Going Into the World!

Chapter 67

Physique 57

Jennifer and I, back from Vancouver, first decided to open a fitness center downtown. Later, I was planning to build it into a composite center where I would exhibit and sell designer shops and products, so I needed a bigger building.

I talked to Mr. Clarkson, and he’s picking a few spots. I went with Jennifer to check, and one is already in the fitness center, which the owner put out because it’s difficult.

“Jennifer, how about this building? It looks like there are a lot of workers and a lot of floating people here. ”

We entered the coffee shop and looked around the building across the street. I see a lot of young working women who are the main customer base.

I’m not saying that being young means that you’re in your 20s. Working women in their 30s and 40s also travel quite a lot. There are some men, and so am I, but I don’t have much money. You don’t often get paid to come and exercise, or apply for yoga classes.

I have this idea that I should do this, but Jennifer sings a nostalgic song because she can’t choke, so I went out with her on a date.

“No, it’s all about fashion and fitness. This could be worth a fortune, too. ’

Changing my mind makes me think this area is important too. Didn’t GE, my role model company, go into health?

“Sounds good to me. I like the building. I think it’s clean and safe to wander around at night. ”

After finally contracting my favorite building, I let the fitness center and the designer shop set first and called the contractor to work. The existing fitness center was small in my view, so I decided to expand and build a designer shop for Jennifer next door.

The fitness center employed a professional person for Jennifer, a sophisticated woman in her early 30s named Sarah Brackley.

“Sarah, this is Jennifer. Jennifer, I told you this was the place. ”

Sarah looks at Jennifer, and she smiles at me, and she’s like, “You guys look exactly the same. ’I feel like talking. Sarah’s résumé tells me that she went to dance school for a while and did a play, but she pointed to the Lotte Berk workout at a fitness center in New York.

The name is strange. This exercise is mainly about maintaining the balance of the body. It’s about holding a rod or maintaining health through movement of a ballet or yoga ceremony. He was very famous in his own way, but at the interview, he nodded as if he didn’t know Gile very well.

Sarah was asked to consult with one of Mr. Crimson’s management support chiefs about the overall design and operation of the fitness center.

Once the center was seated, we decided to formally hire the staff, leaving Sarah with the right personnel to hire them right away. It’s all coming into my ears anyway, but I don’t really care because it’s still a penny.

“Hi, I’m Jennifer. Please take good care of him.”

“Yeah, me, too. You’re the boss’s girlfriend, right? You’re very beautiful. ”

“Hehe! Thank you. You’re beautiful, Sarah. ”

While praising each other, Sarah gives Jennifer a good word about her considerable experience with others. Jennifer seems to have taken a liking to Sarah in no time.

“If you come to me alone later, will you teach me how to be loved by men? ”

Sarah looks at me, smiling slightly, and looks at Jennifer and says,

“Is there such a thing?” Jennifer’s ears are as tempting as if she’d never known.

“Haha. Of course. I’ll teach you later. There’s something very good about it. ”

My résumé says I worked as a massage therapist for a few years, too. I’m curious.

But this woman secretly talks about it.

‘Cause the way I see it, it looks like someone from Sex and the City.’

I wanted to look familiar somewhere, but it looks like a famous actor.

“Haha. This is a lot of firework. By the way, I have to co-register this. What should I call it? ”

“Sarah, what do you have in mind? What about Jennifer?”

“Well, how about Winwood Training Center?” Sarah takes the name of the street.

“That’s too common. It’s not just a fitness center, as I said before, with the scale up a little bit later.” I don’t think there is a sense of nobility.

“John, how about Physique? ”

“Oh, that’s nice. Wait, why do you feel like you’re missing something? ”

It’s not bad because it’s the basic idea of making a sports-related product at a fitness center later, but I feel like I spilled something on the way.

“So, what do you think of Pizzik 57? ”

“Oh, that’s nice.

Phew. Looks like something’s up! Haha. People are going to be so curious about 57. You might think it was founded in ’57. ”

The name I have in mind is plausible.

