Going Into the World!

Chapter 233

10 volumes

“Because fighters left the UK in ’86, you were able to reach Yonke in between, but it’s different now. There’s no information to leak in the middle, and there are ports in the Gulf and the Mediterranean. Hundreds of planes waiting to leave right now.”

Honestly, there’s no telling how many planes I’ve got. Because I said there were 24 mobilized in the Libyan bombings, I’m just saying there are a lot of them. I had a rough idea that there was a war on the scale, but no one could take my word for it.


When I finished speaking, I saw Kadafi and his son’s face, both of them staring at me with serious expressions. For decades now, you’ve been eating well and living well, and it might be frustrating to hear directly from someone with authority that you could be killed as a target in the United States.

In particular, there seemed to be a subtle fear in Siege’s eyes. You might be reminded of your old memories.

It has already happened once, so there is no guarantee that it will not happen again. Moreover, the U.S. military is right in front of us and continues to broadcast broadcasts about the war in Iraq on television and media. I’m not just listening to you.

At his current age, he was probably bombed by the United States at the age of 13. I knew it was 2: 00 in the morning. I must have dozed off in my sleep, so I won’t be able to remember.

“The United States is still an advanced country, would you attack without saying a word? It invades sovereign states, at least in consultation with the United Nations and other countries. “

Sieve protests as if it were unfair. But I don’t know America, but I don’t know it very well. The United States, without permission from the United Nations, eventually ignored and invaded Iraq, which sparked a global anti-American demonstration. The U.S. Administration is not snorting.

“Massive military actions, such as the Iraq War, are also the Bush administration without the permission of the United Nations. What kind of advance do we need to prepare for a bombing? Of course, we can tell our close relationship with Prime Minister Tony Blair immediately. But there will only be a few decades of difference between the decision and the action. It’s too close. although, of course, Prime Minister Blair would never give this information to Libya.”

You’ll know about the day-to-day reversal demonstration, but it’s probably just because it’s unfair. Once again, I gave up the current situation.

“Shhh, yeah. It’s not good to push too hard. How will the United States know where I am? I haven’t been in the palace all day. And there are many other places to stay besides here.”

“Is it true? So you invited me here today, and I can give you one piece of information as a thank you. Are you interested?”

“What’s that?”

Syph, my son, is very curious about my beautiful words. Kadafi nods next to you, asking you to say something.

“It’s hard to show here, I have to go to my private plane. The equipment’s all there. How would you like to take a look?”

We’ve talked about this, but if you’re not curious, it’s not even a person. I asked you to explain something on the screen, but you said you can’t bring it because it’s attached to a private plane, so you asked me to come with you. I also asked you to remove the horn. We all stood up together, switching the stagnant atmosphere.

I’m heading out for a transfer, and this time I have female guards following me in uniform. I thought it was because I read about Kadafi’s bodyguards in reports and newspapers before I came here, but I suddenly remembered the “title” of an article yesterday.

(Gaddafi, escorting a beautiful escort of virgins at all times)

‘As expected, the journalists are the ones you can’t trust. These beauties don’t take them in bundles.’

Rough looking girls with well-eaten, fat skin. Seven women’s bodyguards follow, one or two of whom are worth seeing, but most of whom are not as crazy as usual. How can these be “pretty girls” guards? I wanted to beat the shit out of the reporter.

On the contrary, I saw Marco, Brady, my patron, and Hans filling Erik’s poverty, who should stay in the United States. The force is a thousand times more ferocious than the maid guards of Gaddafi.

I can’t get the loyalty of my servants out of my sight, so I think it’s a shallow idea to gather virgins and protect myself, but it seems to come from a misplaced belief.

I was very pleased and proud of myself seeing Marco and Brad, both of whom had already proven their loyalty. Especially since they have such heavy mouths, there is no need to worry about carrying them around.

Hans, a newcomer, is a bodyguard from Johnston Europe. Surprisingly, I was born between Korean fathers and German mothers, but if I look at their appearance, they look like Spanish or Portuguese children. German, English, and hard to speak, but I know 2.5 languages.

Previously, he had a history of escorting factors and being recruited through hundreds of volunteers, so I don’t know how good he was, but at first he seemed to be very nervous.

Even if I had experience, I needed to adapt because the water I play with is different, but now my eyes look fine, except it’s too hard. He taps his shoulder as he walks by. He nods slightly, thanking you.

“The room is very spacious. You’re different, Chairman Kim!”

Sykes, who entered my private plane, admires me as if he had forgotten the purpose of coming here. This time I bought a new private jet, Boeing 7400x series. Originally, this was a ride for up to 600 people, but I made changes to meet my needs.

