Going Into the World!

Chapter 232

10 volumes

Following a meeting in New York last time, Director Lizzie agreed to assist with a planned ‘surveillance system’ by the Department of Homeland Security.

Taking sides is unlikely to make me hate the other, but I’m afraid of maggots. ’That doesn’t make any sense. Especially since I’m not that short-sighted.

I got on the same boat anyway, but Director Lizzy couldn’t help but notice my convenience. I called and asked him a few questions, and he said he would help me if things were going well with Gaddafi.

According to Director Ridge, Iraq’s security is getting worse rather than more stable, so it is unlikely that it will take a stern stance in Libya.

Even so, President Bush said it would be difficult to persuade the government unless he took a forward-looking stance.

President Bush was able to follow his own principles, clarifying the need for Kadafi to enter first. It’s my turn to do it. Of course, only if the fruit is sweet.

Once I decided to meet with Kadafi, the head of Jason’s Intelligence team was busy. I had to gather and analyze relevant information.

I was thinking of returning to the United States soon when this happened, and I asked Thomas to take care of it quickly, and within a few days he brought me a thick report. He also scheduled a meeting date.

Cardafi’s Secret

[After a military revolution at the age of 27, he has driven foreign capital, nationalized infrastructure including oil companies, roads, ports and aviation, and has driven large-scale genetic development and large-scale domestic development businesses including Libyan aquifers to drive economic development policies to get out of Africa’s poorest countries.

I firmly believe that I was born with a destiny to be a great person by being overconfident over time. The Great Person is obsessed with objects ( ) and strong energy, obsessed with the wrong idea that everything should be strong. I once bought a French Penis Expansion Kit, overdosed on Viagra daily, and was known to sleep with four to five women at a time.]

Looking at the X files from the information team, I think dictators are all similar. In the end, they fall into idolatry or self-awareness. Gaddafi lives in his own world with little interaction with the outside world, and he eventually focuses his energy on women. Human beings also need proper control.

Hehehe, hehehehe…

“What are you smiling at?”

I haven’t seen the size of Kadafi’s things, but it’s not funny what French props he buys and makes up for it. She smiles at the effort, but Eva looks curious when she comes into the office.

“This? It’s about Kadafi. He’s a real goat, too.”

You show Eva the comedic side. Eva also reads quietly and smiles awkwardly.

“I don’t know why men do it. It’s big… Haha! “

Eva looks at me and smiles, instead of talking. It’s because I look a little creepy.

“” This guy’s obviously got a problem with confidence. I don’t know why everyone I meet these days is so crazy. Obviously, if I stay in Europe long enough, I’ll turn into a freak. We better get out of here… Tsk, tsk. ”

“Tsk, you’re not a cheater either?”

She kicks me in the tongue, and Eva gives me a little pinch and puts her hand on my chest. However, unlike what I said, I felt relieved because my face was full of affection.

“Me? Cardafi, Berlusconi, Syrac, Shredder. Look at these people! You’re not treating me like a wholesaler with these people, are you?”

“Why do you compare to people like that?”

“Haha. Is that so? By the way, Viagra addiction… you don’t need Eva, do you? When I hear a sound or a face, I think I’m satisfied with my body’s ability. Aren’t you?”

When I saw this playing in the mud, I was a little bitten too. I don’t usually crack jokes like this, but Eva says, “Why do you say such a colorful thing? ‘I have a grudge.

It looked good again, so I grabbed my body and sat on my knee. Eva’s body is dragged in front of me.

“Ahhh! It’s still daylight…”

“So you don’t like it?”

Sitting on your knees, you place your hands on the soft thighs between the dried skirts. As I go up the stairs, I feel a hot spot on my fingertips, and Eva twists and groans. As my mouth’s tail dries up, I get a nasty smile.

As I stretched my hands in secret, Eva’s pull made me feel stronger. Eva found my lips and shoved her tongue in, but I can feel the hot breath on her face. I squeeze my hand tightly against my thigh as I squeeze my butt above my knee.

While exchanging saliva with my tongue, I felt sticky things sticking out of my fingers that I put into my panties. The chubby one below looks down.

When I thought Eva enjoyed my relationship with me, I suddenly felt proud and pressed between the valleys like an open palm. Eva tightly embraces me, twisting my back to my actions.

“Ugh, let’s go inside. It’s a little bit like that around here.”

As I peel off my panties and look inside my skirt, I shyly slightly push my cheeks and then reject them. Sabrina knocks, “Don’t come in! ‘I have to shout. Of course, my assistants don’t come into the office without a reason. I did not normally instruct them to do so.

“Why? Isn’t this more thrilling? All right, all right.”

