Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 164 - Defense of Yong Lin (90.2)

Chapter 164: Defense of Yong Lin (90.2)

Translator: asassin

At Scattered Snow Pass.

Bloodstained, Murong Shen walked into the tent in quick strides.

As if knowing that Prince Li’s troops would arrive soon, outside the city, soldiers of Nan Zhao fought fiercer today. In the end, Murong Shen had to lead a group of men himself to fight them back.

Right now, he could finally get some rest.

However, before he even changed, he headed back to the tent in a hurry in order to hear the report from Yong Lin.

“My Lord, this morning, Prince Li has arrived at Yong Lin with an army of 150 thousand men.”

With a wave of hand, Murong Shen said: “Nonsense! There isn’t much space outside Yong Lin. Where did he put all his men?”

An officer stood up and answered: “My Lord, I think the 150 thousand men is for us. Yesterday, Yun Ting and Xia Shu have driven Prince Li’s vanguard away and killed his van. Today must have been tough at Yong Lin.”

Murong She nodded and said: “Yun Ting and Xia Shu did a good job this time.”

“My Lord, I think it would be better if I lead a group of men to go and check on Yong Lin. I’m afraid they might not hold the city today.” A middle-aged deputy general proposed worriedly.

Gloomily, Murong Shen shook his head. “Nan Zhao will attack any time now. Besides, I have no extra men for that.”

The tent fell into silence. Taking men from Scattered Snow Pass equaled letting Nan Zhao inside the country. Not going to Yong Lin’s aid, with a mere 20 thousand soldiers, the city would soon be swallowed up by Prince Li’s 150 thousand men. By that time, Scattered Snow Pass would be lost all the same under attack from both sides.

More sadly…

They couldn’t even break the siege since they were guarding Scattered Snow Pass – the gate to Great Chu. No aliens shall pass unless all of them were dead. That faith was written in their veins by lives and blood of generations of soldiers at Scattered Snow Pass.

“Damn! Who could have thought Prince Li would collude with Nan Zhao!” Those short-tempered generals and officers couldn’t help curing. Nothing was more depressing than having one’s back stabbed while one was already in a life or death struggle. A prince, the blood brother of the emperor, colluding with another nation. What was that?

“My Lord! Report from Yong Lin!”

“Send it in!”

The angry curses in the tent came to an abrupt end. Everybody turned to the soldier who arrived with the report grimly, afraid to hear any bad news.

“My Lord, this morning, Prince Li’s rebellion troops launched an attack on Yong Lin which lasted two hours. Around noon, the rebellion troops were put to flight. Officer Xia’s message is “Please don’t worry. Even if there’s only one man left in Yong Lin, he won’t let the rebellion troops pass.” The soldier reported loudly.

“Great! I know these two lads are the right choices.” Murong Shen felt most pleased.

In fact, when he made the decision to send Yun Ting and Xia Shu to guard Yong Lin, he wasn’t totally sure. After all, those two were young. However, he didn’t have other choices since there weren’t many left at Scattered Snow Pass.

To his surprise, those two had won two battles in a row.

Come to think of it, Murong Shen asked, a bit confused: “Prince Li had over a hundred thousand men there. How did Yun Ting and Xia Shu manage to repel them?”

The soldier came with the report told the story honestly: “At first, we were close to defeat. But many men in black came out of nowhere and deterred the enemies. Besides, the governor of Yong Zhou was killed in Prince Li’s army.”

Shocked, Murong Shen had questions about the identity of those men in black. However, it was good news that the governor of Yong Zhou was killed. “Good! Go and figure out who those men in black are as soon as possible.”

“Yes, My Lord!”

“My Lord, Officer Yun asks to see you.”

“Yun Ting? Why is he here? Send him in!” Frowning, Murong Shen waved his hand and told his man.

Shortly afterwards, Yun Ting came excitedly. The moment he entered the tent, he called to Murong Shen: “Murong Shen, look who this is!”

Murong Shen was about to reprimand Yun Ting for being so impetuous. However, when he looked up, he was left speechless. He wasn’t interested in socializing back when he was in the capital, neither was Ye Li. However, since Murong Ting and Ye Li were best friends, General Murong, who loved his daughter as he did his life had indeed seen the famous Princess Ding several times.

Right now, though she wore black man’s clothes, her same beautiful features and clam smile had left a deep impression on Murong Shen.

“Prince…” It took Murong Shen a lot of work to swallow the latter half of that word.

Ye Li cupped her hands with a smile and said: “My Lord, I believe you’ve been well since we last met in the capital.”

A general who had fought wars for most of his life he was, Murong Shen recovered from shock soon and cupped his hands back at her smilingly: “It’s so kind of you. I must thank you for helping Yong Lin out of a dangerous situation.”

