Going Into the World!

Chapter 66

to Vancouver

“Jennifer, are you here?” The cone opens the door and smells like food! It gets in your nose.

“John!” Jennifer comes out of the kitchen, and her face reminds me.

“What are you working so hard for? You have red face, right?”

“Well, I guess I was boiling something. Hungry? Hold on a second. Dinner’s almost ready. ”

“I’m going to wash up. ”

While Jennifer was preparing for dinner, I took a shower and put on some comfortable clothes and set up a table.

“Wow! What’s the main dish today? What kind of sauce is this on shrimp? ”

“This is Fettucini, which is spinach on shrimp and salmon and cream on tomato sauce. How does it taste?”

“Phew! This tastes good! When did you learn to do this? ”

I wasn’t born on the beach, but I particularly like seafood. My favorite shrimp has a savory, melting sauce, but I don’t like it.

“Ouch! This is mussels, right? This is my favorite, too. Where did you get this? ”

The mussels are boiled, so they’re in a big bowl. It’s delicious just to watch. Ugh! How long has it been? By the way, I don’t think I’ve ever eaten mussels when I went to Korea. Suddenly, “Why? ’I think.

“Hehe. I went to the seafood market with my mom on Mission Street today. I told you John likes seafood, and your mom told me. ”

“Yeah? Just say thank you, okay? ”

I boiled mussels and put them up.It’s fun to forget. It takes me seconds to forget one. While speaking briefly, the shells pile up.

“But when do you catch mussels? ”

“There’s so much food these days, it lasts all year. Natural acids are best caught when the water is cold, but when it’s warm it’s north, and when it’s cold it’s south, so it’s expensive. Of course it’s natural. ”

“Really? Is this a ‘natural’? Phew!”

I grabbed Jennifer by the word ‘natural acid’. Oh, this is for sure. Khh.

“Oh, come on. You’re eating.”

“Natural origin is definitely good for the body. It feels different, doesn’t it? ”

I made fun of Jennifer’s breasts. Oh, this is so fun. Squishy squishy. But it’s soft like mussels chewing on your mouth.

“That’s enough! ”

“Okay, I’m just so happy. ”

“Tsk! Who said that? ”

Jennifer’s pouting lips make me feel cute. My bad memories flee.

It is important to eat people. The feeling of satiety makes me feel relaxed and relaxed every day.

Especially since I liked the seafood, my appetite changed even after eating it all.

“Get some rest. I’ll get you a coffee. ”

“Can I help you?” I said a few words as a courtesy. Haha.

“No, it’s okay. Just put it in the dishwasher and turn it around. ”

Jennifer is clean and clean, so it looks like she washed it right away and put it in the washing machine. Suddenly there doesn’t seem to be much to wash.

I am so grateful to my future mother-in-law. I’m glad I don’t have to tell you how I raised Jennifer. Haha.

I could have a housekeeper if I got married later, but now I don’t have to hire someone to feed me by myself. Jennifer comes by for dinner once a week and eats the rest.

I’m busy and annoyed. In fact, there are Korean restaurants and sushi houses just a little bit away, so there is no need to hammock. Of course, one meal of home-cooked food is a relief.

‘There are a lot of women who like to cook, but this is a gold standard. Khh.’

Seeing Jennifer’s back on the couch working in the kitchen, she looked lovely today. I enjoy the warm feeling that comes from my whole body while tapping my stomach.

‘Hah! I feel comfortable with Jennifer, but I feel comfortable with her. ‘

I have a big smile on my mouth. Jennifer looks at the housewife’s mother and grows up. She moves diligently and takes care of everything. Oh, of course, it’s time to spend on grooming.

I spread the newspaper on the table today and looked at it. I saw an interesting article.

[According to a study published by the University of Iowa, divorce rates vary greatly based on when women had their first sex and their first relationship with their spouses.]

In other words, the divorce rate in the United States is currently 43% within 15 years of marriage. According to this, more than 50% of people split up in their lifetimes.

One thing that interests me is that this study shows that divorce rates drop dramatically if you have not had your first experience under the age of 18, or if you meet your spouse as a virgin.

Most investigators find their childhood experiences with people they don’t love because of the atmosphere and coercion, and in this case, when they meet their spouses, they have difficulty with emotion or relationship establishment.

“Hehe. Early education is also important. She’s been taking care of him for five years, so you won’t have to worry about her for the rest of your life, right? ’

No matter how open America is, many people want to be their first love for each other. I just saw you on late-night television. Is your boyfriend Virgin? Then it came out that I didn’t know what to do because I liked it. What kind of pro was that? I think it was a night show. Was it David Letterman?

‘Even though they pretend to be extraordinary, they all feel the same. ’

Even if the influence of television or media stirs up a ‘fever’, that’s not all. Many men give up, but on the one hand, they are all sad and jealous.

However, it is good news for men living in the United States, given the statistics that virginity rates are increasing as they come to the end of the 90s rather than in the early 90s.

