Golden Fishery

Chapter 1975

Vol 2 Chapter 1871: .Ocean Fire Project

The vampire octopus was discovered more than 100 years ago, when a German scientific research ship salvaged this strange creature from 4000 meters underwater. The scientists on the ship saw that the skin of the creature was black and the eyes were red. It felt like a vampire in the ocean, so the name of the vampire octopus appeared.

Later, with the advancement of biology, the classification of marine animals became more and more detailed, and there was the scientific name of ghost cricket, but its classification has been in dispute. Now the academic circle does not know whether it should be attributed to squid or octopus.

In recent years, as ocean pollution has become more serious, and the greenhouse effect has increased the acidification of the sea, many deep-sea organisms have been affected. The quality of deep sea water is far better than that of shallow sea, so the organisms therein are less resistant to pollution.

In this way, deep-sea creatures suffer more damage when they are persecuted by pollution. Originally, deep-sea creatures were not prone to form large-scale ethnic groups and were harmed by pollution. Their number naturally became less and less. This is the case with vampire octopuses. Anyway, it is more and more difficult for scientific research ships to see such living fossils.

The last time a scientist caught a vampire octopus was still six years ago, the US marine research ship Robs made a careful search in the Pacific Ocean. It took nearly a month before the Montana unmanned diving probe discovered this kind of life.

Professor Sanders told Qin Shiou this information. He looked at the vampire octopus in the aquarium and said happily: “Damn it, now I see how Robinson brags to me again, I got an energetic little one. Guy, no one can match this.”

Dr. Robinson is the chair professor of the Robes marine research ship and an old friend and classmate of Sanders. The two will make some comparisons from time to time, this time Sanders will have a cold.

Professor’s professionalism is very high. He previously regretted that the other five vampire octopuses disappeared. It was not that he could not be allowed to conduct scientific research. But he was worried that these little things died in the shallow sea, after all, they belonged to deep sea creatures. As for him, his experiment is more through observation, when the experiment is over. He will also send this vampire octopus into the deep sea.

After dealing with the vampire octopus, Qin Shiou took the fishermen into the sea again, and slowly deployed the ocean farms. I saw one by one breeding net floating in the water, with a floating ball pulling on it, and the fry would never escape unless they could jump out of the sea like a swordfish.

After the fry farms were separated, Qin Shiou sent the fry in. There were lush seaweeds, water plants and plankton on the bottom of the farm. So there is no need to use his fish feed.

Daqin fish feed has become more and more famous. Almost all the fisheries around the Newfoundland Fisheries Union have benefited. The quality of their catches is higher than before. Even if they cannot enter Daqin fisheries, they can be sold more than ordinary fish in the market. Get a higher price, and the supply is in short supply.

So, now Qin Shiou is very popular in the league. When the alliance was just established, he used to anger many fishermen with iron and blood. These people once conspired to overthrow his dominance in the alliance, but after the production of Daqin fish feed, the relevant criticisms disappeared immediately. Even the several fishermen he had driven out of the alliance were trying their best to return, because Daqin fish feed was not sold to the outside world.

Qin Shiou followed Daqin fish feed to show off, and several TV stations contacted him, wanting to interview him.

Of course, Qin Daguan is well aware of the reason that the rafters in their early years will rot first, and the fattest pigs will be slaughtered the fastest. He declined these interviews. It is unavoidable that he will arrange for the vice chairman or assistant Tiya to replace him.

But there are some things he cannot avoid. For example, at the end of May, Qin Shiou just put the No. 3 fishing ground on track. Minister Matthew King called him and asked him to go to Toronto to attend a high-level meeting hosted by the Ministry of Fisheries.

Receiving this call, he rolled his eyes helplessly. Originally, he planned to go home these days. Since coming to the No. 3 fishing ground, he has only gone home once, and his son Xiaoxiou looks a little strange to him.

Minister Matthew emphasized the importance of this meeting and asked him to attend. Qin Shiou couldn’t refuse, so he flew to Toronto with his assistant Tiya.

The little dolphin landed flexibly on the roof apron of the Toronto International Hotel. Tiya, dressed in a snow-white OL costume and wearing gold-rimmed glasses, stepped off the plane and said with a smile: “BOSS, I think I should thank you, and I will gain with you. Many things.”

Qin Shiou asked as he walked with his suit, “For example?”

Tiya smiled and said, “For example, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be able to ride on such a luxury helicopter. If it weren’t for you, then our alliance wouldn’t be so radiant. You never knew it was. In Canadian fisheries, how famous is our Newfoundland Fisheries Union.”

Qin Shiou did not know much about this before, but this time he participated in the high-level meeting of the Ministry of Fisheries. He realized that everyone in the audience knew him, and there were people who greeted him wherever he went, and they were all familiar with him. It looked like he was an acquaintance, but in fact he knew no more than ten people.

Matthew King also gave him unique privileges. On the night he stayed in the hotel, Minister Matthew sent him an invitation to attend a family dinner organized by him at home.

This kind of occasion undoubtedly needs to bring a female companion. Qin Shiou had to let Tiya go into battle. Fortunately, this was a family dinner, and there was no need to wear a dress or the like. He and Tiya went to the banquet in a lifestyle dress.

After he arrived at Matthew King’s villa in the Toronto countryside, the old minister personally came to receive him, gave him a warm hug, patted him on the back and laughed and said, “Young man, I did not misunderstand you, you It really is the most suitable person to save Newfoundland.”

Qin Shiou made a gentleman’s gesture of bowing and thanking, and smiled and said: “Let’s live up to God’s up to Mister, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief after hearing your praise.”

Minister Matthew walked in with him, and said, “Don’t rush to relax, my child, this meeting I’m looking for you still needs your strength.”

Qin Shiou looked at him vigilantly and asked, “What strength do I need?”

He was cheated by this guy several times. The Newfoundland Fisheries Union was used by him. Without this union, his life and work would undoubtedly be much easier.

Matthew smiled secretly, and said with a smile, “Do you know the Ocean Fire Project?”

Qin Shiou shook his head and looked blankly at the assistant Tiya, who was beside him. The latter had a big chest and did not live up to his expectations, and said in a low voice: “A project proposed by the Ministry of Fisheries more than ten years ago is aimed at restoring the level of national fisheries. However, it hasn’t started for a long time. It seems to be started this time.” (To be continued ^ )

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