Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Confucian Scholar

The sons of the Xu family and the two elders from the Ye family, Minister Ye and Old Madam Ye, became closer under the leadership of the Xu family’s eldest son, Xu Qing Chen. From a ceremonial greeting, the meeting turned into an intimate family gathering. Sitting off to the side, Wang-shi had wanted to interject several times but was unable to. The Xu family’s Fifth Young Master implied, through his conduct, that he did not like to interact with concubines. That’s right; in the eyes of the Xu family, Wang-shi was not the legitimate wife. Not to mention, there was bad blood between Wang-shi and the deceased Madam Xu. Furthermore, the Xu family didn’t accept the practice of the concubine replacing the legitimate wife. Except for a few uncommon circumstances, the men of the Xu family did not even take concubines. If Wang-shi was virtuous and upstanding, they could give her the respect her station warranted. Unfortunately, she was not.

As the conversation progressed, Xu Qing Chen’s tone became more respectful and yielding. He spoke of how much his father missed Ye Li these past years and beseeched for her to come and stay at Xu manor for a time.

Naturally, Old Madam Ye reluctantly denied the request, but she replied in a placating manner that Ye Li had to stay home since she was soon to be married.

Xu Qing Chen immediately rebutted that his aunt had died young. His grandfather was afraid that when this cousin of his married off she would be unable to handle the affairs of the manor and would be looked down upon by her husband’s family. Specifically, Second Aunt had invited a few madams that were well respected within the city to come and teach. Additionally, a few mamas would also teach his cousin the proper etiquette and rituals. After all … There were rumors outside that spoke of how Ye family’s Third daughter lacked talent, virtues, and beauty. This shows that, whether it was speech or etiquette, she needed to be strictly taught from the beginning.

Old Madam Ye showed hints of difficulty as if there were words she wanted to say but couldn’t find them.

Once again, her thoughts were reaffirmed. Ye Li knew that dealing with someone as experienced and old as Old Madam Ye one could not let the Old Madam lose any face. Using harsh methods to deal with harsh methods would not work here, flexibility was a must. Look at her older cousin: eloquent words, respectful demeanor. Who would believe that this youth was not the prime example of how someone of the younger generation should behave as they listened with reverence to the words of an elder?

But, Old Madam Ye did not show any conceit. Could she still propose anything else? This old madam had wanted to find a way for Ye Shan and Ye Lin to join Ye Li at Xu Manor, but the idea was stopped by Xu Qing Yan. Men and women should not mingle, this would ruin the reputation of the two young misses. She could only watch as the sons of the Xu family escorted Ye Li from the front gates of Ye Manor.

Once they left Ye Manor, everyone relaxed and became more carefree; even Xu Qing Ze, who generally had a cold face, revealed a faint smile. The unfamiliarity between cousins who had not seen each other in many years vanished in an instant.

As for Xu Qing Yan, though he was too young and did not have an impression of Ye Li, his personality was such that it made it easy for others to approach. It did not take that long for the two to act as if they were blooded siblings that grew up together.

Because the current family head of the Xu family, the father of Xu Qing Chen, Xu Qing Bai, Xu Qing Yan, the older uncle of Ye Li, Xu Hong Yu did not like pomp and circumstance, he did not stay at his younger brother’s residence. Instead, he picked another location within the capital. The location belonged to the Xu family and was not very big. So, the delegation of Ye Li and the Xu family sons directly went to this other manor.

“Eldest Uncle…” Ye Li said in a hoarse voice.

The man in front of Ye Li’s eyes was middle-aged, but he was still elegant, lively, and calm.

Xu Hong Yu looked at the niece he had loved since she was a baby. Her face was seven-tenths similar to his younger sister, but with an added strength and resilience. He let out a long sigh and signaled to Ye Li with his hand. “In these past years, it had been difficult for Li-er. I know some of the machinations within the capital. Your uncle is here. Let’s see who still dare to give you a hard time!” he said.

Ye Li understood the words that her uncle said. Her eyes tingled with a sour and bitter feeling. She laughed and said: “There is Second Uncle here. Who would dare to make things difficult for Li-er? Li-er just misses Eldest Uncle and grandfather.”

Xu Hong Yu looked in an unsatisfied manner at his younger brother sitting on the side and said: “If this younger brother was useful, would the two mother and daughter pair at Ye Manor be so smug?”

Xu Hong Yan understood his older brother’s temper. He could only chuckle helplessly and respond: “Eldest Brother’s words are correct. It was this younger brother that could not shelter Li-er.”

“Eldest Uncle!” Ye Li refuted those words and clung to her eldest uncle’s arm, swinging it back and forth. The actions and words of this eldest uncle held absolutely no pressure. It had always been this way. It wasn’t her fault that at that time she was not really a child. Moreover, she was the only child within the entire Xu family that was not afraid of Eldest Uncle.

Xu Hong Yu affectionately stroked Ye Li’s head. He chuckled and said: “Well, uncle was just talking. This little girl, after so many years of separation, only thinks about her Second Uncle.”

“That’s not true. Li-er always thinks about Eldest Uncle and grandfather.”

“What of when grandfather wanted you to go to Yun Zhou, yet you dared to refuse?”


