Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 159 - War (88.3)

Chapter 159: War (88.3)

Translator: asassin

Han Ming Xi didn’t expect Ye Li would let his big brother off so easily. Therefore, he didn’t care about any conditions anymore. After all, he wasn’t Han Ming Yue who loved money as much as he did his life. It was already a huge surprise for him that he was able to take his big brother back alive.

Slowly, Ye Li took out a little porcelain bottle and passed it to Han Ming Xi as she spoke: “Drink it.”

Raising his brows, Han Ming Xi took the bottle and drank what was inside without hesitation. Han Ming Yue wanted to stop him but it was too late.

Han Ming Xi smacked his lips and said with dislike: “It tastes bad.”

Ye Li smiled: “It’s a poison made by Mr. Shen, the most famous doctor. I won’t tell you its composition. As for its effect… If you don’t have the antidote once a month, all your blood vessels will burst and you’ll die paralyzed. However, since it has a bad smell, it is hard for someone to take it by mistake so it isn’t very practical. But… there is always someone who is willing to have it, isn’t there?”

Han Ming Xi chuckled and said: “I know you won’t kill me, Jun Wei.”

Her brows rose. She said: “Keep your big brother under your watch. I’ll send you the antidote once a month. If I ever find out he leaves you or does something he ought not to, I’ll let him watch you in pain as to wish you were dead with blood all over your body.”

Han Ming Xi nodded with a smile: “I see. Big brother… you’ll behave for the life of your only younger brother, won’t you?” Blinking, he looked at Han Ming Yue pitiably.

Han Ming Yue stared at Ye Li with a gloomy face as he spoke: “How do I know you are not lying, that you’ll send the antidote on time?”

She answered indifferently: “Han Ming Xi is my friend.”

Han Ming Yue sneered: “Friend? Is this how you treat a friend?”

With a faint smile, she said: “If this is how you treat your younger brother, why can’t I treat my friend in the same way? If you don’t do what you aren’t supposed to, I won’t not send the antidote which means nothing will happen to him, which equals… I did nothing to him, right?”

Han Ming Yue narrowed his eyes. “What if I have the antidote made myself?”

“Well, I heard Mr. Shen made this poison out of herbs collected from an island in the east sea. There is no similar herbs here. If you are so resourceful that you manage to find the herb and make an antidote in one month, just count me unlucky. Anyway, Hidden Cloud Soldiers has thousands of men, it won’t be a problem if several hundred are dispatched to hunt someone down. It happens that I have a Command of Hall of Darkness. I wonder whether Master Ling is willing to kill someone who is supposed to be a friend but take advantage of his brother. Even worse… Prince Ding’s Manor has a limitless supply of money. What do you say, Mr. Han?”

Han Ming Yue snorted and remained quiet.

Han Ming Xi didn’t mind it at all. Pushing away all the swords on Han Ming Yue’s neck, he smiled at Ye Li as he said: “Jun Wei, don’t worry. I promise my big brother won’t cause you any trouble. I’ll send you whatever you want to know about later. So…”

Ye Li said with a smile: “If you can keep your brother under your watch, I can forget what has happened today. But… Brother Han… your plead won’t work a second time if the same thing happens again.”

“I see.” Han Ming Xi nodded seriously. He hit several pressure points on Han Ming Yue’s body to block his internal energy. Then he waved at Ye Li as he left with Han Ming Yue.

“My Lady.” The Hidden Cloud Soldiers greeted her as they got down on their knees in union.

Ye Li nodded. “Get up. What happened to you guys?”

Ye Li applauded those strong and awe-inspiring knights in black in front of her inwardly. Such was the most elite troops of Great Chu. Its imposing manner was matchless. Besides, in the fight a while ago, Hidden Cloud Soldiers didn’t suffer any injury nor death after a night of long journey which spoke for its high combat effectiveness.

Speaking first was a strong man. He stepped forward as he reported: “My Lady, three days ago, troops in Ling Zhou launched a sudden attack on Yong Zhou. Meanwhile, troops of Nan Zhao started to attack Scattered Snow Pass. With General Murong at Scattered Snow Pass, after a day and a night, the troops of Nan Zhao made no progress. But… the troops of Ling Zhou smash all resistance and advance victoriously. It is believed that they would reach Scattered Snow Pass in ten days. By then, General Murong will be attacked front and rear…”

“Does the capital have this news?”

The man nodded as he answered: “The news has been sent to the capital at top speed. It will arrive today or tomorrow at the latest. But it will take relief troops at least half a month to travel to Scattered Snow Pass. I’m afraid… it won’t be able to stand that long. A while ago, Mr. Qing Chen asked me to take you a message, My Lady. The inheritress has been put under house arrest by the emperor of Nan Zhao who ordered to title the Holy Princess as the Guardian of Nan Zhao so that she could partake in the administration of the country. He asked you to leave as soon as possible. He also said that… you were both fooled by the emperor of Nan Zhao.”

