied with a smile.

"It is not me you should be thanking Mr Bokoz." Tommy replied.

"Of course not Mr Fig, of course I will thank his majesty the emperor personally once I become king of the kingdom of Rosk." Bim Bokoz corrected.

"If you become king Mr Fig if." Tommy replied. "I will be staying in the city for the next week to keep an eye on your progress, also I will point out the reason my orders where to approach Prince Mirvef Rosk was so that he could feed the information back to King Glador."

"While the emperor is not happy with him right now Glador Rosk is still the king and therefore has to be given a chance to redeem himself. If he can figure out the reason I am here and prevent you from seizing control of the criminal organizations in the other city districts he will have proven himself worthy to keep his position…. for now."

"Sorry sir but why are you only mentioning this now?" Bim Bokoz asked.

"Because someone's assistant interrupted me by trying to correct me about the other leaders not being your colleagues." Tommy replied, causing Bim Bokoz to frown at his assistant for a moment.

"With that I will take my leave." Tommy said, getting to his feet. "Remember you have one week."

"Thank you Mr Fig." Bim Bokoz said as he escorted Tommy to the door of his office.

As if just thinking of something Tommy stopped and turned to Bim Bokoz before saying, "Ah there is one more thing Mr Bokoz but it's more of a selfish request."

"Please say it Mr Fig, if there is anything I can help you with please name it." 

"It's nothing major, I just wish to tour around your marvelous arena here." Tommy replied with a small smile.

"Pardon?" Bim Bokoz replied in confusion.

"I'm sure you understand that the emperor can't officially recognize this establishment you have down here since it is against the laws of his forebears, and since I am acting on his behalf I also can not be seen here unless someone recognizes me in the future." Tommy explained.

"Because of this I would like to take this opportunity to tour your facility while it is closed to the general public." 

"Ah I see, of course Mr Fig that won't be a problem." Bim Bokoz replied with a smile. "Should I arrange some entertainment for you also while you're here?" 

Tommy shook his head before saying, "That won't be necessary Mr Bokoz, honestly I'm more interested in the architecture you have employed here, I got a quick glance when I was being led to your office however I would very much like a closer look as it's kind of a hobby of mine."

"I see, I see." Bim Bokoz nodded, "Allow me to arrange an escort to show you around them."

"Once again there is no need." Tommy replied politely while waving his hands. "I am sure your staff are all busy preparing for opening later, I would hate to affect your business which would distract you from other newer projects that require your full attention. Allow me to wander around on my own and if I get lost I will just ask a staff member for directions."

Bim Bokoz frowned slightly at this but considering Mr Fig's identity and who he represented he dared not go against his wishes so he replied, "If that is what you wish so be it Mr Fig, however if you need any assistance please come find me or ask any of my employees for assistance. I will be sure to notify them not to disturb you as you tour my arena." 

"You are most considerate and accommodating Mr Bokoz, thank you." Tommy replied. "With that I will go take a look around as you have much to plan and discuss with you lieutenants I don't doubt."

Tommy once again turned around and left the office before he started to tour around the arena while pretending to be interested in its construction.

After he left Bim Bokoz collapsed into his chair with a sigh.

"I'm sorry boss." Juh Zaing said apologetically.

Bim Bokoz waved his hand before saying, "Don't worry about it, we have more important matters to deal with. First go inform all the staff in and around the arena not to disturb Mr Fig unless he asks for their help. Second, summon all the senior members here at once, we only have one week and we need to move quickly."

"Yes boss." Juh Zaing replied before leaving the office.


Tommy toured around the arena while pretending to inspect it with great interest, however what he was really inspecting the most were the different stone pillars using his inspection skill.

[Stone pillar used to support the ceiling above as well as the Bokoz's relaxation ring building above ground.]

((Are we sure about this.))

(It's not like you to have second thoughts when it comes to destruction and mayhem.)

((Kekeke, we love destruction and mayhem but that's not what we are talking about. If we do this many innocents can be hurt and we said previously that the princess may not be happy if we hurt innocents of her kingdom.))

[Stone pillar used to support the ceiling above as well as the Bokoz's relaxation ring building above ground.]

(I did say that, and for the previous four criminal organizations I focused only on their leader and damaging the organizations money income, also I don't think the killing of the organization's senior members will be an issue.) 

(However I also have to send a clear message to the Chelna and anyone else who may wish to work wish me in the future, I am not a nice person and I don't mind hurting innocents. The only reason I have not done so before now is because I need Chelna's lightning ability, however she needs to know that she can't control me.)

[Stone pillar used to support the ceiling above as well as the Bokoz's relaxation ring building above ground.]

((Ah, we are concerned that if we do this job perfectly with no innocents being harmed she will start to believe that we are like those Isekai hero's who do whatever the hot princess asks because she flutters her eyelashes and shows a little cleavage.))

(Exactly she needs to learn that while I might agree to work with her, it is only because it is beneficial to me and that she can not order me around like her subjects. I need to send her a warning telling her that if she tries to control me or betrays me there will be dire consequences, not only for her but all those around her.)

[Load bearing Stone pillar. The main stone pillar that is used to support the ceiling above as well as the Bokoz's relaxation ring building above ground.]

[WARNING: Damage to this will most likely result in the collapse of the ceiling and everything above.]


((Kekeke, it's been ages since we blew something up. How are we doing it?))

(While I would like to use more of the petroleum we got from the alchemist, this pillar is too far from the entrance.)

The stone pillar in question was just on the edge of the arena, almost exactly in the center of the underground area.

As Tommy looked back towards the entrance he noticed several well dressed individuals arriving from the stairs.

After using his inspection skill on them he determined them to be the senior officers of Bim Bokox criminal organization.

(Let's begin.)


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