God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 81 Turning into a dictator


"Sire." The guard saluted before running off to pass down the order and warn the guards that they needed to show they were hard working for the next few weeks or months at least.

"Too little too late." Tinen remarked.

"What?" Glador asked.

"You're finally starting to act like a king by putting your foot down and rolling with authority." Tinen replied. "It's just a shame it's too late."

"You have been accepting bribes from people ever since you claimed the throne, from that smiling corpse on the floor to the leaders of the criminal organizations."

"Everyone in the city knows that you can be brought and because of that no one respects you. Even if you put your foot down and start acting like a true ruler now, you won't get the citizens' respect before you die."

"Is that a threat?" Glador asked angrily.

"Just starting a fact, I have no need to threaten someone as pathetic as you." Tinen answered.

"Then if I can't rule with respect, I will rule with fear." Glador growled before storming away.

"Damn." Tinen cursed as she watched Glador leave.

"Mother?" Chelna asked.

Tinen didn't respond straight away and led the girls back to her room before speaking. "This is the worst possible situation, how did shrivel dick find out that his assistant was selling his secrets? Who told him?" 

"The last thing we need is him turning into a dictator in case he kills off the more useful members of the city just because he feels like it."

"We may have to move ahead sooner than I hoped."

"We are ready to move ahead now since Tommy killed the leaders and damaged the criminal organizations," Chelna replied while rolling her eyes as she added. "The only thing holding us back is your sexual desire to greatly embarrass and humiliate that man one last time before killing him."

"Can you blame me?" Tinen snapped. "That man used the reward my damn father gave him to bind me to him in marriage, all because he wanted the women people recognized as the most beautiful human on his arm."

"I was never given the right to decide who I would marry, allowed to decide who I could fall in love with, that's why I did all this, so that you my daughter would not suffer the same fate, so that you could decide whom to love and whom to marry, so that you could rule over us all and bring women a better life of not being in the shadows of their husbands and having to be subservient to them."

"I know mother and I respect you for that, all human women will come to thank you for your sacrifice one day." Chelna replied.

"Then is it wrong for me to want this last piece of vengeance on that bastard before I watch him die in front of me?" Tinen asked almost pleadingly.

"No it's not." Chelna replied. "But how long do you think it will take to find a Caladrius feather? It could take years before one is discovered, you know how rare the Caladrius is, are you really willing to put your life's goal on the line just for this?" 

There was silence after Chelna asked this while Tirma watched nervously from the side not saying anything, she knew that in this she had no right to speak.

Tinen was silent for a moment before she collapsed in the chair as if exhausted before saying weekly, "Your right Chelna, of course you are. We should contact Tommy and inform him he can proceed with eliminating those that we mentioned before."

"Thank you for understanding mother." Chelna said with a sigh of relief before adding with a smirk. "You know it can still go the way you wanted, just with a slight change."

"What do you mean?" Tinen asked curiously.


"That's her isn't it?" A man wearing a dark cloak asked as he and his two companions watched two attractive women walking through the streets.

"About fucking time, it was such a hassle sneaking into the city just because the king put it on lockdown. I thought martial law was in effect so how come so many people are still walking the streets like nothing has changed?" Another man asked.

The third member of their group, a woman, giggled before saying, "Just like you to know nothing, why hasn't Duke Shag disposed of you yet."

"Because I'm good at my job bitch, should I demonstrate it to you." The second man asked as he pulled out a dagger.

"Let's go dickhead." The woman replied as she pulled out her own.

"Enough." The first man spoke immediately, stopping the pair's argument.

"The city is like this because the king is a corrupt bastard who can be easily bought, not enough of this as we need to capture that woman and find out what she knows about the dagger."

After the first man finished speaking the three continued to follow the two women.


"It seems we have attracted some uninvited guests." Third remarked as she and Ninth walked through the city streets.

"Indeed." Ninth replied, "Do you recognize them?."

"No, however if I had to guess I would say they are from Duke Shag and want to ask you about the dagger." Third replied.

"Agreed, unfortunately there was no way to sneak into that fat bastard's carriage without being seen as he wanted to show me off on his arm." Ninth replied.

"Do I even want to know what you had to do in that carriage?" Third asked in disgust.

"No, you don't and I don't want to be reminded of it, the sooner you can assist me in wiping that memory the better." Third replied.

"I would have done so already, however there might be some useful information in that memory so for now you should retain it." Third replied. "At least until we are done in this corrupt cesspit."

"There is nothing useful from that carriage ride at all, trust me." Ninth said in annoyance.

"Still a memory wipe takes time and has to be done in a safe and quiet location in case I'm distracted and I end up wiping more than just that memory." Third pointed out.

"I know, I know." Ninth replied before asking. "So what do we do about those three?"

"Nothing for now." Third replied. "They haven't realized we are aware of them and probably believe you're just some hooker or con artist. They might give up some information once they decide to strike, the overconfident tend to have loose lips since they think you're about to die."

"Fine, so how do we contact Tommy?" Third asked.

"The Forest Inn, didn't you say that is where he has been staying?" Ninth stated.

"I did, but I also stated that it's currently closed." Third replied.

"All the better." Ninth remarked. "If he is still staying there when it is closed it means he has a good relationship with the owner and they may be able to pass on the message we wish to meet if he isn't already there." 

Just as Ninth finished talking they both heard the sound of people in armor running in their direction so they quickly moved aside as a dozen or so city guards ran past.

Everyone in the street watched with surprise and interest at the running guards as this never happened, the guards were way too lazy to chase anyone and as long as the thief got more than a street away the guards would give up.

"What's got them so worked up?" Ninth asked. "The guards of this city are well known for being lazy."

"I don't know," Third replied with a frown. "But whatever it is it's not good for us so we should also quicken our pace."

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