Going Into the World!

Chapter 59

leaving China

“Hello, I’m John Kim. Many of you are going to be very curious. I thought this was a job description. Do you have any questions? ”

My questions have “yes” everywhere.

“I’m sure everyone saw what was written on the back and thought so. Isn’t that right?”

The eyes are focused on the screen visible through the projector behind me, but the students who have only seen this title are confused.

Goldman Sachs, Yahoo, Microsoft, Expedia, Google, Classmate.com, MyWay

“Hehe. This is my idea, but it’s amazing. Am I good at marketing? ’

To attract students in a short period of time, it is not enough just “Daewoo”, “Johnstone Group”, and “Google”. ‘Maiway’ or ‘Classmate.com’ are very popular in the United States, but they are everywhere. It is likely that the Chinese will not know. That’s why I put a few names of multinational companies that everybody knows in front of me. It works as expected.

“Goldman Sachs will understand first. Mr. Paulson is already here. Right?”

My voice echoes through the auditorium as I enjoy the gaze that draws me to my stomach. Bold and strong voices are also effective in capturing the atmosphere.

“So, what is Yahoo? Who on the river is from Yahoo? Microsoft? Are there any Microsoft people here?” I deliberately looked around at the strong people. The students’ gaze follows me to the stronghold.

‘Fellas, of course not. I was joking. Kahaha.’

It’s fun to play with the foolish students sitting down.

“It’s better to see it once than to hear it a hundred times, right? So before we get to the point, let me show you a slide. ”

I let you play the PowerPoint presentation I prepared. Hah! I had a hard time making this last night.

The first slide is a photo I took in my office with Yahoo founders Jerry Yang and David. This was taken before Yahoo went public, when there were only a dozen or six people left in the office, so I stretched my legs out onto the chair, and Jerry and David sat next to each other tightly.

As soon as the first slide comes out, the reaction appears.

“Isn’t that the founder of Yahoo? ”

“It’s Jerry Yang, right? ”

Miss Jerry is Taiwanese, but of course she is Chinese and no one knows her. I start making loud noises at a time.

Only then did some photos taken in Yahoo come out, and the first question seemed to be resolved a little bit, but suddenly it became quiet as I started speaking.

“Here are some photos before Yahoo went public. When I was there, I had only 10 employees. When new employees came in, I often had training. ”

I explained it while showing the following pictures. Perhaps the fact that Yahoo is the leading early member of the Internet itself seems to be a high position for them that is hard to reach with some strong curiosity. Haha. Look at me, you bastards.

“So, let’s move on to Microsoft. ”

The auditorium is quiet again, I say. Unlike the first chaotic atmosphere, everyone now concentrates.


The first screen shows a friendly photo I took of you in Bill Gates’ office. I asked him to take a picture with me at the time, and he gladly agreed, but Gates took a picture with me because he was modest. That’s probably when I was in first grade. I think I went to see Richard to turn over the company I founded.

After several photos, my gaze became darker and darker.

“Hehe, what were you doing back then? That’s what this knot is. ’

I enjoy gladly glaring eyes, and a smile comes to my mouth.

As the screen continued to move forward, my presentation with the respective companies and photos continued.




My Way

I feel like I’m getting hot in the auditorium explaining the publication, the background of Google’s founding, the process of developing intelligent search engines, the challenges I’ve been having, and the innards I’ve come across to find solutions.

Where can students hear these stories? I take it hard, write it down, and nod my head, but I hear nothing but noise.

“I’ve come to boast of my work, not only for Bourne, but for promoting the company I intend to set up in China. ”

I explained to the students about Johnstone Technology China and Johnstone Group China. The company’s vision and direction of development, including Baidu and Alibaba .com.

In addition, the students’ hands are busy explaining alongside the Johnstone Group China, which will invest in many fields.

The company’s briefing was over. After my presentation, I let Mr. Paulson go first to ask each other questions, and he had to be asked for an hour apart.

After I left, I heard later that I had to copy 200 more copies as soon as I ran out of the 100 applications I had prepared.

Since that day, Moon and his staff have changed their gaze and attitude to see me, and they seem to be quite proud to work for the Johnstone Group.

The event that day was published in the newspaper for some reason, but it probably quickly spread because many of the students in Beijing were upper-class students.

