Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 158 - War (88.2)

Chapter 158: War (88.2)

Translator: asassin

Han Ming Yue listened carefully and his expression changed. “Hidden Cloud Soldiers… Why are they here?”

At the mention of Hidden Cloud Soldiers, not only Han Ming Yue, but the Sick Scholar and men of Tianyi Pavilion seemed shocked. It was well-known that Hidden Cloud Soldiers was the crack troops of Prince Ding’s Manor. Army of Mo Family had swept over the battlefield, sending its enemy fleeing helter-skelter and Hidden Cloud Soldiers was its vanguard, charging and breaking through enemy lines, successful in every endeavor. If it was indeed Hidden Cloud Soldiers, not only would those men of Tianyi Pavilion in Nan Zhao fail, but all men of Tianyi Pavilion and those of the Hall of Darkness combined had no chance of winning as well.

Ye Li was also surprised since she only assembled secret guards in Nan Zhao without Hidden Cloud Soldiers. In fact, she didn’t know that Hidden Cloud Soldiers was also deployed in Nan Zhao.

With clenched teeth, Han Ming Yue pounced on Ye Li. Once he was surrounded by Hidden Cloud Soldiers, it would be impossible for him to get away. Now the only way out was to catch Ye Li. However, Ye Li wasn’t that easy to catch.

As soon as the fight started, the clothes over Han Ming Yue’s chest was cut open. If he hadn’t dodged quicker, it would have been his flesh that was cut.

In a normal martial arts contest, Ye Li would lose without a doubt due to a lack of internal energy over time. However, in a life or death match, Ye Li’s awareness and moves which developed on battlefields were more useful. Besides, she didn’t intend to defeat him. It would end in a few moves with men in black already arrived on horsebacks and started to fight those of Tianyi Pavilion.

After all, Tianyi Pavilion was an intelligence organization, not an assassin group, nor a bodyguard organization so its men weren’t good at martial arts. It did have martial arts masters, but very few. Compared to the formidable Hidden Cloud Soldiers who had been through fire and water on battlefields, men of Tianyi Pavilion were overwhelmed in that aspect. In addition, Hidden Cloud Soldiers was well trained with its men already locked onto their targets on horsebacks before starting to kill.

Two of the Hidden Cloud Soldiers flew down from their horses and threw themselves at Han Ming Yue on both sides. Seeing that, Ye Li cut him with her dagger to stop his attacks and withdrew rapidly. When Han Ming Yue wanted to come up at her again, he was pulled back by the two Hidden Cloud Soldiers.

The Sick Scholar wasn’t involved in the fight in the beginning now was also dragged into it. Men of Hidden Cloud Soldiers clearly knew who he was and didn’t give him any chance to get close as they attacked him with long whips and spears.

Secret Guard No.2 and No.3 landed next to Ye Li. She asked a bit curious: “Why is Hidden Cloud Soldiers here?”

Secret Guard No.2 answered in a grave tone: “My Lady, something bad happened. The secret guards left at Mr. Qing Chen’s command. This troop of Hidden Cloud Soldiers was stationed near Yong Zhou and has come to your aid.”

“What happened?” What could have let the Hidden Cloud Soldiers stationed near Yong Zhou come to her aid? An idea suddenly occurred to her. “Mo Jing Li?!”

Secret Guard No.2 nodded as he said: “Three days ago, the troops of Ling Zhou launched a sudden attack on Yong Zhou. Meanwhile, Scattered Snow Pass was attacked by Nan Zhao troops. Hidden Cloud Soldiers knew that you are here so they rushed here all night to get Mr. Qing Chen and you back.”

Ye Li turned grave. “Nonsense. Now that Nan Zhao troops are at Scattered Snow Pass, why doesn’t Hidden Cloud Soldiers help General Murong guard it?”

Secret Guard No.2 let out a bitter laughter. “The Hidden Cloud Soldiers has come south in secret, without reporting to His Majesty. If it shows up at Scattered Snow Pass, I’m afraid His Majesty’s anger will reach Prince Ding’s Manor in no time.”

In fact, the emperor didn’t want Hidden Cloud Soldiers nor Army of Mo Family to have any kind of drill. He wished he could keep them somewhere, better if they lost their mantle.

“I see. Get this fight done quickly.” Her eyes landed briefly on Han Ming Yue who was still in the fight, with a chilling glow.

Secret Guard No.4 hadn’t sent a message which meant Han Ming Yue did return to the South but had directly come here from Xi Ling. At that time in the capital, Han Ming Yue was determined to bury the hatchet between Mo Xiu Yao and himself. She believed he did mean it back then. But now the first thing he did in Nan Zhao was to kidnap her in order to threaten Mo Xiu Yao… Why on earth did he come here?

Speaking of the difference between a well-trained army and disorderly outlaws, it took Hidden Cloud Soldiers merely half an hour to send its enemies fleeing.

