Going Into the World!

Chapter 165

7 volumes

“Sir, wait a moment. The store manager manages the original luxury items.”

The woman who was facing us graciously sought understanding and went into the back. The branch manager says he doesn’t know what he’s doing behind the scenes, but he’ll be out soon.

We are looking at the shelf and wondering if we should wait while we are shopping, but a middle-aged man in a luxurious suit comes out from inside after about a decade.

“I’m having a late lunch. What can I help you with?”

Late arrivals seem to make a ridiculous excuse, but it’s after 5: 00, and lunch.

“I’d like to buy a diamond ring, but I’d like you to show me something nice. I don’t really like what’s on display here.”

“Ah yes, but how much do you think it costs?”

Can’t you just shut up and show me? ‘

I muttered to myself. The Branch Leader is okay, but he pretends not to have much faith in his attitude. I was annoyed that she was trying to say the same thing from the beginning, whether she had no class or pretended not to know.

“If you have good things, don’t you buy them? I don’t have much time.”

“Yes, I am aware. But if you tell me your price range, I’ll show you the jewelry. We’re here to help you make your choice.”

The man rolls his eyes at Jennifer and me while looking at the dishes, stopping his eyes at the shopping bags in my hands. Honestly, Jennifer’s clothes and style aren’t cheap. However, because of the branded shopping bag in my hand, I think it’s cheap as wholesale gold.

“John, you don’t have to live today, do you? I told you, there’s something good in the house. Let’s go see a movie or a play.”

Jennifer looks at the distraction and grabs my hand. I guess I shouldn’t have wasted my time. I was annoyed at seeing the ring, too, but I want to punch you once when I see the face of the merchant who looks at me with laughter in front of me.

“Just take him.”

The branch manager looks at the ring that Jennifer uncovered as she grabs my arm and makes a slight laugh. I don’t know if I’m qualified, but it’s like, “Cheap ring? Why ‘d you call me? Why ‘d you have to deal with the janitor? I felt like saying. ‘

While I was hesitating for a moment, three men in suits opened the door. At this point, a man comes forward and greets one of the people who comes in. You seem to know each other.

“You’re not the director of the center. What brings you to our store?”

“Ah, never mind. I’m not here to see you. I’m here with some people from our headquarters.”

“Yes?! What’s that supposed to mean? What other business do you have in our store?”

The branch manager looked around, confused as if he didn’t understand what he was talking about, and one of the two people who came in with the warden approached me.

“Chairman, there you are. My name is Mark and I work in the LA area of Trizec. This is Neil, the lawyer.”

Mark shakes hands with a group of men, and Eric steps out of the back and tells me what’s going on.

“We were supposed to meet at 6: 00, but they came early and looked around the building and met. I recognized one of us, told him you were here, and he came here.”

Looking at the clock, it’s already 5: 40. I was supposed to meet up with the Tribec Representatives at 6: 00, but since I came in here to glorify, it’s been 20 minutes of my time. I had a complaint that I didn’t know.

“By the way, this shopping center doesn’t seem to be operating properly. You gave me the wrong shop, in a place with such a good neck. This is going to cost you a fortune.”

“What do you mean?”

Mark’s group asks if they don’t understand me.

“It’s been 20 minutes since I’ve been in here, and I haven’t seen anything yet. As far as I’m concerned, this place is going to take about five to 20 percent of its revenue, so if you run a store like this, it’s a huge loss to the shopping center. You have to choose your tenants well.

“Yes?! You haven’t seen anything in 20 minutes?”

In addition to the fixed rent, when renting in large shopping malls, particularly those in central Hollywood, there is also a certain percentage of monthly sales. Particularly good locations right in front of the theater, such as here, are usually contracts of this nature. Of course, the percentage depends on the margin.

If I bought a $300,000 ring today and I agreed to give 10% of the premium jewellery store contract to the mall, the department store would have lost $30,000. That’s why I’m throwing a tantrum to attract a good store.

“No, what’s going on?”

The warden asked the branch manager as if everyone’s gaze was directed at the branch manager. The two of the warden and the object, Eric, Jennifer and Jennifer, are so overwhelmed by the embarrassment in the face of the store manager.

Perhaps, given the mood, I feel like I’m something important, but I haven’t quite figured it out yet.

I said, “No, it’s not. He came by unannounced and asked me to show him rings that cost over 150,000 dollars. The originally expensive items…”

The manager is starting to notice as he speaks, but it seems that people don’t have a lot of empathy, so he blurs his tail.

“What?! $150,000? You didn’t show me because I told you to? Phew.”

