Going Into the World!

Chapter 60

Mom’s mad at me.

“Ma’am, here’s your membership. ”

“I thought you might need it here. ”

“Haha. Ma’am, this is not a big deal, but it’s good for your health.”

“I’m Chung. Yes, give me a call”

Ildu’s house, which used to live in the middle of the neighborhood, now moved to Yeon-hee-dong’s wealthy village. I think there are too many people going in and out, and I moved to a big house because I have face-to-face, but I still can’t stop calling and visiting all day.

From the day Ildu entered the group headquarters and took control of the group’s authority, besides the Chief Secretary, he also frequently visits the wives of the affiliate presidents, wondering if they would get some information. So he is happy to put pressure on his shoulders every day.

Just because a farmer suddenly raises the price of land and becomes rich as a lightning bolt, it doesn’t mean that his skill or behavior suddenly increases. My mom was an ordinary housewife, but for a moment, thanks to her son, I started listening to her. I’m excited to be around you, but I still can’t keep up with my wife’s level of behavior.

“Mom, I’ve got some snacks here.” The spiritual lady who lives next door is one of the ‘in-laws’ who frequently go to Ildu’s house. One of the two sons is now a worker, and his little son is now a high school student, and he’s known since he lived in the same neighborhood for over a decade. Of course, at first, a slightly older spiritual ceremony pushed me to the rice bowl, but now the situation has reversed.

Nowadays, two mothers play the king’s role because the originals pay the rent. Everyone knows that when they get to know each other well, they will take care of it because they know that the cake is falling.

Even though it’s hard to do something, the neighbors who are friends in a neighborhood with many people who don’t deserve to have a place to complain are lined up to get to know their mom.

“What are you, the chairman? The spiritual mother tries to cover up the horse!” She stares at her mom, saying that she’s a tree.

My mom is my favorite side of the family because she scratches her itch and adjusts the atmosphere well.

The aunts who were with me thought that the name ‘Ildu Ma’ was a little problematic. Ildu, the chairman of a big company, suddenly appeared in the newspaper as Chairman Kim Ildu, but he doesn’t just call it that. After thinking about it, I made the “Ansan Society” among the people I was with, and I seated Ildu’s mother as chairman.

Ansan is a mountain name behind Yeon-hee-dong. It used to be a place where women used to go up and exercise everyday. There is sperm on the top of the mountain, and I still go out with him sometimes.

“Here, I sent you a little advance. And this is a crab, and I’m good at crabs. Hoho.”

“This is squid rice. Try it. Brought you lunch. ”

“Aigoo, something like this. Why do you bring this every day? ”

One and two mothers refuse with their mouths, but their elongated hands take flounder and smile from their faces. I can’t hide my emotions very well.

‘Hohoho! Nowadays, I can’t eat just sitting around. I can’t help but notice my son Dunne. ’

“Chairman, what are you doing today? ”

“Oh! Right. I have a hotel massage membership. Can we go there? ”

“Oh, really? Can we come with you? ”

“Of course. There’s plenty of me. If you don’t have enough, you can ask for more. That’s where our son runs the hotel. ”

“Oh my, you mean the Hilton Hotel? Isn’t that place expensive? ”

“Haha. I can’t believe I’m president and I’m getting paid. Let’s go!”

The five Ahnsan women, including Ildu’s mom, couldn’t go at once, so they split a cab and headed downtown.

“Aigoo! My chairman is making me rich these days. ”

“Yes. I’m going to get another massage today. You said there was a salon there. ”

“Haha. It’s all free, so do whatever you want to do today. ”

“Oh, my God! I had my head done last week. You have to tell him in advance to go to this place. ”

“I forgot, too. Last time I got it as a New Year’s gift, I forgot. Well, there’s a lot to come in for. Hoho.”

My mom’s famous body is now in the garden, but I didn’t lose my pride in the neighborhood because I was too proud to ignore others or not.

In addition, she lives in the same neighborhood, so she often praises the streets by sending food separately every month. Older people say it’s the fastest place in town after you.

“Come on, get out of here. ”

When two taxis stopped at the front of the hotel and the women came down, Bellevo was baffled on the porch.

