God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 58 The Favour’s Cost

*AUTHOR WARNING* Chapter contains minor Yuri content.

"You mean to say that little Ista was foolish enough to think she could make this murderer her new toy by having the city guards to capture him for her?" Tinen asked with a frown.

"That is correct majesty." Evol said while bowing. "I have failed in my upbringing of her by not teaching her properly which men can and can not be used and played with."

"So it would seem, though from what I have heard, your husband's tendency to spoil little Ista probably didn't help." Tinen replied before adding. "Though that may also be partially your fault as I have heard how Earl Gar is subservient to you."

Evol hung her head out of shame and embarrassment.

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about Countess Evol, in fact I respect you for making your husband subservient to you, however by doing so you should have made sure he was only subservient to you and not anyone else like little Ista."

Tinen turned to Tirma at this time before saying, "You see little Tirma there are many men in the world, even ones like Earl Gar who prefer being dominated than being the dominant one, however they all need to be handled differently and with care so that you can use them and control them even if they don't realize it."

Tirma nodded in response before Tinen addressed Evol again.

"While I understand your situation, I'm not sure why you came to my countess."

"I seek your counsel on this majesty, it is well known in the city… no the empire that you are wise and generous to those loyal to you."

"Are you loyal to me countess Evol?" Tinen asked.

"I am majesty." Evol bowed.

Tinen and Chelna exchanged a look before Chelna nodded slightly before saying.

"Countess Evol I may be able to help with this matter."

"Princess?" Evol asked in surprise.

"What I am about to tell you is something only a few people know including my mother so I ask that you keep it a secret as not even my father knows yet." Chelna spoke.

"Of course princess, I swear not to repeat this to anyone outside this room." Evol swore.

Tinen nodded before explaining, "As you maybe aware, I am childhood friends with the guild master of Oakforest City Adventurer's guild Kele Gledz, Kele has taken it upon herself to act as intermediary between myself and the murderer. "

"Father as you know is not a huge fan of the adventurer's guild which is why for the time being I have not informed him."

"It is possible that Kele might be able to negotiate on behalf of Ista also, however…."

"However you don't know what the murderer will ask for as compensation." Evol finished.

Chelna nodded before saying, "correct and if we are successful you will also owe me a favor." 

"I understand princes, how much would this favor cost me?" Evol asked.

"Your soul." Chelna replied in a hard voice.

Evol sighed before saying, "you mean I would have to become subservient to you through a magical binding oath." 

"Not me, my mother." Chelna replied. "It is Ista who will serve me.You will both bind yourself to us and serve us for the rest of your lives."

"And my title and position?" Evol asked.

"You misunderstand Countess Evol." Tinen suddenly said,

"You will keep your position and titles and nothing will really change except for the fact that you will henceforth report anything of interest you hear from your husband to me while also doing the occasional service for me."

"Very well." Evol agreed. "If you can make it so that me and Ista are safe from the murderer, I will agree to your terms."

"I notice you didn't mention your husband Earl Gar in those demands." Tinen said with a chuckle.

"Because I care not for that spineless wimp, I only married him for the security his title provides, if I could find a better man I would leave the spineless wimp in a second." Evol replied with a scoff.

"Oh! I was under the impression that you liked dominating Earl Gar so that you could have sex with other men and women."

"Not at all majesty." Evol answered. "I have heard rumors of the nickname you have given the king."

"You mean shrivel dick?" Tinen asked.

"Yes, well king Glador is not the only man with a small dick. Since I am dominant of him, why shouldn't I bring in other men and women to satisfy me until I find a man who can give me the same security and comforts as that spineless wimp can."

"Interesting." Tinen replied with a naughty smile.

Chelna sighed before saying. "Then you may be in luck Countess Evol."

"Princess?" Evol asked curiously.

Chelna didn't immediately reply and instead called out."


The door to the side room that Mii had gone through opened before she stepped out and bowed to Chelna while saying, "Yes princess Chelna."

"Mii Stelutsk!" Evol said in surprise as she recognized King Glador's concubine.

Chelna ignored Evol's surprise before ordering.

"Come demonstrate to Countess Evol how she will have to serve my mother in the future when she becomes one of your sisters."

"Yes princess." Mii replied happily before approaching Tinen who looked at her with a perverted smile.

Mii then went down on her knees before lifting Tinen's skirt and moving her underwear aside.

After which she brought her tongue to Tinen"s wet pussy and started to service her in front of the three watching women.


In Oakforest the naked woman as Tommy knew her was sitting on the branch of a large tree near where Tommy had first encountered her while she looked up at the starry sky.

She was not due to meet the strange and obviously dangerous young man until tomorrow but she had taken the opportunity when the ground shook and all the guards were distracted to leave the city.

While staring at the starry sky she suddenly heard a voice come from a nearby tree branch.

"It's unlike you to call for assistance Liza, especially since this is supposed to be your test to become one of the nine lives." 

Liza turned her head to notice the arrival of two hooded figures, judging by their body proportions the one who just spoke was female while the other was male.

"She is obviously not up to the challenge, I warned first that she was not worthy." The male replied gloatingly.

"Quite Eighth, it was Firsts decision, or do you plan to challenge him for the position of first so you can countermand the decision?"

The male known as Eighth clicked his tongue before going silent.

Liza stood and bowed to the shrouded women before saying, "My apologies Third, however I have met a variable I can not handle alone."

"A variable?" Third replied with curiosity before saying. "Tell me everything."

Liza nodded before she began to explain what had happened after the Caravan was attacked and how a strange young man had just watched the entire show as the Jaguar killed Breral Shag and his guard.

She also explained how she pretended to run away only to double back in order to retrieve the dagger that was her quest. 

Unfortunately she found the dagger was gone and so followed the young man to Oakforest City under the assumption he had taken it. 

After arriving at the city she followed the young man until she witnessed him defeat the group of thieves with very little effort before stating that he knew she was there.

"This young man managed to detect you?" Third asked with interest. 

"Amateur." Eighth scoffed.

"Yes, I don't know how he did it though he claimed that his experience in killing many like me allowed him to tell that I am more suited to espionage than combat."

"Well he is not wrong." Third acknowledged before saying. "Continue."

"After that he gave me two choices, tell him what I was after and we could make a deal, or call for backup and wait for backup to arrive." Liza continued.

"When I didn't reply straight away he gave me till that night to make a choice and if I choose to deal I should meet him at the Forest Rest."

"In the end I decided to meet him; however instead of negotiating I slipped him a note containing my offer, I then left before contacting you."

"What did you offer him?" Third asked.

"A chance to join Black Noir." Liza answered.

"What?" Eighth said with a frown before saying. "You have no right to offer someone a chance to join, you are not a member of the nine lives."

"Why did you make such an offer?" Third asked.

"To buy time," Liza replied. "Black Noir is both famous and mysterious and a chance to join is something few people would pass up."

"And by tempting him with such you made sure he would remain in the city until we arrived." Third finished to which Liza nodded.

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