Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 51 - A Rumor that Went Wild (1)

Chapter 51: A Rumor that Went Wild (1)
Translator: Night Fury
The rumor that the third young miss of Ye Family, namely the future Princess Ding, was kidnapped by bandits really shook the capital. It was already spread to all corners of the capital not long after Ye Li was kidnapped. As for rumors, if silenced by force, it would only get worse. Therefore, no one from the Ye Family, Xu Family or Prince Li’s Manor had commented on it on the surface. The next morning when Ye Li took the carriage home from Xu Manor with a handsome reward from the palace, escorted by the second and third son of Xu Family, people started to doubt the rumor. After all, people who passed by, accidently or intentionally, inadvertently saw that the third young miss of Ye Family was in good health and spirits, and that she looked far from someone who had been kidnapped a short while ago. And the two sons of Xu Family, including the third son who was said to have a hot temper and outspoken, seemed normal. So… Was the information of yesterday nothing more than a malicious rumor?

Ye Li absent-mindedly listened to Qing Shuang talked endlessly about what she heard outside and laughed at those comments.

Of course third older brother is able to act normal in front of everyone since he let out his anger at last night’s bandits who overrated themselves.

Recalling the heavy smell of blood that filled the mountain stronghold and the murderous look on third older brother’s face when getting down from the mountain with Mo Xiu Yao last night, Ye Li was quite sure that Xu Family, a family of scholars and officials, was going to groom a general. Ye Li would not concern herself with what Mo Xiu Yao was going to do with those bandits. No matter they fled to the capital from other places or they were locally born and bred, it would be better if the world got rid of them.

“Third young miss of Ye Family.”

A loud and clear voice came from outside, Qing Luan drew her sword immediately and pointed it at the young man who suddenly appeared by the window. Ye Li pulled Qing Luan’s arm down with a smile. She turned and grinned: “Mr. Han, I trust you have been well since we parted?”

Outside of the window, it was her kidnapper Han Ming Yue who she just parted with last night. Han Ming Yue could only force a laugh: “Third young miss, do you think I look well?” A moment earlier, as soon as he walked into the yard, he felt secret glares on him like tigers eyeing their preys. He did not doubt one bit that if he took a reckless action, the master of Tian Yi Pavilion would disappear from this world quietly.

Taking out a wooden box with carving on it, Han Ming Yue put it on the edge of the window and said: “A little something to help you get over the shock and a gift to your engagement with Xiu Yao. I’m not sure whether I can make it to your wedding.”

Ye Li nodded, without looking at the box, she asked: “Mr. Han, are you preparing to leave the capital?”

Han Ming Yue grinned: “I’ve gone through quite some horrifying experiences lately. Being in the south comforts me more. I would love for you and Xiu Yao to visit the south sometime. I will certainly be the best host for you.”

Ye Li smiled and said: “Mr. Han, you are being too kind.”

Han Ming Yue raised his eyebrows and said: “Then… How about we let what happened in the past remain in the past?”

Ye Li shifted her glances slightly and smiled: “Sure. Let us bury what happened between you and me in the past.

Any misunderstanding between you and Mo Xiu Yao is yours to clear up.” Han Ming Yue was a little disappointed, but he knew that he was asking too much of Ye Li. In addition, he really admired Ye Li for knowing what to say and what not to say. Then, without further delay, he cupped his hand at Ye Li and said: “I will be leaving now.”
“I couldn’t see you out but do take care.”

After Han Ming Yue left, Qing Luan walked over, grabbed the box and said with resentment: “Miss, why are you so polite to him?”

Ye Li turned around and sat down, with a smile she said: “Yesterday, he was polite to us as well.” Deep down, Ye Li knew that if Han Ming Yue wasn’t afraid of the consequence of enraging Mo Xiu Yao from the start, they wouldn’t have been able to get back unharmed. It meant that Han Ming Yue had fear for Mo Xiu Yao. But she didn’t think Han Ming Yue was too intimidated by Mo Xiu Yao.

“If it wasn’t for him, how could Miss… And people out there are still spreading the rumor that you are kidnapped, and the rumor is very harsh…” Qing Luan didn’t think Han Ming Yue was polite to them at all. If it wasn’t for him, Miss wouldn’t have been gossiped about and laughed at.