“Oh, my goodness! This is a great hotel. Why are they coming? ’

One or two of Bellboy’s men may dress appropriately, but the rest is not a level for a place like this. Of course, sometimes, one or two people come to a hotel coffee shop and meet each other, but in groups like this…

“Welcome. ”

Greetings, but a shivering look on his face is revealed without filtration. Fortunately, the members of the Ansan Society didn’t look carefully while following their mother.

“Hey, I love it here. I’ll drink here. It’ll be great, right? ”

“Haha. You’re going to look great today. Thank you, Chairman.”

“Wait, somebody go ask where the massage parlor is. ”

Six women are chatting in the hotel lobby and the surroundings are loud.

Local women don’t usually come to nearby salons or branch hotels until they’re good. Nowadays, young moms come to hotel coffee shops because they sometimes have a vibe with their friends, but most members of the Ansan Society are in their 40s.

Some who were sitting on one side pretending to be noble frowned at the members of the Andean Society.

“Mrs. Kim, I think the local ladies are coming to the hotel these days. The water in this hotel is too blurry. Isn’t that right?”

“Haha. You must have come to play. When do people like that ever come to a place like this? I need to know the theme.”

“Yes, it’s noisy. You’re making a ruckus!”

Chuck As you can see, the three women who write ‘I am Gangnam style’ call each other as Kim Yeosa, Chamberlain, and Shim Mae, and send their eyes glazed at the noisy Andean women.

“Lady, where is this massage parlor?” My mom is in the middle of deciding whether she wants to relieve herself of all the hard work. She goes to the reception and asks the usher.

“Huh?” The guide looks a little dazed. I didn’t like the noisy women in the lobby before, but the chief asked me where is the massage shop?

They’re not the kind of foxes you’d look for in a hotel massage parlor.

“Lady, the massage parlor. Massage parlor. Don’t you know?” On the contrary, Mother raised her voice a little because she was offended by the expression, but she didn’t answer.

“Yes. It’s in the basement. What’s the matter?” The grumpy sheep adds the “why” for no reason.

“Never mind! You don’t need to know. ”

“No, what’s wrong?” It’s happening. Other people ask me when my mom comes back.

“That girl over there is very unfriendly. If you ask me, I’ll teach you. Why are you going? Phew! It’s so ugly. ”

“Oh my God, this is a hotel. What’s wrong? If you say” hotel, “isn’t that nice? ”

My mom was suddenly offended. You’re the one who brought the group here, but everyone seems to blame you for being unfriendly. Once his mother’s face turned red, the blame party seems to have felt something wrong.

“Oh, come on. It’s more like that. He’s new here today. He could be. Look at that. He’s still a little blue kid. ”

“That’s right! There’s always one cheapskate everywhere!”

Huff-puff! Is this supposed to make a fight or not?

“No, Ji-hye, what’s wrong?” Kim Sang-guk, a deputy manager who came out of the office after work, keeps shaking his hands at the reception, seeing loud people in the lobby. When the lobby makes a fuss, of course it’s a redundancy factor, so I was wondering what happened, and I said, “Why are you making so much noise? ’It is a question of HilNan.

It’s not because of me. ”The guide, Wisdom, who had a grudging thought, raised a crying voice.

It’s true that the woman who wasn’t properly dressed at first looked for an expensive massage shop, so it was funny that she was not friendly for a moment, but it started to make me more and more nervous as several people looked at her and chatted.

Ten people make a fool out of one person. Six people staring at you makes me nervous.

“Oh, I was just asking. Yeah, why don’t the others talk to you? ”

Kim Sang-guk gently comforted the young and pretty one and looked at the other guides, saying that he was sorry for ringing the guide.

“One of them asked Ji-hye something, but Ji-hye didn’t answer right.” The guide next to you replies unfriendly because he is now a favor, and yet he does not know how to answer, but he speaks cunningly as if he is in a commotion.

“Really? Really?” The girl called wisdom in Kim Sang-guk’s words nods.

“Huh-huh. Why are the ladies here making such a fuss? If you do this, customers will complain. ”

Just looking at the clothes, Kim Sang-guk tried to drive to the other side quietly, because the local women looked so small.