Beijing’s biggest rival, Qinghwa, complained to Moon Taeho through an acquaintance of his pride. In the original Qinghua University, which was famous, of course, I was thinking of a corporate briefing, but I had to go and do another show because I came to the request.

At Qinghua University, a lecture was held for more than four hours because there were over a thousand students participating in the promotion at the school and the school staff were there. There were a lot of questions and hot knowledge and interest in Johnstone Technologies China’s Internet businesses, apparently because of the public relations and a lot of boys.

There were not enough applications for Moon to get more quickly, but it was also in the newspapers that helped Jonston Technologies and the Johnstone Group get promoted for free.


“Hello?” Your phone rings in a hurry.

“Hello? I’m Lee Bing.” I hear a careful voice.

“Ah, Mr Bingbing. How are you?”

I am glad to hear that vivid image of the first time I met you a few days ago, but the careful voice of the ice changes brightly. Maybe I wasn’t sure how I would react.

“Yes, I was going to show you around. ”

“Haha. Thank you. I should have contacted you about this. ”

I made an appointment with the ice cube and went out into the city. Now that we’re almost done with our work in China, we’re leaving in a few days, but the only thing left is sightseeing.

“How long has it been? Haha.” That was four days ago, so it’s not that long ago.

“Yes, it is.” Ice is a bit slow than it used to be. In fact, when I was presenting in the auditorium that day, I didn’t know because the lights were a little dim for the presentation, but later on in the question time, I saw that the ice was also sitting among the students.

Surrounded by executives and employees, I don’t even want to talk to them separately, but I feel cautious knowing who I am.

“Haha. I thought we were close, but all of a sudden this hard talk? ”

“Is that so? Hehe.” As I pretend to be close, the atmosphere suddenly changes as if I’ve washed away my worries.

I thought I was close at first, but then I saw him again, just in case.

“It was hard to pretend to know. Right?”

“I know. But you lied to me at first. Tsk!“ I can see the ball of ice.

“Haha. I’m not lying. Venture entrepreneurs are right. We have business in Beijing. It’s funny you should mention that in the first place, isn’t it? ”

“Is that so? Heh-heh.“

We met again at the western gate of Beijing and drove straight to the Great Wall with my car waiting. All the other places are in Beijing, but the Great Wall has to go up for more than an hour, so I decided to go first.

We sit in the back and we talk about it, and Bing Bing supports the Johnstone Group.

“Oh, it’s our company. Talent is always welcome. Tell your friends a lot about it. ”

“So it’s just a company? And not John?”

Haha. This guy. While traveling, I decided to call myself John because I am Mr. Kim or Chairman.

I think it’s funny to do ‘Il Doo ‘ like this. Strangely, ‘Ilduya ’ and ‘John ‘ are not the same name.

“I like it, too. When a beauty like this walks into a company, she’s happy to see you, right? Haha.”

When I complimented her, she smiled at my mouth, and I thought that women should listen to this.

I spoke English because I was good at Chinese, so I didn’t have to worry about the driver in front of me. I am quite good at English in Bing Bing, whether I am a fourth grader or a top university talent.

Chinese kids will roll better than Koreans.

After talking together for more than an hour and a half in a narrow space, I became quite friendly. Bing Bing laughs at me often as if he was naturally cheerful in nature. When I heard the story, I wore high heels in a suit the day I met him to attend a business demonstration that I had baited.

I thought you were the kind of thing companies come and explain.

“Haha. I didn’t lie to you. How did the students react, by the way? ”

“Tsk, that was amazing. I’ve been saying a lot of things since I got out, but I’ve had a lot of friends volunteer for my department. ”

There is something about the face of the ice looking at me that is disgraceful. Hmm. Cute thing.

The conversation with the ice cube was fun and informative. When I heard the story directly from the Chinese, I was happy to see China in a different way. Seeing that Ma and Robin were in a business relationship, things were a little cautious and it was hard to have a pleasant conversation because they were in my position.

I liked that she was a woman who liked me or because she didn’t ask me when I was a student, or because she was honest with me about what people in China thought.

I don’t know how much time I’m talking to you, but it’s a great Wall of China.

Wait for the knight and come inside! I can see the maturity on the mountain. Fortunately, today was a weekday, so there were no crowds, but the end of the week the ice caps were meerkats.

