God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 83 Teaching Self Defense

"That's correct though maybe the street is not the best place to discuss this." Third pointed out.

Tommy nodded before saying, "Follow me," As he led them towards the Forest rest.

"Tommy, who are these too?" Jue asked curiously after she saw he had returned.

"Some acquaintances who want to discuss work with me." Tommy replied.

 "Does the work involve torture?" Jue asked excitedly, making Tommy, Third and Ninth look at her strangely.

"Why do you ask?" Tommy asked curiously.

"Me and Tue have been theory-crafting the waterboarding technique you showed before and we have reached the point where we want to try it out on someone." Jue replied happily.

"Waterboarding technique?" Third asked.

"It's this type or torture technique Tommy showed us before that makes the victim feel like their drowning." Jue replied with excitement.

"Is there such a technique?" Ninth asked curiously.

"Why are you teaching these young women such a technique?" Third asked Tommy before turning to Jue and asking. "And why are you so interested in performing torture?"

"Why can't they be interested?" Tommy asked. "I'm sure you two started learning your craft when you were younger than they are now."

"Humph that's right, why can't I be interested." Jue replied. "Tommy saved me and my sister's lives and because of that we have both promised to support him for the rest of our lives."

"Wait you have?" Tommy asked in surprise.

((Oh fuck yeah, future threesome with the twins let's go, now we just have to add there big tittied mamma and that's the whole family bitch.))

"Of course." Jue nodded, "You saved me and Tue from that bastard so we have decided to support you from now on."

"I'm not really sure that's a good enough reason to support someone for the rest of your lives, but if that's what you have decided I won't stop you." Tommy said, making Jue smile happily. "However there are some things you both should understand before you fully commit to this life so go find you sister so I can fill you both in, also if your certain about this change into a set of clothes you don't mind getting dirty and sweaty in."

(( And fill you both up in the future kekeke.))


Jue's face turned red after hearing about getting sweaty with Tommy before she nodded and ran off to find Tue.

"Are you sure this is a wise idea?" Third asked.

"If it was before that bastard tried to rape them then I would have agreed with you as they where still to pure and innocent with Jue playing her silly pranks." Tommy replied. "However, now that they have witnessed the darker sides to humanity, learning to protect themselves would not be a bad idea."

"There's learning to protect themselves and learning the art of torture." Third replied in exasperation.

"It's their choice and I won't interfere if that's really what they want." Tommy replied calmly. "As long as they never use the skills they learn against me I am happy to teach them more, especially since they want to learn in the first place to help me."

Third sighed before waving her hand and saying, "fine, fine, at the end of the day it's none of my business. However I won't deny I am interested in what you plan to teach them."

Tommy shrugged before saying, "to begin with just some basic self defense and then depending on how quick a study they are we will go from there."

After a few minutes Jue returned with Tue and also her mother Merno, all of whom had changed into some basic clothes consisting of a t-shirt and trousers.

Though Tommy couldn't help but notice that the t-shirt's they were wearing seemed to highlight their ample cleavage, especially Merno's.

((Damn if the twins bodies fill out like their mothers then there will be three dangerous weapons living here.))

Tommy looked quizzically at Merno who smiled before saying, "I overheard Jue telling Tue that you were going to teach them something and since I have nothing to do since the Inn is still closed I figured I would join in."

"That's fine and it won't hurt for you to learn something new." Tommy replied.

"Are you sure it will be new to me?" Merno asked with a wink. "I was a successful adventure in the past, you know."

"I have no doubt that you were, I can tell from your posture that you trained in the past, though I'm guessing it's been a few years since you last trained." Tommy replied. "However trust me when I say that you will have never seen or heard about what I have to teach you."

"Oh, sounds interesting." Merno replied with slight excitement.

"What I will teach you first is first how to defend yourselves, of different self defense martial arts." Tony said to the three women.

"When you say martial arts, do you mean learning to fight with a sword or a dagger?" Merno asked.

"No, when I say self defense I mean these martial arts are designed to help you defend and defeat enemies that attack you, while they can be used to attack they were not originally created for that." Tommy explained. "Also all these martial arts that I will teach will be bare handed without a weapon."

"Defeating an enemy who carries a weapon bare handed is such a thing possible?" Jue asked.

"It is, while these martial arts do also teach combat with weapons, that's for more advanced users." Tommy replied. "As for teaching you more than the basics of these martial arts or about the art of torture, that will depends on how well and quickly you learn the basics, I won't waste my time on talentless people."

The women all nodded when they heard Tommy's comments and a fire started to burn on Jue and Tue's eyes to prove that they were worthy of his time.

"Have you ever heard of these martial arts Tommy speaks of?" Ninth asked Third.

Third shook her head before saying, "No, while I have heard of individuals who fought barehanded defeating those with a weapon, it was a rare case where the individual was far stronger and more experienced."

"Perhaps a demonstration would be in order." Tommy suddenly said.

"While I am far stronger than all of you here it will still serve as a demonstration." Tommy said before turning to Third and Ninth and asking, "might I borrow one of you for the demonstration?"

"What will you need us to do?" Third asked curiously.

"Simply attack me with a dagger or knife as if you mean to kill me." Tommy replied calmly, making them all surprised.

"I thought you said it was a demonstration?" Third asked.

"It is, the best demonstration is for someone to see what it looks like in actual combat before I explain how I defended myself." Tommy explained.

Third looked at Tommy for a moment, taking note of how calm he was before nodding and saying, "Very well."

After this Third moved away from the group slightly and pulled out a dagger and asked, "Is there any particular attack you want me to perform?"

"No, since we are just starting, let's keep it simple with a straight stab at my heart." Tommy replied as he moved to stand a few feet away from Third. "Make sure to watch closely, though I doubt you will be able to follow it all."

Tommy calmly turned to look at Third and waited for her to attack.

After a moment Third shot forward and stabbed directly at Tommy's heart with the intention to kill.

((Wow she's serious even though it's just a demonstration, not bad.))

Once the Third's right hand that was holding the dagger was within his reach Tommy's left hand shot out and grabbed her wrist before swiftly rotating it and using his arm to knock the dagger out of her hand as her grip weekend.

The other worm stained in surprise as they saw the knife drop to the ground with a clatter while Third rubbed her wrist slightly as she looked at Tommy in surprise.

"Did any of you manage to follow that?" Tommy asked after turning to the girls.

Jue and The shook their heads while Merno said, "It looked like you grabbed her wrist and twisted it before knocking the dagger out of her loose grip."

"That's correct, I'm impressed you saw it, I was worried your lack of training would have dulled your observation skills, however it looks like I was wrong." Tommy said to Merno who smiled and blushed slightly at the compliment.

"Let me demonstrate slower this time then." Tommy said as he picked up the dagger before handing it back to Third while saying." "This time attack me slowly so that I can demonstrate it to you all."

Third nodded before doing the same attacking move as before but in slow motion.

From behind a set of curtains covering an upstairs window a pair of beautiful eyes that had been watching the entire time also showed surprise before Fanya said with interest, "How interesting."

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