“John, I think it’s okay if I listen. ”

“Haha. So you’ve decided on a name. If you need anything during the process, please contact Mr. Crimson. I’ll tell you. ”

I went upstairs from the fitness center to work on Jennifer’s designer shop. Building renovations will be finished in two weeks if the builders are willing. On my way up, I just left it there, but it’s in some settings.

Designer shops are just getting started, so all you need to do is create a spacious office. When Mr Wilson and other designers who have planted rice cakes join us, we will slowly scale up.

We will also bring good designers through Beijing or the people around us, and we will decide again once the team is confirmed.

“John, do I have an office here? Hehe.”

“Yes. This room was designed for you. I ordered the best chairs and desks here, too. Other people are good. ”

Furniture is piled up on one side of the building, and furniture is set in Jennifer’s room.

“I love this! My backrest is all the way backwards! It doesn’t fall down!

“This is from Knoll, but the chair design is unusual. ”

Knol is a luxury brand with over 70 years of history that specializes in office furniture. The backrest of the chair is designed to bend 90 degrees backward, so it will never pass. Ordinary chairs cost $1000 each. Is Jennifer worth $1,500?

“Oh, by the way, 30 employees cost 30,000 chairs. Was it too much? ‘

Fitness centers and design shops, I found some luxurious and modern designs, so I made some money unexpectedly. Gosh! Am I losing my sense of money?

“Wow, I love this desk and this drawer. I like the color. ”

The interiors and furniture are all white and highlighted in black or purple.

‘Patience, you pay the price as well. Construction workers are expensive, but the design is just right. ’

“I’ve given you the best of everything. Do we have to have fun? Haha!”

Sitting and standing around like a child with a new toy, he stroked his head.

“Tsk. You think I’m a kid. Heehee! It’s good, though! ”

I’m making fun of Jennifer, and I hear someone coming up.

“Ms. Grant, you’re still here. ”

“Ah, yes. I was trying to see if I could renovate. ”

But there is another woman standing next to Sarah.

“Here’s a professional yoga instructor. Tanya Becker worked in New York with me. This is the boss, and this is the designer, and this is his girlfriend. ”

“Nice to meet you. John Kim.”

“Yes, my boss is young and charming. Haha!”

A woman named Tanya looks fit and looks good in her late 20s or early 30s. Come on, yoga instructor or whatever it is you’re looking for these days, let’s face it. Especially at these luxury fitness centers.

“Tanya is a long-time veteran of Rote Burke yoga. I went to jazz school before, and I had a bit of a play experience with him. ”

“Oh, really? That’s enough signage for our club. Haha.”

“Is that so? Haha. ”

What looks plausible is the typical career woman who looks energetic.

“Wow, this girl can make a video from our film company. Yeah, why don’t we set up a yoga channel at the gym? ’

This woman looks commoditized. Wow. Jennifer’s gonna be there? “Body Care of Good Glamer”? You know what? Heheheh.


Mr. Wilson, who runs Lulemon, eats with his family on the weekends. The two daughters are still in high school, but we don’t usually have a lot of opportunities to eat together because Mr. Wilson comes in late after work.

“Oh, honey, I found this business card on the floor. Is it yours? ”

“What is it? It’s, it’s his. When did I lose it? Haha! Haha! And this guy…”

“What’s so funny? ”

“No, it’s just that a few weeks ago, someone came to me, and I suddenly thought, ”

“Dad, what is it? It’s a good thing you’re smiling. ”

Marissa, Wilson’s first daughter, was curious as her father laughed at her.

“Honey, tell me quickly. Curious.”

“Not only that, a certain Asian came. He brought a blonde girl because she’s his girlfriend. But the main thing is that I like my design. I thought you’d be nervous, so you took me up on it, and then you asked me to come to America later. Let’s work together.”

Daughters who like glamorous things like “America?” are in a hurry to pay attention. Especially Marissa is interested in fashion like her father.

“Honey, what did you say?” Mr. Wilson’s wife is curious as well.

“Well, you said you’d think about it. I don’t even know him, and I don’t believe him. Do you know if he’s a fraud? “

“What a crook you have to deal with!”