Mark, who came out of the triangle, laughs in a dazed expression. Since you agreed to meet me today, you seem to recognize me in a different way. No. Maybe Eric told you.

“Tony, this is the new owner of the building. Before we sign today, I’m here to take a look at the Hollywood and Highland Center. It won’t be easy to do business here in the future. What if the boss finds out?”

“Yes?! I’m buying this building!”

“This time, the shopping center, theatre, and hotel all have changed owners.”

“Is that true?”

The branch manager raised his voice as if he could not believe it. The shopping center has been very talkative since it was built, so articles have been published on the newspaper from time to time. Some people know that it costs more than a billion dollars to build.

In fact, the reason I’m here today is to first hang out with Jennifer, and second to explore the shopping center here as a property.

The ‘Hollywood and Highland’ centre was originally known to have spent $600 million in real estate development over the years by a property management company called ‘Project’. It was also a very large project that invested $100 million in underground parking in Los Angeles.

Expecting the commerciality of ‘Hollywood’, the ambitious plan to attract foreign and foreign tourists, as well as the region, cried from the beginning of the construction. I was almost finished at the end of the Passover, but I literally sat down with a huge 9/11 that exploded around the time of opening.

Immediate air travel did not attract tourists from abroad. The aftermath of 9/11 was hard for Asian and especially Japanese tourists who expected to spend money on many luxury stores entering the shopping center.

Moreover, in a $100 million investment, people in the LA area turned their backs on parking costs of $10. Luckily, it’s a shopping mall built on top of a subway station, so people come here to do business in the United States, but not just on the subway.

Originally, these development projects were not 100% of their own money. The money I borrowed from the Tribec is worth 100 million dollars, but instead of repaying the money I borrowed now, I would have tens of millions of dollars less every year if I went out like this. Of course, I also bought the fundamentals of the investors, but they were so messed up that I couldn’t even see them.

Tribeck, a real estate company specializing in office buildings, said he had no experience with this mall, especially a very large mall. After 9/11, he opened it with a ‘still not possible’ emotion, but after a tough result during the shopping season, things got worse and he went out looking for a new buyer. I was the one who said, “Ta-da!”

Once built, the theaters here compete for their names in several places with over three thousand large theaters built for the Academy Awards Ceremony. I was about to sign a temporary contract from Kodak to “Kodak Theatre,” but I wanted to be called “Johnstone Theatre.”

Polygram, Warner Music, Johnston Theatre, and Johnstone Shopping and Entertainment Center in Hollywood seemed to fit together.

I’ve already done some research through experts, but since this is the first investment of the new Johnstone Real Estate Company, I’ve come here today to play with Jennifer and see for myself.

Looking around today, there seems to be a lot of problems, but instead, we are really on a ‘hit’ sale. $300 million less than half the investment and $50 million in loans. If the shopping mall is going well, it’s not a bad price.

“Haha. I think the manager made a mistake here. I’ll take care of it myself.” I know the owner, but I’ll see you soon. You, too. Apologize. ”

The center warden stands up and tries to mediate on the misconduct of the store manager. The warden doesn’t seem to know exactly who I am, and frankly, I don’t meet with the president who owns a few of those little jewelry stores. I’d pretend to be rich elsewhere, but for me, it’s just a hole in the store.

“Yes! I’m so tired, I must have made a mistake. I’m sorry.”

The embarrassed branch manager apologized badly, but I didn’t want to cause any more trouble.

“Khh-hmm. I’m just angry because I feel a lack of service when it comes to my guests. But people can make mistakes, so let’s skip today.”

“Yes! Thank you. If you have a moment, I’d be happy to take you.”

On the other hand, when I turn my head, the couple who treated me as a fraud look at me with curious eyes and when they meet me, they do something else while keeping their heads down.

I would say it was the same as before, but there was a lot of difference between the branch manager, that couple, and me, so it was more “compassion” than “fighting heart.” Phew, I feel like I’m fighting with my kids.

“John, didn’t you come to hang out with me today? All of a sudden, you’re buying a shopping center?”

Jennifer takes a chance on the curious look on her side. He seems angry that the sharp spots on his face deceived him as if he came out to play.

“Haha. You’re right. And I actually brought her here to pick out an office for you. Now that we’re married, Jenz has to move closer to San Francisco, but where’s a better place than here? In Hollywood’s central shopping district, design shops are easy to find.”

“You’re right. So you came here on purpose for my office?”

Jennifer gets mad at my description in no time. He asked me about the San Francisco office a few times before, and he promised me I’d look into it.

