Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: A Leisurely Life vs Boiling Water, Rage Fires

It was not until Ye Li arrived at Xu Manor that she realized Xu Qing Chen’s words to Old Madam Ye were not merely courtesy. In fact, the day after her arrival, her Second Aunt personally invited Duke Hua of the First Rank’s Madam to teach her how to manage a household and the relationship between royalty and various foreign powers and dignitaries, government officials, and nobility. Furthermore, two mamas from the palace were invited to teach her proper etiquette and ceremonies. After the lessons, it’s afternoon and more lessons. First, Xu Hong Yu personally explains strategic planning and stratagems. Afterward comes Xu Qing Chen, teaching her how to inspect and appreciate antiques. Conveniently, he also takes the time to describe the powers of the families within the capital.

Ye Li had always been confident in herself since she had lived another lifetime; the amount of knowledge that she has consumed can be considered not too small. Now, seeing her uncles and cousins, it would seem like the distance between her and a virtuous noble lady was quite far. So, similar to her previous life when she studied for her college exams and other tests, she tried hard to stuff all the knowledge they gave her into her head in a short amount of time.

“Young Miss, Young Miss Qin has come for a visit.” Qing Shuang came forward and announced.

Ye Li sat in the pavilion, playing Go with Xu Qing Bai. Xu Qing Yan sat to one side and observed the battle. In these days, it was not only Ye Li being force-fed knowledge. Even Qing Shuang and Qing Xia were forced to learn by Lin mama. Though the time was short, Qing Shuang’s personality was much more reliable and calm than before.

Xu Qing Yan’s eyes brightened. He laughed and said: “Oh? Future Second sister-in-law?”

Xu Qing Bai placed his chess piece on the board. He chuckled and said to Ye Li: “Since there is a guest, let’s continue tomorrow.”

Naturally, Ye Li agreed. Compared to Go, she much-preferred chess. Go required the player to be patient, not making any reckless or quick moves. It required making macro judgments of the entire board, building a solid foundation, and probing your enemies. Chess was much quicker — letting your horse (chess piece) rampage and fighting fiercely at the front lines.

After Ye Li placed down her Go piece, she said: “I am not good at Go; I’m afraid older cousin has lost his patience.”

Xu Qing Bai stood and replied good-naturedly: “Compared to little Five, I would rather sit and play with you.”

Little Fifth Xu: the worst person at Go within the Xu Family. Though his moves were very mediocre, he was devoted to the game. Unfortunately, even the servants of the Xu family looked down at his skills. After listening to Xu Qing Bai’s words, Xu Qing Yan’s face fell and he looked mournfully at Ye Li. Ye Li couldn’t endure it and the corner of her lips lifted. She really didn’t know if Fourth Brother was praising her or hurting her.

Qin Zheng quickly came in. Coincidentally, Xu Qing Bai brought Xu Qing Yan out.

“Li-er, it seems like you are living quite comfortably at Xu Manor?” Qin Zheng said as she stood outside the pavilion and looked at Ye Li with a laugh.

Ye Li’s expression brightened and pulled Qin Zheng over. “I never knew I had so much to learn.”

Qin Zheng covered her lips as she laughed: “Auntie Ye went too early. The things that you have to learn are naturally a bit more. This kind of stuff, who between us did not have to learn since young? Moreover, you are not marrying into a common family, but the Prince of the First Rank’s manor. You can’t blame Uncle Xu and them for being so cautious.”

Ye Li remembered that she had books on the art of war in her room. They were definitely considered to be great works, but her face blackened. If someone didn’t know, they would think she was going off to battle not getting married. But compared to the books given to her by Lin-mama and her wet nurse that dealt with the virtues of a woman, Ye Li preferred the art of war which was more practical and entertaining.

“Haha, let’s not talk about this anymore. Qin Older Sister saw my Second Older Brother already?” Ye Li giggled and asked Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng’s charming face flushed bright red. She glared at Ye Li and whispered: “Eldest Young Master and Second Young Master had already left.”

Ye Li sighed regretfully. That means that Qin Zheng hadn’t seen. After a thought, she conspiratorially saddled up to Qin Zheng and said: “No worries, they would eventually have to return.”

Looking at her meaningful smile, Qin Zheng’s face reddened even more. Angry, she reached out and pinched Ye Li.

Ye Li immediately asked for mercy and attempted to dodge. “Oh, Qin Older Sister, I was wrong… I was wrong… Spare my life….”

