Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 163 - Defense of Yong Lin (90.1)

Chapter 163: Defense of Yong Lin (90.1)

Translator: asassin

In the temporary main hall, Xia Shu stared seriously at the young man in black who was sitting at ease, looking around and the other four men who stood guarding him. “My Lord, you can speak now. Besides, may I have your name?”

Ye Li turned to Yun Ting and Xia Shu as she answered smilingly: “No wonder General Murong has sent you two here. Valiant Officer Yun, and prudent Officer Xia. You guys make a great team.”

Xia Shu had a bitter laughter. “My Lord, if it wasn’t for you and your men, Yun Ting and I might have to offer up our lives as penance now.” His eyes were still fixed on Ye Li since he didn’t know who this young man was yet.

Ye Li was left without a choice. Lifting her hand, she loosened her bun as her hair flowed down her shoulder and she said with a faint smile: “I’m Princess Ding.”

Princess Ding? 

Yun Ting and Xia Shu looked at each other blankly. What happened in front of them was unexpected yet stood to reason. Besides Prince Ding, only Princess Ding could assemble so many men of Hidden Cloud Soldiers. However, why was Princess Ding, who was said to have gone missing here and why did she come to Yong Lin’s aid with Hidden Cloud Soldiers? Moreover… Princess Ding was the daughter of a minister, granddaughter of Master Qing Yun. Why did a pampered girl of a noble family…

Now, Yun Ting felt even dizzier so he stood there quietly, leaving it all to Xia Shu who was obviously more cool-headed than he was.

Xia Shu, deeply shocked as well, only recovered after a good while as he spoke: “My Lady… why are you here?”

Ye Li said with a smile: “At first, I wasn’t here. I came when I heard that Scattered Snow Pass was under siege. Thank god we made it in time. If you don’t believe that I’m who I said I was… Is Miss Murong, General Murong’s daughter still at Scattered Snow Pass?”

Xia Shu’s expression changed a bit. He said a bit awkwardly: “It’s not that I don’t believe you, My Lady. After all, Hidden Cloud Soldiers is the most convincing proof. But…”

Ye Li nodded. “I understand that, Officer Xia. No need to be nervous. Please have a seat, both of you.”

Xia Shu and Yun Ting looked at each, thanked Ye Li and took seats.

At first, they were happy that Hidden Cloud Soldiers had come to their aid. However, they didn’t know how to deal with it now that they knew it was Princess Ding who was commanding it. The whole world knew that now it was hard for Prince Ding to travel from place to place. Therefore, only Princess Ding could command the Hidden Cloud Soldiers. However, they weren’t sure whether a delicate and frail woman was capable enough to command a force as fierce as the Hidden Cloud Soldiers against several hundred thousand rebels.

“We are here to see the princess.” Secret Guard No.2 and No.3’s voice rose outside the door.

Both Xia Shu and Yun Ting were startled by that and looked at the door vigilantly. Several men in ordinary military uniforms walked in. Though their uniforms were almost the same as those of soldiers of Great Chu, at first sight, Xia Shu could tell the emblems on theirs were those of Prince Li’s men. Clearly, they weren’t allowed in the city by the guards.

“I appreciate your hard work. How was it?”

Secret Guard No.2 took a step forward and answered: “As you commanded, My Lady, we’ve executed the governor of Yong Zhou. But there were too many guards around so we didn’t manage to bring his head back. Please forgive us for that.”

Ye Li lifted a hand. “It’s okay. You’ve done a good job. Go and have some rest.”

Those men left under her order.

Yun Ting cried out in surprise: “You… you’ve killed the governor of Yong Zhou?”

“Yun Ting, watch your manners.” Xia Shu said seriously. Since it was clear the woman in front of them was Princess Ding, no matter she was capable to command Hidden Cloud Soldiers and troops of Yong Lin or not, they couldn’t afford to offend her. Though, he had to admit he too was shocked by what he heard just now.

Ye Li nodded calmly and said: “The governor of Yong Zhou didn’t think of how to contribute to his country and surrendered to Prince Li instead. If he wasn’t executed in order to ensure a correct understanding of the facts, I’m afraid other officials will follow suit.”

Xia Shu said, nodding: “You are right, My Lady. If the governor of Yong Zhou hadn’t changed sides, Yong Lin wouldn’t have been under siege now.”

