God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 75 I’m attracted to strong capable men

"What do you mean master Erden's forge has been destroyed?" Glador asked in shock.

"It's as I said sire, we were patrolling the area when there was a loud explosion nearby, when we rushed over to the source we found master Erden's forge had been destroyed by the explosions leaving only one wall barely standing." The guard that had been sent by the captain reported.

"Incompetent fools, you had one job and not only did you fail to complete that by capturing the murderer, you even allowed him to blow up master Erden's forge." Glador replied angrily.

"Apologies, sire." The guard answered meekly.

"Get out of here and tell that captain of yours that if he doesn't find the culprit that I will have his head." Glador ordered.

"Yes sire." The guard said before quickly leaving.

"Shit with all this mess it's getting less and less likely that I will be able to persuade master Erden to work exclusively for me." Glador cursed.

"At least while master Erden remains in the castle you will have ample charm to speak and try to persuade him sire." Gladors assistant said.

"That's true, also if I can get my hands on these so-called bullets I can offer them to master Erden in exchange for him working for me exclusively." 

"Very wise sire, also note that it is unlikely master Erden will leave any time soon since that murderer has threatened to visit him here in revenge and he knows this is the safest and most secure place in the city." The assistant stated.

"Fucking hypocrite thinking he can enter my castle whenever he wants." Glador replied. "Still this could be an opportunity to catch him if he keeps to his word, double the guards in the castle and warn them to be on high alert. Also make it known that I am offering a reward for anyone who brings me the murderer, dead or alive."

"Yes sire, after all we can have master Erden identify any suspects that are brought to us." The assistant replied.


"Well that was close." Chelna said with a sigh after the guard left.

"Perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to blow up Erden's forge when so many guards were around." Tirma stated.

"I wasn't worried about the guards, your city guards are useless and shit, when you become queen you need to replace them all, or at least whip them into shape." Tommy replied as he reappeared after the guard left.

He had hidden himself and kept out of sight.

"I know." Chelna sighed.

"So what's next?" Nele asked excitedly as if she wasn't interested in anything other than what Tommy had to teach her.

Tommy was about to reply when there was a jingle of the shop door opening again causing him to slip back into the shadows to hide.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Tommy." A familiar voice said.

Tommy took a quick peak and saw that it was one of the twins, Tue at a guess with the same neutral look on her face she usually had unlike her sister Jue who smiled more.

"Tue what are you doing here?" Tommy asked. "There's a curfew and you shouldn't be sneaking around in case you get caught."

"Tommy." Tue said happily, skipping over to him with a smile before she continued, "It's fine those guards are shit and even if they did spot me they wouldn't bother chasing after me if I ran because it's too much effort. I would only have to be careful if I allowed them to get too close as they have a bad habit of molesting pretty women."

"Seriously, can we even call them guards anymore?" Tommy asked while turning to Chelna.

Chelna just sighed and shook her head before saying, "Don't look at me, it's my fathers fault for letting things get this bad."

"True." Tommy agreed before turning back to Tue and asking. "So what made you risk coming all the way here?"

Tue pouted before saying, "The elf is awake."

"Elf?" The other women asked in surprise.

"Oh really, that's interesting since I just learnt her true identity." Tommy remarked.

"You mean that her name is Allannia or something?" Tue replied.

"Is that what she told you? Clever girl." Tommy remarked with a smirk before turning to the other women and saying.

"I'm returning to the forest rest as I need to speak with the elf, I suggest you come along as you may find this interesting." 

"What elf? And why would we find it interesting?" Tinen replied.

"I believe you called her Princess Fayeth Elvaris earlier, Tommy said before walking towards the door while Tue obediently followed behind him."

"WHAT!" Tinen, Chelna and Tirma replied in shock before they all looked at each other before nodding and following after Tommy.

"Fine, just leave me here, I'm obviously rushed off my feet with customers in this lockdown." Nele huffed.

Tommy and Tue snuck along the dark alleyways to bypass the guards while Tinen, Chelna and Tirma walked openly while receiving bows and salutes along the way.

"Why would Princess Fayeth Elvaris be in our city?" Chelna whispered.

"That's a very good question, as far as I'm aware she fanatically refuses to come to the Etria continent because of that stupid nephew of mine." Tinen replied.

"The way that young girl named Tue said she had just woken up makes me think that she may have been unconscious." Tirma added.

"That's possible, Elves do go into a self induced coma when poisoned or gravely injured, but then how did she end up here?" Chelna replied.

"We will just have to wait and find out when we meet her." Tinen replied.

"Since we are alone now, mother, I have something to broach with you." Chelna said as she looked at her mother with a frown.

"What would that be my daughter?" Tinen innocently replied.

"You know very well what it is." Chelna replied before saying. "You are attracted to Tommy aren't you and you want him."

Tirma looked between both women in surprise as she heard this.

"Whatever gave you that impression?" Tinen replied with the same innocent tone.

"You might be able to fool other people mother, but you can't fool me, after all I saw the look of desire in your eyes when you looked at Tommy earlier." Chelna said.

"What can I say, I'm attracted to strong capable men, and there aren't many men who are strong enough to set off my survival instincts." Tinen replied with a smile.

"Is that why you suddenly stopped talking after mentioning the Caladrius feather aunt?" Tirma asked.

"Correct little Tirma." Tinen replied before continuing. "When I was about to answer Nele's question my survival instincts suddenly warned me that if I continued speaking Tommy would claim my life." 

"Isn't that a bad thing?" Tirma asked.

"That might normally be the case for most people, however as I said before I am attracted to strong and capable men and there are very few human men who are strong enough to make me fearful of my life that I also find interesting." Tinen explained. "Most powerful men you will find only care about using their power for their own gain at any cost. 

"Whether that means sacrificing loved ones or betraying friends. Why would I want to be with someone I am always cautious about in-case they suddenly decide to sacrifice me for their own gain?"

"So what you are saying is?" Chelna asked though she was fairly sure she already knew the answer.

"What I am saying is that I plan to help Tommy fix his genitalia problem, if that is indeed the problem so that I can ride him hard on shrivel dick's throne while making the bastard watch before Tommy kills him and allows you to inherit the throne my darling daughter." Tinen replied with a lustful smile and desire in her eyes.

"I knew it." Chelna sighed.

"Don't pretend you're not also interested in him my daughter, I have seen the way you look at him." Tinen said.

Chelna blushed before turning her head slightly and mumbling, "I might be."

"Well then you better get used to the idea of sharing your future husband with your mother and sister Tirma my daughter." Tinen replied in excitement.

"Me?" Tirma replied in surprise while pointing to herself.

"Of course you, it's painfully obvious that you're also interested in Tommy, and when he gets rid of that useless nephew of mine in the future you will need to reward him personally, just as Chelna will need to personally reward him when he claims shrivel dick's throne for her." Tinen explained.

"Are we even sure he is interested in us?" Chelna replied with doubt.

"My dear daughter I have taught you much but for some things experience is the best teacher." Tinen explained. "You are both used to men lusting after you in an obvious manner and not hiding their desire for you, Tommy on the other hand is not doing that because he is holding himself back, most likely because of his genitalia problem."

"Because of this you have missed the subtle signs he has unconsciously made indicating his interest in you both."

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