‘But it doesn’t matter to me. ’

After living in America for a long time, I often feel lonely. I just sometimes think about getting married to Jennifer, but I’m barely…

At least a few more years. I still have a lot of work to do, right? Heh heh.

Tapping my stomach, I thought about it and turned on the TV.

[Christopher Reeve attended a tape cutting event at the Stem Cell Research Center. As you know, Liv, who was known as Superman, has been in a specially designed wheelchair ever since she suffered a camel accident and injured her spine.]

“Oh, I loved it when I was a kid. That’s too bad.”

It breaks my heart to remember watching a Superman movie when I was in Korea and raising my dream. Superman in a wheelchair!

“Awesome! It’s Christopher Reeve! ”

Jennifer brings her coffee and sits next to her.

“Thank you for the coffee.” Thank you so much for patting my head. My hands slip from my well-maintained head, but I feel so good about it.

“Heehee! I’m pretty, right? ”

“Haha. Of course. Come here!”

I wrap one hand around Jennifer’s shoulder, and Jennifer leans sideways against my chest.

“That wife is amazing, she’s been looking after you for five years now. But he didn’t run away. ”

Liv’s wife was from an actress, so she had a beautiful face. I admire the thought that it will be really hard to even give my husband a bottleneck to urinate.

“How can you say that? So John’s gonna run if I get hurt? ”

Jennifer shoots me in the face and says, “Is that who John is? It is the look of reprimand.

“No, who said I did? There’s a lot of separating people in America, right? It’s just what people do. ”

I made my excuses quickly, but I don’t think I deserve it.

“That’s not all. The families that are properly educated are different. ”

She looks at Jennifer and she’s pouting like she’s talking about herself.

“Like you? Ahhh!”

I tug my nose at the foam and pinch the back of my hand.

“What’s wrong with me? You came to the family party last time, right? ”

“Yeah, but why is that? ”

“Few of us in the Davis family are divorced. ”

“Wow, that’s the first I’ve heard of it. ”

“My family is not the Kennedys, but normal people with normal jobs. ”

Hmm. That’s what I heard. The United States was also disturbed by generations who grew up incorrectly in cultural toilets in the 60s and 70s. Well, Jennie was a hippie at Forest Gump.

“Okay, that’s just it. By the way, can we go to Canada tomorrow? ”

“Canada? What’s up? ”

“You wanted me to let you get dressed. We were supposed to go see it together. ”

“John! What’s a clothing store? I told you it was a designer shop. ”

Ugh! Did he call art obscene again? He’s hypersensitive again.

“Okay, okay. ”

“Really? When are you going? ”

Jennifer’s voice rises like a child.

“Let’s go tomorrow! ”

“Tsk, tsk. Thank you. Hehe.”

By the way, if this is my plane, I can just fly. I need to buy a house with a runway. That way, if I think of Vancouver, I can drive and swoop and go.

Donald Trump bought a $10 million jet.


Jennifer and I went to Vancouver to check out a little company called Luleulemon, which I had seen before, and I went to the store downtown because it was on the Internet and it’s no bigger than I thought.

We’re here to spy on you. Jennifer looks at prices, designs, etc. one by one, and I just follow her around asking questions and answering questions.

Fashion can be a little pricey, but it’s not the right fit.

“How about this? Isn’t the design great? ”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Much better than the dull ones you have. A lot of weird stuff, huh? ”

There are many different kinds of designs by individuals. Purple, black, grey, grey, grey… all kinds of joggers are iridescent and vary from stretchy pants sticking down to just a little wider at the end.

“Are you looking for something in particular?” I walked into a store that wasn’t big and spent some time researching, and the waiter approached me and asked.

“I’m trying to save my workout clothes. ”

“What kind of exercise do you do? ”

“Yes. Yoga, running. ”

“Really? If you do yoga, I don’t think you go to our center. ”

“No, I just do it at home. ”

“We’ll give you a discount if you do it in our centre. Talk to me later if you’re interested. And your yoga suit’s this way. I think it needs to be stretchy in order to get into a lot of poses. I use special fibers, especially because I don’t have to tear the movement between my hips or knees or between my legs. It’s made primarily with new material for athletes’ wear for compression sportswear, and everyone has worn it. I definitely feel different when I’m exercising. Should I say something sticky and easy to move? I have a good feeling about that. Would you like to try it on? ”

Oh! The waiter explains, but I don’t know anything about liquidating oil. I say I teach here at the yoga center, so Jennifer details the pros and cons of every item she picks up.

“I’ll buy this, this and that. Here’s another selection. ”

Jennifer bought 12 of each kind in the name of “samples.” Pants are purple, grey, five by shape, and sports bras and other outdoor clothing make the employee’s eyes pop wide open.

“Awesome! I think your boyfriend is talented. This is going to be so good. Haha. ”

“You know, John’s a little talented, right? Heh heh.” Jennifer grins as she strokes my chest.

