Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 50 - Out of Danger, An Eventful Night in the Capital (3)

Chapter 50: Out of Danger, An Eventful Night in the Capital (3)
Translator: Night Fury
“You’ve seen it. Mo Xiu Yao was not an easy target.” Han Ming Yue sat right up and said indifferently.

The woman in black snorted coldly, “Have you finished the task that I gave you?”

Bang! The cup in Han’s hand broke into pieces along with the sound. Fresh tea poured all over the ground through his fingers. “I am not your slave. Watch your tone when you speak with me!”

A trace of anger flashed across the woman’s eyes, but she held her anger in no time. She lowered her voice and apologized, “It’s my fault. Ming Yue, what happened tonight…”

“Whether it was a success or not, does it really matter? The news that Ye Li was kidnapped was already out there and in a sense, you’ve got what you want.” Han Ming Yue said.

“You didn’t succeed!” The woman’s voice turned sharp at once. “I asked you to destroy her!”

Han Ming Yue rubbed his neck unconsciously, a bitter laugh in mind. To destroy her? Thank god he had never intended that, otherwise the one that could have been destroyed would be him. That Third Young Miss of Ye family was not as innocent as she looked. But somehow, Han Ming Yue didn’t want to share that information with the woman before him.

“By asking you, the master of Tian Yi Pavilion, the most handsome man of the south to do it yourself, I was doing her a favor. Why didn’t you do it?” The woman shouted in resentment.

“That’s enough!” Han Ming Yue fumed coldly, “Why didn’t you ask how I got hurt and how bad was my wound? Do you actually think that I could live to see you if I really hurt Ye Li tonight?”

“I…” The woman choked slightly. As if realizing her loss of control, she gave him an apologetical look and said softly, “Why did you go on your own? If you brought more men with you, even with the Hidden Could Soldiers, Mo Xiu Yao could not hurt you. At the moment, it is impossible for him to muster many Hidden Could Soldiers.”

Han Ming Yue’s face grew mild as the woman softened her voice and said lightly, “Because I could not get Tian Yi Pavilion into trouble. It’s only between you and me and naturally, I would resolve it by myself. You are on your own now. Don’t bother me with Ye Li any more. I would not help you for a second time.”

“Why is that?”

“Because next time Mo Xiu Yao will definitely kill me. I am a businessman. I never want to go beyond their bottom lines. You should go now. Be careful.” After saying that, Han Ming Yue half leaned on the bed and closed his eyes, no longer paying attention to the woman in black by the door. The woman clearly had something to say, but looking at the pale man lying on the bed with rejection all over him, she had to swallow whatever she had intended to say. She made a small groan, “You have a rest. I will get going.”

She turned around and walked out of the door. Under a tree not far away from the door, a man who looked a lot like Han Ming Yue stared at her with gloomy eyes. “Don’t come here any more. We are leaving for the south.”

The woman in black lifted her small bewitching eyes slightly. With a bit of disdain, she said, “Get yourself more girls if you have the time. Don’t meddle in my business. I would not like to hear from Ming Yue sometime in the future that he loses a little brother.”

Han Ming Xi turned gloomy, then he snorted, “Well, let me see what kind of woman gets my brother so obsessed.” Not many people knew about his kung fu, but he didn’t boast about his Qinggong (Lightness Skill). The man that had been standing under the tree a while ago disappeared with a flip of his clothes. When you looked again, he was already by the woman’s side and was reaching for the black veil on her face. “How dare you!”

“Ming Xi, stop!” At the gate, Han Ming Yue watched those two who were going to draw their blades against each other with a somber face. “Let her go.”

“Hng!” Han Ming Xing dropped his hand and swept by like a startled swan, disappeared from the roof. Han Ming Yue stared at the woman in black with warning, “Don’t provoke Ming Xi.”

“Well, as long as he leaves me alone, I won’t bother him. After all, he’s your brother, and we are friends, aren’t we?” The woman grinned lightly.

Bang! Han Ming Yue took one step back and shut the door firmly to her face.

“Han, Ming, Yue!” She spat out the words in hatred and a flash of shock passed her eyes in a beat. The candle light in the room was soon put out. It was obvious that the one inside was ready to go to sleep. With a light hum she left the silent dark yard.

The woman walked out of the ordinary yard and some men in black immediately walked up to her “Miss.”

The woman nodded and said coldly, “Let’s head back.”

Seeing that the woman was not in a very good mood, the man in the lead didn’t dare to say anything else. With a wave of hand, a bunch of them guarded the woman and left quickly in the dark.