Qin Zheng fiercely glared at her. “You! This little girl! You… That day when you saw Prince Ding…”

Ye Li’s appearance that day had left a deep impression on Qin Zheng. She was not able to remain calm in that situation. She couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable and upset.

Ashamed, Ye Li scratched her nose. How could she shamelessly tell her friend that she has passed the age where seeing a beautiful man would cause her to be embarrassed?

“Keke, this… This is… Keep calm. This was nothing. It was the first meeting for everyone. Everyone was in the same boat.” Ye Li encouraged.

Qin Zheng angrily glared at her. She understood that this weird person, Ye Li, did not understand the delicate, meticulous, and feminine thoughts of a maiden girl.

Ye Li grumbled: Who would not understand…

The time that Ye Li spent at Xu manor was busy, but also carefree and happy.

But, the Ye Family and Prince Li’s Manor was plunged into a fire. The events of what happened at Chu Xiang Court had spread throughout the capital with various conjectures and theories thrown in as it went from one person to the next. There were even people placing bets on when Prince Li would toss aside the Fourth Young Miss of the Li family. The news that Prince Li and Princess Qi Xia was in love inexplicably spread: this princess of Southern Zhao and a prince of Great Chu fell in love at first sight, but was forced to part because of their status. The princess could not forget this love and traveled a far distance to find…. But, when she came, her lover had already found another…. This kind of tragic love could move the heart, it was enough for someone to weave into an entertaining story for the tea houses and restaurants. This caused Ye Ying came to Mo Jing Li to cry and complain. This coincided with when his forehead was cut and the two left with a belly full of grievances. This caused the rumors to burn even fiercer.

Mo Jing Li’s face is bleak as he stepped through the main gates of the manor.

“My Prince, the Dowager Imperial Concubine invites you over.” The steward, who had been waiting for a long time, stepped forward instantly to report.

Mo Jing Li nodded and changed the direction he was walking towards the Dowager Imperial Concubine.

“Imperial Mother.”

Dowager Imperial Concubine Xian Zhao supported her head as she sat on the chair with a bad expression, but it was difficult to get Mo Jing Li to perform such ceremonies and she squeezed out a smile.

“Li-er, you have come. Come, sit down with Imperial Mother.” She said.

“Was there something Imperial Mother needed?” Mo Jing Li sat down and asked.

The Dowager Imperial Concubine shook her head and said: “Imperial Mother wanted to know how the situation was handled. The marriage is fast approaching. If something happens, it would be hard to explain to the Emperor.”

“Imperial Mother, put your fears to rest. These are only rumors. Nothing urgent. ” Mo Jing Li murmured.

Dowager Imperial Concubine Xian Zhao frowned. “Imperial Mother had not wanted you to marry that girl Ye Ying, but seeing that she was Ye Zhao Yi, I relented. But look at her, causing so much trouble. No manners at all. In the future, can she bring honor to Prince Li’s Manor?”

Mo Jing Li’s eyes flashed. He respectfully said: “She does not understand things. She will need Imperial Mother’s guidance in the future.”

Dowager Imperial Concubine Xian Zhao waved her hands a bit annoyed. “Well, things have already reached this step. There’s nothing more to it. You tell Ye Ying to know her place and wait patiently to be married for this seat. If she wants to be the Princess Consort of Prince Li’s Manor, she should have the demeanor of a Princess Consort. Especially… She should stop provoking her Third sister!”

“Imperial Mother?”

The Dowager Imperial Concubine gave Mo Jing Li a helpless look and said: “Li-er, you have picked wrong this time. Though, at that time, I was not able to see the depths of that Third Young Miss, but how can she be like what the rumors described: a young miss with three faults? Moreover… Even if she was a young miss with three faults if one had eyes one could see that she is much more valuable than that Ye Ying. Heard that the Head of the Xu Family, Xu Hong Yu, and his sons have arrived in the capital. You can see how much importance the Xu Family places on Ye Li.”

Mo Jing Li huffed and said: “Hm, regardless of how strong the foundation of the Xu Family is, they are no longer a part of the court. Besides, that Ye Li is not virtuous and cannot be the Princess Consort of Prince Li’s Manor.”

“Whatever, as long as you have thought this through.” Dowager Imperial Concubine sighed.

But Mo Jing Li did not know that his bad luck these recent days was only the start. Though the family had left the court, the power of a strong foundation for generations of this noble family had eclipsed the royal families of two dynasties who had ruled for several hundred years. It was not something that a prince could stop.

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