“Of course. It’s for you. I came here to look around myself. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have bothered to come all this way. Just get someone to do it. I took a really hard step today because of you. You know?”

“Phew. You’re absolutely right.”

As I proudly shake my chest, Jennifer grins and grabs my arm.

“Next time, go upstairs and pick out a space that you want to use and decorate it. And if you have a decent store here, you can have it anywhere. I’ll take yours off for you.

If you want, you can do the fashion show from the theater and the stage upstairs. It used to be somebody else’s building, but now it’s ours, so you’re on your own. ”

“Really? So now we can have an event anytime?

“Of course. Whatever you want. Mark, didn’t you say the building behind this center was a real estate item? How long was it?”

“Yes? Yes. That’s right. That’s 50 million dollars.”

During the conversation, I suddenly remembered, and Mark replies.

“You hear that? If you run out of space later, you can buy more. This center is for you.”

“Heheh. Then we’ll see more later. I was just shopping, so I didn’t see much else.”

Jennifer was excited when I asked her to use the offices, necessary stores, theaters and event halls. San Francisco may be a big city, but to be honest, it’s only rural in fashion. The building where Jens is currently located is only a place to rent at the beginning of the fitness center, so the space is very small now.

New York, LA, and Las Vegas are the top three fashion cities. Jens is finally home to fashion, and frankly, none of the companies have their own shopping centers in offices, large theaters and fashion stores. All that remains is Jens’ leap. Jennifer, who is interested in my explanation, is unlikely to dislike it. Besides, where’s a girl you don’t want your boyfriend caring so much about?

She smiles delightfully at Jennifer’s smile and excited voice, but feels a little too quiet.

What’s he talking about? ‘

I looked around and there was a look on everyone’s faces, but the manager and the woman were frozen with their mouths slightly widened.

I hurriedly looked back. There was a couple who laughed at me, and they also showed a strong expression of embarrassment on their faces, but they didn’t react much when they met me. Suddenly, the children became bold.

However, the mark and lawyer of the object in front of me, Neil, and the warden next to him, also have a slightly odd look on their face. I didn’t understand for a moment, so I gestured to Eric and called out to him.

[Eric, people don’t look so good.]

[Oh, well, that’s what you guys were talking about.]

What’s the problem?]

[No, it’s not a problem. I tell them to pick whatever store they want. It felt like a joke. And the event hall here costs 100 million dollars to build, so when you talk about it, it’s like a playground. That sounds unrealistic.]

Oh, is that what it was? ‘

I understand the look of madness, but I heard that there are almost 80 office-spacing places in this store, so even if you take off about 10 Jennifers, it’s more than that for me.

Besides, for whatever reason these guys invested $700 million, all I had to do was give them $300 million out of my pocket, and I felt good enough to take it all and pick something.

“John, let’s get out of here. They’re waiting.”

Jennifer grabs my arm like she’s running out of time. I feel an excited voice.

On your side, you flick the rotten corpse at the bruisers behind you and take a step outside. I was childish to fight with children, but I was originally obsessed with ‘small’ rather than ‘big’. Heh heh.

Artwork Reviews

The annual Academy Awards Ceremony will be held in one location, with the Hollywood & Highland Center being opened in November 2001 and nesting in the accompanying Dolby Theatre.

The Dolby Theatre was a very large 332-seat theater with the Academy in mind at the time of its construction, and heard of $93 million.

The Hollywood and Highland Center, as the text says, is a very large project with a total cost of between $500 and $600 million (excluding the LA investment cost of $100 million), and it was the beginning of the development of this area, and the city and management firms continue to shake hands with it, and it gets very turbulent from the start, and eventually gets knocked down.

When Steve Sackwa, a Marylynchi real estate analyst, said at the time, “All of the things that could have gone wrong did.” The main cause was one of the main causes of inexperienced objects that dominated office buildings when they were struggling to get investment funds quickly.

For example, in a subsequently conscious city, we went from 10 dollars to two dollars, and all of a sudden, the revenues from the vacant parking lot over the years jumped more than twice and made people scratch their heads. There’s no place to park, day or night. The city’s idiots are blind to greed, and the city’s early tablecloths continue to insist on $10, and they’ve lost millions of dollars in parking.

In fact, in 2004, Trizec, a developer, raised his hand to make a declaration of surrender, a company in the LA area, and laughed at the surrounding CIM Group that experienced hotel and shopping mall/entertainment villas for only $200 million in full cash, making and selling them for $200 million.

In 2002, there were so many cheaply priced properties all over the place…

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