I was sorry that I was only able to sleep well when I was traveling back and forth to the continent because it was designed so that I could only burn 20 people. Think about it. The chairman takes a rest, showers, and his men are very comfortable, but that’s just the way it is. Must have been hard sleeping in a suit, too.

This time, there is a small but private bedroom for guests so that the guards and officers who have to travel along the long way can also take turns, and the dining room, living room, etc. is quite spacious so they can enjoy pleasant pleasures.

I thought I would often run long distances in the future, so I also set up a separate office. It has various computer systems, situation boards and command centers, making it possible to see work from anywhere. This is my flying office and my home.

“Chairman, I have prepared as you said.”

Further inside, there’s a livery command center next to the office, where Chief Jason comes out and gets hit. Let’s go inside and make sure the fuselage is large, so it’s good to have everything spacious.

On one side of the wall is a transparent situation panel that was shown in the opening of the Munich Control Center, and on the left and right are various computer systems, which means there seems to be a lot of things.

“This is Chief Jason. I’m from the CIA, and I currently lead the Johnston Intelligence team.”

In my introduction, Jason shares a handshake with Cardafi and his son, Syph, who has led 500 informants over the past few years, and he can see that both of them are quite nervous. The force that frightened Blatter back then.

If Marco makes his opponent feel unsafely dangerous with an aggressive force, Director Jason is a force that somehow makes him curl his neck and look back on his mistakes. A month ago, Blatter came to me and told me that. If you take these two to negotiate, often two of them go in.


The panel began to turn to the screen with a strange sound that sounded like electricity, and the background picture of the vast universe came to mind.

In subsequent images, satellites slowly appear. Immediately, the angle of the video twisted and the earth appeared below it. A cylindrical satellite that spreads its wings wide and boasts a child is flying over the Earth of a parched sphere.

“Oh, isn’t it beautiful?”


Satellites overlooking Earth and Earth. Nature and machines are in harmony, with subtle blue, green and white on the surface of the Earth.

I always thought, but I never thought humans would be able to combine these colors unless they were photographs. I was amazed at how natural and beautiful I was.

“Yes, but why are you showing me this?”

I guess I was the only one who had the emotion. On Syph’s face, there is an expression of ‘complaint’ instead. Why are they showing me useless pictures?

Kadafi sits silently by his side and shuts up. I think I need to explain beforehand.

“Little is known, but the Johnston Group has a satellite business. Satellite business includes launching and operating satellites through affiliates.

I can’t say the number of satellites that we’ve launched so far is a secret, but the one you just saw, Johnston II, was originally developed for imaging services, and now it’s being used multipurpose. ”

After hanging up, I watched Caddafi and his son, Syph, looking closely at his mouth’s tail. I sent a message to Thomas, who’s connected to my computer’s IM, asking if he’s ready. It’s showtime now.

“Thomas, are you standing by?”

“Old school.”

To make it easier for Kadafi and Saif to understand, they spoke to Thomas on the phone. Thomas answers my questions vigorously, thinking he’s the pilot of a starship. Life is a joke to him. Hehe.

“Let me see where I am!”

“Yes, commander!”

Jiaying, Jiaying, Jiaying…


The satellite on the screen makes a soft machine sound, and it takes up its position with its wings moving a few times. The screen suddenly got smaller and moved toward the corner after the orientation was fixed and the movement completely stopped, and another image took up the center position.

The new video appeared looking down at the Earth, and soon, like a camera lens, the surface began to appear larger and larger after making a ‘whoosh ‘ sound over several times. Repeat this three or four times, and suddenly you see an airplane landing on the ground.

“Oh, that!!!”

After discovering the identity of the plane, Syph stood up in horror. Kadafi, who was sitting next to him, was very surprised, but he still wants to hold his fist tightly and rest because he has a living administration.

Yes, the plane you see on the screen is my private plane we are on. You can also see the vehicles next to them. They were driven by a group of Kadafi. The image quality is clear, so of course I recognized Kadafi and Cif.

“Brad, go out the door and wave your hands in. “

“Yes, I understand. ”

“Thomas, Brad’s leaving. Give him a close-up.”

“Old school.”

Brad goes out on my command, and shortly after, I see a screen showing the door opening on my plane, soon as it closes, identifying him as Brad, who waves a few times and then comes back inside.

I turn my head and not only Saeep, I can see Kadafi staring at the screen with his mouth open. I’m really surprised this time. Come on, there’s no way Annie’s ever seen a demonstration like this in her life. Special service today.

“Thomas, switch modes and illuminate the room.”

“Yes, commander!”