“Let’s go this way and take the cable car. ”

Some people walked up that mountain, but I didn’t have much time with the ice, so I went for a cable car.

“Huh! This is different for domestic and foreign admissions. ”

Reasonably differentiated entry fees are indicated. It’s a communist country. Whatever they want.

“Yes, I think the average citizen is poor, and this is hard.” Make excuses if the ice is a little bit sorry.

I didn’t agree with myself, but I don’t have to argue with women.

If you ask me, how many rich people in China have money? ’

Judging by the number of rich people, you won’t be jealous of a rich country. This is usually because there are a lot of poor people, so there are a lot of rich people.

Come on, you can’t tell the rich from the poor by their clothes. I understand the pain, but you can’t do that. They’re gonna make a few bucks!

“Wow, that’s amazing. How long did it take you to make this?”

I can’t see the end when I go up to the Wall.

“Come with me. I can’t do this alone! ”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Suddenly I was so open-minded that I went ahead. ”

When I came up here and looked down at the open place, I was mistaken and moved forward as if I had become a General at the time.

“Tsk, you can’t just leave her there. I’m having a hard time.” Bincing grabs my arm with a pouting face and folds its arms.

Ice takes my left arm and walks around with it. There are many uneven places and I go up and down. My chest keeps pounding against my arm. I enjoy the subtle feeling of it and enjoy the surrounding landscape, which also explains the history by knowing it by my side.

What’s Jennifer doing? Jennifer reminds me of the subtle feeling. Heheh… That rich and greedy… Heheh. Thinking about the soft flesh and the two large fruits that could be buried in your face, the heat suddenly rose from underneath you. You should be happy when you get back to this one. ’

Suddenly, I saw Jennifer licking her nipples touching her breasts and smiling.

“What’s so funny? ”

“Oh, no. I suddenly thought it was funny.” I can’t tell Bing what I was thinking just now, so I moved on.

Ah! Ice is actually quite a beauty. I mean, I haven’t been around a lot in China, but I think she’s the prettiest girl I’ve ever met. Moderately tall and naturally long hair is also attractive.

Well, we can’t expect the volume of Western women from Orientals, but when they come out in their own way, they come in with long legs and look thin.

But when I look around with Jennifer, you think she’s used to something a little more abundant? It’s just so fresh because it feels so different, but even if it’s tamed by a soft, cozy feeling, like Jennifer, it doesn’t go up underneath.

I was walking along the Wall of the Great Wall, and I felt strangely connected to my destiny.

‘Huh! What a surprise. I feel like I’ve been here twice since I came to the Great Wall. ’

I get used to thinking about how many lives would have died on this mountainside built along a mountainside. Well, that doesn’t make me a humanitarian. You think it’s just a hog jumper all of a sudden?

‘The emperors have moved so many people, should I keep a minimum of one million employees under me? ’

Suddenly, it feels so small to have accumulated so far. Yeah, it’s not too far now.

“It’s too hard. It’s been a long time since I’ve exercised.” Ice whines in the car on the way here.

“I’ll buy you something delicious. And that’s it?”

“Really? So where do we go? ”

When I say I want to eat a delicious dinner, a smile comes back and touches me, huff-puff! Now I touch someone’s thighs because I’m close.

‘Hmmm. This is what Jennifer usually does. “Usually when you get close to a man or a woman, you skinship each other, but you’ve been walking around with your arms crossed.

If a man touches a woman’s thigh, it’s sexual harassment. But I don’t really feel bad.

The next day, I finished a short sightseeing with a view to Lee Hwa Won, who said there was funding and western Tai Hoo. After sticking together for two days, I became familiar with the ice, so it was more fun to look around Beijing. I studied history, so it helped my education by telling me mixed stories everywhere I went.

After a week longer than I thought, I instructed Moon’s boss to pass the ice, leaving China for the next week. Bingbang was very disappointed, but he sent him smiling because he said he frequently came by because he now has a business place.

Artwork Reviews

Whew! Now we’re in China. Even writers don’t like China very much. The writing got longer. Now I’m out of breath.

I was going to take a look around Eastern Europe, and I already see people looking for Jennifer. Do I have to go back to Vancouver with Jennifer? Or go to Poland and Eastern Europe to see Eva?

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