Going Into the World!

Chapter 343

14 volumes

I feel a slight tremor in my fingers when I pull the bow. Since I’ve been concentrating my strength on my lower abdomen for a long time, my breath seems to go down from my chest. It just feels that way.

Was I originally a hunter in my past life? ‘

Bow protests stick to your hands. Staying calm. The strange feeling on my fingertips made me think of it. Maybe it was just an archer. He smiles and folds his useless thoughts, and lays down a bow at his fingertips.


An arrow flies along the invisible trajectory at a rapid rate and instantly makes a sound.



A loud shout erupts around you as the arrow you shot remains in the center of the target.

“You’re amazing!”

“Sir, are you originally from Mongolia?”

“The form looks great on you!”

Those who follow each other say a word. You may say more exaggerated things to me, but you’re not wrong at all. Right in the middle.

“I’m in a good mood today.”


Amanda follows you here to do nothing, clapping her hands for good. I shrugged my shoulders because I didn’t feel bad either.

“Marco, why don’t you try it?”

“It’s all right, Chairman.”

“No, it’s a good experience, too. Wait! Even the guards will learn to shoot and ride all they want today.”

“Yes?! We’re supposed to be escorting.”

“What’s going to happen in this open meadow? If you’re really worried about security, you can turn around and shoot your bow. Let’s play by the rules. Anyone who can’t hit at least seven with 10 shots is punished for coming here after two days of training.”

“I understand!”

Marco nods shortly after reading my expression. Even if I have an objection, I don’t vomit anymore because my tone is firm. Immediately, the guards divided themselves into ‘atmosphere’ and ‘practice groups’, and each received a bow.

Mwah! Tak!

“Wow! Oh, Marco’s great too! Haha. That’s why I like it!”

“No, it’s no big deal.”

After a brief brief explanation, Marco’s first arrow flew into the center. I was very happy because I was worried that I might get discouraged.

Marco is embarrassed because I’m so happy. It still feels good.

Mwah! Tak!

“Hahaha, that’s it!”

Marco’s second arrow re-entered. His cool skills made me laugh as if I had hired a subordinate like ‘Yellow Worm’, the royal palace of the Three Kingdoms game.

No, Zebe in the Genghis Khan game is more like it. We’re in Mongolia.

The other bodyguards around me were very impressed when they congratulated me for wanting to run with Marco, a bodyguard like himself.

Johnston Group Escort Room.

It could be the work of a god that the guards of the world dream of. Annual salaries and benefits are, of course, lightly surpassing industry highs.

All kinds of high-tech equipment and vehicles here. Regular training from the headquarters and opportunities for activities overseas cannot be provided by others.

Among these, those elected and elected are my guards. The pride of those who have both skill and loyalty pierces the sky.

Many of the people I meet are presidents, prime ministers, ministers, generals, and presidents or presidents, among others. The guards who follow me, of course, take the honor of protecting me in such a place.

And sometimes, when you pay attention like this, you die even more. However, it was in Marco’s heart that he rejoiced.

“Somehow, he’s more trusting. ‘

The feeling of seeing Marco… if the other guards were loyal 99, would Marco be 100? There’s a gap between 100 and 99, but psychologically there’s a very large gap.

There is no betrayal in the game by 99 loyal players. He’s a man who would never betray, and he’s a man who’s unlikely to betray.

Where we are is where tourists come in the summer. That’s why there were so many archery equipment and targets that even seven bodyguards could practice.

My bodyguards were surprisingly good. After practicing all morning and having the last match, a total of 6 out of 7 people shot 10 times and hit 7 times or more.

Surprisingly, Marco was able to hit all 10 in the center with a gun and a bow, and all of them had one shot, eight shot, and seven shot three.

“How can everyone be so good? Haven’t you ever shot a bow before?”

“There are archery and crossbow courses during the training process. And shooting is similar to stopping your breathing and focusing.”

“Was there such a thing?”

I heard Marco say something, too. Otherwise, even the best bodyguards in the world can’t get a pass on their first day like this.

