Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: A Wedding filled with Bad Luck (Beginning)

Minister’s Manor

In the early morning, there was already a cacophony of noise from people entering and leaving. Ye Li brought Ye Shan and Ye Lin to accompany Old Madam Ye at her place, the Hall of Melodies. In Ye Ying’s little courtyard, before the skies had brightened, it was already busy. Wang-shi was scared that Ye Lin and Ye San would be in the way and even more afraid that Ye Li would take the opportunity to “exercise.” That was why she didn’t let them come but instead received two nieces from her own family to accompany Ye Ying. Ye Li happily relaxed and laughed; early in the morning, she came to greet the Old Madam and stayed for conversation. Regardless, today it would be difficult for her to remain all day at the Hall of Melodies. That would only invite gossip.

Old Madam Ye’s face was filled with happiness, treating everyone especially amiably. Ye Lin and Ye Shan did not ignore this opportunity to amuse the Old Madam using flattering words and sugary attitudes. Ye Li sat to the side drinking tea, contemplating if she should go and see the fun scene.

Waiting until it was noon, Old Madam Ye’s face gradually wrinkled up. She commanded the servants around her: “Go out and see if the people who responsible for welcoming the bride has arrived.”

It wasn’t until a long time later that the person returned in a rush. “Old Madam…” The person wiped at the sweat on his face and reported. “The troupe to welcome the bride has not arrived yet.”

Old Madam Ye’s smiled withered. It was already past noon. Welcoming the bride this late was unlucky.

“Could it be that Prince Li wants to toss Fourth Older Sister aside?” Ye Shan, the youngest, suddenly said.

“Shan-er!” Ye Shan’s biological mother was scared to the point that her face paled.

“Unbridled! Today is a happy occasion for Fourth Younger Sister, what nonsense are you saying? Still not standing aside?” Ye Li said icily. Taking advantage that Old Madam Ye was still not angry, Ye Li glanced over Ye Shan. Ye Shan moved her lips, wanting to add more. On the side, Ye Lin and Ye Shan’s biological mother pulled her out.

“Shan-er is still young. Her words are not carefully chosen. It is Li-er that neglected to discipline her. Grandmother, please quell your anger.” Ye Li looked gently at Old Madam Ye.

“Third Young Miss’s words are very true. Sixth Young Miss is still young. It is inevitable that she lacks a careful consideration that a noble young miss would have. We are all family here. Asking Old Madam put into consideration that today is a happy occasion for Fouth Young Miss and quell your anger.” Because she was pregnant, as an exception, Concubine Zhao was given a seat. At this time, she also quickly came forward to sooth the Old Madam’s anger.

Old Madam Ye didn’t have the mind or patience to care about Ye Shan. “Hurry,” She waved her hand. “Invite the Lord over. Also, send someone to observe the situation.”

Knowing the Old Madam’s mood was not good, the servants did not dare to say more and hurriedly left.”

The atmosphere in the Hall of Melodies was a bit tense, but Ye Li still sat calmly drinking tea. Concubine Zhao stole a look at Ye Li but found that this Young Miss’s face was completely devoid of emotion. It was as if nothing had happened. At this time, Concubine Zhao could not determine if this matter was related to the Third Young Miss. Aware of Concubine Zhao’s gaze, Ye Li looked up and glanced at her. She couldn’t see any of Ye Li’s intention and her heart cooled. Slightly nodding her head, she then laid her head back to rest.

Seeing that afternoon had passed, but the messenger sent out to the main gate had not returned. It would seem that Prince Li is doomed to pick up the bride late. Minister Ye brought along Wang-shi and hurriedly came in.

Old Madam Ye stared hard at her son and daughter-in-law. She snapped: “In the end, what has happened? Did you two clearly ascertain the reasons?”

Minister Ye’s face was covered in clouds. “Mother, don’t be angry. The person sent to inquire has returned. Prince Li’s Manor…” He muttered, “is on their way.”

“On their way?” Old Madam Ye was so angry, she laughed. She continuously said “good” and pointed at Minister Ye and said: “Which daughter marrying out has their husband’s family forget the auspicious time and date? After a few days, our Ye Family will be the joke of the entire capital! In the end, what is the meaning of Prince Li’s Manor? The bride had yet to step through the door and our faces are already slapped?”

