God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 73 I must apologize about my sister

Tommy went over to where the unused cotton was and grabbed a small bit before laying them both on the ground.

"This one is normal cotton, watch what happens when I put fire to it." Tommy said before he pulled his lighter out of his magical bag (item box) and lit the cotton.

It caught fire and started to burn slowly.

"Now this is the Nitrocellulose that we just made, watch what happens when I put fire to it." Tommy then put his lighter to the Nitrocellulose before quickly pulling his hand away.

The women were about to laugh at his actions when they suddenly saw the Nitrocellulose burst into flame for a moment before vanishing leaving behind only a small amount of ash.

"What!" They all said in surprise.

"As you can see the Nitrocellulose is far more flammable than the normal cotton." Tommy said.

Nele frowned before saying, "While that's all good because I am happy to learn something new, this is not the explosive you promised me the other day, the first thing you showed me was more explosive."

"Keep your knickers on, I was getting to that." Tommy replied, making three of the women blush while the fourth got a lustful look in her eyes and was almost tempted to take hers off.

"Humph like I want to take them off for you." Nele replied in embarrassment.


"It's a saying where I'm from." Tommy quickly explained. "It's used to tell someone to be patient."

"Well… well why didn't you just say that." Nele scolded in embarrassment.

Tommy decided it was best not to reply to that question so he said, "The Nitrocellulose is just one of the materials I need, the second thing I am going to show you how to make is very unstable and destructive."

"How destructive?" Nele asked with a doubtful tone.

"If we made the same amount as the Nitrocellulose we just made in your shape and something went wrong we would all die and your shop would be a pile of rubble." Tommy replied.

The women gasped when they heard that before Tirma said, "You would need at least a small area of effect spell to be able to destroy the entire shop, or maybe a medium direct attack."

"What do we need?" Nele asked in excitement.

"Have you ever heard of Glycerol?" Tommy asked.

"Sure, I have some in the shop." Nele replied.

(This world is really strange, with some things they are further ahead than Earth while others they are behind.)

((True, Glycerol wasn't discovered on earth until 1793))

"Ok, I need you to grab us some Glycerol and also some more sulfuric acid, while I need Tinen and Chelna to make us some more lightning as we need to make some more Nitric acid, one to be used for a demonstration and the other for the next stage." Tommy instructed.


(This looks like a human settlement, but what am I doing here?) Fayeth Elvaris thought as she looked around the room.

(I remember that our party was suddenly attacked by a group of monster black widow spiders and while I was rescuing a friend from one of the spider attacks I got hit myself, I must have been poisoned as I don't remember anything after that.)

As Fayeth was recalling what happened she suddenly heard footsteps from the other side of the door before it suddenly opened and a young teenage girl entered moaning about something.

"Why do I have to check on this darn elf, I wish Tommy had let me go along with him today, this damn elf better not try to steal him from us." 

Tue suddenly stopped in the doorway and stared in surprise as she saw that the elf was sitting up in bed and looking at her with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"Humph, so you're awake, about time." Tue snorted before turning and calling out of the room. "MUM THE ELF IS AWAKE."

"Don't get any ideas about staying here for long, I'm sure Tommy only helped you because that's the kind of man he is, it's definitely not because of your beauty." Tue remarked as she turned back to the elf.

Fayeth tilted her head in confusion wondering what she had done to offend this young human girl, however before she could ask more footsteps were heard as an elder human women who looked similar to the young teenage women entered hurriedly,

"Ah good you awake, it seems the anti-venom was successful." Merino said in a happy and relieved tone.

"Anti-venom?" Fayeth asked curiously before adding. "Did you cure me, miss?" 

"Well I administered the anti-venom, however it was Tommy who supplied it, after rescuing you from those slave traders of course." Merno replied with a warm smile.

"Slave traders?" Fayeth asked in shock.

"Humph, mum just kick her out already, she is already awake and cured." Tue complained.

"Stop that Tue, what has gotten into you? You're normally the more polite of you sisters." Merino said while admonishing Tue.

"Humph." Tue replied while turning her head away and mumbling something inherently.

"Excuse me but what do you mean by slave traders and where exactly am I?" Fayeth asked.

"Well you see the young man who saved you happened to rescue you from a slave trader in this city who was just waiting for the arrival of a magic slave collar to put on you." Merno explained.

"WHAT!" Fayeth yelled in surprise and horror. "A magic slave collar."

"Indeed you're most fortunate that he found you." Merino replied. "As for where you are, you are in Oakforest City."

"Oakforest City? I've never heard of such a place. Is it far from Orelnore City?" Fayeth asked.

"I'm afraid so, you see you're no longer on the Orenore continent, you're now on the Etria continent." Merino answered.

"Etria continent!" Fayeth replied in surprise before adding in concern. "You mean the continent where that bastard Ruco Etria is Crown Prince?"

"You know of crown prince Ruco?" Merino asked in surprise.

"Unfortunately." Fayeth.

(Shit, if he learns I am here then I will never be able to return home and he will force me to marry him.)

"Might I ask your name my dear?" Merino asked.

(It would be best not to let anyone know who I really am so I can return to Orelnore as soon as possible.)

"Allannia Qinbalar" Fayeth lied.

"Well Allannia, how about some food." Merino suggested.

"No I must really…." Fayeth began before her stomach rumbled forcing her to flush in embarrassment.

Merino giggled before saying, " You must be starving after being in a self induced coma for so long." 

Fayeth nodded in embarrassment before asking, "Do you know how long I was in my self induced coma?" 

"Afraid not." Merino replied while shaking her head. "Tommy only brought you here a couple of days ago."

"I see, and where is this Tommy, I suppose I should thank him for saving me from a terrible fate." Fayeth asked.

"He is currently out on an errand, however he will no doubt be back later, why don't I send Tue here to inform him that you have awakened while I make you some food." Merino replied before she turned towards Tue only to find her leaving the room hurriedly while saying.

"I will go find Tommy, be back soon."

Merino shook her head and chuckled as she went to sort Allannia out some food.

(Well at least the humans who cured me don't seem like a bad sort and don't seem to have any interest in making me their slave, though I wonder why that young teenage human had such animosity towards me.)

(Still I need to be careful since humans are natural liars and too many of my people have been made into their slaves.)

As Fayeth was in thought she heard footsteps again and as she looked towards the door she saw that the teenage girl had returned.

(Wasn't she going to find that man named Tommy who saved me? Did she only lie about that so she could sneak back to kill me after the other women left?)

(Oh no, I'm still too weak from my self induced coma to be able to fight or use magic to defend myself.)

"Oh Tue was right you are awake." Jue said with a smile.

"What?" Fayeth asked in confusion.

"I must apologize about my sister." Jue said before explaining. "She is normally a lot more courteous to people, more so than me, however it seems her attraction for Tommy has brought out a darker more selfish side in her."

"Sister? You mean your twins?" Fayeth asked in surprise.

"That's right, I'm Jue." Jue replied with a smile.

"How lucky." Fayeth said almost on instinct.

"What?" Jue asked in surprise this time.

"Oh forgive me, my name is Allannia," Fayeth replied before explaining. "I have heard of some of the other races being able to birth twins, however such a thing is not possible for the elves."

"It isn't?" Jue asked in surprise.

Fayeth shook her head before saying, "As I'm sure you're aware we elves have the ability to live forever, as in we will never die from old age."

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