“Maybe you should practice more here.”

“I’m sorry, Chairman.”

One asked me to practice more because I only hit six shots, and I ask for forgiveness in my shame. In fact, there is no forgiveness. I just set the rules so that everyone would work hard. Comfort me by saying it was a joke, and we all went to the place where the horses were.

I brought seven more so I had to stay by my side on the horse anyway. After being educated for a while with the help of those working on the ranch, the guards climbed onto their horses as well.

“Come on, let’s go!”


Ta, Ta, Ta, Ta,,,

As I shout and run out, my guards follow me on seven horses, one after the other. But Marco rides a horse more easily than I did.

“Did Marco learn to ride?”

“I’m from Kazakh. When I was a kid, I used to ride horses and hang out with nomads.”

“Khh! Ugh, right. I mistook you for Albanian for a second.”

Marco’s wife is from Kosovo, an Albanian, and Marco was confused because the last area he worked was Serbia Kosovo Albania.

Moreover, I forgot to take the blood of my German father because it was close to being a Westerner.

By the way, if you rode a horse as a child, you can understand your skills now. Moreover, he rode horses when he was operating in areas where the traffic network was poorly maintained.

Another friend named ‘Satar‘ who was recommended by Marco came along this time, but he is also from rural Kazakh, a traditional nomad.

With the surprising discovery that there are two Kazakhs in my hasty mount, I’ve now conducted a favors survey one by one to the guards.

“Even Vadim rides well, but he’s not from the Cossack Cavalry, is he?”

“How did you know? My father’s grandfather was a Cossack cavalry.”

“What? Is that true?”

Suddenly, I remembered the Cossack Cavalry, and I was surprised to hear what they said as a joke. According to the country of origin, one of the seven was born in the United States, all from Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Two Kazakhs,

2 Albanians,

1 Ukrainian,

As loyalty was valued by the group security team, those who grew up in communist countries joined the corporate security team through Johnston Europe quite a lot.

It seems that it is not easy for those who grew up in capitalism to show their ‘blind’ loyalty because they have a lot of thoughts, but it is easy to deal with if they only bring their family members and take care of them.

Marco said I deliberately brought two more from here to travel around Eastern and Central Asia.

Depending on where you go, there is a custom to assign two people to come from, because everyone wants to go to their own country and boast. I understand.

I originally planned to stay for 2-3 days, but I liked my life in Mongolia so much that I extended it for a week.

After entrusting my business to President Tilo, I went to the meadow every morning, trained myself to ride the bow and horse with my guards, and on the fourth day went hunting.

“Hey, slow down! We’ll go first!”

You shout, looking at the guards chasing you behind you. Unlike his pride, Bardim, who said his great-grandfather was from the Cossack Cavalry, the foam seemed very plausible, but he fell behind when he ran. I never rode a horse myself because I came out to the city as my father. Only the Cossack Cavalry.

I ran ahead with Marco, Satar, and a Mongolian hunter and an interpreter.

“Hey, Noridad!”

On the way to the hill that looks far away to hunt foxes or wolves, you can see that there are over 100 gazelles gathering in the meadow. I yelled because I was excited.

“Gazelle’s herd. Would you like to catch one?”

It’s a gazelle, not a noru. That’s where I think it is. It looks similar, but what about a gazelle or a gazelle or something?

“Let’s have a warm-up, shall we?”

“We’d better have a wide circle around it. Gazelle is sound-sensitive and so fast that everyone can run away together.”

“Divide and conquer them?”

I asked myself a question. Because when I used to watch a movie or a documentary, I just remembered the scene where I used to chase them screaming and shooting them with arrows. And that’s even cooler.

The interpreter explains the question I asked, but Gazelle collapses from exhaustion on horseback with a weak lower body. Instead, you have to be very good at riding horses to chase them.

I doubt my skills in one word. If you bring a car, you can still catch Gazelle alive if you follow him for about 20 minutes until you get tired and fall down.