Ye Li said softly: “If it wasn’t him, there would be someone else. But not all of them know the Prince.” Taking the box handed in by Qing Luan, Ye Li opened it and was a bit surprised. In the box, lying neat and tidy, was a large fold of notes, including two gold notes which were worth 10,000 Liang each and dozens of silver notes valued 1,000 Liang each. With a look at it, Qing Luan could not help herself and cried out in shock: “Miss, this…”

Ye Li frowned and seemed like she didn’t know what to do. Gold notes which valued 20,000 Liang were equal to silver that was worth 200,000 Liang. Even Ye Li was not sure whether to take such a large amount of money or not. Next to the notes, there were two jade pendants carved with dragons and phoenixes of the best quality. With a single look of the quality of the jade, Ye Li knew that they must cost a great fortune. Thinking it over, Ye Li closed the box and passed it to Qing Shuang and said: “Get ready, I am going to Prince Ding’s Manor.”

Qing Shuang held the box with the greatest of care, she saw the content of the box too. She had never seen so much money in her life. Boo hoo, so afraid…

“Yes, Miss.”

“Ah Li! Ah Li…” Before she came in, Murong Ting’s voice already arrived from outside. Ye Li beamed, and she rose up to greet the guests. Qin Zheng, Hua Tian Xian, as well as Qin Yu Ling, the sister of Qin Mu, the governor of the capital, were here to visit Ye Li together. Murong Ting charged into the room first, grabbing Ye Li and asking repeatedly: “Ah Li, are you alright?”

Ye Li smiled and said: “I wouldn’t be standing here if I’m not. What brings you here?”

Qin Zheng covered her mouth with a little giggle: “Ting-er dragged Tian Xiang and me early in the morning to visit you. I’ve told her that you are alright, but she was still worried and insisted on coming for a visit. We ran across Miss Yu Ling and we came here together.” With Ye Li in her arms, Murong Ting waved her little fist with resentment and said: “If I ever get to know which scumbag spread the rumor, I will hit him and won’t stop until his parents can’t recognize him! He went too far, even more vicious than that nasty Leng Hao Yu.”

Everyone couldn’t help laughing. Ye Li said to Qin Yu Ling with a grin: “Miss Qin, thank you for taking the time to come here.”

Qin Yu Ling smiled shyly and said: “Actually… I am here to apologize to you on behalf of my brother. It happened soon after he took the position of the governor of the capital and damaged your reputation…”

Ye Li shook her head. She knew from the looks of Qin Yu Ling that she must have come out of her own decision without telling Qin Mu. There was absolutely no reason to blame Qin Mu for what happened. Even in her previous incarnation, a place with such advanced technology, there was never a short of crimes. Let alone now, in this world, where people had limited energy and access to information, how would they ever take care of everything?

“Governor Qin is the parental official to the common people of the capital. He serves the people with his heart and soul, and is known as an upright and selfless magistrate. It was just rumor. Miss Qin, you don’t have to worry about that. Wise men will stop spreading the rumor. If we don’t pay attention to the rumor, those who spread it would find it boring and eventually stop it.”

After hearing Ye Li’s words, Qin Yu Ling was relived. She and her brother depended on each other for life since they were little. Though her brother never told her, she knew that the incident involved Prince Ding’s Manor, Minister’s Manor and Xu Family. Her brother was just a governor of the third rank and their family didn’t have any backing. If they weren’t careful enough, they might end up as scapegoats. “Thank you, Miss Ye.”

Hua Tian Xiang laughed: “Miss Qin, there’s no need to thank her. If those vile creatures are jealous of Ah Li behind her back and wish to harm her reputation, it would be impossible for Governor Qin to shut every mouth, right? Ah Li, look at your dress! Are you going out?” Hua Tian Xiang noticed what Ah Li was wearing and asked: “Do we choose the wrong time to visit?”

“I was planning to go to Prince Ding’s Manor earlier. It was nothing important. I could go there later. That would be fine.” Ye Li said.

“Oh?” Murong Ting winked and laughed mischievously: “So, our girl has already grown so close to Prince Ding.”

Ye Li looked annoyed and rolled her eyes at Murong Ting. However, Murong Ting didn’t care and said giddily: “Why do you go to Prince Ding’s Manor in person? You can simply write a note and ask Prince Ding to come and meet you. By the way, you can show those talkative vile characters that however hard they try, they couldn’t take Prince Ding and you apart.

Qin Yu Ling looked at Murong Ting with confusion and asked: “Miss Murong, it seems like you know who was behind all that?”

“Just call me Murong.” Murong Ting said confidently: “Who else could it be except for Prince Li, who couldn’t bear to see Ah Li have a good life. I’ve never seen a more narrow-minded man than that one. He and Ye Ying are perfect for each other!”

Ye Li was silent. This time Mo Jing Li was really wronged. But perhaps he could only blame his bad reputation for that. The other three girls looked at each other blankly; but seeing how firm Murong Ting was and thinking about the grudges between Mo Jing Li and Ye Li, deep down they all agreed with her. Even the look on Qin Yu Ling’s face showed how bewildered and surprised she was at who Prince Li turned out to be.

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