Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 153 - A Confidential Letter from Yunzhou (86.2)

Chapter 153: A Confidential Letter from Yunzhou (86.2)
Translator: asassin
In the capital of Nan Zhao.

Ye Li looked at Han Ming Xi who was full of hostility and then at Xu Qing Chen who was calm and at ease. “Mr. Han…”

Han Ming Xi snorted slightly and turned to Ye Li with a smile: “You are so polite, Sister Liu Yun. Since you know Jun Wei as well, just call me Brother Ming Xi.”

Ye Li cast him a glance, speechless, biting back the words of persuasion.

Seeing that the beauty didn’t want to respond, Han Ming Xi shrugged pitifully as he measured Ye Li. “Come to think of it, you look a bit like Jun Wei, Sister Liu Yun. Jun Wei isn’t Mr. Qing Chen’s brother, but yours, isn’t he? Your family names are the same, right?”

Inwardly, Ye Li felt quite nervous about his discovery. “Brother Qing Chen is indeed Jun Wei’s big brother.”

Han Ming Xi rolled his eyes and blinked innocently at Ye Li. “Then, Jun Wei must have made up his name? Tell me, Sister Liu Yun, what is his real name?”

Ye Li found herself in an awkward situation. She regretted having asked Han Ming Xi for help and looked at Xu Qing Chen who was having tea for help.

Xu Qing Chen’s brows rose. “Xu Qing Liu.”

“Qing Liu? Good name… It suits Jun Wei perfectly. Unlike some people… who ruin their own names. But… there isn’t a Xu Qing Liu among the five young lords of Xu Family!” Muttering, Han Ming Xi suddenly returned to his sense and glared at Xu Qing Chen.

Xu Qing Chen said with his brows raised: “Who told you he was one of the five young lords of Xu Family?”

Come to think of it, nobody said that.After pondering for a while, Han Ming Xi looked up as if he understood everything as he watched Xu Qing Chen with a strange expression. If one looked closer, one could also see a trace of contempt in that.

Ye Li looked at Han Ming Xi, resigned. What question does he have this time?

Han Ming Xi snorted. After measuring Xu Qing Chen up and down, he nodded and said: “I see. No wonder I’ve never heard of a Xu Qing Liu before. No wonder he needs an alias out here. Hum, don’t even think about bullying Qing Liu… Well, I’m sure he’ll be upset to hear that name. Don’t you guys ever bully Jun Wei! I have him under my wings now.”

Ye Li was confused about what was happening.

Xu Qing Chen’s brows rose slightly. “Mr. Han, you are very imaginative.”

Han Ming Xi gave a snort of contempt. “I’m better when it comes to martial arts. I would have beaten you up if it wasn’t for Jun Wei’s sake!”

“Mr. Han…” Ye Li called, resigned. She was touched that Han Ming Xi treated Chu Jun Wei so sincerely and felt guiltier thinking of all the things she didn’t tell him.

Han Ming Xi glanced at her and said: “Sister Liu Yun, better change a fiancé. Some people might look like gentlemen but who knows what’s hiding behind that mask. Hum… I don’t see him worried about Jun Wei who hasn’t come back after such a long time. I’m going to look for him!” Then, he left like a gust of wind.

Xu Qing Chen put down the teacup and said pensively: “Han Ming Xi treats you well.”

Ye Li smiled bitterly: “Now I do feel bad for having lied to him.”

Xu Qing Chen said, a bit indifferent: “You have to be cautious when you are out here. I think he’ll understand if you explain it to him soon.”

Ye Li looked at him grudgingly. “Then what was Xu Qing Liu all about? It is just going to be another lie when I try to explain everything to him.”

Xu Qing Chen smiled slightly as he answered: “Later, I’ll ask grandpa to put that name in our family record. It won’t be a lie then. As for you…”

She looked at him, puzzled.

Xu Qing Chen shook his head and didn’t continue.

“Xu Qing Chen!” A scold of a female rose outside the yard.


The gate was kicked open from outside and in rushed someone in a blue dress.

Ye Li can’t help shuddering at the woman who came down menacingly. She turned to Xu Qing Chen, who was calm and composed as ever, as if that furious woman wasn’t here for him.

However, that woman stopped by the time she reached the main hall, looking at Xu Qing Chen in a daze.

Blinking, Ye Li coughed slightly and called: “Sister Princess.”

By now, Princess An Xi finally recovered from the daze and stepped into the main hall as she asked, concerned: “Qing Chen, are you all right?”

Xu Qing Chen smiled faintly and answered: “My Lady, I thought you were here to settle a score with me given your manner just now.”

A blush spread across Princess An Xi’s cheeks. She glared at him and said: “Why shouldn’t I? What have you done in the palace?”

Xu Qing Chen smiled innocently: “I’ve done nothing.”

Indeed, he had done nothing. Everything was finished by secret guards and men of Tianyi Pavilion.

Princess An Xi walked over and took a seat as she stared at Xu Qing Chen unhappily and said: “You’ve done nothing and you already have the palace descend into total chaos! My father summoned me to the palace and he was suspicious that I did it.” Though she did plan to do it, someone acted ahead of her. Why did her father still doubt her?

Xu Qing Chen said with raised brows: “Why do you come here, now that he holds you in suspicion?”

Princess An Xi raised her brows in contempt and said: “Those good-for-nothings can only catch up with me when I want them to. They won’t be able to keep up with me even if they run their legs off as long as I don’t want them to.”

“Is there anything urgent that brings you here?” Xu Qing Chen asks.

Ye Li sighed inwardly as she watched them talking. She is worried about your safety! That’s why she comes here in a hurry! How come you just respond by asking if she has anything urgent? You can’t let a girl speak first that she is worried about your safety!

Princess An Xi paused for a second. She glanced at Ye Li and said with her brows raised: “Can’t I just come over? I want to see if my friend and counsellor is alive.”

Xu Qing Chen said: “It happens that I have something to talk with you. Now that you are here, I don’t have to send for you.”

Princess An Xi frowned and looked at Xu Qing Chen as she said: “You are not going back to my manor?” Hesitantly, she glanced at Ye Li and added: “Miss Chu lives at my manor right now. You can take care of her once you are back. It will be more convenient for us if we have something to talk about, right?”

Pondering, Ye Li spoke before Xu Qing Chen did: “My Lady, sorry that I’ve lied to you…”

Princess An Xi frowned in confusion.

Ye Li said in a small voice: “Well… in fact, I…”

“In fact, Liu Yun isn’t unaccustomed to martial arts. Today, she went to the palace with Lin Han to my rescue. She was afraid to draw your suspicion so she pretended she knew nothing.” Calmly, Xu Qing Chen finished her sentence for her.

Ye Li raised her brows, stealing a stare at Xu Qing Chen who didn’t bat an eyelid.

Princess An Xi gave him a strange look and turned to Ye Li with a smile: “That’s nothing. But I seldom see a girl of Great Chu who is like you, Miss Chu, versed in both polite letters and martial arts. I understand that you did what you did for Qing Chen’s safety. I’m not going to be particular about that.”

Ye Li answered smilingly: “Thank you for your understanding, My Lady.”

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