Thomas’ playfulness continues. The voice still feels serious because it’s in place, but when you look at your usual behavior, you’ll be flashing machine-like eyes over your stubborn glasses and wearing dresses.

At the same time as his answer, red dots appeared on the screen, and I can only see one crowd.

But a dot is moving inside. The slow moving point approached right in front of the crowded points at some point. At that moment, Brad walks in with the door open.

It was Brad, as the people in the seats expected. This concludes the show I’m about to show you. It’s time to listen to the reviews.

“What do you think? The way you look at it.”


Even though I asked, they both organize their thoughts with an agonizing expression, as though it was hard to say what they wanted. If I turn my head a little bit, I’ll see what I mean. You press down quickly and gently before the shock wears off.

“After 9/11, the U.S. government decided to spend 200 billion dollars over the next five years implementing various surveillance systems. The reconnaissance satellite system that I demonstrated was also the product of a project that Johnston Group collaborated on with the government.

Solving existing problems, a performance enhancement program that, if it had been deployed in Iraq, would have killed Hussein on the first day of the bombing. By the way, the location of Hussein’s two sons was developed in the ’90s with a similar system. but there’s a slight error with the old ones. ”

I made it clear that the situation is clearly different from that of ’85. If something similar happens this time, I emphasized that it’s hard to get out, and my expression gets stiffer.

In fact, today’s demonstration has no exaggeration to maximize visual and auditory effects. While looking at the universe at first, the satellite’s redirection and a few other scenes are “movies” films produced by the special effects team.

The ability to zoom in on things on the ground, a few times, does not mean that I can see my plane in space instantly. This is also a hoax, but I know it takes some time to actually do it.

How about anyone else? Nothing like this has ever been demonstrated by Kadafi and Civ again in their lifetime. No country sells satellites to dictators, and no matter how much money you give them, you can’t get the technology to operate like this. You have to believe that what I’ve shown you is 100% real, and you feel something big.

“Chairman Kim, what is your real intention in showing this?”

Cardippi, who was consistent in silence, finally opened his heavy mouth. Ask me for clarification. Maybe he’s ready to resume the conversation.

“If you refrain from doing anything extreme, light on the east, light on the west, and sleep elsewhere every day, could you maybe get out of the surveillance system? I don’t think that’s the best option. ”

Even if you do, the rest of your life will be exhausted. Is that what people live for? I might die first because I’m frustrated and anxious. When I’m done, Gaddafi asks me in a serious tone.

“Then what’s the best thing Chairman Kim has to offer?

“Chairman Gaddafi just needs a little concession. There’s an Eastern proverb that says,” You have to know when to step back and when to step out. “If you promise to negotiate in a forward-looking manner, I’m happy to help.

What does Hussein have left now that he was so confident? Hiding in a shabby corner of a house. What about your seven, your children? How many people will survive the bombing? ”

I am just hearing voices and eyes filled with certainty, not rebuking my words. They called me because they knew the situation was going on, but they must have felt more serious about the demonstration today. Threats are bad. I soon offered a gentle, soothing way.

It is clearly different from what you see in person and know vaguely. I showed a clear difference in abilities, and Cadaphy and Civ’s attitudes changed a lot. I take my explanation seriously and nod my head. I said I could use my strength in coordinating with the government in the future, and I look forward to it. Of course, it’s not free.

I don’t know how many organizations or countries can move satellites around the globe. The weight of the name ‘satellite’ is that great. So it is a direct bread for intimidation.

Technological accumulation in this area, which began with GPS and imaging services, has led to the development of several technologies in close partnership through equity participation in orbital science. Geniuses interested in this area, particularly around Thomas, are accumulating data through a variety of experiments.

“By the way, this isn’t a satellite from another country, is it? ‘

I suddenly wondered this question. I said Johnston II, but I’m not sure if the satellites we control are floating up here. Because this is not America, this is Africa.

I was wondering if Thomas was ever surprised by the random movements of others, saying he could never let me know.

Artwork Reviews

How many satellites are in the sky?

According to the article, the Space Surveillance Network has identified a total of 24,500 floating objects, 8,000 of which are monitored at all times.

560 of them are called “working” satellites, and the rest are called broken (or lifetime) satellites or debris.

These objects may collide with each other, but commercial satellites and Russian satellites (presumed dead) collided in Will II in 2009.

The Space Surveillance Agency monitors even basketball-sized objects, so if a new satellite is launched from any country, we’ll know about it.

By the way, our team changed the plane. Traditional mechanisms are too small and too uncomfortable to travel abroad. Now there are a lot of people who have it.

The author looked back and saw dozens of airbus and boeing companies during their development, over the course of an hour, and finally scored 7400 series. I understand why the Sultan of Brunei chose this model.

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