Going Into the World!

Chapter 342

14 volumes

“I’ll be landing on Tirana shortly.”

When you hear the Stewardess’ voice, everyone sits down. I loosened my seat back slightly and checked my belt, but I didn’t fasten it. It’s annoying.

After a while, I looked out the window as I started to feel the plane going down. It’s also a backward country, so the view from above is quiet and rural.

Tirana is the capital of Albania. Formerly a member of the former Yugo Federation, it is said to have a population of just over 3 million, while GDP is slightly above $9 billion. It is the backward country below 110 in the world.

“There are a lot of mountains here. ”

He said to Tilo, who was sitting next to him, that he looked down.

“There are mountains in Albania originally. The area where mining will be developed is also near the mountains. It’s fascinating how you knew there was such gold buried out there. ”

“Times have changed. There are many areas where state-of-the-art technology can be leveraged. There are still a lot of undeveloped areas in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Africa, including Latin America and Asia. ”

“Yes, I understand. Chairman.”

One answer I give is Tilo, who is sure. Tilo is the president of Johnston Mining, which was founded to develop resources.

I came to Albania because of a mine I intend to develop here.

Several years ago, we’ve been running a program to analyze satellite imagery and locate oil stores. Perhaps we should reduce the range of available locations as much as possible, because the time and cost of finding the tool is reduced by reducing the effort spent searching and drilling time.

After this effort came to fruition, I thought of using it for other mining developments. In the mountains of Tropoze, the resulting Albanian and Kosovo borders, it is a rare earth mine that disputes the world’s largest burial volume.

‘Damn… I’m digging. ’

Suddenly, I had this thought and I tasted it.

Two billion tons of olive light with a very high content of platinum, 500 million tons of chrome light. Others say it’s enormous, but… it’s really nothing compared to the cash accumulated right now, so it doesn’t really matter.

Since the end of last year, I have been steadily raising money to prepare for the crisis, believing in Skynet and my feelings that predicted the economic crisis. After a month or two of that, almost a year later, we now exceeded $800 billion.

Spring, summer, and now even as fall passed, I cherished and kept stockpiling them. I have been very restrained by killing temper to find more opportunities in the coming crisis situation, but I feel frustrated now.

And why is that?

It is because there is still no sign of an economic crisis. Rather, the stock went up and down, but more so than earlier this year, it made me feel reassured.

The economic crisis is not a hurricane, it’s just the wind. ’

Some small banks went bankrupt and showed signs everywhere, but eventually the stock price went up. I have a voice of concern, and I know the economy is bad, but I’m beginning to wonder how much of an aftermath it will have.


I sighed, shaking my head again without knowing it. Indeed, the heart of man is cunning. At first I was sure, but now I think I’m starting to wonder.

Eighty billion dollars. Eighty billion horses. That’s not a big deal.

$50 billion was raised until spring, the largest of which was the share price of Johnstone entertainment and cable.

My tasty share of Johnstone Energy also sold in part to attract an additional $120 billion. We also took a step further to create a ‘reserve’ regulation for Johnstone Group companies around the world to raise substantial amounts of cash.

Of course, the money was quickly accumulated because sales and net income were enormous, but they were not spent. But do you like it? Of course not.

Young Johnstone Group still has a lot of areas and capabilities to grow up, but when others see it, they are ‘taking too much’ stability for very wrong reasons.

And how much is there to invest in the world of 80 billion dollars? The amount of money you have doesn’t even deserve to run it.

He is struggling to break through American Johnstone Capital, Korean financial institutions, and European offices to roll his head into short-term funds.

The best part is that we’ve connected financial networks from more than 50 countries around the world to the Skynet central system so that we can control the decentralized funds.

Kung, Kua Woong,,,,

How long has it been? The airplane lands on the runway, but the gas is shaking. I can feel the wheels rolling, but the feeling is very heavy because Boeing 747 is heavy. Soon, the plane slows down and the sound increases frequently.


“Ahhh! You’re charging me a trillion dollars for this?! ‘

“Yes, yes? I’m sorry.”

Eighty billion dollars kept hovering over my head, making me nervous on my own.