A feather arrow cut through the air with great strength and shot toward them. The leading man in black drew his sword and tried instantly to block the arrow. But that was not as easy as it seemed. He just felt the sword jolted in his hand and a moment later, his sword hand was knocked numb. The feather arrow shot along the sword toward the woman who was hiding behind him.



The feather arrow shot by her face and rooted into the wall not far away by the road. The woman in black turned around. Looking at that feather arrow which penetrated the wall, she nearly fell down. Just by one inch, the arrow would have cut her head into halves or destroyed her face.

“Miss.” The men by her side hastened to hold her and were thrown off by her waving hands. She raised her hand and slapped a man’s face. “You are good for nothing!” The man in black lowered his head, his eyes dimed.

“Feng Zhi Yao!” Bright laughs came from a roof not far away. As soon as the woman lifted her head, she saw Feng Zhi Yao in showy red clothes, sitting on the roof relaxed and watching her sorry figure. Feng Zhi Yao lifted his handsome eyebrows, showing her the bow in his left hand. “Feng Zhi Yao, you have quite a nerve!” The woman cursed between her teeth.

“Ouch, I am so scared right now. I don’t think it is against the law to shoot one or two sneaky guys in black in the middle of the night. Perhaps Lord Qin would thank me for contributing for the public security of the capital. What do you say?”

“Kill him!” the woman pointed at the roof. Her voice was murderous. As long as she thought about that arrow, she could not help but want to smash this arrogant man before her to pieces.

“Well, you want to compete in the number of men, don’t you? I am not afraid.” Feng Zhi Yao lifted his hand lazily and waved to the back, a similar group of men in black appeared quietly, but each of them had a bow and arrows with them. They pulled the bow to the fullest and aimed accurately to the narrow street below. The woman’s eyes were fiery and she said aggressively between her teeth, “Feng Zhi Yao, do you dare to kill me?”

Feng Zhi Yao shook his head in regret, “I wouldn’t dare to.”

After hearing his answer, the woman was clearly more confident. She raised her chin slightly and said, “If you do not have the nerve, then get away from me!”

“Shit! I really hate arrogant women!” A trace of cold glitter passed his vicious almond-shaped eyes. He lifted his hands, pulled the bow and shot the arrow in an instant. Another arrow flied along her dress and landed by her feet.

“Feng Zhi Yao!”

Feng Zhi Yao looked at her listlessly, more disdain in his eyes. “Quit the shout. That wouldn’t make me fall for you. Someone asked me to warn you to give up all the nonsense. Or the arrow would not be shot on a wall the next time. Even if you do not believe in my shooting skills, you shouldn’t doubt theirs.” Pointing the men in black who were standing still, tall and straight, Feng Zhi Yao said coldly.

“No…that is not possible…” The woman in black stared with shock at those men in black who were standing behind Feng Zhi Yao. “How could he possibly…”

“Feng Zhi Yao, how dare you muster Hidden Could Soldiers secretly!”

“Well, you are just believing your own lies.” Feng Zhi Yao sat up impatiently and said, “In a word, remember my warning. Otherwise, don’t blame me for not warning you if you’re disfigured.”

The woman in black looked down and said nothing. Feng Zhi Yao didn’t have the mood to get entangled with her and told the men behind him, “We’ve finished what we are here to do. Now let’s go back.”

“Whoosh– Whoosh–”

With several sounds that cut through the air, those men who were guarding around the women dropped, only the leading one left, with his tight grip on the sword, nervous and vigilant. But he knew deep inside that his sword hand lost all the strength due to the arrow shot just now. If there came another arrow, he wouldn’t be able to block it or escape from it.

“Feng Zhi Yao, you muster the Hidden Could Soldiers so casually. Aren’t you afraid that someone from the palace would know about it?” The woman in black finally opened her mouth and said.

Feng Zhi Yao waved his hand and laughed, “You’d better first consider how to explain the sudden loss of your men.”

In the end, the woman said nothing else and left the unfrequented street with her only remaining guard, grievance and hatred nursing inside her. Once she left, the men in black on the roof soon disappeared in the night. Feng Zhi Yao turned around, went over the roof and landed in the room through the half-open window. Looking at the man who was sitting erect inside, he could not help but laugh, “So, how do you like it? Are you satisfied, first young master of Xu?”

Xu Qing Chen sat by the window at ease. Before him, there were a pot of liquor and two cups. He lifted his hands and poured two cups of liquor. Putting down the pot, he raised his head and smiled at Feng Zhi Yao, “Give my gratitude to the Prince.”

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