God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 87 Merno’s choice

Tommy relaxed in the bathtub out in the backyard of the Forest Rest.

Merno, Jue and Tue had all finished cleaning themselves earlier and informed Tommy that he was free to use the bath.

As he relaxed he heard some familiar footsteps approaching the door to the bathtub, although surprised Tommy didn't react much since he recognized who was approaching.

((Oh heck yeah baby.))

Soon the door was pushed open and Merno entered with only a towel wrapped around her highlighting her very ample cleavage before she closed the door behind her and turned to look at Tommy with a smile.

"May I join you?" Merino asked slightly bashfully.

"I don't mind, though, are you sure that's a good idea? I heard that bathing too much can damage your skin." Tommy replied.

"Just this once won't matter, though maybe I should consider bathing with you in the future." Merino replied flirtatiously before removing the towel and letting it drop to the floor revealing her ravishing body completely to Tommy.


((Oh my fucking god, her bod is perfect, is this because she trained when she was younger? Her proportions are even better than that celebrity we fucked in the past who was regarded as having the best body in the world.))

"Are you sure you're ok with me getting close, I know you don't like it." Merino asked as she leaned on the bathtub to highlight her ample cleavage.

"I don't like those I don't respect or trust getting close to me." Tommy replied while staring openly at Merno's body and amazing breasts.

Merino shivered slightly in delight as she felt Tommy's hot gaze examining her body.

Merino leaned in closer to Tommy while asking, "Does that mean you trust and respect me?"

"You have proven yourself trustworthy so far and I respect how you have managed to raise your daughters all on your own." Tommy replied.

Merno froze when she heard Tommy's response before showing a sad smile.

"Want to talk about it and get it off your chest?" Tommy asked before adding. "Get in, you will catch a cold if you stay out there."

Merno giggled before saying, "You just want to share the bath with a beautiful woman."

"You're not wrong," Tommy replied. "I have shared a bath with several women in the past, however I will admit that none of them had a body as good as yours."

Merno blushed when she heard the compliment before saying, "Flatterer, I'm sure you have been with many more attractive and younger women than me." As she slid into the bath and sighed after feeling the warm water.

"Younger, not more attractive." Tommy replied, "Where I am from the women don't compare to here."

Tommy wasn't lying, while not every woman on this world was beautiful like Merno or Fayeth, those that were beautiful were leagues ahead of what was found on Earth, Tommy could only speculate it had something to do with the magic on this world.

"How can that be?" Merno asked in surprise. "I am only common by most standards, that's why that bastard left me."

"You're in no way common at all," Tommy replied. "From all the women I have seen in this city since I have been here you rank in the top ten."

Merno blushed as the complement and smiled before saying, "No point in asking who the most beautiful is, that's obvious after all the whole world knows that."

"They do?" Tommy asked in surprise.

"You don't know?" Merno asked in surprise. "It's common knowledge, especially to men, that the Elf queen Ameria and her daughter Fayeth are the recognized most beautiful women in the world. All elves are beautiful or handsome, however the queen and princess are especially so."

Tommy nodded in understanding before Merno asked with interest, "Who is the second most beautiful woman you have met then?" 

"Queen Tinen." Tommy replied instantly without hesitation.

"Oh!" Merno replied with a smile before she asked teasingly. "Into mature redheads are you?"

"Yes to both." Tommy replied as he openly stared at Merno's large chest.

Merno shivered again at his look while her legs twitched slightly as she asked, "Want to touch them?"

"I think the question is do you want me to touch them, after all has any man ever refused you?" Tommy replied.

"Not so far." Merno replied before she started to move towards Tommy who suddenly held up a hand and said. "Wait."

Merno gave a confused look before asking, "Is something wrong?"

"Not at all, you just have to understand something." Tommy replied before explaining. "As I have told you before, Merno I am not a nice guy and because of that I am greedy and possessive. If you offer your body to me here and now I will take it and mark it as my property, I won't allow you to be touched by any other man, I and I alone will be allowed to touch you from that point on-wards with one exception." 

"What exception?" Merno asked curiously as her lust grew at Tommy's possessive nature.

"The other lovers I take, I have no interest in being a one woman man and plan to take many lovers in the future. If you can accept sharing me with other women, having group sex with me and other women as well as individual sex with just me in the future then proceed, otherwise back away now." Tommy declared before going silent and letting Merno make her choice as he continued to examine her body.

"Might I ask a personal question?" Merno asked hesitantly.

"You may." Tommy replied before adding. "Though I suspect I know what it is."

"Are you capable of having sex?" Merno asked.

Tommy was silent for a moment as he thought of how to respond before he finally said, "Not at the present, although I plan to fix that."

"Why not?" Merno asked again.

"Because I am currently incapable of getting an erection." Tommy replied.

"So you do have a penus?" Merno asked happily with slight surprise.

"What made you think I didn't." Tommy replied with a chuckle.

"From your questions before, about how to reattach or regrow body parts." Merno answered

"Understandable," Tommy replied before continuing. "Yes I have a penis and one I am quite proud of considering my looks if I may say so. My issue lies with my testicles."

"You have no testicles?" Merno replied in shock.

"Correct, because of that I am incapable of getting an erection." Tommy admitted.

((Damn this is fucking embarrassing.))

(She was going to find out sooner or later if she accepted, better to get it out in the open.)

((I know but it's still fucking embarrassing.))

"Where you not born with any…. Wait, that's not right you said before that you had sex with women in the past, that must mean something happened to them." Merno said.

Tommy didn't reply and just sat there indicating he wasn't ready to reveal that information.

"Are you aware of what you need to grow some new one's or do you need me to inform you?" Merno asked.

"I was able to find out I need a Caladrius feather, the testicles from some other individual and the assistance of magic users." Tommy replied.

Merno nodded before adding, "I will of course assist you in being one of the magic users and also obtaining the testicles, however I'm afraid I can't help with the Caladrius feather."

"Oh! How do you plan to help me get the testicles?" Tommy asked curiously.

"By removing them from somebody, how else?" Merno replied as if that was obvious.

Tommy looked at the women for a moment before saying, "Actually that would be a great help, I'm not sure I could obtain them myself because of certain reasons." 

"I would be happy to," Merno replied with a smile before she turned her body around and sat down with her back leaning against Tommys broad chest as she took his hands and placed them on her breasts."

"You understand what you just did right?" Tommy asked possessively.

Merno shivered in delight at Tommy's possessive tone before replying lustfully, "I just offered myself to you, I belong to you and only you from now on and I will share you with my daughters and any other women you bring into your harem." 

"Your daughters?" Tommy asked in surprise as he started to squeeze and grope Merno's large breasts. "You want to share the same man with your daughters?"

"Mmmmmmm, it's been so long since I felt a man's touch, too long." Merno moaned in pleasure before answering. "I know my daughters have fallen for you and want to be with you while you have shown that you care for them and will protect them. I am not so cruel as to deny my daughters what they want just because I don't want to share you with them. I just expect plenty of one on one time as well as our group fun in the future."

"I have no problem with that." Tommy said before he brought his teeth down on Merno's neck and bit into her with enough force to draw blood.

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