“Haha. Whatever. How much?”

“Yes. That’s $2350 in total. ”

The waiter smiles on his face as he cuts the cards without interruption. Are you the owner of something you like?

“There’s a sports center in here, right? ”

A glass door inscribed with yoga lessons is attached to the inside.

“It’s too small to be a sports center, just a yoga class. Would you like to come in? ”

I think there are a few students inside, all of whom are practicing in their aluminum clothes.

Shopping always entertains women. I come out with something I bought in both hands, and Jennifer’s face is full of smiles.

‘By the way, this waitress is really important. She’s got a lot on her plate. She’s got a lot of finesse. You run a yoga center, you leave it to the instructor, so you have the expertise and the responsibility. This is a good idea. ’

Later, I asked them if they were incentivized to sell.

Rather than just opening a store, I think a sporting goods store like this would be better with a sports center.

“Jennifer, isn’t this great? ”

“What?” Jennifer opens her eyes to my aimless question.

“This! You can open a sports center in a big city and open one right next to it. A small place with the same concept and a franchise for the individual. You can do this from the head office. Plus, the software our people need here is gonna take a month or two to build. It’s not organized like this, so I think something’s going to work. How’s Jennifer?”

“Right? You think it’ll work? ”

Jennifer asked me to get started, but I was excited because I was interested. Reacts directly to what I say.

“Yes, you can make a variety of products, but you can do it in real time with a computer system, and you can do it in small quantities as fast as you can. Big things like Nike are limited. Where in the world would Nike make so many different products? And they can’t keep up with Trent. On the contrary, it’s difficult to produce or market products in small places. ”

These retail outlets need to meet trends and the needs of fast customers. Ah, not to mention the customer care and the professional and friendly waitstaff.

Jennifer and I wanted to see the Lulu Lemon Studio while we were still here. I looked at the address and drove by and saw the sea.

“Wow! You see that island over there? Is this Kissilano?”

“Yes. We’re almost there. ”

There is a studio just outside the city. I’m using the middle floor of a non-large three-story building, and when I get inside, some people are working and looking at us.

“How can I help you? ”

“Yes, we went to a store downtown, and we liked the designs. I was a little curious, so I thought I’d stop by. My name is John. This is Jennifer, my girlfriend. ”

“Hi, I’m Jennifer. ”

“Ah, yes. This is Chip Wilson.” Mr. Wilson looks a little crazy, but he says hello. We just came in here without a thought, and it’s gonna be weird for us.

“I loved the outfits. And the colors. Do you design them here?” Jennifer smiles and asks.

“Yes, I design it, and I make it in small quantities in a factory on the outskirts. Friends do that sort of thing. ”

Mr. Wilson smiles and asks questions, and all he has to do is drink up the information he shouldn’t share. This guy’s out of his mind.

Mr. Wilson is a nice guy, says he’s from athletes, but he’s tall and small, and he’s got a cake stand. I thought it was kind of funny that someone like this was a designer.

“Oops! I think this looks like a inverter, but you draw with a pencil?” Isn’t this supposed to be something stylish for designers? ’

Mr. Wilson is distracted by Jennifer’s induction questions and answers everything she asks. He seems to be in his mid-40s and has a lot of helpful words about whether he’s naive or what happened to our surprise visit.

“Thank you so much. You’ve heard a lot of good things. ”

“Ah, yes. You’re welcome. I’m glad you like my designs. ”

Mr. Wilson is thrilled that a beautiful woman has complimented his works.

“I’d love to see that. You have an idea. You have a good sense. You will succeed in this field. I have eyes. ”

“Haha. You’re welcome. Thank you anyway.”

Jennifer intervenes and creates an upbeat atmosphere from the start. Mr. Wilson, who was wary of strangers, now comes out to serve us coffee. When we listen to stories, we delight ourselves with our own design philosophy.

“I actually do business in San Francisco. It has nothing to do with clothing. Jennifer here was interested in doing a fashion business, and I noticed the clothes that she had designed, and I thought I’d stop by. Do you ever want to work a little bit bigger in the United States? ”

“In America?”

“Yes, this is an unexpected offer that may be confusing, but please think carefully and be sure to contact me later. ”

“John, I’m going to give Mr. Wilson a business card. ”

“Oh, yeah. Here’s my business card. “

I handed him a business card that said “CEO of Johnston Group,” and he didn’t respond. Ordinary people do not know.

In fact, the logo of the companies I run is engraved on the back of my business card, but I don’t look back and forth. I’ll see you later.

“Please call me. I really want to work with you.” Jennifer says something. This naive man nods softly in Jennifer’s words.

“Yes, I understand. I’ll think about it.”

We left the design studio right after a long time had passed.

Artwork Reviews

It’s time to get into the fashion industry and the movie business. How to be successful in this field… I have to be in good shape.

In the early 2000s, a number of cases got tangled up, especially now within a few months (?) and the game company is busy.

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