Golden Fishery

Chapter 1973

Vol 2 Chapter 1869: .Weird Creatures

After Qin Shiou fell into the sea, he felt peaceful. He pulled the fishing net and dived slowly. Because the sea crucian is a shallow-water creature, the fishing net does not need to be placed as deep as more than ten meters.

The role of fishermen in the sea is to prevent the fishing nets that enter the water from getting tangled together. They must ensure that the fishing nets spread out smoothly. As we all know, once the fishing nets are entangled, they will be useless.

Qin Shiou’s fishing nets are the widest. In addition, four fishermen including Geng Junjie accompany them to the water. The fishing nets they take care of are smaller. After all, they do not have the level of Qin Shiou’s.

In the sea, Daguan Qin feels that his soul has a different kind of comfort, and at this time, when he releases the seagod consciousness, he will feel that the seagod consciousness is clearer, he moves faster in the ocean, and has more control over the sea.

At a depth of more than ten meters, the fishing net quickly fell. Qin Shiou swam along the fishing net and was very satisfied. This time, the fishing net went smoothly and there was no place for the fishing net to entangle. Of course this is understandable, because this is a new breeding net.

At this moment, a scarlet light suddenly lit up more than 200 meters away from him. This light flickered very fast. It went one volt in the depths of the ocean, and the luminosity was great. Qin Shiou noticed it the first time. .

Seeing this light, Qin Shiou’s heart beat, his mother, the situation is not good, this is someone who is in trouble in the sea.

The diving suits he bought are the most advanced civilian diving suits with warning lights. If the diver is in trouble, just turn on the switch, and there will be a scarlet laser beaming around.

The laser power is quite large, and it can travel more than ten kilometers in the sea, so this is not only Qin Shiou. The other fishermen who had dived also discovered the problem, and a few snow-white lasers immediately responded, meaning that they would go over and help immediately.

Qin Shiou is worried about the dangers of his subordinates. Diving is definitely one of the most terrifying extreme sports in the world. Fortunately, this is not a deep dive. Sometimes the rescue time for deep dives is only a few seconds…

And what worries him is that the red laser did not flicker a few times, and it quickly went out. The darkness and silence returned to the ocean, which is very abnormal.

Modern technology is powerful enough, the laser emitting device on the diving suit will not break so easily, and its energy is enough to support it to flash continuously for a day and night, so the laser light suddenly goes out, obviously there is a problem.

Next to him is Geng Junjie, more than four hundred meters away from him, in the sea. The distance of four hundred meters is not close. But Qin Shiou was worried, so he used the Seagod consciousness to push himself, as if carrying an underwater propeller, he quickly approached Geng Junjie.

After    approached, he found that the laser light was not extinguished, but the light emitted suddenly weakened. In fact, the laser on Geng Junjie’s back was still flashing, but it was covered by something. The penetrating power is severely weakened.

The thing covering the laser looks like an octopus. It is attached to the laser light, and its body shows a strange crimson.

Qin Shiou released his seagod consciousness and saw that it was indeed an octopus lying on Geng Junjie, but not one but several. They were attached to Geng Junjie’s diving suit, one of which covered the laser light, and Geng Junjie’s situation seemed to be fine. .

Swimming over, Qin Shiou set his laser light flashing frequency to the highest, which means to tell Geng Junjie that he has arrived. Let him not worry. At the same time he smiled helplessly in his heart. Old Geng is a tough veteran, he is so bad in the sea, he is scared with a few octopuses on his body?

However, his mental condition is not bad, the hand under the glove clenched a fist and extended his thumb. After Qin Shiou approached him, he also extended his thumb. At this moment, an octopus attached to Geng Junjie suddenly left his body and swam towards Qin Shiou.

Qin Shiou is going to use the Seagod consciousness to control this octopus and want to send it away. But when the octopus approached him, he was shocked: Fuck, something is wrong, why the octopus’s eyes are still scarlet? !

When checking Geng Junjie’s situation before, he noticed that the eyes of the octopus lying on the laser light on his back were red, but he didn’t think much about it. He simply thought that the eye color was reflected by the red laser light. , But looking at it now, it’s obviously not the case.

He didn’t care about observing the weirdness of this octopus. He first controlled the few octopuses left on Geng Junjie’s body, and then picked them off, so that he had free time to observe these octopuses.

Don’t say, he took a closer look and he really saw what interests him. This is actually not an octopus, but it looks a bit like an octopus. If you look closely, they are like weird little lives that run out of a midnight science fiction movie. Although the whole is similar to an octopus, they have two large fins behind their bodies, which look like two ears. In addition, their shape is like a jelly, more like a jellyfish than a squid or a squid.

This little guy is not big, ten or twenty centimeters long, and has a pair of very distinctive big eyes-compared to their size, these eyes are indeed not small, bigger than the eyes of tigers and leopards. But you know, Lalawang’s body length can be more than one meter.

Qin Shiou watched carefully, and found that this creature is very different from most squids, squids, and octopuses, that is, they do not have ink sacs, their tentacles are not smooth, and they are covered with teeth-like things. , Looks terrible!

Obviously, Geng Junjie discovered the weirdness of these octopuses, or he understood that this thing is not an octopus, so he dare not move.

Qin Shiou began to regard this weird creature as an octopus because it has a fusiform body like an octopus and has multiple tentacles. But he took a second glance. The tentacles of the weird creatures are different from the octopus tentacles. First, the number is different. An octopus has ten tentacles, and this creature has only eight. In addition, they look different. They have a pair of tentacles that are extraordinarily long, thirty or forty. It looks like a centimeter, and it is also covered with teeth. It can be guessed that when they encounter a prey, they must stick their tentacles and use their inner teeth to bite the prey for food.

After controlling these weird creatures, although he was not sure of their destructive power, Qin Shiou was not afraid of them, so he approached and took off a few of Geng Junjie’s body, and curiously attached it to his eyes and looked at it.

There are six weird creatures in total. They must be one species, but some of them are dark red and some are gray-black. Qin Shiou was surprised when he saw it.

After getting rid of these creatures, Geng Junjie breathed a sigh of relief, and a series of bubbles burst out of his mouth. He was really bold. Seeing Qin Shiou clutching this little monster in his hand, he leaned forward to take a look.

But it seemed that the two could not recognize the type of this creature. Qin Shiou wanted to figure out what it was and how it appeared in his fishing ground, so he grabbed one and swam onto the water.

(To be continued ^ )

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