Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 154 - Identity Exposed (87.1)

Chapter 154: Identity Exposed (87.1)
Translator: asassin
Ye Li, Xu Qing Chen, and Princess An Xi headed for the study.

Though Princess An Xi had doubt about Ye Li, she didn’t say anything due to her trust for Xu Qing Chen. After all, this pretty young girl had come all the way here with only one guard, fooled her and rescued Xu Qing Chen, who could have been anyone but an ordinary person. Princess An Xi looked at Ye Li, with something extremely complicated in her eyes.

Ye Li saw that, however, she had no choice but to give herself an inward bitter laugh when she stole a glare at Xu Qing Chen as a way to tell him to explain everything to Princess An Xi later.

Xu Qing Chen remained silent, wearing a faint smile.

After they were in the study, Princess An Xi threw all personal matters behind and became concentrated and serious.

Xu Qing Chen asked: “Have you got the military tally?”

Princess An Xi shook her head with pity as she answered: “Sorry, Qing Chen. We were misled about its location. It wasn’t where we thought it was at all.”

Xu Qing Chen frowned slightly and said: “Well… Shu Man Lin can’t have known that we are after the military tally. Besides, nobody else but her knows where it is. Why is she making it such a secret, as if it’s a trap specially devised for us?”

Princess An Xi answered as she shook her head: “Few men on our side know about this action. As for those who do know about it, I’m sure of their loyalty.”

Xu Qing Chen shook his head. “I certainly trust your men. But this time… An Xi, do you find something strange? For the past half a year, every time we are about to get something against Shu Man Lin, she acts slightly ahead of us.”

Princess An Xi said angrily: “It’s my father. Every time, he gives unprincipled protection to her, saying that the Holy Princess will never betray him, that I am trying to pit him against his subordinate! One time, most absurdly, he claimed it was just a misunderstanding! He has become more and more unwise over the years.”

Xu Qing Chen asked pensively: “Has he?”

Princess An Xi was caught unawares by that. She turned to him and asked: “What do you mean?”

Xu Qing Chen answered calmly: “At first, we all thought your father was biased for his protection over Shu Man Lin. However, this time… That day, immediately after I was taken, I was given drugs and passed out. I remember passing out around four in the afternoon. When I woke up in the room I was kept, it was half past four. That morning, you had your men watch the Holy Princess Shrine so they had to take me there through the palace. But… your father is usually resting in his sleeping chamber during that time. Even without him there, there were guards in the palace and the entrance to the secret tunnel. Did you hear anything about it after I was taken?”

Looking down, Princess An Xi searched her memory for a moment before she shook her head and answered: “No. When I told my father that you were missing, he looked worried and offered to send his men to look for you, which I declined.”

Xu Qing Chen smiled faintly as he said: “I believe he was well aware of what happened in his sleeping chamber, especially since he had men guard the entrance to the secret tunnel.”

Princess An Xi was quiet for a long time before she looked up at him, her eyes full of disbelief and hesitation. “Do you mean my father isn’t fooled by Shu Man Lin, that he is actually helping her? Why… I’m his daughter, the inheritress of Nan Zhao. I’ve never failed him as an inheritress.”

“Perhaps, you are too good at your job?” Ye Li said softly with raised brows.

Princess An Xi turned to her with fierce eyes. “What do you mean by that, Miss Chu?”

Blinking, Ye Li turned to Princess An Xi and said: “I wonder if you ever heard this saying in Great Chu, My Lady?”

Princess An Xi looked at her without a word.

Ye Li continued in a serious tone: “A soldier’s performance overshadows that of his lord’s. My Lady, though the emperor of Nan Zhao and you are father and daughter, and you call him Father Emperor, in my opinion, you should call him Emperor Father for he is first and foremost an emperor before he is a father. It is the same with you, My Lady. You are first and foremost his subordinate then his daughter. Recently, I’ve heard a lot about you in the city. Everybody applauds you for your wisdom and ability. I’ve only been here for a short time and have such a good impression of you, let alone people here who’ve benefited from you.”

Princess An Xi turned pale, her voice shaking: “You mean my father is afraid of my power, so he supports Shu Man Lin in order to suppress me?”

Ye Li sighed slightly. Feeling a bit sorry for Princess An Xi, she added: “My Lady, you might have read history of Great Chu. Let’s not discuss affairs that happened in ancient times, just what happened in the past several decades. Though you are here in Nan Zhao, I believe you know a thing or two about the situation Prince Ding’s Manor is in, My Lady?”

Princess An Xi’s lips were bitten pale and trembled as she turned to Xu Qing Chen helplessly.

Xu Qing Chen sighed faintly. “An Xi… I once warned you that being too good at what you do is just as bad as not being good enough.”

She bit her lips quietly with her head down. Being too good is just as bad as not being good enough… Yes, he told her that four years ago when they first met, but she never took it seriously for she did everything for the good of Nan Zhao. She could tell the world with a clear conscience that there was no selfish motive involved. She thought she could please her father as long as she shared his cares and burdens. She thought her sister Qi Xia wouldn’t have to marry someone for an alliance as long as she turned Nan Zhao a wealthy and powerful country where people could live and work in peace and contentment. However, in the end, Qi Xia went to Great Chu and became a man’s concubine with her identity concealed when their father was secretly devising plots against her. Then, what was she fighting for all these years?

Ye Li and Xu Qing Chen had no choice but to watch quietly when Princess An Xi was deeply shocked. A few words of comfort weren’t enough to solve her problem. She needed to sort it out herself.

A heavy atmosphere prevailed in the study.

Princess An Xi sat in a chair with her head down. Though she looked all right, her fingers that were pale from gripping hard around the armrest showed how divided she was.

Ye Li admired Princess An Xi since she could control her emotions, which was rare among females.

After a good while, Princess An Xi looked up and broke the silence. “If now I give up on everything I have, will my father…”

“An Xi…” With a frown, Xu Qing Chen shook his head at her and said: “I don’t know what the emperor of Nan Zhao will do, but Shu Man Lin… An Xi, Shu Man Lin really hates you. Do you know that? She won’t let you off. Besides… she will definitely drag Nan Zhao into hell. Is that what you want?”

Confused, An Xi said as she looked at him: “I know she hates me. I’ll move to Great Chu, Xi Ling or Bei Rong, but what do you mean, dragging Nan Zhao into hell…”

“Why do you think she wants the military tally? Assembling the city guards to attack your manor? I’ve talked to her several times. She is ambitious, but her ability doesn’t match her ambition.” Said Xu Qing Chen.

Princess An Xi looked grave. She turned to Xu Qing Chen, a bit hesitant. “You mean… she wants to…”

Xu Qing Chen said: “Ask Liu Yun what she did at the border of Nan Zhao and Great Chu.”

She turned to Ye Li who answered in a heavy voice: “On my way here, I found a man-made snake valley not far away from Scattered Snow Pass by accident. Hidden behind it was a large weapon platform, where weapons that are usually used by Great Chu soldiers are forged. I found something else there. Besides, the platform is in the charge of Le Jiang, Lord of Luoyi Clan.”

“A man-made snake valley? A lot of weapons made for Great Chu soldiers? What on earth does she plan to do?” Said Princess An Xi, both surprised and angry.

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