Yun Ting looked at Xia Shu, then turned to Ye Li and suddenly asked: “My Lady, when will the relief troops arrive?”

Ye Li was quiet for a while then shook her head as she said: “I don’t know about that. I was in Nan Zhao and came here at top speed after I heard about Scattered Snow Pass. However… General Wu of Yan Zhou was ambushed at Yunlan River. I’m afraid there won’t be any relief troops for a short while.”

South of Yunlan River, cities would be fortunate to stand intact in face of the rebels. No one would be able to send out help. While Yan Zhou was the closest city to Yong Zhou north of the river, given the fact that its troops were ambushed, troops in other cities might not set out to their aid without a royal order. Since Yun Ting and Xia Shu were commanders at Yong Lin, Ye Li didn’t intend to lie to them. If a commander wasn’t clear of the situation he was in, everything else would be lost.

“Damn!” Yun Ting cursed beneath his breath. Though joined with two thousand men of Hidden Cloud Soldiers, they were less than 20 thousand in head count. He and his men weren’t afraid to die. If death was what it took to hold Yong Lin, he would die on the battlefield at once.

Xia Shu took a breath slowly and asked after he had calmed down a bit: “If that is the case, please leave for the capital as soon as possible, My Lady.”

“Leave?” Ye Li asked with her brows raised.

Xia Shu laughed bitterly as he said: “My Lady, to be honest with you, we’ve made a military pledge in front of General Murong, but Yong Lin… We are trying all we can to guard it as long as possible. I’ve heard a bit about the grudges between Prince Li and you. If… So, the sooner you leave, the better.”

Ye Li gave him a smile. “Officer Xia, do you think I plan to show up here and leave immediately afterwards? Well… do you think you will be able to command the Hidden Cloud Soldiers if I leave them to you?”

He looked at her, a bit ashamed. He did hope that Princess Ding would leave the Hidden Cloud Soldiers behind to help guard Yong Lin. But she was right. Even the late emperors hadn’t been able to order the Hidden Cloud Soldiers around, an officer like him wouldn’t be able to do that in a million years.

Ye Li smiled at his divided expression. She raised her brows at him and said: “Well? Do you feel embarrassed that I’m going to guard the city with you?”

“Eh…” Xia Shu was left speechless.

Yun Ting, on the contrary, was frank and outspoken. He said: “My Lady, it is way too dangerous on the battlefield. You are a noble lady. We can’t let you guard Yong Lin with us. How about you talk to the Hidden Cloud Soldiers. Let them stay and help. In that way, you will be safe and we will feel more confident about holding the city.”

Ye Li burst out laughing. She said with her hand over her mouth: “Officer Yun, I came here on horseback not in a sedan chair, didn’t I?”

Yun Ting was surprised. Now he recalled that in the chaos a while ago, he didn’t see anyone under special protection. Did that mean this woman in front of him had made her way through the thousands upon thousands of enemies like every other man of the Hidden Cloud Soldiers?!

Xia Shu coughed slightly and cupped his hands to Ye Li as he said: “Pardon me, My Lady. General Murong is at Scattered Snow Pass. How about you go and see him before you make your next move?”

With a frown, she thought pensively for a while before she said, nodding: “Right. The rebels have lost two times in two days and retreated. I think Mo Jing Li won’t advance rashly before he gets things clear. I should meet General Murong when I’m here. Then, Scattered Snow Pass it is.”

Yun Ting volunteered to go with her: “Let me escort you, My Lady!” With a smile yet not a smile, Xia Shu threw Yun Ting a look as if he knew all his calculations and smiled generously: “Then I’ll stay here.”

Ye Li nodded. “I appreciate it, Officer Xia. I’ll leave the Hidden Cloud Soldiers with you for the defense.”

Xia Shu was over the moon. It was well-known that the Hidden Cloud Soldiers was good at attacks and in return knew how to find out the weaknesses of a defense. It was every soldier’s honor to learn from the Hidden Cloud Soldiers closely.

Hearing that, Yun Ting was a bit divided. Was it more exciting to meet General Murong with Princess Ding or was it more so staying with the Hidden Cloud Soldiers? Turning to Ye Li who had already stood up, Yun Ting made up his mind. It was necessary to win Princess Ding over first. If he made through this war alive, he would beg for her permission to join the Hidden Cloud Soldiers, even as a rookie!

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