Wounded, the Sick Scholar ran away when a man of Hidden Cloud Soldiers pulled an arrow from behind, drew the bow, aimed at him and shot it.

Powerful as a thunderbolt, the arrow went after the Sick Scholar.

Suddenly, a figure shot up in the sky and wielded a sword at the arrow with two loud bangs and sparks. A tall man in blue with an impressive bearing landed on the ground with a sword in his hand. He laughed loudly as he said: “The Hidden Cloud Soldiers does live up to its reputation for its skills with arrows.”

Behind him, the Sick Scholar fell to the ground, his cheeks ghastly pale as he called in a weak voice: “Big brother…”

Several men of Hidden Cloud Soldiers aimed their arrows at the man in blue.

Ye Li raised her hand and said: “Stop. Let Master Ling leave.”

The man in blue was none else than Ling Tie Han, the Master of the Hall of Darkness himself.

Ling Tie Han raised his brows and measured Ye Li for a moment before he cupped his hands at her and said: “Princess Ding, my third brother has offended you out of stupidity. Please forgive him.”

Nodding with a faint smile, Ye Li answered: “Master Ling, my big brother said you are a good friend of his. It’s no big deal. However, as for Third Master’s temper…”

Ling Tie Han sighed. Turning to the Sick Scholar lying on the ground, he said: “My third brother has been through a lot which made his disagreeable character. I’ll discipline him. This tablet is the Command of Hall of Darkness. If you need any help, just send your men with it to me to the Hall of Darkness. As long as you have it, my third brother won’t do anything to you, My Lady.”

Ye Li caught the black iron tablet and put it away carefully as she said: “Thank you, Master Ling.”

Ling Tie Han bent down and supported the Sick Scholar up as he said: “Well, I’ll take my leave, then.”

“Take care.”

After Ling Tie Han left, Han Ming Yue, surrounded by several men of Han Ming Yue was an arrow at the end of its flight.

Hidden Cloud Soldiers wouldn’t feel guilty for having an unfair advantage in a battle since their goal was to simply crush the enemies. They were military men, not chivalrous knights.

“Jun… Jun Wei.” Han Ming Xi, who had been watching quietly this whole time stumbled to Ye Li, badly injured.

Ye Li glanced at Han Ming Yue who was still in the fight and sighed inwardly.

“I beg you. Let my big brother off.” Han Ming Xi looked at her, his eyes full of agony. Though he already knew who she was, he did want to be her friend. But he knew once he pleaded for mercy, he might not remain her friends anymore.

“I need information from Master Ming Yue.” Ye Li said with a frown.

Actually, she didn’t want to keep Han Ming Yue. He gave her a bad feeling. If her guard hadn’t been up against him, if she hadn’t made plans as soon as she was aware something went wrong, she would have fallen into Han Ming Yue’s trap. However… when she looked at Han Ming Xi who was exhausted because of his injury, she couldn’t bring herself to refuse him.

“He won’t tell you anything. What do you want? I can tell you everything I know.” After all, he had grown up with Han Ming Yue, who he knew well. Han Ming Yue wouldn’t speak a word about something he didn’t want to tell.

“Han Ming Xi! Shut up!” Distracted, Han Ming Yue shouted, taking another blow on his shoulder.

Watching Han Ming Yue get more and more wounds plus being scolded by him, Han Ming Xi finally exploded: “No, you shut up! I don’t care if you want to die but don’t drag men of Tianyi Pavilion into hell with you! Look at those men on the ground, all because of you. The base of Tianyi Pavilion is in Great Chu, so is Han Family. What is wrong with you, finding fault with Mo Xiu Yao? Is that woman more important than mom, dad and the ancestors of our family? Well, you want to die, don’t you? Then I won’t live either. I’ll die with you!”

Stunned by his younger brother’s angry scold, Han Ming Yue paused.

Seizing this opportunity, a man of Hidden Cloud Soldiers kicked him at the back of his knees. Immediately after that, three swords were on his neck.

Han Ming Yue looked down at the cold steel on his neck and turned to Ye Li with a bitter smile. “It seems I lost this time. Kill me if you want to. It’s your call now. Besides… Han Ming Xi, what is wrong with you? Don’t make this look like you are sacrificing for love.”

Recalling what he said under a surge of rage and aware of faintly discernable glimpses from men of Hidden Cloud Soldiers, Han Ming Xi’s handsome face turned dark. Well, he had lost all of his dignity this single day.

Ye Li turned to Han Ming Xi who was in a gloomy mood and came up with an idea as she spoke: “Brother Han, you can bring Master Ming Yue with you.”

Surprised, Han Ming Xi looked at Ye Li with gratitude. Even Han Ming Yue was shocked by that.

Ye Li threw Han Ming Yue a glance with a smile yet not a smile and added indifferently: “But, under one condition.”

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