God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 82 Have you met Duke Shag?

Tommy pulled from his item box a rectangular shaped black item that had the words 'C4 EXPLOSIVE written clearly on one side.

As he flipped the C4 over there was a small digital timer that was attached to the C4 while two wires could be seen coming out of the timer and into the C4.

((Oh hell yeah, boom baby.))

(It's a shame we need to use this so soon after being sent to this world, thankfully if the production for Nitrocellulose works I can look into production of nitroglycerine which will allow me to manufacture dynamite.)

Tommy circled the load bearing pillar trying to decide the most inconspicuous place to put the C4. After a moment he decided on a spot at the base of the pillar which just so happened to be right next to one of the spectator seats.

This seat would hide the C4 from view of anyone who passed nearby unless they happened to choose to sit in the seat and leaned over to look down the gap between the seat and the pillar.

Tommy set the timer on the C4 for fifteen minutes but did not start it just yet.

He carefully placed the C4 down between the seat and the pillar before pressing the start button whereby the timer started the countdown.

(Time to go.)

Tommy straightened himself before turning and casually walking towards the staircase that led back up to the main building.

Along the way several employees that he passed gave him curious looks before continuing their work and it wasn't long before he reached the staircase and started to climb it while being illuminated by the small glowing orbs.

(I should really ask someone about these orbs, they could be useful.)

As Tommy neared the top of the stairs the same guard as before turned to look who was coming up and quickly moved aside upon seeing who it was.

Tommy nodded at the guard before making his way towards the exit of the building, along his way he noticed that people kept entering and leaving, while he wouldn't exactly call it busy it was still a steady flow of what he guessed was mostly nobles or rich people since they were all dressed well.

Upon exiting the building Tommy started heading east as he now needed to go pay another visit to Erden.

Tommy continued to casually walk along the street and after several minutes he along with everyone else in the city heard.


Before the ground started to shake slightly.

While to everyone else the booming sound was extremely loud, Tommy knew that it was in fact still being muffled since it came from underground.

Coming to a stop, Tommy looked back towards the source of the noise like everyone else on the street to see dust and smoke rising into the air in the distance.

Tommy stared at the scene for a short time with a small smirk before he turned and continued his way towards Erden's forge.


"Damn useless guards, how the hell did they fail to catch that bastard when I told him exactly where he was." Ista complained loudly as she paced back and forth in a cold stone room while a naked male slave seemed to be writhing on the floor in pain, though strangely no sound was heard from his obviously screaming voice.

While she paced back and forth in anger a mature woman who looked similar to her opened the door to the stone room and entered before closing it.

The woman took an uninterested glance at the writhing naked slave on the floor before she turned to Ista and said, "daughter you wished to see me?"

Ista stopped and turned to the woman with a smile before saying, "Yes mother I need your help with something."

"That's fine but why did we have to meet here, while I don't care what you do with these slaves." Ista's mother commented while shooting the slave a disinterested look. "I would prefer we meet somewhere more comfortable."

"Preferably somewhere our more attractive and manly slaves can satisfy us while we talk." 

"I understand that mother, after all, father is useless and you only married since he is a coward who does everything you say while also having a decent nobility rank, however this is something that is best not spread around." Ista replied.

"And what about this trash?" Ista said while indicating the writhing slave on the floor.

Ista smiled viciously before saying, "I am relieving my anger on that trash, he is currently under the effects of one of my new spells, it just so happens to inflict dreadful pain on the subject while making them incapable of making a sound when screaming. Of course since he is here and will overhear our conversation he won't be allowed to leave this room alive."

Ista's mother nodded in approval before saying, "I see, but why stop there screaming? That's part of the fun of it, my daughter."

"I would agree with you mother if this was just a normal torture session." Ista explained. "However I needed to think while relieving my anger and it's hard to concentrate when a man is squealing like a pig and begging for their forgiveness."

"I understand, now what do you want my help with?" Ista's mother asked.

"I'm assuming you have already heard from father about my escapade at Suthuld's personal servant emporium?" Ista asked.

"I have heard what you told that spineless trash yes," Ista's mother replied. "Now why don't you tell me what really happened."

"Of course mother dear." Ista replied with a smile before explaining everything that actually happened at Suthuld's personal servant emporium.

"Ista you fool." Ista's mother suddenly snapped, surprising her daughter.

"Mother?" Ista asked in confusion.

"DO you even realize what you did when you had your spineless father report this to the city guards?" Ista's mother asked in anger.

"I was attempting to get him captured like I told you, then I would have him brought here to be my new plaything." Ista replied.

"Fuck, I have been to lax in my discipline of you, also your spineless fathers not daring to discipline you when you made a mistake and always giving you whatever you wanted did not help." 

"Don't you always give me what I want also, mother?" Istra asked back in confusion.

"Only when you have earned it." Ista's mother replied. "Have I ever given you something without having you earn it from me?" 

"But what about the slaves you let me torture?" Ista asked back.

"Have you really not realized why I only allowed you to torture and play with men and not women?" Ista's mother asked in exasperation. "I brought those men in specifically to teach you that men are not to be just blindly obeyed like our society would have you believe."

"I did not buy them for you to think that all men are beneath you and you can do whatever you wish to them."

"While the human race is generally controlled by men and they hold the most important positions with only a few women gaining a high position themselves, those men at the top all have one thing in common."

"A capable wife who stands beside them and advises them, that is why the current emperor and even our own king are so useless."

"But mother you have always shown great respect towards Queen Tinen, even when we speak of her privately." Ista asked.

"You are still not following, foolish child." Ista's mother replied with a sigh. "I do respect Queen Tinen greatly because she is a woman of exceptional skill, knowledge and cunning who knows what she wants and will do anything to get it."

"The reason I mentioned King Glador before was because he does not have Queen Tinen's support, she is merely using him and putting up with him until he has outlived his usefulness."

"As for the emperor, well he is useless because he only looks out for himself, while his wife, though I use that term lightly, is merely used as arm candy considering at the time of their marriage she was recognized as the most beautiful human woman in the world, however now that her beauty has faded slightly from age she is merely a breeding horse to him."

"What does all this have to do with that bastard?" Ista asked in confusion.

"It has everything to do with him stupid girl." Ista's mother retorted angrily.

"He is a man who dared to kill Kir-kin Suthuld and still escape while being surrounded by guards. Also let's not forget that the fact that not only Kir-kin Suthuld has died in the last forty-eight hours, there is also Yua Huang, Tai Paom and Bror Whitflare, also if my sources in the castle are to be believed princess Elurel Bhamon has also been killed."

"You can't really be suggesting that the bastard killed them all as well as princess Elurel can you?" Ista asked with surprise and rising concern.

"Not all of them, no as that seems impossible in the time frame." Ista's mother replied as she started to pace the stone room. "However, seeing that the description you gave me matches exactly with the one who apparently killed Tai Paom, we can guess that he did kill her also."

"As for Yua Huang and Princess Elurel, they both died in similar circumstances, they both had a hole in their head of similar shape and size. While I don't believe he killed them all, I do suspect he is a part of some group or organization that is responsible for all these killings."

"And now my daughter." At this point Ista's mother turned to face her daughter with pure rage on her face before SAYING ." You went and made an enemy of this man… this killer by having your spineless father report him to the guards. IDIOT GIRL, YOU MAY HAVE DOOMED THIS FAMILY."

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