“Prince Li’s Manor must’ve had something happen and that’s why they were delayed?” Minister Ye frowned.

Old Madam Ye coldly huffed. “What is more important than welcoming the bride?”

Minister Ye choked on his words. Old Madam Ye could only let out a long sigh with no other options. Today, Prince Li’s Manor welcoming the bride had already turned into a joke, but regardless of how angry they are, Ye Ying had to be sent out. Otherwise, Ye Ying’s reputation would be ruined.

Old Madam Ye stared at Wang-shi with wide eyes. “What are you standing around for? Go and see if Ye Ying is finished preparing. Once the troupe welcoming the bride has arrived, immediately escort her out.”

At this time, Wang-shi couldn’t care too much. Angry and grieving, she hurriedly said: “She had already properly prepared. Only waiting to greet Old Madam and she could go.”

Old Madam Ye huffed and said nothing more.

It was not until the end of the hour of the Goat (1PM-3PM) when the party to welcome the bride arrived. Ye Ying accompanied by her bridal party and a few mamas came to the Hall of Melodies to bid farewell to Old Madam Ye. Though her makeup was exquisitely done, Ye Li could still see how pale the bride’s face was, eyes rimmed red and a bit swollen. Obviously, Ye Ying had just cried. However, it didn’t matter, wasn’t the bride marrying out?

Old Madam Ye personally helped Ye Ying up. She said a few encouraging and comforting words. Ye Ying faced Minister Ye and Wang-shi to perform the ceremonial farewell, kowtowing. Afterward, a bridal veil was placed on her head. With the help of others, she left the Grand Hall of Ye Manor. Ye Li also stood up and followed Minister Ye and Wang-shi.

In the Corridor of Ye Manor

Mo Jing Li was wearing the ceremonial red robes with a four-claw dragon. His face was handsome and graceful, but hints of iciness seeped through. However, Ye Li could see through the iciness to a rigidity that was different from usual. Looking at the unnatural face, it was hard to hide the paleness and darkness around the eyes. Ye Li’s foul mood from being forced to sit still all morning turned for the better. She dared to use her cousin’s First Ranked Scholar title to bet that Mo Jing Li’s face had make-up on.

At first glance, Mo Jing Li saw that Ye Li wore a lavender dress walking beside Minister Ye. A heated look burned through his eyes. Such passionate eyes were not directed at his own bride but towards Ye Li.

Minister Ye was displeased and lightly coughed.

Mo Jing Li reluctantly moved his gaze to Minister Ye and greeted: “This Prince was late, request that father-in-law please forgive?”

If he did not mention it, the situation could just pass. But once it was mentioned, Minister Ye’s belly of anger reignited. His tone cooled and he said: “Do not dare, his Highness just needs to treat Ying-er better in the future.”

Mo Jing Li understood this logic and pledged to treat Ye Ying well. He looked up and saw Ye Li trying to contain her laughter. Remembering what he had to endure from last night, Mo Jing Li regretted that he could not jump over and tear her body apart. From when he was young until now, except for Mo Xiu Yao, this was the first time someone had made him so miserable. Before dawn arrived, he awakened to find himself trapped in a lake and no matter how much he called out, it wasn’t until dawn that the hidden bodyguards he brought with him were able to find him. Although it was almost the Fifth Month, the lake was chilly all year. When someone finally pulled him up, he had already been frozen over, unable to move. With much difficulty, he finally was able to arrive outside the capital to drink some ginger soup and medicine to reduce the chilliness. Delayed, he rushed back to the city, enduring the discomfort, to welcome the bride. Yet, he still missed the auspicious hour. Compared to Ye Li, carefree and happy, looking at him, it made him want to gnash his teeth.

This Prince will never let you go! Mo Jing Li’s vicious eyes gave Ye Li a once over.

Ye Li curled her lips. She did not have any hope left for Mo Jing Li’s intelligence. She gave him back a glance: Waiting for you!

Ye Li did not know that at this moment, her and Mo Jing Li’s confrontation looked a bit different in the eyes of those meticulous people. Wang-shi, beside Ye Ying, saw the two’s interaction and looked down. A savage and cruel light flashed in her eyes.

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