Ye Li nodded seriously and asked: “Where is he?”

The man answered: “Mr. Xu left with the secret guards, saying he has something to attend to. After that, he’ll leave too.”

With a frown, she considered for a moment and said: “Send a group of men to look for him, then escort him out of here as soon as possible. If he won’t leave… knock him off and take him away! The rest of you, come to Scattered Snow Pass with me.”

“Yes, My Lady!”

The Hidden Cloud Soldiers divided into two groups at once. A group of twenty men left under a man’s command. The rest dozens remained, pending orders.

Ye Li asked: “Are there any troops near Scattered Snow Pass?”

The man at command of the Hidden Cloud Soldiers glanced at her a bit surprised and answered respectfully: “Several months ago, His Highness did dispatch men near Yong Zhou and Ling Zhou. But since His Majesty has his guard up against us, it is impossible for us to assemble large troops. Besides, most men of Army of Mo Family have the task to guard the border against Bei Rong so there are only 2000 men of Hidden Cloud Soldiers near Yong Zhou and 20 thousand under the command of General Wu Cheng Liang north of the river in Yan Zhou. As soon as the war began, I sent a message to General Wu. If everything goes as planned, he’ll arrive at Scattered Snow Pass by tomorrow afternoon.”

With a frown, Ye Li was deep in thought for a good while before she said: “No! Ask him to help Yong Zhou against Prince Li’s march. There are 80 thousand men at Scattered Snow Pass. As long as General Murong remains in the city, he will be able to guard it for at least half a month. Once Prince Li’s army arrives in Yong Lin and joins that of Nan Zhao, another 20 thousand men won’t help!”

The man was surprised and answered hurriedly: “I’ll send a message to General Wu right now. It will reach him before he crosses the river.” Then, he turned to his men and told them to send men with the message.

Rubbing her forehead, Ye Li had a bad feeling at the bottom of her heart. “Tell your men, don’t go back to the city. Let’s head to Scattered Snow Pass as fast as we can.”

“Yes, My Lady.”

It seemed the flames of war rose up all of a sudden which took Ye Li unawares. She looked up at the suddenly overcast sky and felt even heavier.

At Scattered Snow Pass.

Up the strong and age-old mottled city walls, guarding soldiers tightened their grips on their weapons and stood in combat readiness. Their young faces lined with tiredness. Today, they had deterred Nan Zhao troops three times and were ready for the next wave of attack.

Murong Shen was 40 years old now. On his handsome face, one could see his resolution. He walked the wall with a spear in hand, his brows drawing tightly together.

From the day he was sent here, he knew something was going to happen. However, to his surprise, danger came not only from Nan Zhao but also inside the country, from Prince Li, the blood brother of His Majesty. That reminded him of an anonymous letter he received when he left the capital with only four characters on it – “Careful of Ling Zhou”. Is now what that letter meant? The one that sent him the letter knew long ago that Prince Li was plotting something unlawful. Pity… that he didn’t pay it much attention then. Or put it this way – the environment didn’t allow him to pay much attention to it. The emperor needed him to guard the border but didn’t want to give him enough troops since he used to work for the late Prince Ding.

He had a hard time here as well. And right now, even though he knew once Prince Li took Yong Zhou, with Scattered Snow Pass faced with enemies at both the front and rear, he had no way out for there were tens of thousands of men of Nan Zhao outside Scattered Snow Pass, if they got through, they would sweep across the South like flood and plague. He only hoped that… the relief troops would arrive in time…

“Father.” A clear voice came from behind.

Murong Shen turned around.

Murong Ting walked up the wall in a red dress with a sword.

His face became gloomy as he said sternly: “What are you doing here? Leave.”

“Father!” Murong Ting called resolutely. “I want to guard the city with you.”

“Nonsense! I told you to leave at once. Why are you still here?” He loved his only daughter dearly. Now that Scattered Snow Pass was in grave danger, he had to stay but he wanted his daughter to leave.

Stubborn, Murong Ting bit her lips as she said: “I know what is happening now. If I leave and Prince Li gets me, he’ll threaten you with me. I’d rather die than fall in his hands.”

Seeing that her father wanted to say something, she acted ahead of him and added: “If you say you will have men who can protect me to send me back to the capital, I won’t agree either. Now that the troops of Nan Zhao are at the gate of this city, you need every man that is here. As the daughter of the general who guards Scattered Snow Pass, if I leave with men who can fight, I’m not qualified to be a daughter of Murong Family.”

Murong Shen was left without an argument by her speech and only spoke after a good while: “It’s very dangerous here.”

Murong Ting said proudly: “Father, each time you went to war was dangerous. Since you are guarding Scattered Snow Pass, as your daughter, there is no reason for me to run away.”

Knowing his daughter well and aware that the journey to the capital wouldn’t be safe right now, Murong Shen had no choice but to sigh: “Well, be careful.”

“Thank you, father…” Seeing that her father didn’t insist, Murong Ting was over the moon. “I will make you proud!”

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