I gave him a joke, and I held Eva in my arms with a glance. If it’s “power,” I’ll do my job. Gaddafi, who lacks confidence, eats Viagra Seal on the basis, and I yell at women without it. It’s written all over Eva’s face. Heh heh.


“Welcome, Chairman Kim.”

“Thank you for your hospitality.”

When I get to the airport, Kadafi comes out to greet me. It’s a visit from the countryside, but I’ve decided to handle it quietly at my request. I shook hands for a moment and then drove to the presidential palace in a car. Since Gaddafi has studied in the UK, he can communicate with English as much as possible.

I entered the presidential palace in Tripoli, having been ruled by Italy for some reason, but somehow it seemed to resemble a Roman style.

Surprisingly, I know it’s a lot of money, but it’s not very glamorous. However, among the art that was hanging in the hall, I saw the paintings of the painter who knew my name, and I realized that the content was more familiar than the outside. If I knew any painters, I’d say very famous people. I don’t know much about art.

In the presidential palace, I met Sif, the second son, and Ajay, the only daughter of the seventh brother. Ajay probably had white skin and white blood. Libya has long been ruled by Italy and shares the Mediterranean with Europe, which means they often look vague.

“Thank you for inviting me, but I’d like to take care of it first. I don’t even know you, to be honest, but I’m very curious as to why you suddenly have a seat.”

“Haha. You’re a young man, and you’re in a hurry. If you’re curious, I’ll do that. I don’t like to tolerate it either.”

Having a cup of tea, I quickly got to the point after talking about Libya and my business. I had some expectations, but I wanted to hear the reason for the invitation in person, so if you called me with nothing, you don’t have to waste your time.

Kadafi may be king here, but he’s nothing but a man to me. Of course, if it would help my business, I’d be happy to fit in.

“I know you’re a big company, by the way, and I’m very curious about how you get along with so many generals.”

Gaddafi stares at me, suddenly asking a descriptive question. As Director Jason said, he saw the opening of the center on TV. And he’s like, “I want to know this. ’.

“In my hotel in New York, I’m sponsoring a meeting for military officers. I have a personal friend who also chairs a military gathering. Of course, there are a lot of people on our board of directors. In the Johnstone energy you mentioned, there are four generals across the four stars.”

“Four? ”

A surprising caddie. Cadaphy, who was only a lieutenant when he launched the coup, seems to have some trauma to the stars. There are four 4-Star Generals, but he is too surprised. Regardless, I look forward to getting things done quickly and say what I need to say.

“I think it’s time to clear the past and open a new era. I want to have a strong relationship with the West as well as with the United States, and I hope Chairman Kim will help me a lot. Of course, if you work hard for Libya, I will thank you separately.”

“Thank you separately… I need to be more specific. This is not a typical business, so I would like to hear your opinion first.”

I’m telling you, Gaddafi looks at his son who was betrayed by him. Unlike his ex-wife’s firstborn, the information is true that his wife’s second son, Sif, is Kadafi’s right-hand man.

“I hear Chairman Kim is interested in the oil business at Johnstone Energy. If you help us, we’ll help you develop Libyan oil resources. We can give you priority development in the Southeast, where the most active exploration takes place. There are also 6: 4 striking conditions for profit distribution when developing.”

“6: 4 in the Southeast?”

Although I’m an outdoorsman on oil, I know the 6: 4 condition is pretty good because I’ve been studying urgently on related businesses over the past few days. Usually Libyan state oil companies have more than 80% placenta.

Moreover, the Southern region is home to the majority of Libyan heritage. We’ll have to do a thorough due diligence, but if we give priority to one area of the egg valley, three or four photovolts should be easy to develop.

Libyan oil is as good in quality as North Sea brandy and is currently trading at $30 per barrel. Reports show that the unit price is also low from $5-15, leaving $20 per barrel of egg.

Assuming you produce 200,000 barrels a day, the profit margin is 1.4 billion dollars a year, which is less than $600 million if you eat 40 percent.

“What the hell, did I miscalculate something? ‘

It usually produces between 100,000 and 200,000 barrels in a single mine, and if three are developed and 600,000 barrels are produced 365 days a year, that’s only $1.8 billion. Excluding the other costs, the remaining net income would be about $1.5 billion.

“What’s wrong?”

As I frowned, Syph, the son of Kardafi, made a face that he couldn’t understand, and he confidently suggested that he was a striking condition, but not to me at all.

The finance team estimates that Johnstone Group will have an estimated net profit of around $16.5 billion over the next year. Maybe in a few more years, 20 billion dollars will surpass that.

It only cost 1.5 billion dollars to come all the way to Libya and seriously worry about whether to use “connections with Director Ridge.”

