Going Into the World!

Chapter 344

14 volumes

Tension when the bow is pulled taut.

The stickiness of pulling the trigger.

An open sense of freedom, watching the crooked prey.

I can’t tell you the excitement and joy of hunting as I came to Mongolia to hunt. Especially when you caught Gazelle, when you caught a wolf you didn’t know.

A fallen wolf shedding blood on the floor of a faint snow. The feeling of conquest reached its limit when I encountered the fierce gaze, growling, not completely dead.

Hunting on the grasslands stimulated the instinct of the beast within me. I knew I wasn’t a good guy, but seeing a snarling wolf dying with a nasty smile made me look surprisingly cruel.

Until now, I’ve pushed down a lot of static while pulling the Johnstone group up here, but it’s probably just a polite way to be a modern society.

The first day of hunting was very successful. The guide has been a hunter here for more than 20 years, so he is very skilled at catching 1 fox and 1 wolf.

However, I was delaying the time to catch Gazelle this morning, and I was riding around in a horse and not a car, so it got dark soon.

Marco urgently contacted my private jet in Ulaanbaatar, and with the help of maintaining the area, he was able to borrow a sizable piece of guerra nearby overnight.

Even if it’s near, it seems like we’ve run almost 10 kilometers, so it’s not really appropriate to say “nearby.”

You gathered firewood and lit a fire in front of Ger with the help of hunters and local officials. A Mongolian friend called “Oddval” begins to grill the meat after dismantling it skillfully with the hunter.

“Here’s some skewers. Gazelle during the day.”

When the meat is grilled to some extent, the translator gives you a grilled internal skewers. The shape is the same as Korean skewers.

I drooled all the time because of the smell and cold weather. I asked him for a point without giving thanks, and he was amazed.

“Khh-huh. This is really good. Please take care of our bodyguards.”

I said, Oddval quickly spins the skewers. Gazelle catches 3 in total, so it looks like more than 10 of them are not missing much.

“But where are the foxes and wolves?”

Suddenly, I looked around, but I couldn’t see where they were, so I asked the hunter.

“I hung it indoors to peel and dry.”

“And the meat?”

“Foxes and wolf meat don’t taste so good. If you need more meat, I’ve got some lamb for you.”

“Would you do that, then?”

I bet carnivorous animals don’t taste good. Oddval will bring more lamb. When I look around, I see that the 7 big bodyguards are eating the sheep. Moreover, I walk around all day and feel like I just grilled meat with my mouth.

“Well, well, well, well. Let’s have a drink.”

Oddval asked you to take a glass of Mamaju, turn it around and raise the glass high, and have a toast. Everyone says it’s good to be relieved by hunting.

“To you.”

“Yes, thank you. Cheers!”

“I had so much fun. Thank you!”

“Loyalty to the Master!”

When I raise a toast, everyone follows me and says a word. But I liked the last word the most. Hehe.

“Isn’t this like Makgeolli?”

A drink made of aged wine that was milked and stirring constantly. But it’s also similar to Makgeolli. Surprisingly, the power doesn’t seem that high.

“Let’s be clear about the penalty. Anyone who hits more than eight shots in archery today drinks as much as he wants. The rest of us should be on guard today, right?”



I shout for joy on one side of my declaration and mourn on the other, wrapping my head around my hands.

“I thought I could eat meat and prepare wine.”

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Of course I need a drink after I hunt. There was wine in the car that followed with all the equipment and goods, but I brought it just in case. I brought a few bottles for one person, and they were all cheerful.

Mayujou doesn’t really suit my taste, but I just drink it from experience. I also ate what I like. Surprisingly, the combination of meat and wine is fantastic, so I don’t know how many bottles I drank with the guards. The burning firewood adds a touch of winter hunting.

“How’s it going?”

After three days of hunting, you return to Ulaanbaatar. I returned to my hotel and asked Amanda, my assistant, what had happened.

“Chief Jason called. The Chairman said he went hunting, so he asked me to let you know when he came back.”

“Really? Why didn’t you call me?”

“Yes? I think you turned your phone off on purpose. I’ve been waiting for you.”

“Khh-hmm. I see.”

He said he knew because I had actually turned the phone off. I didn’t want to be interrupted because I was so excited for the first time in my life

I’ve been avoiding the benefits of civilization for the past three days because I didn’t want to come to Washington or anywhere important to stop hunting.

