Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Gentleman Feng Yue

Escorting Ye Ying out, what had to be done was done. Ye Li no longer cared for the complex and unpredictable gazes upon her. In a great mood, she flourished her sleeve and returned to Qing Yi Court.

Just as she entered the study, Ye Li’s footstep paused. She turned around and order: “Qing Luan will stay to serve; the rest are dismissed.”

Though servants like Qing Shuang found it difficult to understand, they knew that recently Ye Li did not like so many people around. There must’ve been some matter that she needed Qing Luan for. The servants immediately left. Qing Luan silently waited for her Young Miss’s orders.

Ye Li went to the window and stopped. She took in the study around her and her sight fell upon the gauzy curtains separating the room. She lightly questioned: “Not coming out?”

There was no movement within the study, but there were already two short swords within Qing Luan’s hands. The weapons gave off a frigid air. A usually mild and harmless gaze was suddenly transformed into something fierce and murderous.

In such short a time, there was still no movement. Unhappy, Ye Li frowned. She produced an object that size of a pigeon egg and threw it at the curtain. A strong white smoke rose and, within a moment, a figure rushed from within the smoke towards Ye Li. But within the vicinity of the window, the ground softened. Suddenly, on his back was the ice-cold feel of metal. Yet, in front of him, the figure of Ye Li had disappeared. Don’t know when Ye Li had placed a few meters of distance between them.

“I really did not expect it. Ye Family’s Third Young Miss is in such great physical shape. I lose.” The man smiled helplessly and reluctantly relaxed his body and fell to the ground.

Ye Li looked as normal as usual, “Compared to you, I am still learning. It is just that the events of last night were quite enlightening. I think some preparations are necessary.”

The man’s eyebrows pricked up. He acted nonchalant like there was no one holding a sword to his back. Smiling, he looked at Ye Li. “You clearly know that the person last night was me? Could you…because of last night’s event, be unable to forget me?”

Although Ye Li did not want to admit it, she had to. The man in front of her was very handsome. Different from Feng Zhi Yao’s unrestrained and amorous looks, his brows were a bit more ambiguous and malevolent. If it were a normal maiden, they would either be angry or so embarrassed that they’d cover their rosy red face and ran away. Unfortunately, Ye Li was just not a part of this group of ordinaries.

“I think that you should not be paying attention to me at this time.” Ye Li said. “But that thing behind you. I believe that if three-tenths more pressure was added, even if it is not life-threatening, I promise you that in this life you can only waste your days away on a bed.” As if to prove her point, the sharp blade was stabbed a bit deeper.

A sharp pain suddenly spread across his body. The man’s face immediately changed. The man laughed and said: “Ye Family’s Third Young Miss does not intend to kill the witness and get rid of the evidence, right?”

Ye Li shook her head. Her elegant face showed a bright smile, difficult to see, but it made the man on the ground feel a coldness permeate throughout his body. “Kill the witness and get rid of the evidence? This is not something a noble lady would do. That is why I intend to give you to someone else. I heard many people are looking for you. You say, would it be more beneficial to give you to Prince Ding or Prince Li?”

The man had a bitter face and sent a beseeching look at Ye Li. Falling into the hands of Prince Ding? He would definitely be missing a hand or leg. But if he fell into the hands of Prince Li, unless that person was whole and threatening him, he knew that Prince Li would want his life. “Third Young Miss, I am just a person who takes money to help others. Not to mention, it can be considered that I helped you. Can’t you be a bit generous and spare this life of mine?”

Ye Li turned and found a chair to sit comfortably. She giggled and asked: “You helped me? Was it not that Mo Jing Li had offended you and you wanted to make it difficult for him?”

Begging for forgiveness failed. The man retrieved the smile on his face. He seriously said: “Counting, I owe Third Young Miss one debt of love, how’s that?”

“Ye Li propped her chin up and lazily said: “This… A debt of love from Cool Breeze, Bright Moon House’s Young Master Feng Yue, even if you dare to owe, I do not dare to let you repay.” Cool Breeze, Bright Moon House was the best brothel in the world. Young Master Feng Yue, Han Ming Yue, was a world-renown flower thief. Having a relationship with him? Might as well ruin your reputation.

At this time, the man’s face completely changed. He stared intently at Ye Li and said: “My jade is in your hands?” In this world, the people who knew that Gentleman Feng Yue and Cool Breeze, Bright Moon House’s owner is the same person could be counted on one hand, “This Young Master did not know the Ye Family’s Third Young Miss of the Minister’s Manor, future Princess Consort Ding, had such schemes.”