Director Lizzie was never the one making the move for free anyway. Moreover, if Johnstone Energy enters the oil business, there will be people who will pay for it, but there is a lot that Libya can coordinate because it is still the right country.

When his head got complicated, it looked like he had wrinkles on his forehead. Gaddafi and Syph stare at me. I’m asking you to tell me quickly what the problem is.

“As you may know, the Johnstone Group is doing business in the United States, across Europe, Korea and China. However, this year’s estimated net income is about 20 billion dollars in the United States alone.”

You’re both surprised by what I’m saying. You may have been familiar with the Johnstone Group, but it is not a publicly traded company, so it is difficult to find out about sales or net profit.

You only know it’s a big company, but you’ll feel it when you hear the specific numbers. I blurted out a few numbers, and I’m not lying very much because it’s going to be around next year anyway.

“If you look at the proposal, even if you develop two to three mines over the course of a few years, it’s only going to be between 10 and 2 billion dollars a year, at most. I think I have too much work to do to do that. Do you understand?”

“Ah, yes. Until then…”

Syph’s face turned from surprise at first and now from embarrassment. He twists his tongue in his mouth, not responding properly, and talks rashly. Immediately, I looked at my father with an embarrassing look on my face.

Given the situation, your son seems to have used his head to call it a charming offer in his own way, but he was embarrassed because he was rejected before he even got on the negotiating table.

“If the reason you called me here is to forge friendship, it’s too much. But if you ask for reconciliation with the United States, the story changes.

I would like to personally welcome the change in Libya and connect you with someone who can help you have a smooth conversation with the U.S. government. And of course, after that, it depends on Libya. I was concerned because I didn’t know what the right line was. ”

He said he would return the horse, but only work as much as he was paid. Why are you actively taking the initiative because the price is fixed? Nevertheless, I gave priority to genetic development, and I told him frankly that I was worried about the ambiguity of the situation. I’m not being honest, but if you want more help, you want more?

“Haha, Chairman Kim is so honest! Let’s think a little bit more about this.”

“Yes, I’ll take another look.”

Saif, the son of Kardafi, fights back. Negotiation is pushing and pulling. Now that the other party has fully understood my grievances, I’ve decided to move on. You can’t fill up on a spoon.

“Chairman Gaddafi, first of all, in order to resolve the economic sanctions in the United States, we must proactively acknowledge and penalize past terrorism in Libya. Of course, in the future, we will not support armed groups, but we will also need a commitment to abandon the development of WMDs.”

“What? Chairman Kim, that’s too much to say!”

“That’s right. Admit Libya is a terrorist country! It’s too bad!”

It also brings out sensitive problems, which makes your face ugly. I could give more money to Kardafi’s proud face, but he seemed determined to never be able to do as much as’ forgiveness, ‘but I sighed secretly because of his strong refusal.

Libya must acknowledge and take responsibility for the bombing of the American fan rocks at the foot of Scotland in 1988, Lizzie said.

This is a direct case that sparked economic turmoil and cannot be ignored by the self-esteem of the United States. By the way, it seems like this is also the pride of Kadafi.

“Shit, should I threaten you if I don’t?” ‘

I said a few nice words, but I kept shaking my head. I didn’t think I could say anything nice. It requires a strong temperaturing strategy. I can’t. It’s a threat now.

Artwork Reviews

It’s also true about Gaddafi’s sex life. It was later discovered that he had sent people to France to buy equipment because of his obsession with big objects.

She eats several viagras at a time, and she has relationships with several people, some of whom she treats too severely, and sometimes gets injured inside her penis and goes to the hospital. I can’t even imagine being taken to the hospital, but I’m such a dictator.

Appointed in ’86 by the German Night Club and’ 88 by the Pan Am Bomb, Gaddafi has since suffered from U.S. economic sanctions.

When the United States invaded Iraq, it said something that was surprisingly quiet and in tune with the United States, and I’m guessing it felt threatened by the United States military approaching. Because there used to be horses among hardened Americans who wanted to kick Libya’s ass.

Naver shows South Korea’s involvement in the Libyan heritage.

[South Korea has entered the NC174 Gwang-gu Elephant Genetics in Tripoli), southern 750 km. Its current equity configurations are NOC 88%, Eni 8% and South Korea 4% (Petroleum, SK, Majuco and Daesung industries). Following the 1990 contract, it produces 150,000 barrels a day since early 2004 (600 million barrels in beard deposits) after the October 2010 trial production.]

At 150,000 barrels a day for four percent, the oil price would have to be 100 dollars to be 150 million dollars a year. The majority of Libyan heritage is more than 80 percent owned by the government. Forty percent of what you give to Ildu is devastating.

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