Men in black, and Princess Ding. Murong Shen wouldn’t have been the man who had followed Mo Liu Fang into war if he didn’t figure out who helped Yong Lin by now.

Though the generals and officers present didn’t know who that young man that came with Yun Ting was, they could tell General Murong knew him so they let down their guard and looked at Yun Ting curiously.

Looking around the tent, Murong Shen waved at his men to leave, then he invited Ye Li to sit down.

Not bothering with formalities, she thanked General Murong and took a seat. “My Lord, can you hold Scattered Snow Pass?” Familiar with Murong Shen’s temper, she didn’t want to beat around the bush and asked straightforwardly.

Murong Shen watched her carefully. After a good while, he sighed: “My Lady, I don’t want to lie to you. Without Prince Li’s army, I can guarantee you that Nan Zhao won’t pass. But… once Yong Lin falls… well, I’m afraid in half a day so will Scattered Snow Pass.”

There was no barrier between Scattered Snow Pass and Yong Lin. If the rebellion troops passed Yong Lin, that would no doubt leave men at Scattered Snow Pass at a disadvantage. By then, with enemies at both sides, it wouldn’t take long before Scattered Snow Pass fell.

Sure, Ye Li knew Murong Shen was telling the truth. She asked with a frown: “My Lord, how many days do you think will take relief troops to arrive?”

Murong Shen had a sour smile. “If… relief troops would have arrived in two days. However, now… I don’t think there will be any relief troops in ten days.”

With raised brows, Ye Li said: “Do you mean, you can’t hold Scattered Snow Pass, My Lord?”

Murong Shen answered, clenching his teeth: “I have to even if I can’t. As long as I have a breath left in me, I won’t let Nan Zhao pass.”

After a moment of silence, Ye Li looked up with a question: “How many days do you think you can hold the city, My Lord?”

His voice deep, Murong Shen answered: “It depends on how many days Yong Lin stands. May I ask how many men of Hidden Cloud Soldiers you have with you, My Lady?”

With a sigh, Ye Li said: “I have them with me by accident. Only two thousand men. My Lord… if Scattered Snow Pass falls, is it possible to… retreat and guard Yunlan River instead?”

Waving his hand, Murong Shen said with conviction: “Others may retreat, not me! His Majesty has sent me here and I’m determined to stand with Scattered Snow Pass to death!”

Frowning, Ye Li said: “Well, My Lord, what if Nan Zhao goes up north after Scattered Snow Pass falls? Have you thought about that? Troops of Yan Zhou has collapsed at Yunlan River. Now, not only Yong Zhou was in danger, Yan Zhou too has no guarding troops.”

Murong Shen grinned and said proudly: “My Lady, don’t worry. I’ve thought about that when I knew that General Wu sacrificed. Therefore, I sent men to keep an eye on Eternal Splendor Bridge over Yunlan River. It will be good if relief troops arrive first. However, if Scattered Snow Pass falls before relief troops come, the men I sent there will destroy the bridge at all cost. It will slow down Nan Zhao’s progress for at least half a month whether it is going to build a new bridge or take a detour. By then… relief troops should arrive. And you, My Lady, thank you for helping out. Please leave as soon as possible for your own safety.”

Ye Li stood up and cupped her hands at Murong Shen admiringly as she said: “Well, My Lord, since you’ve made your mind… how about you let me take charge of Yong Lin?”

“My Lady?” Shocked, Murong Shen looked at her.

Ye Li laughed: “As Princess Ding, I can’t leave when you are in danger. I am willing to stand with Yong Lin to death too. Only in this way, will I not disgrace Prince Ding’s Manor. Right?”

Murong Shen was quiet for a good while before he opened his mouth: “No wonder…” No wonder the Hidden Cloud Soldiers followed her command. She was an unusual woman. The world only knew that Prince Ding and Princess Ding were the only two who could command the Hidden Cloud Soldiers. What it didn’t know was that simply two to three late Princess Ding were truly able to command the Hidden Cloud Soldiers. Not the late Princess Ding, not even the princess who married and was deeply in love with Prince Regent Mo Liu Fang.

With her brows raised, Ye Li waited for Murong Shen to finish his words. However, he just shook his head quietly. After a while, he looked at her and said: “Then, I put Yong Lin under your command, My Lady. I won’t be able to help you, but I can give you another ten thousand men.” He had planned to send that ten thousand men to help Yun Ting and Xia Shu in a desperate situation, which was all he could spare.

Ye Li nodded. “Thank you for your faith in me, My Lord.”

Taking Murong Shen’s military tally, she stood up, preparing to return to Yong Lin at once.

Murong Shen was an experienced soldier. If things hadn’t happened so fast and unexpectedly with a great disparity in strength against the enemy, he wouldn’t have had so many difficulties to deal with. Therefore, there was no need for her to worry about the defense of Scattered Snow Pass.

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