A sense of self-esteem that, if you go on like this, you’ll quickly break through $1 trillion next year.) ‘I was annoyed with myself and hit the arm hanger, but when the dedicated plane stopped, the stewardess was surprised.

“I was just talking to myself.”

“Yes? I was surprised. Chairman.”

A stewardess smiling with a stiff face. I smiled lightly and raised my weight. I have to work.

When you have a lot of thoughts, it’s best to move.

Starting with Albania where large mines were found, he traveled through Bulgaria, Ukraine and Georgia to visit Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and other “Stannese” countries.

Although there are only six countries in the ancient Persian language with “Stan” meaning land, country and region, we have only looked at four countries because we do not intend to do business in countries hostile to the United States, such as Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Caspian coastal countries Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, particularly rich in oil and natural gas, have stayed for several days to explore nearby oil and natural gas businesses that control Johnstone oil and energy.

I visited countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to encourage employees as I explored the business and to connect with the best in the country.

When I meet the president or financial figures in person with my own reputation, my affiliates go on business trips around the area.

Wherever I went, of course, I received great welcome and attention. There is no comparable country in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to the Johnstone Group in terms of economic size and influence.

So not only did I do a detailed coverage of my people, but I also did a broadcast of the Johnstone feature.

I’ve heard it with one ear, but I’ve always felt that the Johnstone Group’s influence in Eastern Europe as well as throughout Central Asia has settled quite well.

Maybe this is natural.

Moving east from Johnston Europe, he invested more than $30 billion in media and finance.

But it was enough for the countries to suffer. The region did not stick to 100% stake, so it was not difficult to be a big hand in broadcasting and financial markets.

Money and media. If you hold it, you will be empowered in any country. Moreover, the Johnstone Group has a background, so even the best actors in the administration and politics cannot be ignored. That’s why they said they grew faster.

The last place I visited was Mongolia. Mongolia is actually an inseparable resource, and because it has come to Central Asia, I made a short stop in Korea closer to the United States and then scheduled to return to the United States.

When you arrive in Ulaanbaatar, take off your clothes for a moment and head to the Presidential Palace. It’s because President Enkhbayar invited me.

“Oh, dear. I’m tired of meeting people.”

I got in the car and spoke to Amanda, who was next to me. Albanian Amanda was also fluent in Russian and Turkish and brought as an attendant, which is also a confusing type of secretary or model.

“Chief Crimson has a problem with topography… Tsk, tsk. “

I’m not complaining because I kick my tongue but look good in the eyes. It’s just that I’ve never done it before.

“… but you’re welcome wherever you go.”

“Hehe, welcome? That’s what I’m talking about.”

I hesitated to say it, but the answer was funny because he was still a wet child. I blush with my slightly ridiculed tone.

“Haha. I’m not saying anything. It’s just a cute accent.”


I make excuses for laughing at you, but he smiles as if he knew. It’s just cute if I’m going to be at 30 next year, or if I’m going to be in Korea too early for social life.

“I see. Home of Genghis Khan!”

I walked into the square where the Mongol Presidential Palace was visible, and I saw a statue of a horse riding on an armor, and I ate bread in front of the palace, and there was a Genghis Khan statue sitting on a chair. The enormous statue also allows you to see how much you think about Genghis Khan. I was amazed by the feeling of that awakening.

“What do you have?”

Seeing the signs of Genghis Khan I used to admire, I must have blown my heart out of proportion. Amanda, who was sitting next to her, looks out the window and asks if she can’t stand the curiosity.

Whether it was intentional or careless, Amanda’s body was too attached to mine. The fuzzy smell tickled my nose, and I immediately flinched at the unique fragrance.


I just coughed. Even though I am still young and my secretaries get to know me a little, my light body contact is frequent.

I don’t know where I heard you, but when you dress me up or talk close, I sneak up on you. I was leaning sideways a while ago and grabbed my knee and put it down.

I don’t know if this is about getting closer or just holding her in my arms, but I’m well aware of the extreme restraint. Now we need to be more careful with our bodies and minds.

“Oops, welcome. Welcome to Ulaanbaatar.”

As he enters the presidential palace, Nambar opens his arms to greet him.

