God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 86 Yulmu Tamura

"His crown is the most obvious choice." Third said.

"Not an option unfortunately." Tommy replied, shaking his head.

"Why not?" Third asked.

"Let's just say someone else who plans to hire me has plans for it." Tommy answered cryptically.

"I see." Third said as she mused over Tommy's words before saying, "Then something of personal value to him."

"Such as?" Tommy inquired.

Third shrugged before saying, "No idea, I don't know him well enough as I have never researched him, you're better off asking someone who knows the man, though I would suggest something he is known to treasure."


"Shit." Duke Dinroc Shag cursed allowed after ending a communication on his communication crystal.

"Bad news my lord Duke?" Dinroc's assistant asked.

"The emperor somehow found out that we have lost the dagger and even knows the whole situation of how it occurred." Dinroc replied with anger. "Now he expects me to claim Oakforest City without his assistance, retrieve the dagger and also increase the amount of tax we have to pay him once I gain control of the city."

"Have we heard back from those we sent to investigate that whore my brother took into his carriage?"" 

"Most of the teams have reported back that they have found no sign of her." Dinroc's assistant replied.

"Most?" Dinroc asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, one team has failed to report in." 

"That's suspicious." Dinroc replied as he tapped his finger on the desk before ordering, "Have the other teams continue the search while also searching for the team that failed to report in, I'm guessing they're lying dead somewhere."

"Yes my lord." Dinroc's assistant replied.

"Also ready my carriage as I now have to go to Oakforest City ahead of what I originally planned to remove Glador from power." Glador ordered before adding as his assistant bowed and turned to leave. "Have my concubine report to me."

The assistant nodded and left and after a few minutes a beautiful woman entered the room with a flirtatious smile before saying. "You're keen today Dinroc."

"How can I not be when I see you my dear." Dinroc replied before adding. "Pack a travel bag as you will accompany me as I travel to Oakforest City."

"Need someone to relieve the boredom of the journey?" Dinroc's concubine asked with a giggle.

"You know me so well." Dinroc replied.

"Might I ask why you want to go to that corrupt place all of a sudden?" The concubine asked.

"To claim ownership and the right to rule it my dear, the emperor is fed up with its current king and wishes for me to rule it properly." Dinroc replied proudly.

"And I'm sure you will my lord, you are the all powerful Duke Dinroc Shag after all." The concubine said as she licked her lips in a sexual way towards him.

"How right you are, and I will be sure to reward you personally as we travel my dear." Dinroc replied with a perverted smile.

"I can't wait, my lord." The concubine said as she turned and headed for the door while swaying her ass before as if remembering something she stopped and turned to him saying with her own perverted smile, "Make sure to bring 'that' my lord, as I so enjoy it when you use it on me during our sessions." After Which she shot him a wink before leaving the room.

Once the concubine returned to her room she locked the door behind her before the smile on her face changed into an evil smirk.

"So that bastard is finally making his move is he." She muttered to herself. "I should inform my queen that he is on his way to her city and that I managed to persuade him to bring the treasure my queen desires. It will be tough faking orgasms and enjoyment from having sex with him for so many hours straight, however it will all be worth it when I can claim my personal reward from my queen."

After saying so the concubine brought out a communications crystal before contacting her queen.


"Are you serious?" Tinen asked the communication crystal in both surprise and excitement.

"I am my queen." Dinroc's concubine replied respectfully from the other end.

"And you say he is bringing the feather with him?" Tinen asked hopefully.

"He is, I managed to fool him into thinking I like being touched by it while he attempts to fuck me." The concubine replied.

"Very good." Tinen said in a pleased voice. "I will be sure to reward you when this is over and that man is dealt with, Yulmu Tamura, think carefully about what reward you want."

"I would like to be able to service my queen personally." Yulmu asked in hope.

"I thought that was a given." Tinen replied before adding. "Think about what other reward you want, you have done me a far greater service than you realize and that should be rewarded."

"Thank you, my queen." Yulmu replied with excitement before ending the communication.

"YES" Tinen cheered loudly.

"Congratulations mother." Chelna said with a smile. "It would seem your dream might come true sooner than we thought possible."

"It is indeed very fortunate for you that one of your spies was able to locate a Caladrius feather so quickly, however might I remind you that even if you do assist Tommy in fixing his physical problem, he might not agree to have sex with you, as he said himself, only those he allows and respects can touch him." Tirma said in agreement.

"Do you really think a man who has a missing dick could refuse my beauty and body after he gets it back?" Tinen asked with a chuckle.

"In normal circumstances I would say no, however I agree with sister Tirma here mother and would remind you to be careful around Tommy and work on earning his trust instead of going straight for sex…. If you truly do want to be with him and not just feel a cock inside you." Chena advised.

Tirma thought for a moment before sighing and saying, "You two are correct of course, I must calm my desires until I am allowed to truly let them out lest I ruin my chances."

"Very wise mother." Chelna replied with a smile. "However please remember that even if your spie is bringing a Caladrius feather it won't arrive for a few days."

"I know what you're getting at my daughter and I will stick to our original plan, however I advise you two to quickly decide about Tommy." Tinen replied.

"What do you mean aunt?" Tirma asked curiously.

"I mean if you both also want to truly be with Tommy." Tinen explained. "Tommy is a man I see achieving great things in the future and that will naturally attract more women to him. You have to be certain that you're willing to share him with other women while not willingly allowing any other men to touch you because he is definitely the greedy and possessive type who does not like to share what is his." 

"What is he likely to do should we become intimate with another man?" Tirma asked.

Tinen shot Tirma a stern glance before asking, "Are you planning on doing such things?" 

"If possible I would like to keep my options open since I want to be able to be with who I want and I am still deciding on Tommy." Tirma replied.

"Then I advise you not to do anything with him until you are certain you want to be with him and only him. If you want to sleep with other men before him that is your choice however if you ever end up sleeping with Tommy you need to be ready to give up on any other men. As I said before he is the greedy and also possessive type where he will protect and cherish you while you're faithful and supportive of him."

"However should you ever be unfaithful and break that trust he will most likely kill you and the person you slept with."

Tirma and Chelna gulped upon hearing Tinen's explanation before Tirma asked, "But what if we are raped?" 

"He will most likely not blame you for that but instead go through the fires of hell to punish the ones responsible for your suffering, no matter their identity. That's the kind of man he is." Tinen replied.

"I see." Tirma replied thoughtfully.

"As I said, take your time as there is no rush since you're both still so young. If you want to taste other men before choosing Tommy, or if you want to choose someone else entirely that's your choice and I will support it. As the future empress and her recognized sister you won't have to worry about a political marriage or anything like that." Tinen advised.

"However let me warn you of one thing," Tinen said in a dangerous tone that neither of them had heard before, not even Chelna. "I have chosen Tommy Smith and should he accept me I will support him entirely. Given that, should any woman betray his love and trust by sleeping with another man behind his back for example, I won't try to protect them and will allow my love to deal with them as he sees fit, even if it's you two."

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