Chase him down with the car and catch the weary one. It’s not that funny to me. I asked the other way.

“In fact, Gazelle is faster than a wolf. In order to catch Gazelle, wolves usually hunt when they are slow in the morning.”

“This morning? What do you mean? So you’re saying we can’t do this now?”

“Not necessarily…”

An interpreter who talks to a hunter for a while, looking a little awkward. Once again, when the wolf hunts Gazelle, it waits until morning. However, Gazelle woke up all night and laughed because he couldn’t run properly because his bladder was full of urine.

“Dammit, some of them could be pissed right now, right?”

“I see.”

I agree with Bardim who followed me and listened to the explanation. It’s not even 10: 00 yet since I left early in the morning.

Maybe the lazy guy in Gazelle hasn’t gone to the bathroom yet. This was the target of the man who was full of piss.

“Okay, here’s the deal. Once we get close enough not to run, we shoot the bow. If all eight of us shoot together, won’t one of us hit?”

“That’s right!”

“Well, if we’re not good enough for one, let’s all run away together.”

“Yes! I understand.”

Everyone’s happy with my operation. First, you decide to hunt with a bow instead of a gun. I’m the boss, so it’s up to me.

Percussion, Percussion, Percussion,,

The group moves forward cautiously. We are not old Mongol warriors, so we cannot move quickly with our bows and arrows ready.

Approximately 100 meters away, you can see a gazelle looking this way. I thought I heard something. Ignoring it and going on, the vibration in the crowd tends to move slowly.


As Gazelle’s horde grows more mobile, command is given. Immediately, the guards line up their bows.

I was also going to fire a sack of wheat grass, so I got a little into position toward the sky.


The gazelles’ movements are busy, and they quickly give you the next order. I put my bow in line with my spirit, and my flesh flew to heaven with the sound of my ears saying, “Shhh!”


I don’t know if I hit one of the gazelles running away from the group in shock. I couldn’t quite see what was going on, so I ran out with the guards.

“Sir, one of them was right here.”

Gazelle’s horde flees, and there are two lying down with arrows in their hands. Looks like there were 100 of them, so we got hit pretty bad.

“Marco, Satar! Let’s go after them!”

I soon found out with a satisfactory smile, told you to follow only two good riders and chase after the herd of Gazelles. It’s not possible for Gazelle to have escaped so far, but it is possible that two were left behind, even if there was someone who could bear to pee.

‘You need to pack your bags quickly. Heave-ho.

I was able to resist the laughter and speed up the running. I fell flat on my seat running at a speed, but the cold breeze of winter Mongolian weather made my heart beat.

Did he really go after 10 extra? I can see him slowing down noticeably. Marco’s face was also reminded of him when he ran alongside him. He seems to be enjoying this hunt.

I quickly lowered my speed and pulled out my gun. I can’t shoot a bow while running, so I pull the trigger with a handgun. I came here to hunt wolves and foxes, but I wanted to finish up because I couldn’t get rid of all my strength because of one Gazelle.

Bang, bang! Bang, bang!

“That’s right!”

Only after four shots are fired will Satar reveal the hit with a loud voice. You can see a gazelle soon falling behind. I ran as fast as I could, and he was quite nauseous.

“Pissing or obesity?”


Marco is puzzled by the muttering of my own thoughts about why Gazelle fell on the run. I explained it to them, and they both laugh.

Artwork Reviews

I’ve read about Gazelle, Fox, and Wolf Hunting in Mongolia, and it’s really interesting. Gazelle belongs to the Department of Nutrition, which is where all the writers see it.

I was slightly surprised that Gazelle was faster than a wolf, but I was also surprised that the wolf waited all night to catch Gazelle. That’s very patient of you.

While originally enjoying the hunt in Mongolia, I tried to end by putting sticky footage in the news of the breeder I heard, but when I wrote about archery and gazelle hunting, I quickly dumped one of them.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to throw away what I’ve already written, or just add a lot of business stories, so I just put it up.

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