It’s not that you can’t call a landline just because you carry a cell phone with satellite capabilities. And even if I turn it off, I can still get in touch with anyone who really needs an emergency. The guards have satellite phones, too.

I turned on my laptop after finishing my shower with warm water. After checking my email as usual, I entered Yahoo’s portal site in a long time.

The Johnstone group has not created a portal site such as Yahoo or MSN, because if you already eat the portal while feeding both our search engines and internal advertising, then it would be good for antitrust and friendships with other companies for no reason.

“Huh? What is this?”

I looked around without thinking and entered the ‘international interface’, and the title on the bottom right stood out to me.

It’s just a title that makes me feel good to see something. After showering in the hot water and hunting that had been hard for several days, I shake my nakedness all at once.

“Damn, I’m gonna ruin the mood. Tsk.”

You finish your tasting. You hesitate for a moment, then click. I thought I’d read it next time in case it offended me, but it doesn’t fit my personality His curiosity forced him to press the mouse on his own.

[Japan, the world’s second largest economy, is a major trading station in the United States. In addition to this economic interdependence, the region’s most powerful ally in the United States’ 21st century Asian strategy plays a major role in China and Russia’s control.

But this year, there was a big hole in friendship with Japan that was so important. This was the start of Google changing the “Sea of Japan” designation to “South Korea Sea”, which refers to the sea between Japan and South Korea.

Service to hundreds of millions requires publicity. It is clearly the fault of the Johnstone Group that these changes were unauthorized without the consent of the International Channel Organization.

Japan strongly argued that President John Kim, who still has Korean nationalities, handled work independently of the United States’ ‘interests.’

The reason why these errors have not been corrected so far for nearly 8 months is very questionable, but it is certainly essential that only rapid corrections are necessary for the recovery of the miles relationship and for the U.S. Asian strategy.]


“What? You son of a bitch…”

The title, too, but the content is more salty. I wrote a long story about it, but at first glance, it targeted me as a “target.”

The current administration and the people of Washington say it’s all the fault of the Johnstone Group, without touching him.

A little, of course.), but it’s gross to be pointed out.

I’ve been driving all the way around Washington, calming down the administration, and I wonder what kind of pervert published this article. That’s Major Newspaper too.

The New York Times!

The president of The New York Times, as I know him, didn’t understand that this was happening. I stopped now, but I thought I had established my own connections while I was advising the American newspaper association. Was it too awkward?

I quickly found his cell phone and called Chief Jason. The signal rises because it’s in direct line, and you hear voices just over there.

“It’s me. You called?”

“Yes, sir. I wanted to reach out to you about a few awards, but I heard you went hunting. How have you been?”

“Thanks to you. Why did you call? Is it because of the New York Times article?”

“Hmmm… You’ve seen it. That’s right. After the article went out, agents have been trying to figure out what’s going on before and after.”

I also think that’s why I contacted you because I don’t have anything on my mind. I can feel the situation is not easy to figure out from Director Jason’s somewhat distressing tone.

“Is it complicated? because I couldn’t explain it fast enough.”

“It’s not happening right now, so I’ll meet you and explain. I want to check something out. You’re coming from Korea?”

“No. I’ll be right there.”

I decided to go back to the United States and discuss the long story. Tell Amanda to get the plane ready, and it’ll be ready soon.

We met roughly everyone, but we were curious about how things were going, so we soon cleared up and headed to the United States.

Flight time is seven hours.

Time spent flying from Mongolia across Russian airspace across the Pacific Ocean. Whether he flew in the wind or sped up, it’s no different from the ‘Seoul LA’ section.

During the flight, he asked me to tell you how he hunted with the guards, but when he got there, he immediately went to work because he had rested because he was chatting.

“Chairman, how are you?”

I walk into his office, and Chief Crimson waits with Chief Jason to say hello. Johnston City has its own airport facility, and it probably tipped me off as to my arrival.

“It was fine. I looked around and I saw that you went deeper than I expected from Johnston Group. I’d like you to come with me later. Pretty impressive, I’d say.”

I sat down and explained how I felt lightly. Neither of the chiefs have ever been to the entire Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. You are primarily in charge of European offices.

“What the hell is going on in English?”