“Wait a minute. Come here. ”

Kim Sang-guk calls out to three women who were sitting on one side of the sofa in the lobby. My wives seem to be well-dressed.

‘Phew! What is this? What else is there to talk about? This is a bad day. ’

But the customer calls me, so I go say hello first.

“Yes, ma’am. You wanted to see me?” I greet them with as much respect as I can, and their faces are filled with unwelcome faces.

“No, we come to this hotel a lot, but it’s too loud today. ”

“Yes, I’m here to talk quietly, but a great hotel doesn’t have to manage guests like this. ”

“Yes, my husband’s friend knows the general manager here. Your boss will recognize me when he sees me. What should I say?”

“That’s right. You said Ms. Kim’s husband’s best friend.” A woman at your side raises an arm.

Kim Sang-guk, the deputy manager, was worried that if the last wife said something wrong, the fire would spread out for no reason. I don’t think he’s lying just because he’s dressed up and talking.

“Oh, I see. I didn’t recognize it because I didn’t have much experience yet. If you’re here, I’ll take care of it. ”

I put my hands together and greet them politely, but inside I am offended.

“Damn it! I’ll tell you what, go after the customers.” There’s like six of these. How are we supposed to organize this? ’

If there are even one or two guests who talk, you can simply go to one side and talk well, but it is a burden because there are six of them. I know women’s fears well as a married man.

“Tsk, three women in a row is unbeatable, and this is six women! Hehe. ‘

“No, what happened? ”

Just then, I came down to the lobby to see who the boss heard from and called Sang-guk Kim, seeing the cluttered atmosphere.

“Oh, this is a twist. ’

You rumble inside, but your body quickly rushes to the dominant.

“Yes, I had a minor problem for a moment, but it should be cleared up soon. Don’t worry about it. ”

“Yes? Then why is it so noisy? ”

When you hear the master’s heavy voice, it rings in a quiet lobby when the master appears, even though it is not that loud.

“Oh my! How are you, boss?” Lady Kim, who said she knew the dominant a while ago, pretends to know her.

“Oh, hello, ma’am. ”

“Haha. Yes. I’m always good. ”

The manager comes over to the couch and greets the other three women as well.

“Sir, the hotel is a little noisy today. ”

“Yes? Oh, really?” There is a slightly bewildered glow on the face of the dominant.

“Hoho. We can’t talk well while we wait for someone here for a while, and our customers seem to have lost their water.” I’m pointing to one side as I speak, and I think I know what you’re talking about.

“Yes, Mr. Kim Sang-uk! ”

“Yes? Your Excellency. ”

“Why don’t you move those people over there to the other side? It’s a little noisy in the middle of the lobby. You have to take care of this. Isn’t that right?”

Kim Sang-guk, a vice-manager, was cheerful because of the offended boss’s remarks. The hotel service line is not always like the military.

“Yes, I’ll take care of it. ”

‘Damn, this is gonna get ugly today. ’

My mom was getting worse and worse. When I look at her to scold the woman who was unfriendly to her mother, I already look a little scared. I hesitated to fight with a child, but when a guy named the vice manager came out, we whispered to each other and looked at him, and he looked at me like, ’Why are you in trouble here?’

I tried to decide what to say when I came this way, but the women sitting on the other side called, and they went that way, didn’t they?

“No, these! Ignore me now and leave without apologizing? ‘

I’ve been surrounded over the past few years, and I haven’t had a lot of guests in the house, especially in the last few months. Starting with the boss’s wives, no matter how sophisticated and decent the wives were, they were busy coming home and thinking about what became of them. Today, I left without a knight or attendant to come out with the members of Ansan in a hurry, and it’s a total treat.

“Wives, let’s go over there and talk. ”

Kim Sang-guk, the vice manager, approaches the members of the Ansan Society and urges them to carefully step aside.

“What? You want us to go one way without an apology?

Artwork Reviews

There were so many different opinions, I decided to go with the writer. And of course, there’s Eva, there’s Jennifer, there’s Ildo, there’s the wonderful thing, there’s the conflict, there’s the crisis, there’s the acquisition.

We really appreciate your input, but we all have different tastes, so please be patient.

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