“No! What’s wrong with me? I’m doing my best, too.” Mr. Wilson is as hot as a broken ego.

“What did someone say? I mean, there’s only one little design shop in one store, and they say it’s a scam. ”

“Ahhhh! Let me go! We’ll see about that. Do you know if I’m gonna be big? ”

“Dad, give it to me.” Marissa, my daughter, took her business card.

“That young man and his girlfriend were in the same picture. She was a blonde, like Marilyn Monroe. ”

“What kind of person is he? What about the girl?”

“I don’t know. Some kind of Johnston group? That’s what it says, isn’t it? ”

Mr. Wilson asked his daughter who was looking at his business card.

“Yes, Dad. That’s right.He’s the CEO of the Johnston Group, but I’ve never heard of him. Oh, my God! Mom, look at this! ”

Marissa suddenly yells at her business card.

“No, why! Marissa, what’s going on? ”

Wilson’s wife is surprised and asks her daughter why she’s in such a hurry.

“Marissa! What’s wrong? You have to say,” Phew. “Wilson’s just staring at his daughter.

“Mom, look! Isn’t this the company that built Notting Hill? It’s got music CDs on it!

“What? Give it to me. I know that better.” The second daughter tries to take her business card, but Marisa pushes her sister.

“Awesome! Look at this. Here’s Google and Myway! ”

“Ahhh!” The second daughter snatches her business card from her sister’s hand.

“Huh? Really. Wow! Don’t you think I’ve seen this guy somewhere? ”

“No, kids. Shut up. And give me your business card! ”

Mr. Wilson’s wife was suddenly curious about how the children were holding out.

“Awesome! This is classmate.com. What do I know about this? Polygram, too, boys. It’s true!”

“Yes, I know Google here, Polygram here. Huh! Is this real? ”

Mr. Wilson also comes next to his wife to look at his business card and shakes his head to the left and to the right.

“Would you lie? You can look it up online. I can’t stand the curiosity. Wait a minute, everyone!”

“Mom, me too! Me too!”

My wife and two daughters run to the room to see the computer.

“Oh, no. I never thought I’d see the back.” Mr. Wilson scratches his head, but he’s still suspicious, in fact.

“Daddy! Come quick! ”

I just walked into the room, and she screams. Once inside, everyone is gathered in front of the computer.

“Dad! Is that him? ”

“Oh, yes! Are you sure?”

“Wow, this guy bought a polygram film company in January. ”

“Oh, my God. Honey, I’m serious. Here’s his résumé. He runs an Internet venture, like Google, Myway, and Classmate.com. ”

“Mom, Dad! This guy made 100 bucks last year! You must be very rich! ”

Mr. Wilson couldn’t believe it when he saw it. So this John Kim guy is the president of a film company and he owns all these companies, so why come to his little design shop?

“Honey, what did he say? ”

“Dad, have you been in America long? Marisa asks.

“Dad, are we going to be able to watch movie actors? You said your dad’s scout was the president of the film company. ”

The mysterious second daughter gets another drink. Wives and daughters huddle, and Mr. Wilson is devastated.

“Dad, are you gonna call me on Monday? ”

“Honey, give me a call. ”

“Is that so? But what if you forget me?” Mr. Wilson wants to make a phone call about the family’s sexual harassment, but he’s already worried about it after a while.

“No way. It’s going to cost you a lot of money to go to college. And when you go to America, it’s good for kids to go to school later. ”

“The older one is graduating in two years, can I move now? ”

“Dad, I’m okay. Don’t worry about me!” The big boy just wants to make sure he’s not interested in studying.

“Well, I guess I should call him, right? ”

“That’s what I’m talking about!” She leaves like she’s hesitating about such a good opportunity.

Mr. Wilson’s curiosity and anticipation for the pressure around him suddenly awaits him on Monday.

Artwork Reviews

Physique 57 was named one of the fastest-growing SMEs in the United States a few years ago. There are so many countries in the United States that they make as much money as there is money in clothing and health-related businesses.

Now that you’ve given Jennifer a place to play, she’ll be fine!!!!

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