Golden Fishery

Chapter 1884

Vol 2 Chapter 1787: . The gift-giver is here

The wedding anniversary gave Qin Shiou a little surprise. After that, his life returned to calm. He got busy at work. He went to the Newfoundland Fisheries Union to deal with related work and lived for a week in a row.

This time, his busy work is mainly to distribute the fish and shrimp feed produced in Golden Bay. With the crazy expansion of the production line, the fish feed produced in Golden Bay every week has changed from tens of tons to hundreds of tons. There are transport ships every day. Came to the dock to dock, and then carry fish and shrimp feed.

Fish and shrimp feed has been produced for a long time, but the market has just exploded recently. The reason is that the fishery owners have finally determined how amazing the nutritional value of the Golden Bay fish and shrimp feed is after a long period of trial and error, and finally understand how to use them. How much help feed can bring to their income.

The fishery owners are all human beings. When Qin Shiou produced fish feed and introduced them to them, they promised to use the feed, but in fact they didn’t want to. They thought it was Qin Shiou who used the convenience of work to promote his feed. It belongs to the use of power for personal gain.

Of course, fishermen such as Donald and others have absolute trust in Qin Shiou, and Qin Shiou promised them that if he uses his fish feed to feed fish and shrimps, the fish produced can enter the Daqin seafood brand.

Other fishery owners also got this promise, but they did not have the confidence, because they were worried that Qin Shiou could not do it.

After purchasing fish and shrimp feed and returning home, the fishermen first conducted a comparative experiment, enclosing two sea areas with fishing nets, and stocking fry of the same species and sizes in them. Then they are fed with salmon feed and other brands of fish feed, and they are harvested at regular intervals for comparison.

As a result of this comparison, they were surprised: Qin Shiou did not use power for personal gain, the fish feed he promoted. The attraction to fish and shrimp is particularly strong, and the meat quality improvement ability of fish and shrimp is also particularly strong, which can promote the growth of fish and shrimp, especially for cod. The cod raised with the fish feed can grow 20% to 40% faster than other brands of fish feed!

This growth rate increase is very terrible. The fishermen are surprised and frightened. They are worried that these fish feeds contain growth-promoting hormones or growth hormones, which are strictly prohibited in Canada. Once they are found in their catches These hormones exceed the standard, and they will even be deprived of the right to own the fishery.

So, the worried fisherman sent the big Qin fish feed to the food and nutrition research institute for testing.

Test report display. The protein content of these fish feeds is relatively low, but the various elements have a strange balance. They believe that it is this balance that leads to the improvement of fish and shrimp meat quality and the change of growth rate. As for the contraband of growth hormone and growth hormone, they have not been detected from the feed.

In this way, the fish feed was quickly accepted by the fishery owners, and even some foresighted fishery owners started to buy and store it. They are convinced that this is the ultimate factor that can change the income of the fishery.

Originally, the sales of fish feed relied on semi-compulsory sales. Now that the fishery owners are rushing to buy, the sales situation is messed up. Qin Shiou went to the alliance to set up a quota for fish feed, because the Golden Bay’s ability to produce fish feed is limited. So you have to use a quota system.

At this time, the big data system Qin Shiou arranged to produce before came in handy. He can understand at a glance the main development direction and past production capacity of these fisheries under the alliance, and can be targeted when distributing fish feed.

Use a week. He led several meetings with the heads of several departments of the league. Finally, the feed distribution system for the fourth quarter of this year was formulated, so that it can be carried out in accordance with the arrangement.

Make arrangements, Qin Shiou began to study the accounts of the feed of Golden Bay, and the fishery owners thought well. He did use power for personal gain, but they guessed it wrong. His power for personal gain is not to promote his feed, but to use the Newfoundland Fisheries Union to work for him. From sales planning to financial work, he uses the staff of the Fisheries Union.

Even, in addition to the fact that the Human Resources Department of the Fishery Alliance was busy participating in the development of the big data system at the beginning, he asked a headhunting company to help recruit feed production workers. After the production line was expanded, he did not find a headhunting company, but arranged the human resources department for him. Recruitment not only saves money, but these people have stronger executive power and the recruitment process goes on smoothly.

Qin Shiou was looking at the ledger, and suddenly there was a knock on the door. He closed the ledger and said, “Please come in.”

The office door opened, and a tall middle-aged man looked inside cautiously, then walked in and smiled: “Hello, Mr. Chairman, do you have time now? I have something to discuss with you. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I am…”

“Carl Davis, right?” Qin Shiou smiled happily. This is a fisherman under the jurisdiction of the Alliance. He remembers this person’s name because he called some fishermen in front of the seal hunting festival. To protect the seals, this person was among them, and he also gave Tiger Leopard a military dog body armor, which was quite impressive.

Finding Qin Shiou remembered his name, Davis laughed happily. He said: “It is a great honor to be remembered by the chairman. Yes, I am Carl Davis, Nova Scotia. Carl Big Weiss.”

Qin Shiou remembered him and thanked him for giving gifts to Huzi and Leopard, but he was busy now, so he straightened up and asked: “Man, you are welcome, you sit here, what can I do if you come here this time? Help, just speak up.”

That’s how it is said. In fact, the subtext of Daguan Qin is: if you have something to say, brother doesn’t have time to play with you.

Davis is a clever fellow. He understood, rubbing his hands and said, “Actually, there is nothing serious. I want to visit you and bring you a bit of **** to taste. These pollocks are my fish The feed is grown up and it tastes great. I think you will like it.”

Qin Shiou waved his hand and said, “If it’s a gift, then forget it, Davis, my buddy, you should understand who I am. I can’t accept gifts from anyone at work. This is not in line with my style of doing things.”

While talking, he made a two-sleeved breeze pose. In fact, to tell the truth, he has been waiting for this day for a long time. When he was a child, he had a dream of a corrupt official, but it was not realized in China. Now he finally has a chance to realize his dream. But unfortunately, this gift was given in the pigsty and flattered on the legs of the horse-you gave me dried cod balls? There is nothing else in Laozi’s fishing grounds, enough for cod! (To be continued ^ )

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