Going Into the World!

Chapter 166

7 volumes

Mark and his attorney, Neil, explained in detail and took a tour of the shopping center as a guide to the Complaint.

Jennifer walks around carefully, saying that she’s going to work every day, which scares the warden a little. Even after my acquisition, most of the associates in the Complaint and Center would remain with the building, so I sweated to match Jennifer’s criticism. I always thought he was cute and funny, and now he knows how to make people sweat.

Jennifer liked it, and I came back with a $300 million bargain as the first place to invest in a company called Johnstone Property Holdings.

As a result of later discussions, Jens and Lulemon have decided to relocate some of the vacant offices and stores on the second floor, but this time they have also decided to replenish their workforce. It is now expected that the Johnstone Group will naturally be synergistic in fashion with a reputation for film and music.

The Fijik 57 Club also took the other side of the floor, and decided to head to San Francisco as its headquarters. The three companies in Johnstone Living all settled in the Hollywood courtyard at the heart of the Hot Trend, so they made plans to hit advertisements with big publicity and TV shows when they moved in.

The idea was to change the name of the Hollywood and Highland Center. The Johnstone Living and Johnstone Entertainment Centres competed and agreed to accept the latter’s opinion that it was better. The reason was that there was a “Johnstone Theatre” at the Academy Awards Ceremony, and entertainment was more suitable because they planned to host events such as fashion shows here.

In the future, there were also experts who advised that it would need to be developed into a relaxing and entertaining area where many people could come and enjoy it.

Separate from the time the Johnstone Group moved in, the announcement of the director of Johnstone Living was rather an enthusiastic welcome for employees.

Designers and club instructors, mostly young, loved moving to the heart of fashion. Jennifer says everyone’s excited to go.

My mother used to say this when I was little. In these words, my father would always keep his head down.

“Hey, you know your dad can’t move to Gangnam because he’s not comfortable going to work, right? If your father didn’t disagree at the time, we wouldn’t live like this either. Land is the best place to make money.”

My grandmother, who has been in the food business for a long time, also has her own knowledge. It’s just that it’s not about food, but something else, and she always says the same thing.

“I made money because I bought the restaurant. If I had rented out a restaurant back then, I probably wouldn’t have bought you guys a house. Buildings are the best way to get rich.”

Taken together, this is a kind of belief in land, buildings and real estate. When my family, who lived opposite Yeon-hee-dong in Gangbuk and the wealthy neighborhood, thought about trying to escape, but I could not move to Gangnam because of my father’s laziness and restlessness, which I saw as’ visionary designation. ‘

Why “visionary naming”? If I’d lived in Gangnam, I’d have raised my price and touched the penny, but what would I have to do to catch a live rabbit? Everyone wants to believe that my father was inspired to touch something. Well, as a result, it was the right choice.

After all, it worked out well, but in my parents’ generation, there may not be many people who lived in Seoul and didn’t have the opportunity to invest in Gangnam land or an apartment. If he knew he was going up, he would have bought it out of debt.

Seeing as I inherited that one, I’m a little obsessed with the ground. So I don’t know if it’s the largest building in the world just by looking at the ground.

Famous European families have buried land and buildings everywhere. Even in the East and the West, I believe that there must be real estate to complete “Johnston Gimganee.”

I instructed Director Crimson and Human Resources to recommend real estate experts, and directed the purchase of $40 million New York Palace hotels and other redevelopable buildings or land, first followed by Johnston Entertainment Center. The New York Palace Hotel is famous for its old-fashioned look like the mansion of European aristocrats, and for some reason it has appeared on the market in 20 years.

[While Warner Music’s Jay Tunes is causing a thunderstorm and is causing a tectonic shift in the record market, he picked up a card called ‘Up to 30% price reduction’ from Universal Music that was leading up to last year.

Consumers are confident that most of the CDs sold for $17-19 will be available starting tomorrow at $12.98, and that these price reductions will drive many customers away, according to Jacques Horowitz.]

Universal Meat Measures, Priceless Revenue Reduction >

[Universal music, which was named industry faggot for a billion dollars last year, has suffered tremendously this year. When Warner Music, who was last in the race, came out in a splendid fashion ahead of Jay Tunes and declared himself number three on the EMI record, he was busy with Universal and Sony.

Sony is currently experiencing major difficulties with the application of rapid anti-piracy technology to the CD, while universal music is at a discounted price. However, as a universal, if new customers don’t arrive after this action, revenue is expected to drop by more than 80% this year.]

“Oh, and these guys. Come on, no matter how they roll their heads, there’s no way they can do it. Virgil, Virgil, you’re out of good times. Now that you’ve done well, it’s time to step back.”

As soon as I came to work in the morning, I put my tongue on the article in the newspaper that I picked up, and I called out to Universal. ‘If new customers don’t arrive, this year’s revenues drop by more than 80%’ was particularly prominent, and I see that if there are fewer customers, they will decrease and never increase.

I called a meeting this morning to make sure things were going well, but fortunately, everyone was in LA, so I was able to gather them quickly.

“It’s nice to have everyone together like this. How’s everybody doing? Is it worth it?”

