Golden Fishery

Chapter 1976

: Ask for votes on Monday, and state the new book

That, today is Monday, which is related to the recommended vote list for a week, so the bullet shell is here to ask your book friends.

Of course, if you have a monthly pass and are willing to vote for a bullet, it would be better. After all, it’s the last monthly pass month of this book. Unfortunately, the bullet’s eyes are really not very good. For a soldier, the saddest thing is not death, but not being able to fight. This sentence is a bit hypocritical, but as far as the code word is concerned, the cartridge case was once a fighter, and the cartridge case itself is also very uncomfortable if it cannot explode. But everyone knows that that’s the case with the body, and it’s over if it breaks down…

In addition, if there are no problems, the new book will be released on April 1. Recently, there are also reasons to prepare new books. It is difficult to open a new book, and it is even harder to open a new book that satisfies you! I won’t say much about how to make new books during this period of time. Really, I’ve never had so much effort to open this book. I hope that the new book of Bullets can satisfy everyone. Really, the only purpose of Bullets is to write it by myself. Things can be liked by more people! This sentence is true, because only if I write a good book and everyone likes it, I can make money and earn fame!

The type of the new book is the same as that of fishing grounds. Foreign farming flows. Everyone knows that this type is difficult to produce results. It has bottlenecks. At present, fishing grounds are already at the limit. Bullet is working hard to make itself better, and to make the work better, hoping to blaze a more glorious road, and hope that my brothers and sisters can support me on this road.

I opened a single chapter today. I wanted to open a single chapter on the first anniversary of the book opening on March 7th, but I didn’t have any updates for a long time. I really didn’t have the confidence to open a single chapter. Today’s single chapter is mainly to explain the situation of the new book, to give everyone an air in advance, so it should be necessary.

Wish everyone good health and all the best. (To be continued ^ )

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