Golden Fishery

Chapter 1972

Vol 2 Chapter 1868: .Fry Farm

Bulb ascidians have indeed been seen in many sea areas, but because they do not often appear on the sea surface and need to be exposed to sunlight in a dim environment to emit colorful and beautiful brilliance, it is not easy to find them.

This time the school of fish did not know where they hit so many bulb ascidians. Qin Shiou collected them. He collected thousands of large and small bulb ascidians. Then he had to find a way to send them back to the fishing grounds of Farewell Island. .

This is actually quite a headache. The bulb sea squirt itself lacks motility, so they can only parasitize on rocks, seaweed or big fish. If you want to bring them back, the best result seems to be to put down a big fishing net and let the fishing boat. Drag the fishing net back to Farewell Island.

But the problem came. First of all, the Melon Princess did not need to return to the farewell island. Second, even if there was a ship returning back, the fishing net it towed all the way was a bit too weird.

But Daguan Qin was clever and clever, he patted his forehead and came up with an idea—a sorrowful idea.

There are many sharks and whales in his fishing grounds, such as great white sharks, sand tiger sharks, bull sharks, basking sharks, blue whales, arctic right whales and sperm whales, etc. These guys are all big, staying in his fishing grounds. Rihu eats Hesai and does not do business, it will be their turn to work hard!

Qin Shiou sent the Seagod consciousness back to Daqin Fishing Ground, and then he found these big guys and gave them orders to rush to the sea area of No. 3 Fishing Ground, and let the bulb sea squirts parasitize them, so wouldn’t it be easy to send them back to the fishing ground? ? And people know it without knowing it, an absolute match made in heaven!

There are even leatherback turtles and green turtles, although these guys are not very big. But they just came back from migrating in the southern hemisphere, and they have to go through the No. 3 fishing ground before returning to the Daqin fishing ground, so their labor cannot be wasted. Although in comparison, leatherback turtles and green turtles are much smaller than whale sharks. But the legs of mosquitoes are also meat. Anyway, you can take it back with you.

So, after a great migration of fish in the Newfoundland waters. Ushered in a more terrifying scene, whales and sharks also began to migrate.

I saw that under the ocean, huge and terrifying shadows invaded from the deep sea-a group of hideous great white sharks just passed by, and then a few big-winged whales followed, followed by bull sharks, sand tiger sharks, The huge figures of blue whales and sperm whales, the last figure is a basking shark, a kind of guy with super slow moving speed but absolutely huge body!

For whales and sharks, the distance from the waters of St. John’s to the waters of Nova Scotia is not that far. This is not a laborious task, so Qin Shiou feels at ease. In fact, he thinks this is quite good. It is just to let these lazy people exercise, and save the whole day in the fishing ground without any vitality.

The fry are released, the fingerlings are delivered, and now the fish schools have arrived, the construction of the No. 3 fishing ground can be carried out.

Shaq bought fishing nets, small fishing boats, speedboats and other tools. The fishermen took a modified small fishing boat to make preliminary statistics on the resources of the No. 3 fishing ground.

And Qin Shiou contacted the Poseidon Shipyard. His exclusive account manager Hanks Brewer recently followed him to make a lot of money. This time Qin Shiou sent tens of millions of orders, still ordering 500 tons. Class fishing boats are specially prepared for the No. 3 fishing ground.

The more important task of Daguan Qin is to input the sea **** energy into the fry and school of fish that come to the fishing ground, and also direct the grouping of the fry.

After that, the fishermen were very busy for a while. The nets that Shaq bought were not trawls, seines, or fishing nets for fishing. Now the construction of the No. 3 fishing ground has just begun, and there is still some time before production. These fishing nets are breeding nets.

Farming nets are similar to purse seines. But it is the kind of straight up and down, which can be considered as a fence in the ocean. The nets are very large, often thousands of meters long.

Prepare the breeding net. Shake gave Qin Shiou several suggestions, saying: “BOSS. Sea crucian carp likes to live in groups, and there is no need to provide them with too much living space, so a small farm in the offshore circle will do. The sea eels have to use small mesh breeding nets. To delineate, I prepared the second and third caliber, which one is more suitable…”

Before, when he was in Daqin Fishery, Qin Shiou raised fry at random. It’s no good to come to fishery No. 3, and you can’t do this, because Daqin fishery has plenty of small fish such as mackerel, herring, whitebait, and smelt for food. The big fish prefer these foods that contain the energy of the sea god.

Although there are a lot of herring and mackerel in fishery No. 3, these guys are very strong and athletic. Although the local big fish covet their deliciousness, it is not easy to eat them.

In this way, the small fry that just came to the fishery have become their first choice. The fry may have poorer taste and nutritional value, but they are also less athletic and easier to catch.

So in order to protect the fry, they have to be kept in a fence to prevent them from becoming food in the mouth of the big fish.

Qin Shiou followed Shaq’s suggestion and directed the start of assembling farms in the offshore waters.

Marine farms are easier and more difficult than land farms. It is easier to say, because it is only necessary to use fishing nets instead of fences like farms on land.

said that it is difficult and it is also difficult. The seabed terrain is undulating, and the fishing net must be firmly anchored to the seabed, otherwise the fry will still escape and the big fish will sneak in. Therefore, it is necessary for fishermen to dive to fix the nets, which is very tiring and patience-testing work.

First, set fishing nets for the sea crucian carp group. Qin Shiou brought underwater video recorders from the Daqin fishery. The fishermen brought them into the water and cooperated with the radar scanners on the fishing boats to find areas suitable for marine breeding farms.

In fact, Daguan Qin knew it for a long time, but he possessed the golden finger of Seagod Consciousness. Through the Seagod Consciousness, he could clearly find the flat area of the seabed.

But he couldn’t show his ability. He had to wait until the fishermen collected the information before he decided where to build the farm.

For ordinary fishing farms, it is very difficult to choose the location of the farm. Even with the help of modern equipment, it is difficult to explore a clear seabed.

For Qin Shiou, this is very simple. He pretended to refer to the seabed terrain captured and detected by the fishermen, and quickly selected a sea area of about two or three square kilometers.

The next step is to tie the nets. There are stone pendants under the nets and balloon buoys above them. Qin Shiou and the fishermen jumped into the ocean with wetsuits and pulled the nets to build a breeding farm. (To be continued ^ )

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