God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 59 Forest Inn bath

"What else can you tell us about this young man?" Third asked.

"You're not seriously considering this, are you Third?" Eighth asked.

"At the moment I just want to know more about this young man who possesses the dagger we Black Noir were hired to retrieve." Third replied before signaling for Liza to continue.

"Honestly not much." Liza sighed. "All I can really tell you is that he is not from this continent and that he is exceptionally skilled in combat and killing."

"Why do you think he is not from this continent?" Third asked with interest.

"The clothes he wore, I have never seen anything like them even though they are of exceptional quality." Liza replied. "Also…."

"Also what?" Third asked curiously as she knew hesitation was a rare thing from Liza.

"Also I believe he is the reason the city is currently in lockdown." Liza answered.

"Oh? You mean to say that you think he is the one responsible for eliminating the criminal leaders?" Third said.

Black Noir had people in every city and major town in the continent gathering information and relaying back interesting and important news.

"Why do you think this is?" Third asked.

"Rumor on the street is he possesses a new and strange weapon that is far more dangerous than even we possess." Liza said with concern.

"Impossible." Eighth retorted before saying. "Black Noir is global and because of this we are always the first to get a hold of new useful weapons and equipment."

"Where did this rumor come from?" Third asked.

"Headquarters must have received a report about the recent killings in Oakforest City Adventurer's Guild." Liza replied, causing Third and Eighth to both frown.

"Are you saying he is the one responsible for that?" Third asked. "The reports say he did wield a strange weapon that killed after releasing a loud bang."

"I can't say for certain since I did not witness it," Liza replied before adding, "however the description of both individuals match, including the clothes they wore.." 

"Which were both strange and of exceptional quality." Third finished as she lapsed into thought.


Tommy woke up happy that the twins had not barged into his room, but also disappointed that the two beauties were not there when he woke up.

After all, who didn't want to see beautiful women when they woke up.

((Or as we go to sleep kekeke.))

Tommy shook his head before he threw his trousers on and headed for the door.

"Yesterday Merno had informed Tommy that she and the twins had their own private bath at the back of the inn and she offered to let him use it instead of having to go to the public baths every single time.

While Tommy was curious as to why Merno would let him use their personal bath all of a sudden, he didn't complain since it made life easier for him.

When he went to the public bath previously, people shot him with strange looks as he was the only one still wearing his underwear while everyone else was naked.

Unfortunately Tommy was keen to keep his underwear on in public places because of certain reasons. If he could use a bath privately he would be fine getting fully naked without having to worry about those certain reasons. He just had to make sure he locked the door.

Tommy left his room and descended the stairs before crossing through the bar area as he needed to leave through the kitchen behind the bar to reach the back door.

As he entered the bar he noticed that Merno, Jue and Tue were there as usual, however it seemed that they also had two guests. 

As everyone turned to see Tommy enter the bar area Tommy realized that it was Kele and Rizi.

They were all about to wish Tommy a good morning when the words got stuck in their throat as they saw Tommy enter topless.

Rizi had witnessed this scene before along with Chelna when they went up to Tommy's room, however she still could not help but gulp at his perfect chest and figure.

The other women also stared at Tommy without blinking and made sure not to take their eyes off him until he vanished into the kitchen.

Tommy smirked as he entered the kitchen and headed for the back of the inn, he had to admit he liked the feeling of the women's heated gazes on him, even if he couldn't let it go anywhere.

As Tommy vanished the women came out of their gazes before Kele said, "wow."

"Told you." Rizi said smugly since she was now the only woman who saw that sexy scene more than once.

"How does he have such a good body and chest?" Jue asked.

"He must have trained it rigorously." Merino replied.

"Did you see his back though." Tue asked with concern in a sad voice.

"Yes, I wonder what he went through to get all those scars and burn marks." Rizi asked sadly.

"More importantly, why has he never had them healed by magic?" Kele asked.

"Do you think he would tell us if we asked?" Jue asked.

"I'm not sure, however since he doesn't mind us seeing it I don't think it would be a problem to ask him about it." Merino replied before turning towards the kitchen and saying. "I will go whip him up some breakfast for when he is done in the bath."

"Maybe I should go offer to wash his back." Jue said cheekily.

"No!" Merino suddenly said as she stopped and turned to her daughter. "Under no circumstances are you allowed to enter the bath area while Tommy is there." 

"Why not?" Jue asked in confusion.

"It was something Tommy insisted on when I offered to let him use our bath." Merino answered. "I don't know why he insisted on such a thing, after all most men would welcome a beauty coming to join them in the bath, however he was adamant that he would only use it if no one attempted to join him in there."

"That's strange." Jue said.

"Maybe it's a custom from his homeland?" Tue guessed.

"Maybe there is something he doesn't want us to see." Kele suggested with a flirtatious smile.

"Regardless of the reason, no one is to join him in the bath area unless he says it's ok or invites you, understood?" Merino asked in an authoritarian voice that her daughters rarely heard.

Jue and Tue both knew that when their mother used that tone of voice there was no arguing against her.

"Why are you so adamant about this Merno?" Kele asked curiously.

"I just respect his wishes, that's all." Merino replied before heading for the kitchen again with a slight blush on her cheeks.


Tommy found the bath area after exiting the back door, surprisingly it wasn't a small outdoor tub like he expected but a separate unit with walls and a roof that contained a tub roughly the size of a Jacuzzi.

Unfortunately it didn't contain the water jets that gave massages like a Jacuzzi from back on earth, however the water was somehow warm, Tommy wondered if it had something to do with a small red crystal that was embedded at the bottom of the tub so he decided to inspect it.

[Fire Elemental Crystal: An elemental crystal that is attuned to the element of fire, the crystal was formed near a volcano and after absorbing the volcanoes heat it changed to become a fire elemental crystal.]

[It is currently being used to heat the Forest Inn bath tubs water since a fire elemental crystal radiates heat.]

Tommy nodded after seeing he was right before he started to strip off and climbed into the pool where he started to relax.


After giving himself a good clean Tommy threw on a new set of the clothes Rizi got him and then returned to the bar area where the women were talking.

"Have a nice bath?" Merino asked with a smile as he sat down and she placed a plate of food in front of him.

"Yes thank you, I wasn't expecting it to be so nice and warm also." Tommy replied before digging into the food with joy.

Merino smiled as she saw him enjoying her food before saying, "I love a good bath and always have, so when I got this place with my….. Well when I got this place I made sure to build a proper bath for myself and for it to be heated also."

Jue and Tue looked at their mother with concern when they heard her stumble over her words as she was about to mention their father.

Merino turned and smiled at her daughters to show that she was fine and there was nothing to worry about.

Tommy turned to Kele before saying, "I'm surprised to see you here, I thought you said you would be busy cleaning house at the guild."

Kele smiled before saying, "I am, however it's going smoother than expected since the city lockdown is preventing the guild's investigators and hunters from entering the city."

"Hopefully I will have managed to clean house fully before the city reopens." 

"What you're saying is, keep causing chaos so the city stays in lockdown." Tommy replied with a chuckle.

"I would never ask a citizen to do such a thing." Kele replied with a giggle.

"So why are you here then?" Tommy asked.

"Can't I come see my friends?" Kele asked defensively.

Tommy just shrugged before he continued to eat his breakfast.

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