I made my first statement and looked around at the people sitting in the conference room. Mr. Kunio, President of Warner Music, is Polo’s Head of Planning, Polygram and Marble, and is temporarily the President of Johnstone Entertainment.

“Everything we do is on a cruise. The newly planned services have seen significant increase in sales with success. In particular, as the advertising effectiveness was demonstrated through Google and Myway, the price of advertising units paid by businesses increased greatly. This year, I think this advertising revenue will increase by more than 50%.”

Polo opens his mouth first and makes me smile.

“Polygram made its first profit in distribution last year by distributing Pixar’s ‘monster’. Perhaps this year, when the film really begins to come out, it will definitely take place. And we’re moving faster than we thought, so Spider-Man’s coming out in June. I’m sure this is going to be a hit.”

“Glad to hear it. By the time Spider-Man is released, there will be huge promotions on Google, Myway and J-Tunes. Let me show you exactly who we are this time!”

I clenched my fist unknowingly. It’s been a long time since I bought a film company, and I’ve heard the good news since I was less supportive than other businesses. Now, if this works, the modifier “succeeds in everything.” Previously, it was a little short because of the polygram.

“Of course. I’m proud to be the head of planning for the Johnstone Group. I expected it when I first came in, but it’s more than I expected. Last year, the Johnstone Group and the present are all very different. It’s going to be different this year.”

“Me, too? I hesitated on your offer, and I was excited to see the polygram normalized. As a group, I’m most excited to be able to produce great works because you have enough money to fund them. I can show you something sooner.”

Kunio expressed his gratitude in succession. I made some investments. I’ll give you the money. I need you to face me.

“You don’t have any questions about Warner Music, do you?”

“Should I just skip it? Haha. You know, Jay Tunes is swimming the ground, but he’s also working on traditional CD markets and marketing. Specifically, we are focused on obtaining sound for the acquisition of star singers and achieving the 10 million catalog that you promised us. I will definitely achieve my goals before the end of the summer.”

“Somehow, the main company of the Johnstone Group has become Johnstone Entertainment. It’s the biggest company value today. Phew.”

Suddenly I had the wrong idea, and when I said it out loud, I felt a little weird, not wrong. My professional Internet company has just turned into a ‘playing’ company.

“Huh? I guess you’re right.”

“Really. Phew.”

“Well, we’re the leaders of the Johnstone Group.”

I agree with the three of them as if they are true, but they all tilt their heads.

“You saw the article this morning. We’ve had a sale on Universal Music, what are we going to do?” I asked Brandt about the morning articles.

“We will also be lowering the sound recording price from current $11.99 to $9.99. They’ve lowered the price as much as they can this time, so it must be hard. However, even if we drop to $9.99, our sales will not continue to be significant.”

“That’s good, isn’t it inconvenient to post the sound recordings on J-Tunes?”

“Yes, but one encouraging thing is that as sound recordings continue to rise, so do traditional songs. Joining and selling overseas in J-Tunes has also increased dramatically.”

When a song is uploaded to J-Tunes, the music source is blocked by ‘Music Shield’, so that people listening to the song around the world will no longer be able to download the song. Pop songs are blocked from being sold around the world, with a higher proportion of international sales for existing songs. I didn’t think about it, I just assumed it would make some money overseas.

“Well, that’s a shame. This is a different kind of man.”

“I don’t know. So I’m going to do some localization work on J-Tunes. First, we will start with French, Russian, German, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish.”

“That’s a great idea. Drive.”

There were more good opinions during the meeting. Brandt seemed to be making various attempts and efforts to show that Warner Music’s success was not only in the work of Jay Tunes, but also in his own right.

In particular, I have researched reasonable data in my own way. As of 2000, music purchases in their 20s amounted to 46% of total record sales and 67% in their 30s. To attract more than 20% of record buyers to iTunes, they proposed the development of a ‘JTunes Express’ manager aimed at collaboration.

At J-Tunes Express, we wanted to eliminate the complex functionality young people use and create a program to solve everything with just a few clicks. Of course, the comment was to upgrade to the normal user program if additional functionality was needed. That’s a good idea. Surprisingly, the purchase of records in their 40s is nearly 20%. I then ordered the J-Tunes strike team to be at least 85% of all ages.

“Ah, it’s hard to make real money, too. By the way, isn’t this turning into a Johnston Entertainment Specialist? It’s funny no matter how much you think about it.”

When I came back to my office, I thought about what I said earlier, and once again I analyzed the impact in my mind. Last year alone, I was recognized as a company related to computers such as the Johnstone Internet, Johnston Silicon Valley, and when I look at the Octopus Initiative, I tend to mix images a little bit.

It’s a little hard on my mind, but of course I don’t give up. As soon as it’s urgent, there’s Johnstone Energy. What about Johnston Sports? Do I have to run a table?

Artwork Reviews

Between 2000 and 2002, record sales in the United States were down 15 percent.

Finally, on September 4, 2003, Universal, which took control of 30% of the US record market, judges the cause as illegal replication and high prices, and undertakes a substantial price drop of up to 30% as stated in the text. But it’s already too late to turn the tide.

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