After talking about my metaphor for a while, I immediately asked my questions. I was more curious about the progress of the case because it had already been a day since I had called.

“I think the editor of The New York Times released the article. It turns out the boss didn’t know, but he seems to have some internal knowledge.”

“The boss didn’t know? I don’t know… hmm.”

Trying to say it’s nonsense, it makes sense. It is because the boss does not personally oversee the articles.

“I’ve been researching the people the editor met before and after the article… I don’t think this is just a one-time story.”

“What?! So you’re saying it’s an organized conspiracy?”

“Yes, Senator Curtis and at least five Senators and a few other members of the Financial Services team were observed.”

“Senator Curtis? No, he’s a… he’s a fucking asshole!”

As soon as I heard that name, I was feverish and shoved up my ass. Senator Curtis met him when he was in Washington. I remember nodding my head, but it was all a trick. Son of a bitch.

‘Phew, I was so arrogant. That son of a bitch nodded his head, and he didn’t say anything about that, did he?’

Thinking back to that time, Senator Curtis seemed to have buried it when everyone said they would actively support me. I did it because I didn’t do anything particularly noticeable.

“There hasn’t been any movement in the last three or four months? Why is this happening all of a sudden? I knew they’d given up already.”

That’s what I’m wondering. The first few months were noisy, so I had to come to Washington myself to calm him down, jumping on my feet.

Of course, the key figures in the media did a full sweep. And then it got quiet, so I thought it was past time.

“Unfortunately, three elected members of Congress voted for Congressman Curtis last month and this month. You smell something, don’t you?”

“So tell me quickly. You know my personality, right?”

In the past few months, more than 10 members have been vacated for various reasons, so local elections have been held. But I’m a little surprised that three people were elected to Congressman Curtis. However, when I yell out loud, I quickly connect the words.

“It’s not 100% accurate yet, but I think it was Senator Jay Rockefeller who pushed those three people out of the race.”


“In Rockefeller’s history, he studied Japanese for three years in Tokyo, Japan. It has also been identified as receiving the” Supreme Leader of Wook Il Dae “from the Japanese government.”

“Heave-ho. What’s Captain Wook?!”

Pretending to be the leader of Uk-il, a pronunciation similar to Japan’s Uk-il Ascension. Jay Rockefeller was the one who received it. Why didn’t I know that?

“Originally established in 1875, Wok Il-jang is an award given to a person who has made significant contributions to the country (Japan) or the public.”

“No, so he was in front of the Japanese house? No, if Rockefeller was a family, wouldn’t Director Jason know anything about that? If he had a guy like that, he would have put him on the watch list!”

My voice grew louder because I was angry without knowing it. The last time my relationship with Japan was wrong, I was lazy in the information team. How many U.S. senators speak Japanese, and also have medals? Of course I should have been watching.

“I’m sorry, but you told me not to oversee Rockefeller’s activities before, so I’ve put a limit on intelligence gathering. Moreover, it seems that Senator Jay Rockefeller is a Democratic Congressman, so he’s off the grid even more.”

“Damn, it was dark under the lamp…”

I was insulted without knowing it. The Rockefellers were originally republicans and friends with greed. But, strangely enough, Senator Jay Rockefeller has an enemy in the Democratic Party. I don’t know.

“Son of a bitch hit me in the back? ‘

There can be no insult. I felt something bad about this and there was tissue behind it.

Artwork Reviews

There are many theories about Rockefeller’s relationship with Japan.

It is true that Rockefeller’s character, Jay Rockefeller, studied in Japan for three years and received the highest rise from the Japanese government in 2013.

[Japan had a big impact on my life and the lives of West Virginia people.]

Jay Rockefeller: The award-winning speech Bastard.

Once upon a time, I chased America to the bottom of my chin, and I learned nothing from the West. ‘Japan.’ At the time, the network that was built up was very deep.

Many people think China has been next to the United States for a long time because of the rise of China, but catching up with Japan (economically) is less than four years.

You can see in the August 2010 newspaper, “Press China, Japan, and be number two in the world.”

In 88-89, the peak of Bubbles, Japan pursued 70 percent of the U.S. GDP, swept away American Rockefeller Center, including Hawaii, LA and New York, and raised the bar on mergers and acquisitions.

If you look at China as close as 50 percent of the GDP in the United States last year, you can see how great Japan was at that time.

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