God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 74 Dynamite

Jue nodded to show that she had indeed heard of this before Fayeth continued.

"Because of this my race's birth rate is far less than the other races, in fact my race can go many centuries without a new child being born and the birth of twins has never occurred and is believed to be impossible."

"That's why I think that you and your twin are lucky to have each other, I have no siblings myself."

"I see, I'm sorry to hear that." Jue replied. 

"Don't be, it is not your fault after all." Fayeth replied with a smile.

A moment later Merno returned with some food.


"Ok with everything prepared we are ready to make the next item which is called Nitroglycerin." Tommy replied once everything was prepared.

"So first off we need to combine the nitric acid and sulfuric acid at a 1 to 1 ratio." Tommy explained.

"Like with the Nitrocellulose before?" Nele asked with interest.

"Yes, however the steps change after that." Tommy replied before measuring out equal amounts of nitric acid and sulfuric acid and pouring them into the same beaker.

"Once we start to add the glycerin it will start becoming Nitroglycerin and here we need to be extra careful. First Nitroglycerin has an ignition temperature of fifty degrees Celsius so you don't want to make this anywhere hot and we once again want to make it in the ice bath." 

As Tommy finished he placed the beaker containing the two acids into the ice bath they used before that was still cold.

"Next we want to add the glycerin slowly as when we add it to the acid a lot of heat will be generated, while monitoring the temperature and making sure it stays below ten degrees Celsius while stirring the mixture as we add more glycerin."

"The rule is you can add ten times less glycerin than the nitration bath."

"What's a nitration bath?" Chelna suddenly asked.

"A nitration bath is when you combine cooled nitric acid and sulfuric acid while keeping the temperature below ten degrees Celsius, normally using an ice bath like we have here." Tommy answered as he slowly started to add the glycerin.

A few minutes later the women noted that the clear acid had turned cloudy as Tommy once again took out the box of strange white powder which he mixed with some fresh water.

"Next we need to slowly add this solution to our Nitroglycerin to neutralize the acids while also participate the Nitroglycerin." Tommy explained as he began to slowly add the water white powder solution to the Nitroglycerin which caused it to bubble.

Tommy only stopped adding the white powder water solution when the bubbling had completely stopped before he said, "And with that we have Nitroglycerin."

"Is that it?" Nele asked, amazed.

"That's it, though you have to handle this stuff very carefully as it tends to explode." Tommy replied before he pulled out a syringe from his magical bag (Item box) and extracted a very small amount of the Nitroglycerin.

He then squirted a single drop of the Nitroglycerin onto a piece of tiny paper before withdrawing a hammer from his magical bag (Item box).

"Watch." Tommy said to the women before backing away from the small piece of paper and raising the hammer high.

"Is he going to hit the piece of paper?" Tirma asked.

"I think so." Chelna replied 

Tommy brought the hammer down on the piece of paper and the next moment the women heard a bang sound and a flash of light which caused all the women to jump and yelp in fright.

"WHAT THE!" Tinen yelled in surprise.

"That came from only one drop?" Nele asked in shock and excitement.

"Yes, would you like to see a bigger explosion." Tommy asked with a smirk.

"Of course." Nele said excitedly while the other woman nodded.

"Ok I will need some sodium nitrate, wood pulp and some strong paper." Tommy said to Nele who quickly ran off and grabbed what he requested.

Tommy took the strong paper and laid it out on the ground before covering it with a layer of wood pulp. After this he poured an ample amount of the Nitroglycerin onto the wood pulp slowly giving the pulp time to absorb the liquid.

After the liquid was all absorbed Tommy took some sodium nitrate and covered the wood pulp with it. After this he pulled a fuse he liberated from Erden's forge from his magical bag (Item box) before laying it on top of the sodium nitrate with part of the fuse overhanging the end.

Tommy then started to slowly roll the strong paper into a tube before sealing both ends so that none of the mixture escaped.

"What's that?" Nele asked.

"This?" Tommy smirked before saying, "it's called dynamite, a powerful explosive that has many uses such as for mining and blowing things up."

Tommy got up and looked in the direction of Erden's forge before he gave an evil smirk as he pulled out his lighter and asked, "Can you all see Erden's forge?"

All the women nodded that they could as they looked towards it curiously before Tinen realized something and said, "Wait, you're not planning to…."

"Yup." Tommy interrupted with a chuckle as he lit the fuse that started to sputter before he threw the dynamite towards Erden's forge.

"You can't seriously be attempting to destroy master Erden's forge?" Tinen asked with a mixture of shock, curiosity and excitement.

"You're about to find out." Tommy replied while he continued to look towards Erden's forge.

Chlena was about to respond when.


A loud explosion was heard causing the women to cover their ears as an explosion took place right next to Erden's forge as a flash of light was seen before a dust cloud rose into the air causing the women to stare slack jawed.

"Is that a better explosion for you?" Tommy asked Nele with a smirk.

Nele could only nod in response.


"What the hell was that?" One of the guards who was stationed near Erden's forge asked after his ears stopped ringing from the loud explosion.

"Quickly move towards the forge." The captain instructed before the guards all started to rush in that direction while the nearby residents left the houses to investigate what caused the huge explosion.

"What the!" Another soldier said in shock as they all looked at what remained of Erden's forge, it was completely destroyed with only one wall left standing, though that appeared as if it could collapse at any moment.

"Spread out and search for the culprit at once, we didn't see any signs of long range attack magic so they must still be close by." The captain ordered.

"Sir." The soldiers all responded before beginning a search of the local streets and alleyways.

"What are you going to tell master Erden?" A soldier who stayed behind with the captain asked.

"What can I tell him except the truth?" The captain sighed. 

"The king won't be happy about this," the soldier said.

"Obviously." The captain sighed before smirking and saying to the soldier, "That's why you're going to be the one to report it."

"Sir?" The soldier replied in distress.

"You heard me, now get moving, double time." The captain ordered.

"Yes sir." The soldier said in a defeated tone with slumped soldiers before he turned and walked towards the castle.

"How the fuck did that bastard sneak past our patrols." The captain cursed before remembering something and started to dash in a certain direction. 

"Fuck the queen and the princess went over to that crazy alchemist ladies for some reason, I warned them it was to dangerous and should not go or at least take some guards but they wouldn't fucking listen."

The guard captain soon reached the shop and hurriedly entered it to find it completely empty.

"YOUR MAJESTY, YOUR HIGHNESS?" The guard captain started to shout as he made his way towards the door that led into the back of the shop.

However just as he was about to reach it he heard a female voice saying, "What's all the shouting about?" 

Queen Tinen walked out from the back of the shop followed by Princess Chelna, the crazy alchemist lady who liked to blow stuff up and the young lady who had been accompanying the queen and princess.

"Oh your majesty, highness, I'm glad to see that you are both safe." The guard said.

"Safe? Why wouldn't we be safe, captain?" Tinen asked.

"Did you not hear the loud explosion a few moments ago?" The captain asked, "I was worried something had happened to you."

"Of course we did." Tinen replied with a frown before adding, "I thought it was that useless shrivel who had ordered you all to do something stupid again, honestly I need to speak to that idiot about treating his citizens better when I return to the castle."

The guard began to sweat slightly when he heard how the queen addressed the king, he of course had heard the rumors from the castle guards, however this was the first time he was actually witnessing such a scene in the first place.

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