God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 84 Emperor Movim Etria

Tommy demonstrated the move again though this time at a much slower pace as he caught Third's wrist and twisted it before knocking the dagger out of her hand with his free hand.

"As you can see I first caught her wrist before twisting it, by putting pressure on her wrist and bending it in a direction it doesn't want to go her body will automatically loosen her grip on the dagger as a survival instinct, all you then need to do is knock the dagger out of her hand." Tommy explained. 

"I could have done this in multiple different ways from stealing the dagger and then counter attacking with it, to performing a throw so that her body gets flipped onto its back leaving her open for a counter attack."

"However these are all more advanced so I will teach you this after you learn this first move."

"Let's partner up, Jue and Tue go together while I partner up with your mother."

"Why does mum get to partner with you?" Tue asked with a pout that Jue mirrored while Merno shot her daughters a gloating smile.

"For the simple reason of body build." Tommy explained. "You two are twins so have the exact same body which makes you perfect for each other to train with, as for your mother her proportions are ….. Different so I will train with her, once you can repeatedly disarm your sister we will move the groups around so you can try it against someone of a different body size and shape."

As Tommy explained to Jue and Tue his reasons he could have sworn he saw Merno reveal more of her cleavage to him for a moment and then return to normal as if nothing happened except for a small flirtatious smile that now showed on her lips.

"What about us?" Ninth asked.

"Nobody is stopping you from training." Tommy replied.

"Won't you teach us as well?" Ninth asked.

"No." Tommy replied simply. "I only teach those I trust and care for." He added making the family of three smile.

Third and Ninth gave disappointed looks before Tommy added as if thinking out loud. "However, if you happen to overhear the advice and directions I give these three and learn something from it, what can I do?"

Third and Ninth smiled as they understood his meaning as Tommy started to train the three women while pointing out their mistakes and how to correct them.

From behind the curtains of a window upstairs a beautiful pair of eyes watched with interest.


"So Duke Shag lost the dagger I lent him that represents my authority." Said a handsome man with red hair who was dressed in fabulous clothing while sitting in what looked to be an expensively decorated room.

"That is correct Emperor Etria." A cloaked individual said in front of Emperor Movim Etria as he knelt on one knee.

The cloak covered the kneeling person entirely and you could only tell it was a man from their voice.

"Do we know where the dagger is now?" Movim asked the cloaked individual.

"It is in the possession of your sister Tinen Etria," the shadowy figure replied.

"How did my sister come to possess the dagger? Movim asked.

The cloaked individual was silent for a moment before he spoke in a slightly hesitant voice, "A member of Black Noir acquired it as part of their challenge to join the Nine Lives." After Which he went on to explain everything Third had told the Nine Lives members.

"Why was I not informed about this before now?" Movim asked in an angry tone. "Did I not place you in the Nine Lives for this very reason?"

"My apologies Emperor, it was a mistake on my part since I thought she would never succeed." The Cloaked Figure replied.

"And do you still think so now?" Movim asked.

"No Emperor."

"No indeed, I suggest you think of a way to return my dagger to me before I see no further use in keeping you alive." Movim said coldly.

"Yes Emperor." The shadow figure said before quickly disappearing.

"Damn." Movim cursed as he called a servant and ordered them to summon his son Ruco before he started to pace back and forth in the room thinking.

A few minutes later a knock came from the door so Movim stopped pacing and sat in a comfy chair before saying, "Enter."

A young handsome man who looked similar to Movim entered before saying in an annoyed voice, "You summoned me father?"

Movim frowned when he heard the tone of voice before asking, "Is that how I taught you to address your father and Emperor?"

"Of course not father, my apologies." Ruco said in a more polite tone.

"Better, now why do you seem so annoyed? You haven't run out of women surely." Movim asked since he knew very well that his son's favorite pastime was fucking beautiful women.

"No father, that bitch Tirma ran away to hide beneath aunts skirt, while I have received no new information about Princess Fayeth." Ruco replied.

"No information on that Elvin princess?" Movim asked in surprise. "That's rather strange considering how popular she is back in the elf nation, there is almost never a day you don't hear some story or tale about her, even for those like us who live on other continents."

"Indeed, that just goes to show how widespread the most beautiful woman in the world is." Rick said proudly.

"I have told you before that while Fayeth is indeed very beautiful, you can't say for certain that she is the most beautiful." Movim stated. "Also why are you acting so proud, she is not your wife and won't ever be unless you can find a way to win her over. After all, she always refuses your advances."

"It's only a matter of time father, after all how can she resist someone as handsome and powerful as I? Not to mention I will one day become Emperor." Ruco boasted proudly. 

Movim rolled his eyes before saying, "Claim that when you win her heart, and you're still a long way from sitting on my throne."

"I wonder what happened that caused her to stop appearing in the public eye."

"I have already contacted our spies in the Elf kingdom regarding this, however the Elf royal family is claiming that Fayeth is focusing on creating a new spell." Ruco said.

"That would explain it, if it's true that is. The creation of a new spell does require time, concentration and focus after all." Movim replied. "Still tell the men to keep investigating since it's strange that no one knew about this beforehand with how popular she is."

"Yes father, and what about Tirma?" Ruco asked.

"That's a bit more complicated since it involves my sister, especially after what I just learned and why I summoned you." Movim said.

"Oh?" Ruco asked curiously.

"It seems Duke Shag was foolish in lending the dagger I bestowed upon him to his brother and it has now been acquired by my sister." Movim said with annoyance.

"What?" Ruco asked in surprise. "Hold on, Duke Shag was stupid enough to lend the dagger that represents you and your power to his incompetent brother and now Aunt Tinen somehow has it?"

"That is correct." Movim replied before explaining. "It would seem that Breral was in transit back to Oakforest City when his carriage was attacked by a Jaguar. Both Breral Shag and his bodyguard were killed by the Jaguar before the carriage was looted by a young man who just happened to be passing by."

"Coincidence?" Ruco asked.

"Apparently." Movim confirmed. "There was a Black Noir member onboard the carriage who was attempting to steal the dagger for their Nine Lives challenge while pretending to be some sort of whore." 

"So what happened to this Black Noir whore?" Ruco asked.

"She escaped when the Jaguar attacked and then returned to loot the dagger after it had left, however the young man beat her to it. Eventually she called for assistance since this young man seemed rather skilled and Third of the Nine Lives helped her in making a deal for the dagger which she then handed over to my sister completing her challenge."

"Do we know why Aunt wants the dagger or intends to do with it?" Ruco asked.

"I'm not certain about this." Movim replied while shaking his head. "Tinen has been estranged from the family since father forced her to marry that idiot Glador."

"Father regretted his actions later in life and tried to make amends however as you know your aunt would have nothing to do with him. Even as he asked to see her on his deathbed she refused to come and also never came to his funeral."

"Still, what can she hope to gain from this?" Ruco wondered. "While the dagger allows one to act in your name, women are incapable of using it in that way, only men have the power to act on behalf of the emperor."

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