“Great statue on the front door.”

“Haha. Thank you. Mongolian pride!”

I thank you in a loud voice and rejoice. It is a speech of pride.

‘They’re their descendants… and now they’re too humble.’

He laughed and laughed, but inside he was a little sad and pathetic. Mongolia is now divided into the provinces of Inner Mongolia, which are now Mongolia, independent of the Soviet Union.

It is wedged between the two great powers, and if China is as strong as it is now, it is unlikely that it will be able to get Inner Mongolia back.

In particular, three out of four Koreans now live in the Hans, having a large number of settlements in the province of Inner Mongolia. The municipality of Inner Mongolia could be changed by a state in China.

“Here’s a hat and a dress. It’s a replica of what we used to wear in the Khan Era, but I don’t know if you’ll like it.”

He gave me a gift during a meeting with President Nambar. But when I open it up, I like it very much. Includes my favorite Genghis Khan hats, clothes, cloaks, and shoes in a set.

“Haha. I love it. Thank you for your attention.”

“I’m sorry you like it so much. It’s not expensive.”

When I burst my smile thanks aloud, I make awkward excuses. I admired that money wasn’t important. And in fact, it is.

“I’m going out in the meadow wearing this and riding my horse.”

“Do you ride?”

“Of course. I’ve learned a little riding.”

Jennifer, who already likes to ride, has three horses at home. That’s why I’m pretty good.

The Emperor of China’s Seal and the Empire’s Seal for Yong-pao, now added to the Genghis Khan Pool set, made me excited in no time. I was anxious to go out to the meadow and ride a horse.

I’ve been asking for an appointment since my meeting with the president, but I went out to the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar the next day after I met roughly one or two people.

On the way to Telgee, a national park, there was a statue of Genghis Khan built several feet high. It’s a statue on a horse, but it feels like it follows the concept of the Statue of Liberty to get inside and climb on the horse’s head and look down. Anywhere in Mongolia, Genghis Khan stands out.

I like to watch the statue, but I just missed the idea of wanting to ride a horse fast. About 30 minutes outside, there is a horse ranch called the local maintainer. I’ll bring the horses as soon as I go to see if I’ve got them already.

Soon after hearing the brief explanation, I climbed up to Montgomery and screamed.

“Yikes! Let’s go, I’m coming!”


Tag, Tag, Tag, Tag, Tag, Tutu,,,,


Someone called out to me in a worried voice because I was running indefinitely, but I just ran forward.

A cool breeze blows through your lungs. It’s Mongolia in the north, so I think I’ll go straight into winter without fall.


“If I had been born a long time ago… would I have built an empire like Genghis Khan?” ‘

While I was running, I had a lot of thoughts. The old heroes lived freely and as conquerors.

I am one of the richest men in the world and I have tremendous influence in the United States, but that is limited to everything. If you make a mistake, you should always be careful because it is easy to get attacked.

Like Genghis Khan, I ignore the static like the emperor, and try to think uselessly that I want to live my life as I please. Perhaps he’s been overwhelmed with fatigue since he rolled his head so much lately.

Moreover, there is stress because of the money accumulated.

“Dammit! Yeah, just save up to a trillion dollars and if nothing happens, we’re screwed. Yikes!”

I made up my mind and speed up a bit.

Artwork Reviews

In a novel, time flies, October 2007.

I erased what I was scraping off the other side of the story in order to move quickly to the next story, and then I started again, and it was a little late.

In fact, since the beginning of 2007, small banks have filed for bankruptcy, but the stock price has gone up. It was only in mid-October that the stock market started going downhill.

The Soviet Union has stopped what China was trying to swallow, so the Mongolian People’s Republic, which has been set up as a satellite, has arrived in Mongolia.

The municipality of Namongo has now become 79 percent, so the word “municipality” doesn’t seem to fit.

By the way, I remember riding in Jeju Island at the end of February, and it was very interesting. I think it was quite enjoyable because I was tightening the saddle and holding the rope at a good pace.

We also let the stress out while riding in the grasslands. to get away from stress because of the self-immolation, the economic crisis that’s not coming.

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