Capable of taking the jade he wore on his body, this was not something easy. Han Ming Yue doubted if coming to the capital this time was to see such bad days. Originally, he was just momentarily inspired; so, he replaced Prince Li to play a little bit. Who would know that this innocent maiden was actually a poisonous flower? He wanted to play that Prince Li, eyes higher than his head, but the result was that he was dragged in too. That day, after he left the woods, not even half an hour had passed when he realized he was being pursued. Moreover, after two hours, one group of people turned into two. Waiting until dawn, even Mo Jing Li’s people had joined in.

Ye Li laughed and patiently looked at the handsome man in front of her.

“Ye Family’s Third Young Miss, what do you actually want to spare this life of mine?” Han Ming Yue could only raise his hands in surrender.

“When necessary, let me use the intelligence network of Cool Breeze, Bright Moon House.” Ye Li put forth her conditions.

Han Ming Yue’s eyes flashed, “This one does not understand Young Miss Ye’s meaning.”

“Brothel. Restaurant. The largest distribution center for intelligence and information. I guess that … the relationship between you and Tian Yi Pavillion is not ordinary. Isn’t that right?”

Tian Yi Pavillion: Great Chu’s most mysteriously intelligence organization, using the selling of information to make a living. It was just that their operations were quite secretive, causing many people to want to find the place and destroy it.

“Young Master Han can stand. If my guess is not wrong, the effect should’ve passed.” Ye Li looked at the person on the ground with a bit of helplessness and reminded.

Han Ming Yue did not show any embarrassment from a person who just had their schemes uncovered. He calmly stood up and patted the nonexistent dust on his body.

Fisting one hand in the other, he said to Ye Li: “Ye Family’s Third Young Miss is really sensitive. It causes this one to feel so scared as to be amazed.”

A maiden, still in the boudoir, that could acutally guess at the relationship between Cool Breeze, Bright Moon House and Tian Yi Pavillion really caused one to be surprised.

“The jade has already been delivered to Third Young Miss. If Third Young Miss needs anything, just send someone with the jade to find me. I believe that if Third Young Miss wanted to know, she would be able to find.”

Ye Li didn’t act polite and nodded. “If that is the case, then thank you. I will ask Prince Ding to switch the gift he will present to Prince Li.” She said.

Han Ming Yue helplessly laughed and looked at Ye Li, “You aren’t scared that I’ll change my mind?”

Ye Li smiled carelessly, “Unless you want the world to know of the relationship between Gentleman Feng Yue and Cool Breeze, Bright Moon House, and there is also Tianyi Pavillion. Leave leisurely, I will not see you out.”

“This one takes his leave.”

Qing Luan retracted her swords. Watching Han Ming Yue leave through the window, she frowned. Confused, she asked Ye Li: “Young Miss, are we just letting him go like this?”

Ye Li stood up and walked to the window. She stared at the disappearing figure of Han Ming Yue. “You really think that he is Cool Breeze, Bright Moon House’s owner?”

“Is he not?”

Ye Li played with the jade in her hand, “I’m guessing not, but am certain that the relationship with Han Ming Yue is not superficial. Over this issue, provoking Han Ming Yue, it’s not worth it.”

“Ye Family’s Third Young Miss is really wise.” A joking voice, bringing along a flavor of laziness, drifted in from outside.

Ye Li looked up and saw Feng Zhi Yao, not knowing since when this person had relaxed under the eaves. She giggled and said: “Young Master Feng, coming unsolicited is not something a gentleman should do.”

Feng Zhi Yao unrestrainedly brandished his fan, as if he was not standing outside of a maiden’s room, but in front of a spectacular event in front of a crowd. “The schemes and eloquence of Third Young Miss make Feng Zhi Yao whole-heartedly admire. The forces under Han Ming Yue is not cheaply acquired.”

Ye Li laughed faintly, “I did not cheaply acquire anything. Believe that House Owner Han would also think so. On the other hand, the Lightness Foot Work of Feng Family’s Third Young Master is outstanding, coming into the Minister’s Manor like an empty place. Comparable to Gentleman Feng Yue.”

The blue vein on Feng Zhi Yao’s forehead twitched. He strived to put on a carefree and graceful demeanor, “His Highness Prince Ding pleads with Ye Family’s Third Young Miss to join him at Prince Li’s wedding ceremony.”

Ye Li’s eyebrows raised, “Prince Ding will attend that kind of scene?” She remembered that after Mo Xiu Yao had the accident he would not make public appearances.

“That was then. Now is different. Originally, he did not have this plan. Heard that the decision was made this morning.” Feng Zhi Yao laughed. “I believe that it will not disappoint Third Young Miss.”

Ye Li intently stared at Feng Zhi Yao. Immediately, she understood the implication of his words and nodded. She giggled and said: “Then I will need to bother Feng Family’s Third Young Master to pass the news on to his Highness.”

“Then, Feng Zhi Yao will await the arrival of Ye Family’s Third Young Miss.”

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