Ye Li accompanied her two uncles in a conversation for a moment before Xu Hong Yu directed Xu Qing Yan to show Ye Li her room. It had been prepared well in advance and two mamas were already awaiting her there. Ye Li knew that her uncles and cousins had things to say in private and followed Xu Qing Yan out.

Ye Li’s room was very well arranged. It was located in a small courtyard that was the calmest and quietest spot in the entire manor. The home of the Xu family, regardless of it being the manor of an Imperial Censor or Xu Manor in the capital, was simple and elegant. This was exactly to Ye Li’s taste. One step through the door, a person immediately ran out to welcome her.

“Young Miss!”

The two mamas dressed in white ran out to welcome her. They saw Ye Li and could not help but be a bit dazed. Tears blurred their vision.

“Lin mama… wet nurse….” Ye Li called out.

Lam mama was her mother’s personal servant. This year she was over 50. Ye Li’s wet nurse was also a servant from the Xu family, around 40 this year. Ye Li could still remember with clarity when she was still young, weak, and unable to protect these two. Preferring to die rather than leaving her, the two knelt with wretched faces in front of her. Ever since then, until she acquired Qing Shuang, there was no one trustworthy at her side. But, Ye Li did not have any regrets. She understood very clearly that she had just recovered her chaotic memories, coupled with an ill-ridden body, and could not protect these two sincere people.

“Young Miss…Young Miss…” The two mamas quickly arrived before Ye Li. Lin mama, with tears in her eyes, said: “Young Miss has finally grown up… growing up to look so similar to Eldest Young Miss…”

Wei mama’s affection for Ye Li ran even deeper. After all, it was her that had raised Ye Li from when she was still a baby. “Oh… This servant apologizes to the young miss. So many years have passed and young miss was all alone in that Ye Manor. Luckily…luckily, nothing happened to young miss…”

Ye Li sighed lightly in her heart. In that situation, she handled it a bit awkwardly. She needed to encourage these two mamas.

Xu Qing Yan saw Ye Li stiffen and secretly laughed. He also reaffirmed that the Ye family mistreated his cousin. “Lin mama. Wei mama. From now on, you two will follow beside older sis Li. How about entering the house first and then slowly speak?”

With Xu Qing Yan’s reminder, the two mamas quickly wiped their face and nodded. “Fifth Young Master is right. This was these servants carelessness. Hurry. Hurry. Does the Young Miss like her room? Even she does not like it, we can switch rooms.”

Looking at Ye Li being dragged away by the two mamas, Xu Qing Yan was tossed to the side and forgotten. He rolled his eyes, stared at the boundless sky for a moment, and turned to leave.

Ye Li felt the warm and enthusiastic atmosphere. This was in stark comparison to the atmosphere in another area of the manor, a study.

Xu Hong Yu sat behind a bookshelf as he stared at his younger brother. Though a smile graced his lips, it caused Xu Qing Feng and Tu Qing Bai, sitting in the background, to be unable to help themselves and shivered. “So, His Highness Prince Li does not think that Li-er can match up to him and went around colluding with Ye family’s Fourth Young Miss. And the Emperor thought to use Li-er, a Third Young Miss with a ruined reputation (three no’s: no talent, no virtue, no beauty), to humiliated Prince Ding?”

No one could stand the pressure, the edge of their lips trembling. Colluding… Father, you are a great Confucian scholar. Can you not speak a bit more elegantly?

Xu Hong Yan nodded: “That is the situation.”

As if the pressure in the study was not low enough, Xu Qing Chen had a more relaxed style than his father. Within the sleeve of his robe, he brought out a letter. “Earlier today, Prince Li at Chu Xiang Ge blatantly said that regardless of how Li-er tried to win his favor, he will never marry her.”

Shiver… Having just arrived, Xu Qing Yan slipped in next to his Fourth Older Brother.

Xu Hong Yu accepted the letter and quickly looked at it. For a long time, he didn’t say anything. When Xu Hong Yan wanted to speak in his anxiousness, Xu Hong Yu chuckled loudly: “Not bad… not bad… Worthy of being a daughter of the Xu family…” After he finished speaking, he straightforwardly gave the letter to Xu Hong Yan.

Xu Hong Yan jerked the corner of his lips up, not being able to endure and leaked out a chuckle. He was always in the capital. How could he not know that his niece was more elegant than her appearance? But her fierceness was rare, it could be considered that Prince Li’s provocative behavior made her impatient.

“At that time, Prince Ding was also there?” Xu Hong Yan folded the letter up, not noticing a pair of eyes filled with yearning belonging to Xu Qing Yan behind him, and placed the letter within his sleeve. He had to go home and research how to add more work for Prince Li. The prince was too bored and had to go and find trouble with Li-er.

“It would seem like Li-er was speaking to Prince Ding. The two had reached some sort of consensus.” Xu Qing Chen smiled faintly.

Xu Hong Yu though and said: “Your Older Brother has a high opinion of Prince Ding. If Li-er has no dissatisfaction with this marriage, then Qing Chen will handle everything.”

Xu Qing Chen nodded and smiled. “This son understands. It has been many years since this son has left the capital and it has been a while since this son has seen Prince Ding.”

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